Featured Mission - Flight of the Revenant

Started by Nira Said, November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

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Tanner Lachlyn

[USS Revenant -Security Office]

The memory of their interaction came to mind, and Tanner looked at him, quirking her brow, "You sure you wanna be standing for this conversation?" Again, she motioned for him to sit, "I think it might be less tense if you move into casual mode."

Although their interaction had been limited, and this wouldn't be the most extended conversation, Tanner didn't want to downplay the importance of his flashbacks. As his Chief, she also wanted to ensure he was okay and that her part in the issue was assessed correctly.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2023, 05:04:25 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room | Deck Two | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira waited for the appointed officers, as each arrived at different times. Torra and Bat arrived first, and Kinley and Cutter arrived last. She was glad Cutter had arrived, despite his having to find a wall interesting. He was the first order of business. She indicated for Kinley to stand next to her

"Glad you're all here," she said. "Now, Mister Cutter, I wanted to discuss first order of business. I received your request for resignation on my desk," she said, tapping a PADD on her desk. "And I believe I have two similar ones from Miss Feeka and Mister V'Larinn.

"Permission denied," she said, "On all three of them. I understand how you feel, Mister Cutter, but with all the officers we have lost on Frontier Day, we are in need of officers. I know how bad you feel, but you weren't responsible for your actions. I know what it's like to have your mind screwed with, even I haven't been assimilated myself. Now, we will be discussing with Counselor Bat about your mental conditions. Meantime, we have our orders from Starfleet Command," she added, pulling up a PADD with coordinates. "We will be departing in less than an hour. Prepare a course to Starbase 133. If you have any questions for me, Commander Garrison and Lieutenant Addams, we will gladly answer them, but aside from that, you're dismissed."

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - As Nathan Cutter

All Nathan heard was 'denied' after that, everything became fuzzy. The next word he heard was 'dismissed'. This he was able to process as he left the office woodenly and returned to the helm. He plopped down at the station and his expression became that of a 'thousand meter' stare. Seeing, but not seeing. Present, but not here.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2023, 05:04:25 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room | Deck Two | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira waited for the appointed officers, as each arrived at different times. Torra and Bat arrived first, and Kinley and Cutter arrived last. She was glad Cutter had arrived, despite his having to find a wall interesting. He was the first order of business. She indicated for Kinley to stand next to her

"Glad you're all here," she said. "Now, Mister Cutter, I wanted to discuss first order of business. I received your request for resignation on my desk," she said, tapping a PADD on her desk. "And I believe I have two similar ones from Miss Feeka and Mister V'Larinn.

"Permission denied," she said, "On all three of them. I understand how you feel, Mister Cutter, but with all the officers we have lost on Frontier Day, we are in need of officers. I know how bad you feel, but you weren't responsible for your actions. I know what it's like to have your mind screwed with, even I haven't been assimilated myself. Now, we will be discussing with Counselor Bat about your mental conditions. Meantime, we have our orders from Starfleet Command," she added, pulling up a PADD with coordinates. "We will be departing in less than an hour. Prepare a course to Starbase 133. If you have any questions for me, Commander Garrison and Lieutenant Addams, we will gladly answer them, but aside from that, you're dismissed."

After the three addressed any questions Cutter had and Cutter had gone, Nira then turned to Counselor Bat.

"Now, then, Counselor," she said, "is there anything we need to know about the crew? Especially how they regard you, given the way they especially reacted to you earlier?"

"It's not surprising how they reacted to me, considering they tried to kill me when they were assimilated," said the Counselor. "They have had a shock, post traumatic depression, following the bout of post traumatic stress. They've had a real blow mentally. Believe me, I have tried to talk to them, sooth them over. You've seen how Mister Cutter reacted; none of them can bear to look at me, let alone in the eye. They always talk to me, or the desk, they don't direct their voice or gaze at me. And they're not the only ones. The majority of officers in Starfleet are suffering thus, and it's taken time for them to recover. Those notices of resignation? Those aren't the first, they hand them over to me every time they see me, if they see me at all. Naturally, I turn them down. And, again, they're not the only ones; April Fourteenth was a day for the record books: The most number of resignation requests in Starfleet. And, naturally, the most number of rejections.

"Believe me, I had been trying," the Counselor explained. "It's certainly the biggest case of psychological treatment on post assimilation ever. Oh, there is a treatment on such a case common in people freed from Borg assimilation, but they've been rare...until now. These three are no different, and Ensign Feeka certainly has it worse, especially since she had woken up with her boyfriend's corpse at her feet. In which case, it does make me glad you're here, especially if so much of the crew is female, the potential for gentler and more soother feelings."

"As long as hormones don't affect their performance, on top of their trauma," said Nira. "Now, we've all looked at your personnel file, assuming the three of us have caught up on them," she said, looking at Torra and Kinley. "Given your age and your rank, I'm presuming you're the only surviving member of the unassimilated crew."

"No, I'm the only surviving ranking officer, and thus the only surviving member of the ship's senior staff," said Bat. "The only other surviving member of the unassimilated crew...well, generally, he never counts, and most crews never do, but certainly they ought to be recognized particularly when there's an extreme lack of medical staff. Computer, activate the EMH."

And the familiar face of the EMH Mark XII appeared, thanks to the holo-emitters installed throughout the ship, Nira remembered. "Please state the nature of the medical emergency," he said. Then he looked around, recognizing Nira, Torra and Kinley.

"Ah. Don't tell me, it's a debrief, isn't it?" he asked.

"In a way," said Nira. "I don't suppose either of you can tell us how you both managed to escape the onslaught."

"Well, let's just say, it happened so fast with me," said Bat. "And I was injured," he added, feeling the burn scar on his head.

"Saying you were injured is like calling a targ cuddly," said the EMH with a shrug. "In a nutshell, we basically abandoned ship. Counselor Bat uploaded me to my mobile emitter and as the rest of the crew was killed or assimilated, we took off on a shuttlepod. We weren't without injury, Bat was badly burned by a grazing phaser. We had to blow the launch bay hatch once we were in the shuttlepod. Took most of the assimilated crew with us, sucked out into space with us in the shuttlepod, and believe me, we had no choice. It still weighs heavily on Bat's conscious, but the drones were out for blood. I patched him up best as I could, and Starfleet Medical did the rest."

Nira looked around at Torra and Kinley. It was certainly a harrowing story to take in. And she was impressed at how Bat was handling the trauma and his guilty conscience, but then, he was older.

"Now, as I understand it, two officers here had been formerly assimilated, from what I figure from their age," said Bat, looking at Kinley. "One is you, Commander Garrison, the other is Mister Dersch in Security. In regards to psychological profiling, I'll need to speak to you and him first. And from the files, I had noticed, Commander, that you had the misfortune to be assimilated not once, but twice."

"However, I do wish to conduct brief checkups for each of the crew, if you don't mind," said the EMH.

"Permission granted," said Nira, and the EMH was gone to conduct his rounds.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 08, 2023, 05:39:29 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Tamansarret Shipyard - Docking Pad Ninety-Four - USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

With the arrivals of the Counselor and the young ensign, Torra had offered each a warm smile - not that the flight officer seemed to notice.   Yet when Commander Garrison entered last, Torra found her nod in greeting barely perfunctory.  Without even realizing it, the Grazerite shifted her stance and posture so that wherever Garrison was in the room, Torra faced her directly; her head angled down slightly so that her horns were ready to take on any attack.

Torra felt a bit awkward at being present while such a delicate and private personnel issue was discussed in front of not only her but others as well.  While she recognized that this was a subject that those in Command had to deal with, the Grazerite was uncertain about the appropriateness of having it discussed with the entire Command Team present.

She empathized with his situation and also wondered at the wisdom of Nira's outright denying his request.  Would it not have been best to encourage the man to remain of his own volition rather than forcing him and the others?  She thought so; but it was her job at the moment to assist the Captain in enacting her orders - so rather than counter the Captain's words Torra tried to soften the denial.

"Give yourself some time to forgive before making such a decision. You aren't in this alone." she offered gently to Cutter.  "We can help if you let us."

After Cutter had left, Torra listened patiently to the counselor and EMH as they described their survival story.    She offered the counselor a gentle smile, knowing somewhat how he felt.   There were times when she was reminded of officers who'd been lost that day, either directly because of her firing on them, or indirectly because of her inability to do anything to stop those who were assimilated.   She wondered if that's what was meant by the term 'survivor's guilt'?

Soon the EMH disappeared and it was just the Command Team and the counselor.  Torra looked Nira.  "Will the surviving crew be given time to adjust to our presence here before Starfleet assigns the ship and crew a task?"  Even as she asked, Torra already knew the answer.  With the fleet and personnel decimated... there was no time opportunity for downtime.   "If not what is our assignment?"

[Conference room]

Kinley nodded and somewhat grimaced for a flash of a second when the EMH made mention of that.  Before the disaster, not many people were aware of the first time she was assimilated, especially given the secrecy of the mission.  It, unfortunately, came to light after the catastrophe, however, given how she still had some Borg implants that while not obvious, made it a lot harder to cleanse the rogue DNA from her systems. But that was beside the point.

Looking to  Torra, who was still giving her a look of suspicion,  she got to the point.  There was still going to be a lot of work to do, to prove herself again.  Maybe getting back to work might be what was needed. She didn't know.  "œYes. We're going to be escorting a medical convoy to the Iquilon system.  We shouldn't be encountering too much, but it will be a good opportunity to study the area around us and keep an eye out for any potential trouble. In, out, and done, hopefully." 

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Nira Said

Quote from: M'Nia on December 07, 2023, 06:49:43 PM

"Yeah I understand." to the emh she said "Thanks Doc" She looked at the young woman before her. "I understand. My first assignment was no picnic either. C'mon with me and I'll tell you the story while we work." she understood to some extent what Feeka felt. Granted what she went through wasn't the same but still it was very rough. So she told Feeka the story of the whole thing with cardasians "So heckuva assignment for an ensign just out of the academy. So I sympathize. You've had it rough alright but you can get past it.it'll take time. I advise talking to a counselor too. They can be very helpful!"

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Feeka listened as M'Nia told her story. Before she knew it, she was paying rapt attention to M'Nia. And she was astonished; People like Gul Dukat and Gul Sherem were not lost on the minds of Bajorans even to the generation after the end of the Occupation, and she was astonished by what M'Nia experienced.

"You played a role in the demise of Nehor Sherem?" she said. "Amazing. Sherem had killed many Bajorans through torture, including my grandfather. My own father was just a boy when it happened. Sherem had whisked him away like a pah-wraith in the night. He tortured him for information about the whereabouts of Shakaar and Kira, among other names. A month later, his dead body, carved in Cardassian brands, was dumped on the family doorstep. It was a warning to any who would resist further. That was three years before the end of the Occupation. It was a ghost story I would never forget. Sherem was always feared as a spectre of flesh and blood, the kind of figure I would remember Bajorans to say in warning, even after the Occupation: 'Behave, or Sherem will whisk you away like a pah-wraith in the night."

She shivered worse, even worse than the memory of assimilation on Frontier Day.

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on December 08, 2023, 01:14:58 AM

[USS Revenant -Security Office]

Tanner looked up when the door chimed. The Security area on the ship was small, but she still had a tiny space to call her office. The timing was ironic as she'd only just entered, having settled into her quarters first and tried, and failed, to contact Jettis. Chewing her lip anxiously, she called to the door.

"It's open!"

Tanner did a double take at Dersch's form in the doorway, "Hey." Her posture shifted, remembering she was the Chief and couldn't be seen moping. Rayek never moped, "Come on in." Motioning to a chair she gave him a moment to sit before following suit, "What's up?"

Quote from: J.B Dersch on December 08, 2023, 08:23:04 AM

| Lt. JG Dersch | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | USS Revenant | Security Offices |

He heard "It's open!" So he took a deep breath and walked in. Tanner seemed to be just chilling, But as He walked in she upped her posture. Odd He moved to take a seat. He then looked at Tanner who asked. "What's up?" .

He took a deep breath. "I wanted to run something by you, After Getting back home from Frontiers day, And going to bed, I kept having Flashbacks...And 3 Of them Involved you, So really All I want to know is, Did we ever come into contact with each other when I was.." He didn't have to finish, they both knew what he was saying.

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on December 08, 2023, 02:50:28 PM

[USS Revenant -Security Office]

The memory of their interaction came to mind, and Tanner looked at him, quirking her brow, "You sure you wanna be standing for this conversation?" Again, she motioned for him to sit, "I think it might be less tense if you move into casual mode."

Although their interaction had been limited, and this wouldn't be the most extended conversation, Tanner didn't want to downplay the importance of his flashbacks. As his Chief, she also wanted to ensure he was okay and that her part in the issue was assessed correctly.

[{NPC} Ensign V'Larinn | Security Office | Deck Two | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

V'Larinn stepped into the office to find his new superiors in discussion. He approached, seeing how Mister Dersch looked to be plenty young as he was, give or take a year older, he estimated, not necessarily as old as Nathan Cutter. He approached, not looking into their faces, let alone their eyes, regardless of the obvious that he smelled of incense smoke, even if he had been smelling of incense smoke since Frontier Day.

For at least twice a day since April Twelfth, V'Larrin had been meditating, partly in prayer for forgiveness the way Feeka Olisa had been doing, partly to focus his mind away from the events of Frontier Day, but no matter what, he still wouldn't keep his mind off. He had been surrounding himself with incense candles and burners around his bunk, the best place for seclusion, despite that it was a shared area for the junior officers, so Cutter and Feeka knew about his meditations.

"Lieutenant Lachlyn?" he said. "Excuse me for interrupting you and Mister Dersch. I've finished a report compiling our new complement of weaponry. The armory is stocked, the arsenal magazine replenished with photon and quantum torpedo complements, and two of our pulse phaser arrays, the ones that had been burned out in bombarding spacedock, are now repaired, fine-tuned, and operating within normal paramenters. Further details can be seen in my report," he added, handing a PADD to Lachlyn.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 08, 2023, 05:39:29 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Tamansarret Shipyard - Docking Pad Ninety-Four - USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

With the arrivals of the Counselor and the young ensign, Torra had offered each a warm smile - not that the flight officer seemed to notice.   Yet when Commander Garrison entered last, Torra found her nod in greeting barely perfunctory.  Without even realizing it, the Grazerite shifted her stance and posture so that wherever Garrison was in the room, Torra faced her directly; her head angled down slightly so that her horns were ready to take on any attack.

Torra felt a bit awkward at being present while such a delicate and private personnel issue was discussed in front of not only her but others as well.  While she recognized that this was a subject that those in Command had to deal with, the Grazerite was uncertain about the appropriateness of having it discussed with the entire Command Team present.

She empathized with his situation and also wondered at the wisdom of Nira's outright denying his request.  Would it not have been best to encourage the man to remain of his own volition rather than forcing him and the others?  She thought so; but it was her job at the moment to assist the Captain in enacting her orders - so rather than counter the Captain's words Torra tried to soften the denial.

"Give yourself some time to forgive before making such a decision. You aren't in this alone." she offered gently to Cutter.  "We can help if you let us."

After Cutter had left, Torra listened patiently to the counselor and EMH as they described their survival story.    She offered the counselor a gentle smile, knowing somewhat how he felt.   There were times when she was reminded of officers who'd been lost that day, either directly because of her firing on them, or indirectly because of her inability to do anything to stop those who were assimilated.   She wondered if that's what was meant by the term 'survivor's guilt'?

Soon the EMH disappeared and it was just the Command Team and the counselor.  Torra looked Nira.  "Will the surviving crew be given time to adjust to our presence here before Starfleet assigns the ship and crew a task?"  Even as she asked, Torra already knew the answer.  With the fleet and personnel decimated... there was no time opportunity for downtime.   "If not what is our assignment?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 08, 2023, 03:10:32 PM

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - As Nathan Cutter

All Nathan heard was 'denied' after that, everything became fuzzy. The next word he heard was 'dismissed'. This he was able to process as he left the office woodenly and returned to the helm. He plopped down at the station and his expression became that of a 'thousand meter' stare. Seeing, but not seeing. Present, but not here.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 10, 2023, 01:58:24 AM

[Conference room]

Kinley nodded and somewhat grimaced for a flash of a second when the EMH made mention of that.  Before the disaster, not many people were aware of the first time she was assimilated, especially given the secrecy of the mission.  It, unfortunately, came to light after the catastrophe, however, given how she still had some Borg implants that while not obvious, made it a lot harder to cleanse the rogue DNA from her systems. But that was beside the point.

Looking to  Torra, who was still giving her a look of suspicion,  she got to the point.  There was still going to be a lot of work to do, to prove herself again.  Maybe getting back to work might be what was needed. She didn't know.  "œYes. We're going to be escorting a medical convoy to the Iquilon system.  We shouldn't be encountering too much, but it will be a good opportunity to study the area around us and keep an eye out for any potential trouble. In, out, and done, hopefully." 

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room | Deck Two | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira appreciated Torra's words, but she had looked at Cutter when she gave her soothing words. Cutter didn't seem to pay attention. In fact, if she didn't know any better, he was going into catatonia. Even after he had gone, the image of a good officer like that in a heartwrenching manner was still in her mind. When Torra turned to her, Kinley answered her question before she did. At least it indicated Kinley had received orders, too, had the same orders passed on.

Deep down, Nira was surprised to hear that Frontier Day was the second time Kinley had been assimilated. She had the impression to discuss further with her at a better time. She didn't know how the EMH knew, unless he was wired to Federation databases...something Challenger's own EMH Mark XII never had...she wished she knew that about the Mark XII as a whole, he would've been handy in some cases.

"That's right," she said. "We're to rendezvous with the medical convoy, led by the Medical Starship Asclepius, at Starbase 133, and from there, we'll be escorting the convoy to the Iquilon System, across the Klingon border, past the Tribble System. Something catastrophic has occurred in the Iquilon System and the Klingons have asked for medical aid."

Considering the way Kinley and Torra were reacting to each other, Nira turned to Counselor Bat and said, "Counselor, if you will assemble the department heads to the bridge, I will inform them of our mission and then set to departure. Dismissed."

When the counselor had gone, she then turned over and said, "Kinley, I know you've had a lot, but from my understanding, you have had command experience. We do have an underlying mission as well: To boost morale here on the ship."

Then, looking at Torra, she said, "I have felt your emotion regarding Cutter, Torra. I suppose I could've handled it differently, seeing Cutter's reaction. This is, of course, the first time I had to turn down a resignation request, and I guess I do have to put in a firm hand, given my time as a First Officer. I do appreciate additional advice, that's why I made you Second Officer while we're here on the Revenant. Kinley has the command experience, but you are my friend, and thus will be a good adviser, as opposed to Bat, whom none of us don't know very well."

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira, Kinley and Torra stepped onto the bridge, seeing the department heads, and thus the bridge crew (though M'Nia, as Chief Engineer, and Novi, as CMO, are exceptions to the bridge crew given their elsewhere stations). She can see that Cutter was at his station but wasn't doing a thing.

"All right, Commander Garrison, Lieutenant Addams, man your stations," she said. "Computer, open shipwide comms."

With comms on, Nira announced, "If I may have everybody's attention?" She especially directed the question at Cutter and even put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"By order of Starfleet, I, Acting Captain Nira Said, assume command of the Revenant. We have our orders from Starfleet to escort a medical convoy to the Iquilon System across the Klingon border. We are to rendezvous with the convoy at Starbase 133 and escort the convoy from there. Something has occurred at Iquilon in which the Klingons have requested medical aid from Starfleet. Given unavailability of ships and personnel in that sector, it is why the Klingons have requested aid from the Federation to that system. We will do our utmost to help where we can."

Disengaging the comms, Nira then looked back at Cutter. "Mister Cutter," she said. "I may have asked this of you," she added gently, "but if you missed it: set course for Starbase 133."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tanner Lachlyn


V'Larinn stepped into the office to find his new superiors in discussion. He approached, seeing how Mister Dersch looked to be plenty young as he was, give or take a year older, he estimated, not necessarily as old as Nathan Cutter. He approached, not looking into their faces, let alone their eyes, regardless of the obvious that he smelled of incense smoke, even if he had been smelling of incense smoke since Frontier Day.

For at least twice a day since April Twelfth, V'Larrin had been meditating, partly in prayer for forgiveness the way Feeka Olisa had been doing, partly to focus his mind away from the events of Frontier Day, but no matter what, he still wouldn't keep his mind off. He had been surrounding himself with incense candles and burners around his bunk, the best place for seclusion, despite that it was a shared area for the junior officers, so Cutter and Feeka knew about his meditations.

"Lieutenant Lachlyn?" he said. "Excuse me for interrupting you and Mister Dersch. I've finished a report compiling our new complement of weaponry. The armory is stocked, the arsenal magazine replenished with photon and quantum torpedo complements, and two of our pulse phaser arrays, the ones that had been burned out in bombarding spacedock, are now repaired, fine-tuned, and operating within normal paramenters. Further details can be seen in my report," he added, handing a PADD to Lachlyn.

Tanner was annoyed. Standing, she took the PADD and glared at the Ensign.

"Thank you." She pointed to the door, "In the future, such things can be sent in a report, and I'd appreciate it if you could check first, especially if I'm busy. I don't know how things worked previously, but you can't just barge in. You're dismissed."

She watched as the Vulcan left and shook her head, "I'm sorry." She said to JB, "This may be an adjustment."

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Tamansarret Shipyard - Docking Pad Ninety-Four - USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 08, 2023, 03:10:32 PM

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - As Nathan Cutter

All Nathan heard was 'denied' after that, everything became fuzzy. The next word he heard was 'dismissed'. This he was able to process as he left the office woodenly and returned to the helm. He plopped down at the station and his expression became that of a 'thousand meter' stare. Seeing, but not seeing. Present, but not here.

Torra was disappointed that her words seemed to have no reaction from the young officer, but didn't press further.  Maybe he just needed time.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 10, 2023, 01:58:24 AM

[Conference room]
Looking to  Torra, who was still giving her a look of suspicion,  she got to the point.  There was still going to be a lot of work to do, to prove herself again.  Maybe getting back to work might be what was needed. She didn't know.  "œYes. We're going to be escorting a medical convoy to the Iquilon system.  We shouldn't be encountering too much, but it will be a good opportunity to study the area around us and keep an eye out for any potential trouble. In, out, and done, hopefully." 

Torra, who had been expecting Nira to answer her question, looked to Commander Garrison.  However, the Grazerite found if she looked too long, she began to imagine/recall the faint telltale black veins that had once been spread across the woman's face.  Torra had to look away.

"I see... Hopefully so." she answered.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2023, 11:53:48 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room | Deck Two | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira appreciated Torra's words, but she had looked at Cutter when she gave her soothing words. Cutter didn't seem to pay attention. In fact, if she didn't know any better, he was going into catatonia. Even after he had gone, the image of a good officer like that in a heartwrenching manner was still in her mind. When Torra turned to her, Kinley answered her question before she did. At least it indicated Kinley had received orders, too, had the same orders passed on.

Deep down, Nira was surprised to hear that Frontier Day was the second time Kinley had been assimilated. She had the impression to discuss further with her at a better time. She didn't know how the EMH knew, unless he was wired to Federation databases...something Challenger's own EMH Mark XII never had...she wished she knew that about the Mark XII as a whole, he would've been handy in some cases.

"That's right," she said. "We're to rendezvous with the medical convoy, led by the Medical Starship Asclepius, at Starbase 133, and from there, we'll be escorting the convoy to the Iquilon System, across the Klingon border, past the Tribble System. Something catastrophic has occurred in the Iquilon System and the Klingons have asked for medical aid."

Considering the way Kinley and Torra were reacting to each other, Nira turned to Counselor Bat and said, "Counselor, if you will assemble the department heads to the bridge, I will inform them of our mission and then set to departure. Dismissed."

When the counselor had gone, she then turned over and said, "Kinley, I know you've had a lot, but from my understanding, you have had command experience. We do have an underlying mission as well: To boost morale here on the ship."

Then, looking at Torra, she said, "I have felt your emotion regarding Cutter, Torra. I suppose I could've handled it differently, seeing Cutter's reaction. This is, of course, the first time I had to turn down a resignation request, and I guess I do have to put in a firm hand, given my time as a First Officer. I do appreciate additional advice, that's why I made you Second Officer while we're here on the Revenant. Kinley has the command experience, but you are my friend, and thus will be a good adviser, as opposed to Bat, whom none of us don't know very well."

She was glad when Nira spoke next and turned her attention to her friend and now Captain as she expanded on the details of the mission, and even brought up a secondary mission of boosting morale.  Torra couldn't agree more on this.

That Nira felt her sympathy towards Ensign Cutter was not surprising to the Grazerite, who was well versed in her friend's empathic abilities; still Torra appreciated that Nira openly recognized that there might have been a different way of approaching the request.   She nodded her understanding.

"I'll do my best to advise where appropriate.... but you are the Captain now.  This is your ship. Starfleet has put its trust in you to command her and her crew.  You've got this."  Torra assured and smiled trustingly towards her Captain.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2023, 11:53:48 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira, Kinley and Torra stepped onto the bridge, seeing the department heads, and thus the bridge crew (though M'Nia, as Chief Engineer, and Novi, as CMO, are exceptions to the bridge crew given their elsewhere stations). She can see that Cutter was at his station but wasn't doing a thing.

"All right, Commander Garrison, Lieutenant Addams, man your stations," she said. "Computer, open shipwide comms."

With comms on, Nira announced, "If I may have everybody's attention?" She especially directed the question at Cutter and even put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"By order of Starfleet, I, Acting Captain Nira Said, assume command of the Revenant. We have our orders from Starfleet to escort a medical convoy to the Iquilon System across the Klingon border. We are to rendezvous with the convoy at Starbase 133 and escort the convoy from there. Something has occurred at Iquilon in which the Klingons have requested medical aid from Starfleet. Given unavailability of ships and personnel in that sector, it is why the Klingons have requested aid from the Federation to that system. We will do our utmost to help where we can."

Disengaging the comms, Nira then looked back at Cutter. "Mister Cutter," she said. "I may have asked this of you," she added gently, "but if you missed it: set course for Starbase 133."

As she stepped out onto the bridge from the Ready Room, Torra at first felt a slight sadness that it wasn't the Discovery's bridge.  The Prometheus class ship had been her home for five years.  That was half her ten years lived -  Grazerites only having an average life-span of 30 years.  So it was no wonder that Torra was feeling a bit 'homesick' for her ship.

It was on Discovery that she'd met her husband, Don.  It was the Discovery's Captain that had married them.... with Nira being there as their witness, and it had been on Discovery that her husband had left her - saying that he 'needed to find himself'.  She hoped that he would understand her absence should he return to find her gone.

Her personal worries and thoughts however were put aside when Nira reminded her to take her station.

Torra dipped her head in acknowledgment. "Yes, Captain!"

Rather than disrupt the fine work that Lorut was doing on the main Ops console, Torra moved to the secondary station and signed in.  Then as the Captain addressed the ship's crew to inform them of the mission, Torra reviewed the tasks completed by Lorut and saw no issues whatsoever with the woman's quality of work.

She text messaged Lorut.

To: Ensign Lorut Vila
From: Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams

Subject: Operations readiness checks

I've reviewed your work so far.  Thank you for getting things ready.  Were there any problems or issues to report?

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

J.B Dersch


V'Larinn stepped into the office to find his new superiors in discussion. He approached, seeing how Mister Dersch looked to be plenty young as he was, give or take a year older, he estimated, not necessarily as old as Nathan Cutter. He approached, not looking into their faces, let alone their eyes, regardless of the obvious that he smelled of incense smoke, even if he had been smelling of incense smoke since Frontier Day.

For at least twice a day since April Twelfth, V'Larrin had been meditating, partly in prayer for forgiveness the way Feeka Olisa had been doing, partly to focus his mind away from the events of Frontier Day, but no matter what, he still wouldn't keep his mind off. He had been surrounding himself with incense candles and burners around his bunk, the best place for seclusion, despite that it was a shared area for the junior officers, so Cutter and Feeka knew about his meditations.

"Lieutenant Lachlyn?" he said. "Excuse me for interrupting you and Mister Dersch. I've finished a report compiling our new complement of weaponry. The armory is stocked, the arsenal magazine replenished with photon and quantum torpedo complements, and two of our pulse phaser arrays, the ones that had been burned out in bombarding spacedock, are now repaired, fine-tuned, and operating within normal paramenters. Further details can be seen in my report," he added, handing a PADD to Lachlyn.

Dersch just watched the two. It seemed this officer thought  he could do what ever he wants.Hmm. Might take him through a training program Then He left after Tanner dismissed him. Dersch knew this would a interesting Assignment with this officer
Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on December 10, 2023, 12:04:46 PM

Tanner was annoyed. Standing, she took the PADD and glared at the Ensign.

"Thank you." She pointed to the door, "In the future, such things can be sent in a report, and I'd appreciate it if you could check first, especially if I'm busy. I don't know how things worked previously, but you can't just barge in. You're dismissed."

She watched as the Vulcan left and shook her head, "I'm sorry." She said to JB, "This may be an adjustment."

"It's Fine" He sighed. And looked to Tanner. "All I really want to know is Did you really tackle me, Breaking my arm, But left me not wanting to kill me? After she would respond he would also tell her about how Olivia fought with katie.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2023, 11:53:48 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira, Kinley and Torra stepped onto the bridge, seeing the department heads, and thus the bridge crew (though M'Nia, as Chief Engineer, and Novi, as CMO, are exceptions to the bridge crew given their elsewhere stations). She can see that Cutter was at his station but wasn't doing a thing.

"All right, Commander Garrison, Lieutenant Addams, man your stations," she said. "Computer, open shipwide comms."

With comms on, Nira announced, "If I may have everybody's attention?" She especially directed the question at Cutter and even put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"By order of Starfleet, I, Acting Captain Nira Said, assume command of the Revenant. We have our orders from Starfleet to escort a medical convoy to the Iquilon System across the Klingon border. We are to rendezvous with the convoy at Starbase 133 and escort the convoy from there. Something has occurred at Iquilon in which the Klingons have requested medical aid from Starfleet. Given unavailability of ships and personnel in that sector, it is why the Klingons have requested aid from the Federation to that system. We will do our utmost to help where we can."

Disengaging the comms, Nira then looked back at Cutter. "Mister Cutter," she said. "I may have asked this of you," she added gently, "but if you missed it: set course for Starbase 133."

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - [As Nathan Cutter]

Nathan flinched when the new captain spoke to him and he replied woodenly.

"Aye Sir. Course laid in, going to warp now."

Normally, the jump to faster than light speed exhilarated Nathan, but not today. It just felt like one more thing he loved was forever tainted by the Borg. He'd learned that the Borg were gone now, finally and completely, but in a way that made things worse because he could never personally get vengeance against them. He was lost and didn't even have an enemy to blame now. 


Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2023, 11:21:49 AM

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Feeka listened as M'Nia told her story. Before she knew it, she was paying rapt attention to M'Nia. And she was astonished; People like Gul Dukat and Gul Sherem were not lost on the minds of Bajorans even to the generation after the end of the Occupation, and she was astonished by what M'Nia experienced.

"You played a role in the demise of Nehor Sherem?" she said. "Amazing. Sherem had killed many Bajorans through torture, including my grandfather. My own father was just a boy when it happened. Sherem had whisked him away like a pah-wraith in the night. He tortured him for information about the whereabouts of Shakaar and Kira, among other names. A month later, his dead body, carved in Cardassian brands, was dumped on the family doorstep. It was a warning to any who would resist further. That was three years before the end of the Occupation. It was a ghost story I would never forget. Sherem was always feared as a spectre of flesh and blood, the kind of figure I would remember Bajorans to say in warning, even after the Occupation: 'Behave, or Sherem will whisk you away like a pah-wraith in the night."

"Yeah I was part of it. Glad he's gone. Can't bring back those he killed or undo all the bad things he did but he won't bother anybody any more. You can consider your grandfather avenged. That said, it's not an experience I would care to repeat. It was rough. A lot of things happened. I suppose I got off lucky. i was only posing as a prisoner. I knew zhuk would protect me if it came right down to it but still, it was a very scary exepriance! Seems like a lot has happened in a short time. Still we're here, now and that says a lot. Sometimes I still get nightmare about it but I'm getting better!" M'nia said. She looked at the ensign. They really weren't far apart in age.  She liked the young bajoran.Feeka understood to an extent what M'nia had been through and with Shareems death, well the fact that he had killed feeka's grandfather made her feel a little better about Shareem's death. they had that to bond them!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Tanner Lachlyn


"It's Fine" He sighed. And looked to Tanner. "All I really want to know is Did you really tackle me, Breaking my arm, But left me not wanting to kill me? After she would respond he would also tell her about how Olivia fought with katie

Tanner sighed, "Yes." a simple response but the truth, "You were going to harm one of the scientists, so I ensured you didn't." That was the simplest way to put it. No sense delving into the semantics of the event, "I didn't kill you because..." She thought of the words, "..because I wouldn't be able to look your family in the eye if I had. We work together, damn it."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on December 11, 2023, 11:06:36 PM

Tanner sighed, "Yes." a simple response but the truth, "You were going to harm one of the scientists, so I ensured you didn't." That was the simplest way to put it. No sense delving into the semantics of the event, "I didn't kill you because..." She thought of the words, "..because I wouldn't be able to look your family in the eye if I had. We work together, damn it."

Dersch looked at Tanner. She should hav..No Don't think like that. "I want to say thank you, Even though It seems someone laid waste to my arm He lifted up the new Right Arm. It was all Prosthetic. "Also, I wanted to tell you, I was not the only one having a bad day, Olivia was having problems with Katie, She had also become a...So Olivia learned to fly, Katie don't remember a thing, Which we are both gratifull for. If she knew what she had done, She wouldn't be the same, But Thank you Tanner, You letting ,live is letting me spend another day with my daughter, which is why I am telling you this, There's a New Assignment being sent out, It will be at a star base, I will be asking for a reassignment, And Olivia and Katie will be coming with, Right now only Me, Olivia, Katie and now You know.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Tanner Lachlyn


Dersch looked at Tanner. She should hav..No Don't think like that. "I want to say thank you, Even though It seems someone laid waste to my arm He lifted up the new Right Arm. It was all Prosthetic. "Also, I wanted to tell you, I was not the only one having a bad day, Olivia was having problems with Katie, She had also become a...So Olivia learned to fly, Katie don't remember a thing, Which we are both gratifull for. If she knew what she had done, She wouldn't be the same, But Thank you Tanner, You letting ,live is letting me spend another day with my daughter, which is why I am telling you this, There's a New Assignment being sent out, It will be at a star base, I will be asking for a reassignment, And Olivia and Katie will be coming with, Right now only Me, Olivia, Katie and now You know.

"As your Chief I'd have found out sooner than later," Tanner grinned, "But I hope the fresh start helps." She almost felt sorry about the arm but figured it had been a choice to go prosthetic since it was entirely fixable. Tanner hadn't hit him that hard.

"Let's get through this mission and see where we end up." Tanner lifted her brow, "Anything else?"

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on December 12, 2023, 09:40:38 AM

"As your Chief I'd have found out sooner than later," Tanner grinned, "But I hope the fresh start helps." She almost felt sorry about the arm but figured it had been a choice to go prosthetic since it was entirely fixable. Tanner hadn't hit him that hard.

"Agreed, But Truly, The arm was not your fault, yea when I hit the ground with you landing on me, It did break something, But someone else cause further damage."

"Let's get through this mission and see where we end up." Tanner lifted her brow, "Anything else?"

"Yea, This is a tiny ship, as we all know they can pack a punch, I do want to figure out something, and it Involves Ensign V'Larinn, I would say put her through a Holodeck Simulator, But we don't have the time for that, So What will we do?" He was referring to the way she barged in and interrupted the Senior Officers.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


[Ensign Novi - CMO Quarters >> Main Bridge]

Novi was in her quarters still setting things up and just listening to music. A simple escort mission of a medical ship she expected that when they possibly arrived she would be busy helping them sort and distribute the equipment but for now as CMO she had no pressing duties. Checkups were fine but even she could do such things in her sleep. It was then she heard the Boatswains whistle of the Captain and heard the order for all senior officers to go to the bridge. Quickly grabbing her medical coat she put it on over her uniform and walked up to the main Bridge.

She stood right next to Lieutenant Lachlyn at Security. The terminal for a few of the internal scanners, emergency transports, and biosigns of the crew lit up. It took her a moment to appreciate the ergonomics of the layout right next to the chief of security but gave a small nod to her as the ship jumped to warp. Novi felt a little bad, despite her attempt at remembering important info of the Discovery crew she couldn't remember Lachlyn's age or if she was assimilated. Novi immediately pushed such thoughts out of her mind though, how could she look at people and immediately try to guess if they were assimilated or not?

It was a poor thought to have. She already was still having nightmares about that day and wanted to move on as soon as she could from all the death and pain. Always trying to guess what had happened to people that day like it was some kind of game may be a trauma response but it was unhealthy one. Maybe she could schedule an appointment with the Counsellor. She put her hands on the dashboard of her terminal as she took a seat and opened up her research. She was simply compiling the last of her data and hypothesis but the menial task of research would at least keep her busy for the next couple hours.

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

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