Featured Mission - Flight of the Revenant

Started by Nira Said, November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

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Nira Said

Quote from: M'Nia on December 11, 2023, 10:48:42 PM

"Yeah I was part of it. Glad he's gone. Can't bring back those he killed or undo all the bad things he did but he won't bother anybody any more. You can consider your grandfather avenged. That said, it's not an experience I would care to repeat. It was rough. A lot of things happened. I suppose I got off lucky. i was only posing as a prisoner. I knew zhuk would protect me if it came right down to it but still, it was a very scary exepriance! Seems like a lot has happened in a short time. Still we're here, now and that says a lot. Sometimes I still get nightmare about it but I'm getting better!" M'nia said. She looked at the ensign. They really weren't far apart in age.  She liked the young bajoran.Feeka understood to an extent what M'nia had been through and with Shareems death, well the fact that he had killed feeka's grandfather made her feel a little better about Shareem's death. they had that to bond them!

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

It took a moment for Feeka to realize she was smiling...the first time she ever did since Frontier Day.

"I would say the Prophets have blessed you and Commander Said and your team with the same kind of luck that blessed the cell of Shakaar and Kira," she said in admiration. "And I had no idea our acting captain was the woman who killed Sherem...I hope I can meet her sometime..."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Tanner Lachlyn


"Yea, This is a tiny ship, as we all know they can pack a punch, I do want to figure out something, and it Involves Ensign V'Larinn, I would say put her through a Holodeck Simulator, But we don't have the time for that, So What will we do?" He was referring to the way she barged in and interrupted the Senior Officers.

Tanner glanced down as a new message arrived, "I don't know what the previous Chief was like, so let's give the Ensign a chance to make a better impression. We're all new, so it's going to be an adjustment."

She stood up, "I need to go to the bridge." Shaking her head, "Somedays being a department head is ridiculous."

Nira Said


Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 78420.02.

After a few days of getting used to the starship, we rendezvoused with the medical convoy at Starbase 133 and from there have proceeded to the Iquilon System. So far, there has been little change in moral to the crew. Especially in getting along between those who had been assimilated and those who survived Frontier Day. I can particularly sense how much distrust there is, especially with Kinley.

So far, the only sign of improvement was in Feeka Olisa. The girl is in admiration of me...mostly of how much M'Nia told her about me. I certainly was informed by Nathan Cutter that it's the first time in two months that he's seen her smile. Even when we've had one member of crew short, having left Jamil at Starbase 133.

I particularly like the speed in these Aquarian class starships, especially from the improvement made from refitting old Odyssey class yachts. Even now, compared to the only other starship in the medical convoy, the Asclepius, it's easy to feel like a falcon. We can easily maintain high speeds in the Warp Nine range, compared to the Challenger with how it travels. In any case, we're expected to arrive in the Iquilon System any time now.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

"Take us down, Mister Cutter," ordered Nira. "Down to the coordinates specified by the governor of Iquilon Prime."

Nira sat back and watched. She had seen how speedy the Revenant had been, and she was sure Cutter would have Revenant fly circles around the Olympic-class medical vessel Asclepius...if he was more confident.

She looked around at the officers at their stations. Kinley and Counselor Bat sat at her right, Torra and Ramort at her left, Cutter in front of her and Lachlyn behind, the second seat in front of her occupied by any who so chose to man station. Then she turned back to the viewscreen showing the planet.

A good portion of the planet was blanketed by dust clouds rather than natural clouds. Nira had been hearing that the reason for the call for medical aid was because of meteor strikes, and she can see where it was that bad. As the Revenant flew into the atmosphere, it momentarily flew under the dust blanket, and it felt like they were flying through nighttime. On the surface was a scene that Nira would've assumed was the result of orbital bombardment if she didn't know better. Craters dotted the rocky landscape, a few fires smouldering some places, and one city was wrecked and near destroyed.

They didn't have far to go, and they got to undusted sky. Soon, they reached Klingon military headquarters, settling down on one of their landing pads.

"Okay, time to meet the governor," she said. "Torra, you're with me. Kinley, you have the conn."

Then, she tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Doctor Novi, assemble your medical staff at the launch bay, and prep the EMH with his mobile emitter. Said to Dersch and V'Larinn, report to the launch bay." =/\=

And she proceeded, reminding herself that this was a meeting. For away missions, potentially involving hostile situations, she would send Kinley.

[Commander Nira Said | Launch Bay >- Landing Pad | Deck Four >- Iquilon Military Headquarters | USS Revenant NCC-99333 >- Iquilon Prime]

A moment later, Nira and the team stood before the launch hatch as it lowered, and then walked out to meet the Klingon escort to bring them to Govenor Kholn. It did include a pair of fat politicians who clearly looked like their comforts were disturbed...more so than their escort, who were looking lax in their body language but with expressions indicating worry.

The meteors must've caught them with their pants down, Nira thought to herself.

Looking around, she can see that the smaller medical ships had already arrived from landing and medical staff unloading. She then turned back to the escort.

"I'm Commander Said," she said in greeting. "Acting Captain of the Starship Revenant. We're here to meet Governor Kholn."

"Of course,"
the leader replied. "Your Denobulan colleague has arrived as well."

"Captain Bhox from the Asclepius, I see," said Nira.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Nira Said on December 13, 2023, 08:57:13 PM

=/\="Doctor Novi, assemble your medical staff at the launch bay, and prep the EMH with his mobile emitter. Said to Dersch and V'Larinn, report to the launch bay." =/\=

Dersch stood as his comm badge beeped. and then listened as He and V'Larinn were summoned to the Launch Bay.

=/\=On My Way Commander =/\=

He did a quick scim of a PADD making sure the report was done and hit submit and walked out to head to the Launch bay.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 13, 2023, 08:57:13 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Launch Bay >- Landing Pad | Deck Four >- Iquilon Military Headquarters | USS Revenant NCC-99333 >- Iquilon Prime]

A moment later, Nira and the team stood before the launch hatch as it lowered, and then walked out to meet the Klingon escort to bring them to Govenor Kholn. It did include a pair of fat politicians who clearly looked like their comforts were disturbed...more so than their escort, who were looking lax in their body language but with expressions indicating worry.

The meteors must've caught them with their pants down, Nira thought to herself.

Looking around, she can see that the smaller medical ships had already arrived from landing and medical staff unloading. She then turned back to the escort.

"I'm Commander Said," she said in greeting. "Acting Captain of the Starship Revenant. We're here to meet Governor Kholn."

"Of course,"
the leader replied. "Your Denobulan colleague has arrived as well."

"Captain Bhox from the Asclepius, I see," said Nira.

Dersch watched the Ramp lower with the rest of the Assembled Team. I Wonder what this mission will bring to us As Nira moved to Meet the Escort who was a Stout but Well Built Klingon, Dersch stayed close to her Left. He also noticed the Two Over-sized Politicians who seemed very unhappy they were here, As if they had something else better to do. Ha, They could be jugging Blood wine, Fighting over who could throw a knife the fastest
Or arguing over the Most Stupidest thing...Damn Klingons
Then When he heard Denobulan colleague He stopped. What Denobulan? Then she answered the question he had thought to himself. Captain Bhox Never Mind Scratch that Question, Now Lets Get Down to Business

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


Quote from: Nira Said on December 13, 2023, 08:57:13 PM

Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 78420.02.

After a few days of getting used to the starship, we rendezvoused with the medical convoy at Starbase 133 and from there have proceeded to the Iquilon System. So far, there has been little change in moral to the crew. Especially in getting along between those who had been assimilated and those who survived Frontier Day. I can particularly sense how much distrust there is, especially with Kinley.

So far, the only sign of improvement was in Feeka Olisa. The girl is in admiration of me...mostly of how much M'Nia told her about me. I certainly was informed by Nathan Cutter that it's the first time in two months that he's seen her smile. Even when we've had one member of crew short, having left Jamil at Starbase 133.

I particularly like the speed in these Aquarian class starships, especially from the improvement made from refitting old Odyssey class yachts. Even now, compared to the only other starship in the medical convoy, the Asclepius, it's easy to feel like a falcon. We can easily maintain high speeds in the Warp Nine range, compared to the Challenger with how it travels. In any case, we're expected to arrive in the Iquilon System any time now.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

"Take us down, Mister Cutter," ordered Nira. "Down to the coordinates specified by the governor of Iquilon Prime."

Nira sat back and watched. She had seen how speedy the Revenant had been, and she was sure Cutter would have Revenant fly circles around the Olympic-class medical vessel Asclepius...if he was more confident.

She looked around at the officers at their stations. Kinley and Counselor Bat sat at her right, Torra and Ramort at her left, Cutter in front of her and Lachlyn behind, the second seat in front of her occupied by any who so chose to man station. Then she turned back to the viewscreen showing the planet.

A good portion of the planet was blanketed by dust clouds rather than natural clouds. Nira had been hearing that the reason for the call for medical aid was because of meteor strikes, and she can see where it was that bad. As the Revenant flew into the atmosphere, it momentarily flew under the dust blanket, and it felt like they were flying through nighttime. On the surface was a scene that Nira would've assumed was the result of orbital bombardment if she didn't know better. Craters dotted the rocky landscape, a few fires smouldering some places, and one city was wrecked and near destroyed.

They didn't have far to go, and they got to undusted sky. Soon, they reached Klingon military headquarters, settling down on one of their landing pads.

"Okay, time to meet the governor," she said. "Torra, you're with me. Kinley, you have the conn."

Then, she tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Doctor Novi, assemble your medical staff at the launch bay, and prep the EMH with his mobile emitter. Said to Dersch and V'Larinn, report to the launch bay." =/\=

And she proceeded, reminding herself that this was a meeting. For away missions, potentially involving hostile situations, she would send Kinley.

[Commander Nira Said | Launch Bay >- Landing Pad | Deck Four >- Iquilon Military Headquarters | USS Revenant NCC-99333 >- Iquilon Prime]

A moment later, Nira and the team stood before the launch hatch as it lowered, and then walked out to meet the Klingon escort to bring them to Govenor Kholn. It did include a pair of fat politicians who clearly looked like their comforts were disturbed...more so than their escort, who were looking lax in their body language but with expressions indicating worry.

The meteors must've caught them with their pants down, Nira thought to herself.

Looking around, she can see that the smaller medical ships had already arrived from landing and medical staff unloading. She then turned back to the escort.

"I'm Commander Said," she said in greeting. "Acting Captain of the Starship Revenant. We're here to meet Governor Kholn."

"Of course,"
the leader replied. "Your Denobulan colleague has arrived as well."

"Captain Bhox from the Asclepius, I see," said Nira.

And so they landed. Everything was looking good from an engineering standpoint. The revenant was performing just fine. Even if she didn't have slipstream, she was a nice little ship and her engines were purring like a caitian girl in love. Feeka was a nice girl too. M'nia found she enjoyed the woman's company. She was still pretty young herself and related to Feeka a lot. They made a good team. She was looking forward to getting the medical supplies to where they needed to be. People needed them and she liked helping people. She needed something like this after the whole borg thing. "So what do you think so far feeka?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


Quote from: Nira Said on December 13, 2023, 08:57:13 PM

Then, she tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Doctor Novi, assemble your medical staff at the launch bay, and prep the EMH with his mobile emitter. Said to Dersch and V'Larinn, report to the launch bay." =/\=

[Commander Nira Said | Launch Bay >- Landing Pad | Deck Four >- Iquilon Military Headquarters | USS Revenant NCC-99333 >- Iquilon Prime]

A moment later, Nira and the team stood before the launch hatch as it lowered, and then walked out to meet the Klingon escort to bring them to Govenor Kholn. It did include a pair of fat politicians who clearly looked like their comforts were disturbed...more so than their escort, who were looking lax in their body language but with expressions indicating worry.

The meteors must've caught them with their pants down, Nira thought to herself.

Looking around, she can see that the smaller medical ships had already arrived from landing and medical staff unloading. She then turned back to the escort.

"I'm Commander Said," she said in greeting. "Acting Captain of the Starship Revenant. We're here to meet Governor Kholn."

"Of course,"
the leader replied. "Your Denobulan colleague has arrived as well."

"Captain Bhox from the Asclepius, I see," said Nira.

[Ensign Novi - Revenant Sickbay]

Novi was packing up her medical equipment, her paranoia and memories of frontier day meant she overpacked her equipment a little but she wouldn't want to be underprepared again. She was almost done when she heard to the order to assemble and prepare to go down to the planet. "What team?" she thought to herself with a smile.  =/\= "Computer Activate EMH!" =/\=

"Please state the nature of your medical emergency" The Doctor said as he appeared.

"No emergency yet Doctor. We have landed on the planet and you are coming with me as a member of my team."
"Oh how wonderful. A routine supply mission involving hundreds of Doctors still requires my prescence." Despite the smart comment the Doctor seemed fine to make minor small talk about Novi as she attached his mobile emitter to him.

A few minutes later they were on the planet. Novi readjusted her satchel on her shoulder as she looked around and briefly the images of frontier day returned to her mind as she looked at the scene but quickly shook it away. This was nothing like that, destruction yes but there were clinics in place, infrastructure was still sound and even in the distance she could see construction workers clearing rubble and rebuilding damaged buildings. Novi stayed long enough for Commander Said to make her introductions before she gave her farewells. As acting CMO of the Revenant her mission was to help coordinate the personal side of things with the Asclepius The Revenant took on a few medical and aide supplies as it had the free room and now she had the job of unloading it and taking over...(she double checked her PADD) clinic 24, She had 4 NCOs and 3 Ensigns under her. A fair team. She just hoped they could all get along the couple days they would be working together.

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[Earth - Tamansarret Shipyard - Docking Pad Ninety-Four - USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 11, 2023, 10:12:29 AM

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - [As Nathan Cutter]

Nathan flinched when the new captain spoke to him and he replied woodenly.

"Aye Sir. Course laid in, going to warp now."

Normally, the jump to faster than light speed exhilarated Nathan, but not today. It just felt like one more thing he loved was forever tainted by the Borg. He'd learned that the Borg were gone now, finally and completely, but in a way that made things worse because he could never personally get vengeance against them. He was lost and didn't even have an enemy to blame now.

Torra wasn't sure if others heard how broken the flight officer sounded.  Surely, Torra couldn't be the only one to be able to hear his complete detachment from everything.   She wasn't a counselor by any stretch of the imagination, but she'd been certain to try to speak with him... offer a safe ear to listen.  After their shift.

LATER THAT DAY (after Alpha shift)

The bridge had been a very silent place.  There was very little conversation - though Torra had tried to engage with the others.

As she set her console to automation, she looked over to the Flight officer.   "I'm going to head to the Mess for snack plate of vegetables.  Would you care to join?  Company would be appreciated."

[USS Revenant - Deck One - Bridge >>> Iquilon Military Headquarters]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 13, 2023, 08:57:13 PM

Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 78420.02.

After a few days of getting used to the starship, we rendezvoused with the medical convoy at Starbase 133 and from there have proceeded to the Iquilon System. So far, there has been little change in moral to the crew. Especially in getting along between those who had been assimilated and those who survived Frontier Day. I can particularly sense how much distrust there is, especially with Kinley.

So far, the only sign of improvement was in Feeka Olisa.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

"Take us down, Mister Cutter," ordered Nira. "Down to the coordinates specified by the governor of Iquilon Prime."
She looked around at the officers at their stations. Kinley and Counselor Bat sat at her right, Torra and Ramort at her left, Cutter in front of her and Lachlyn behind, the second seat in front of her occupied by any who so chose to man station. Then she turned back to the viewscreen showing the planet.
"Okay, time to meet the governor," she said. "Torra, you're with me. Kinley, you have the conn."

Torra's head lifted when Nira spoke her name.  She wasn't used to being called on for Away Missions anymore.  And certainly not as part of the diplomatic team   It felt foreign compared to her usual duties.

"Yes, Captain." She signed out of the console she was using, leaving the ship in Lorut's capable hands and then joined Nira in exiting the ship.

Their arrival at the Iquilon Military Headquarters seemed to be anticipated as there was already present a 'colleague' of the Captain's.   That was fortunate.  Torra dipped her head when it came time for introductions.   She wasn't talkative - she felt role her here at the moment was just to listen.. and Torra was a good and patient listener.

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Kinley Garrison


Kinley gave a grin in response, She was here to try and help this crew recover, and she  was going to certainly try at least.  Or at least, as best as she could, given everything that happened.


"œSounds good." said Kinley as she stood by the center seat. More like leaning forward onto the chair.    "œWell,  we might as well get comfortable until they get back, I guess-"

She was interrupted by a  sudden chime of the ambient sensors.  Incoming projectiles, it looked like a swarm of asteroids were heading towards them. Normally for a giant warship, the deflectors would handle it, but this ship was a lot smaller than your typical warship, and Kinley sincerely doubted that it could handle something too big.    "œ That doesn't look good, bring us to yellow alert and shields up. Mr. Ramort, would you do a full scan of the area and planet?  How close is this to the planet?, And, Lorut, could you call the captain? "

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 15, 2023, 03:40:06 AM


Kinley gave a grin in response, She was here to try and help this crew recover, and she  was going to certainly try at least.  Or at least, as best as she could, given everything that happened.


"œSounds good." said Kinley as she stood by the center seat. More like leaning forward onto the chair.    "œWell,  we might as well get comfortable until they get back, I guess-"

She was interrupted by a  sudden chime of the ambient sensors.  Incoming projectiles, it looked like a swarm of asteroids were heading towards them. Normally for a giant warship, the deflectors would handle it, but this ship was a lot smaller than your typical warship, and Kinley sincerely doubted that it could handle something too big.    "œ That doesn't look good, bring us to yellow alert and shields up. Mr. Ramort, would you do a full scan of the area and planet?  How close is this to the planet?, And, Lorut, could you call the captain? "

"K'tal's claws! I'd better get back down to engineering! I have a feeling I'm going to be needed down there! Kinley, let em know and I'll divert power to the sheilds and throw in any extra I can scrape up!" M'nia said She dashed into the turbolift. Within a minute or two she was back in engineering. "Feeka, we have an asteroid swarm incoming. Get ready to divert power to shields and possibly weapons. "

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

James Ramort

[USS Revenant | Science Lab]

Service was quickly turning into routine. The Instruments turned out their expected results, and the constant hum in the air was beginning to feel like a second home to Ramort. The crowded room getting familiar nearly far easier than anticipated. He kept busy while they were on their way to Iquilon Prime with beginning the first test. The machines had been preconfigured to run their set-up correctly, leaving not a much needing manual intervention.

His Quarter wasn't large either but it was a nice change from his shared room on the Discovery. A room he hadn't even taken the time to get to know before already leaving it behind for the new assignment here. The Bridge was taking some time to get used to. The last time he had been on a Bridge he had to leave it running for his life. Here he had a Station he could access at nearly any time. The Science Station located neatly with great access to the Computers and Sensors.

Since there wasn't a lot of active need for the Science at the moment, he started to find other tasks in need of completing. Most importantly, a vast amount of data collected during Frontier Day. The Revenant having captured its own fair share of data with its internal sensors during the gruesome event. He spent hours, long hours after shift even, working through Subspace Readings and particle waves. So far not turning up anything interesting but that was the business. Buried within teraquads of Data might be hidden a gem awaiting its unearthing. And it would be his job to find it.

As they turned into Orbit finally he gave the Sensors new tasks. Carefully and passively observing the surrounding space and taking images of the Colony under them. Maybe they could be used to aid in the creation of a Vaccine one day or help medical researches understand what happened here and how it went down.

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 15, 2023, 12:42:46 AM

[USS Revenant - Deck One - Bridge >>> Iquilon Military Headquarters]

Torra's head lifted when Nira spoke her name.  She wasn't used to being called on for Away Missions anymore.  And certainly not as part of the diplomatic team   It felt foreign compared to her usual duties.

"Yes, Captain." She signed out of the console she was using, leaving the ship in Lorut's capable hands and then joined Nira in exiting the ship.

Their arrival at the Iquilon Military Headquarters seemed to be anticipated as there was already present a 'colleague' of the Captain's.   That was fortunate.  Torra dipped her head when it came time for introductions.   She wasn't talkative - she felt role her here at the moment was just to listen.. and Torra was a good and patient listener.

[Commander Nira Said | Iquilon Military Headquarters | Iquilon Prime]

Nira and Torra, with Dersch protecting them, were brought to the Klingon governor, Khoon while V'Larrin went with Doctor Novi and the EMH. Nira was more disappointed at the sight of the leadership; Khoon seemed to be the fattest and laziest Klingon Nira had ever seen, though his eyes looked attentive and alert, a former warrior that enjoyed too much luxury. He was looking relieved at the sight of the commanding officers.

"Well, there's a definite medical emergency," said Captain Bhox.

"Yes, but what's the cause of it?"
asked Nira. "What happened to Iquilon?"

"Meteors," said Khoon simply, but worriedly. "Meteors have been hitting the planet every few days now."

"Every few...? Repeatedly?" asked Nira.

"Every few days, as I said," said Khoon. "Three times in total: Twice in the past week, and we had our third just yesterday. They've been increasing in intensity. We're defenseless. And given their patterns, another round of meteors could come again at any time."

"Don't you have ships to deal with them, if they're attacking repeatedly?"

Khoon pulled up a holographic image of three Type Ten Raptor-class ships, all looking modern, if only a generation or two behind the latest models, all looking wrecked, being repaired at their landing pads.

"Took damage during the second one, and thank Kahless they were on the opposite end of the planet when the third one struck," he explained. "Aside from that is our defense platform; unfortunately, it's not in the correct position to whittle the meteors to dust."

"Aren't there any other ships you can get from the Klingon Fleet?"

Khoon scoffed. "There's nothing between here, Organia and even Borath, let alone the Tribble System. This side of the empire is empty, and what's more, this particular sector's a backwater. No proper defenses, not that we cared until now."

"And there's no worries of attackers?" asked Nira in surprise.

"The closest neighbors are Kzinti and Gorn, but even they find this backwater not worth their while," retorted Khoon.

"So it looks like it'll be up to us to handle the next wave of meteors, Captain," said Bhox, turning to Nira.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 15, 2023, 03:40:06 AM


Kinley gave a grin in response, She was here to try and help this crew recover, and she  was going to certainly try at least.  Or at least, as best as she could, given everything that happened.


"œSounds good." said Kinley as she stood by the center seat. More like leaning forward onto the chair.    "œWell,  we might as well get comfortable until they get back, I guess-"

She was interrupted by a  sudden chime of the ambient sensors.  Incoming projectiles, it looked like a swarm of asteroids were heading towards them. Normally for a giant warship, the deflectors would handle it, but this ship was a lot smaller than your typical warship, and Kinley sincerely doubted that it could handle something too big.    "œ That doesn't look good, bring us to yellow alert and shields up. Mr. Ramort, would you do a full scan of the area and planet?  How close is this to the planet?, And, Lorut, could you call the captain? "

Upon the call from the Revenant of detecting meteors incoming, Nira blinked.

"They're here sooner than expected," she said. She reported for details, and was informed that the meteors had just entered the system and are headed toward Iquilon Prime.

"That could give us time," said Khoon, having heard it out. "The IKS J'Progh is due to have repairs finished first."

"Then Commander Said and I can double that time,"
said Bhox. "If you have anything further to help..."

"Our defense platform had been working on turrets to be tractored around to points around the planet to defend against the meteors," said Khoon, "but the J'Progh will be the only ship available to move the turrets."

"Then we have all the time in the world, Captain Bhox,"
said Nira. "The Revenant has powerful offensive capabilities. What weapons does the Asclepius have?"

"Well, we are a medical ship; what weapons we have are not as much. Only four phaser arrays, two torpedo launchers and no quantum torpedoes."

"It'll do," said Nira. "It's not like we're facing an enemy that's fighting back, except for using their mass."

Tapping her comm badge, Nira said,  =/\="Said to Revenant. Transport me, Torra and Dersch back aboard ship. Lieutenant Lachlyn, coordinate with the J'Progh and assist them. Dersch will take your station in your place." =/\=

Then she called for Novi, the EMH and V'Larinn to get back to the Revenant if they weren't on their way back already.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Red alert was blaring as Nira entered the bridge with Torra and Dersch, Kinley back at her station upon her entering.

"Mister Cutter, initiate launch, and follow the Asclepius. Once we get in range of the meteor storm, we break from escort formation and start breaking up some rocks. We're going to need to get in and out of some tight spots. Mister Dersch," Nira added, turning to Dersch at Tactical, "eyes peeled and prepare to fire weapons."

She looked back and Dersch and reflected how similar this was feeling to her first battle at Tactical. At least the incoming meteors won't be shooting back, not like the Liberation, she thought to herself. "I know it'll be your first battle at Tactical...it was the same for me on my first battle, too, filling in for a department head. Don't worry about it, you can do it," she told Dersch with confidence.

Then, Nira called Engineering.  =/\="Bridge to Engineering. M'Nia, get power to weapons and engines, we're going to be doing some fancy flying." =/\=

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Nira Said

Quote from: M'Nia on December 14, 2023, 01:57:57 PM

And so they landed. Everything was looking good from an engineering standpoint. The revenant was performing just fine. Even if she didn't have slipstream, she was a nice little ship and her engines were purring like a caitian girl in love. Feeka was a nice girl too. M'nia found she enjoyed the woman's company. She was still pretty young herself and related to Feeka a lot. They made a good team. She was looking forward to getting the medical supplies to where they needed to be. People needed them and she liked helping people. She needed something like this after the whole borg thing. "So what do you think so far feeka?"

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Feeka had to admit, she was feeling better from her time with M'Nia and meeting Acting Captain Said every so often. Feeka felt that she found in M'Nia and Said the older sisters she wished she had.

"It's been good serving with you,"
she said. "With you and the Commander."

Getting the medical supplies and extra personnel, Feeka was feeling confident, but was careful not to look at them, still wary of what people would think of the current generation, after what the Borg and the Changelings had done.

Quote from: M'Nia on December 15, 2023, 10:56:32 AM

"K'tal's claws! I'd better get back down to engineering! I have a feeling I'm going to be needed down there! Kinley, let em know and I'll divert power to the sheilds and throw in any extra I can scrape up!" M'nia said She dashed into the turbolift. Within a minute or two she was back in engineering. "Feeka, we have an asteroid swarm incoming. Get ready to divert power to shields and possibly weapons. "

"On it, Chief," said Feeka. At least she knew the engines just as well as she did with Cutter and V'Larinn and Idum Bat. She channeled power to the required systems.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2023, 09:00:32 PM

[{NPC} Ensign Feeka Olisa | Main Engineering | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Feeka had to admit, she was feeling better from her time with M'Nia and meeting Acting Captain Said every so often. Feeka felt that she found in M'Nia and Said the older sisters she wished she had.

"It's been good serving with you,"
she said. "With you and the Commander."

"Ahh thanks Feeka. I like you too. You're a nice girl and I think you will make a fine engineer. Truth be told though, we both have a lot to learn but I expect this will be a great experience for both of us! I hope you get stationed on the discovery. I think it'd be great to work with you more. I thing lt. cmdr. Lek would like you as well."

Getting the medical supplies and extra personnel, Feeka was feeling confident, but was careful not to look at them, still wary of what people would think of the current generation, after what the Borg and the Changelings had done."On it, Chief," said Feeka. At least she knew the engines just as well as she did with Cutter and V'Larinn and Idum Bat. She channeled power to the required systems.

M'nia tapped her combadge. "Bridge, engineering. We're ready to divert power to wherever you need it. Just say the word!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lorut Vila

Vila was at the Console, awaiting orders as they docked.

She was definitely not going to volunteer to leave the ship. She had no desires to die.
"Adams?" She said, to Torra.
She watched as others began preparations to go planet-side, and tapped her foot against the panels.
Idleness wasn't her strong suit.

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during preparation for Away mission)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on December 18, 2023, 12:27:35 AM

Vila was at the Console, awaiting orders as they docked.

She was definitely not going to volunteer to leave the ship. She had no desires to die.

"Adams?" She said, to Torra.

She watched as others began preparations to go planet-side, and tapped her foot against the panels.

Idleness wasn't her strong suit.

While signing off of her computer, Torra heard Lorut's slight confused tone and glanced over towards the Bajoran woman.

"Yes, Addams  -  with two d's.  It's my married name.   Torra is my given name.  Danjar is the name of my yearling group and Addams is my husband's Family name.   Since we Grazerites generally don't mate exclusively, I decided to show my commitment to him by taking on his Family name."

While it was somewhat painful to talk about his absence Torra felt it best to explain lest her colleague make unsupported assumptions.   "He's not dead or anything... at least I don't think so; though he hasn't contacted me in a long time." Torra's expression turned a bit sorrowful.   "He lost his memories.  Had them replaced with others and now he's out trying to find himself again. I'm hoping when he does, he'll remember what we mean to one another, and come back home to me."

Then she dipped her head, apologetically at having to leave abruptly after dropping that personal info.  "I have to go.  Look after the ship for me."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[Iquilon Military Headquarters]
Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2023, 08:51:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Iquilon Military Headquarters | Iquilon Prime]

Nira and Torra, with Dersch protecting them, were brought to the Klingon governor, Khoon while V'Larrin went with Doctor Novi and the EMH. Nira was more disappointed at the sight of the leadership; Khoon seemed to be the fattest and laziest Klingon Nira had ever seen, though his eyes looked attentive and alert, a former warrior that enjoyed too much luxury. He was looking relieved at the sight of the commanding officers.

"Well, there's a definite medical emergency," said Captain Bhox.

"Yes, but what's the cause of it?"
asked Nira. "What happened to Iquilon?"

"Meteors," said Khoon simply, but worriedly. "Meteors have been hitting the planet every few days now."

"Every few...? Repeatedly?" asked Nira.

"Every few days, as I said," said Khoon. "Three times in total: Twice in the past week, and we had our third just yesterday. They've been increasing in intensity. We're defenseless. And given their patterns, another round of meteors could come again at any time."

Upon the call from the Revenant of detecting meteors incoming, Nira blinked.

"They're here sooner than expected," she said. She reported for details, and was informed that the meteors had just entered the system and are headed toward Iquilon Prime.

"That could give us time," said Khoon, having heard it out. "The IKS J'Progh is due to have repairs finished first."

Tapping her comm badge, Nira said,  =/\="Said to Revenant. Transport me, Torra and Dersch back aboard ship. Lieutenant Lachlyn, coordinate with the J'Progh and assist them. Dersch will take your station in your place." =/\=

Then she called for Novi, the EMH and V'Larinn to get back to the Revenant if they weren't on their way back already.

Grazerites were not known for being quick-thinkers.  When it came to discussions they tended to ponder and ruminate on a subject for a long while - sometimes days - before coming to a decision.  It was one of the reasons why there were so few in Starfleet.

After nearly 5 years in the Fleet, Torra had begun to feel like she was able to keep pace with her fellow officers well-enough.  At least she thought so until that meeting in the Iquilon Military Headquarters.  The discussion moved so fast from person to person that Torra found it next to impossible to be part of the conversation at all.  It was discouraging to her.  She would have liked to had some time to offer up her thoughts.  But she wasn't given the opportunity - especially once the call came from the Revenant about the objects approaching the system.

The terminologies being used were confusing the poor Grazerite.  If the objects were coming in from outside the system that actually made them rogue comets not asteroids or meteoroids, which orbited the systems star.   A technicality but a clear definition might make solving this problem a whole lot easier.

She dipped her head in parting to the Klingon governor as she felt the transporter whisk her away.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2023, 08:51:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Red alert was blaring as Nira entered the bridge with Torra and Dersch, Kinley back at her station upon her entering.

"Mister Cutter, initiate launch, and follow the Asclepius. Once we get in range of the meteor storm, we break from escort formation and start breaking up some rocks. We're going to need to get in and out of some tight spots. Mister Dersch," Nira added, turning to Dersch at Tactical, "eyes peeled and prepare to fire weapons."

She looked back and Dersch and reflected how similar this was feeling to her first battle at Tactical. At least the incoming meteors won't be shooting back, not like the Liberation, she thought to herself. "I know it'll be your first battle at Tactical...it was the same for me on my first battle, too, filling in for a department head. Don't worry about it, you can do it," she told Dersch with confidence.

Then, Nira called Engineering.  =/\="Bridge to Engineering. M'Nia, get power to weapons and engines, we're going to be doing some fancy flying." =/\=

[USS Revenant - Bridge]

Torra listened to her friend issuing orders, ready to pulverize the approaching objects with weapons.   She frowned and glanced towards the vacant Science console. Torra's concern wasn't that Garrison was poor science officer - far from it!  But in a situation like this her role as XO should take precedence - leaving the Science station unmanned.

"Um.. Commander.  Perhaps it would an ideal time to call up Ramort? Have him look at the composition of that object.  It could determine exactly what it's made of and how it will react to our weapon's fire."

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

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