Featured Mission - Flight of the Revenant

Started by Nira Said, November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

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Nira Said

Quote from: Lorut Vila on December 18, 2023, 12:27:35 AM

Vila was at the Console, awaiting orders as they docked.

She was definitely not going to volunteer to leave the ship. She had no desires to die.
"Adams?" She said, to Torra.
She watched as others began preparations to go planet-side, and tapped her foot against the panels.
Idleness wasn't her strong suit.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

(before the order to launch)

Nira could feel from Lorut the utmost feelings of boredom as she rose. So, as such, she approached her and said, "Ah, Lorut, can you head down to Engineering to assist M'Nia and Feeka? They're going to need as much help as needed."

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 18, 2023, 04:26:05 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams

[USS Revenant - Bridge]

Torra listened to her friend issuing orders, ready to pulverize the approaching objects with weapons.   She frowned and glanced towards the vacant Science console. Torra's concern wasn't that Garrison was poor science officer - far from it!  But in a situation like this her role as XO should take precedence - leaving the Science station unmanned.

"Um.. Commander.  Perhaps it would an ideal time to call up Ramort? Have him look at the composition of that object.  It could determine exactly what it's made of and how it will react to our weapon's fire."

Nira blinked and then looked over at the unmanned science station. How did she not realize...? She scowled slightly and summoned him:  =/\="Ensign Ramort, report to the bridge, please." =/\=

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2023, 08:51:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Red alert was blaring as Nira entered the bridge with Torra and Dersch, Kinley back at her station upon her entering.

"Mister Cutter, initiate launch, and follow the Asclepius. Once we get in range of the meteor storm, we break from escort formation and start breaking up some rocks. We're going to need to get in and out of some tight spots. Mister Dersch," Nira added, turning to Dersch at Tactical, "eyes peeled and prepare to fire weapons."

She looked back and Dersch and reflected how similar this was feeling to her first battle at Tactical. At least the incoming meteors won't be shooting back, not like the Liberation, she thought to herself. "I know it'll be your first battle at Tactical...it was the same for me on my first battle, too, filling in for a department head. Don't worry about it, you can do it," she told Dersch with confidence.

Then, Nira called Engineering.  =/\="Bridge to Engineering. M'Nia, get power to weapons and engines, we're going to be doing some fancy flying." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - [As Lt Nathan Cutter]

For the first time in days, Nathan had a task that had meaning and he felt... something, which was a vast improvement over the nothing he'd felt since Frontier Day.

"Aye Sir."

He replied with something that almost sounded like a living person instead of the dead thing he'd felt like for so long. He actually had enough interest to pull up the local space on his console display and began calculating the route he'd need to maximize each firing pass as he thought.

"My name is Nathan Cutter and I fly the ship."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2023, 08:51:48 PM

"Mister Cutter, initiate launch, and follow the Asclepius. Once we get in range of the meteor storm, we break from escort formation and start breaking up some rocks. We're going to need to get in and out of some tight spots. Mister Dersch," Nira added, turning to Dersch at Tactical, "eyes peeled and prepare to fire weapons."

[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge]

As Dersch took up tactics he was Nervous as hell! First time running Tactical.  As he was running through a wirlpool in his head he heard the commander talking to him. "Yes Mam, Time to do our Jobs"

Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2023, 08:51:48 PM

She looked back and Dersch and reflected how similar this was feeling to her first battle at Tactical. At least the incoming meteors won't be shooting back, not like the Liberation, she thought to herself. "I know it'll be your first battle at Tactical...it was the same for me on my first battle, too, filling in for a department head. Don't worry about it, you can do it," she told Dersch with confidence.

Then, Nira called Engineering.  =/\="Bridge to Engineering. M'Nia, get power to weapons and engines, we're going to be doing some fancy flying." =/\=

As Nira gave him some encouragement. Well, At least I ain't the only one.. "Thank you Commander, I am sure I won't disappoint

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


[Ensign Novi - Surface of Iquilon, clinic 24]

Novi had a few hours with her team. All of them from the Asclepus they were a friendly lot. All human and one Bolian she introduced herself and they all got to work moving supplies using both their hands and the industrial transporters to set things up and take in their first patients. As a clinic there was thankfully no triage and with the infraastructure in place the clinic was more for those with minor wounds or concussions and as a place to rest. If it weren't for the threat of meteors Novi would have found it calming after her previous harrowing experience. As she observed her members work, V'Larrin standing at attention keeping watch and making sure no trouble came to them. She at her "desk", a simple pre-fab table with a console on it she hasn't written much for a report as CMO of a ship but she assumed it couldn't be worse then her normal reports to Dr. Thane or Betaika.

In a few hours she heard on the comms for her team to get back up from the surface.  =/\= "Right away Sir. On our way."=/\=

She called out for her crew to prepare to leave. The Asclepus crew was also preparing to leave but they had a specified safe house on the surface. So with a wave they quickly parted ways and V'Larrin piloted the shuttle back up to the Revenant. When they arrived they were already in Red Alert and so not many words could be exchanged as they quickly ran to their stations. Novi would be up on the bridge 24 seconds later and take a seat at the final station across from tactical. Her medical console lighting up with biosigns, emergency forcefields, and other things that could be beneficial to a crew but were mainly left up to tactical. A second pair of eyes for them as they focused on the external battle.  =/\= "All crew reporting at stations Sir."=/\= she exclaimed to Captain Said.

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

Kinley Garrison


Kinley nodded to M'Nia who was heading down to Engineering.   "œGreat.  keep me updated as you can." she said, noting the  computer screens. It seemed like they were standard iron chondrite M-type  asteroids.  "œThey look like they're made of heavy metals, don't they? she said, before  suddenly, she felt a sudden jolt to the ship.  =/\= "œWe've been hit!

The damage didn't seem huge, just a small breach on the hull, but for a ship as small as it was, it certainly felt big enough.  =/\= "œHas anyone been hurt?" =/\= she asked about.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Nira Said


[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

"Bridge to Engineering, the word is given,"
ordered Nira, but just before the shield went up, they got hit. It was certainly expected, so much bunched up rocks.

It was reported that the hull breach hit the port side, tearing into one of the senior officer quarters. As small a breach as it was, a small breach on a small ship was on par with a big breach on a big ship. Force fields were soon up, covering that stretch of wall.

"That was a close one," breathed Nira. "Sorry to whoever has those quarters if they lost anything. Tactical, fire at will."

It was easy work, plowing through the asteroids with pulse phasers and torpedoes. Despite the composition of heavy metals, they were very easy to break up; they looked to still have been heated, as if having come from an exploded stellar body. Before there was a sense of ease, there was another impact. Despite the shields, it sent consoles exploding. One along the want sent Dersch flying, burned from the explosion. The viewscreen was frazzled out momentarily, "blinding" them, as it were.

Nira shouted. "Doctor Novi?" she said, turning to Novi, glad as she was she was on the bridge. "Medical Emergency! Bridge to Ensign V'Larinn, report up here, now! Lieutenant Addams, can you get that viewscreen working?" she asked Torra, gesturing at the viewscreen.

Nira didn't like this. With Lachlyn back at the planet and Dersch incapacitated, V'Larinn was the only Security officer available. If there had been hostiles and boarders, it would mean having to activate starship lockdown systems and security traps.

Once V'Larinn got to Tactical, he set to work. He cringed when he looked down and quickly danced his fingers. In the viewscreen, through the static, Nira saw pulse phasers firing and breaking up something, but Nira was sure it was another meteor.

"Sorry...meteor incoming, I got it,"
V'Larinn said. "Commanders, those last two meteors weren't the result of a random obstruction. Sensors indicate they were flung back at us; the first meteor had some EM radiation emissions...spread from it..."

Nira pursed her lips. As much as she wanted narrow her eyes, she wanted to concentrate on the viewscreen, alongside Mister Cutter.

"Hmm...It seems the Klingons are being plagued by more than just meteors," she said with suspicion. Commander Garrison, Mister Ramort, initiate a tachyon scan around our radius. Mister Cutter, initiate evasive maneuvers, and keep an eye on the sensors until the viewscreen is fully functional. Mister V'Larinn, keep whittling down any meteors around us."

"Aye, Commander,"
replied the Vulcan from Tactical. He had been noticing on sensors that there was all the dust was accumulating somewhere, and he had a good idea why the Commander was suspicious about...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


As soon as the captain said to divert power, the ship was hit and M'nia felt it as she was rocked. She managed to keep her feet. "K'tals claws. Feeka divert all non essential power to weapons and shield and buckle up. It's going to be a rough ride I think!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


[Ensign Novi - Revenant Bridge]

Novi was sitting at the console preparing to fire at something that wouldn't shoot back didn't make her console very active but just as she was about to resign and return to sickbay and the ship rocked as a small chunk pierced the ship. Her console lit up as all the stations quickly reported in no injuries,  =/\= "All stations report no injuries! Forcefields up!"=/\= she confirmed from her console. Thankfully it didn't hit her quarters and she watched the power levels on the forcefields remain stable when another rock hit the ship and she watched all the structural integrity fields and intertial dampeners briefly hit criticals before returning to normal but Dersch's console exploded in front of him. Novi herself, sitting right across from him had to cover her own face to avoid a few of the sparks and quickly got out of her chair and pulled out her tricorder to check on him, quickly grabbing a hypospray and injecting him with painkillers and a sedative she was about to call for emergency transport but suddenly her thoughts of Frontier Day and the transporters returned, she felt her breath shorten as she gazed at Dersch's burned face and unconscious body but quickly closed her eyes, counted to 3 and called for an emergency transport.

A moment later they were in sickbay and Dersch was on the medbed. Novi took a big deep breath as sickbay fully turned on and as she replicated a bottle of water. Prepped for burn treatment.  =/\= "Computer! Activate EMH!"=/\=

"Please state the nature of your medical emergency."

"We must do a burn treatment! Please watch his vitals."

The EMH, still at the end of the day, a series of programs wasted no time as he walked over to the console, tapped a few buttons and an advanced readout of Dersch's vitals came up. "He'll live but we should be careful. His left arm has a small dislocation as well, most likely from when he fell."

Novi nodded in understanding and got to work on Dersch. With the proper facilities it would be simple bit even after healing him she knew he'd have to rest for a good day or two.

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 20, 2023, 10:58:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

"Bridge to Engineering, the word is given,"
ordered Nira, but just before the shield went up, they got hit. It was certainly expected, so much bunched up rocks.

It was reported that the hull breach hit the port side, tearing into one of the senior officer quarters. As small a breach as it was, a small breach on a small ship was on par with a big breach on a big ship. Force fields were soon up, covering that stretch of wall.

"That was a close one," breathed Nira. "Sorry to whoever has those quarters if they lost anything. Tactical, fire at will."

It was easy work, plowing through the asteroids with pulse phasers and torpedoes. Despite the composition of heavy metals, they were very easy to break up; they looked to still have been heated, as if having come from an exploded stellar body. Before there was a sense of ease, there was another impact. Despite the shields, it sent consoles exploding. One along the want sent Dersch flying, burned from the explosion. The viewscreen was frazzled out momentarily, "blinding" them, as it were.

Nira shouted. "Doctor Novi?" she said, turning to Novi, glad as she was she was on the bridge. "Medical Emergency! Bridge to Ensign V'Larinn, report up here, now! Lieutenant Addams, can you get that viewscreen working?" she asked Torra, gesturing at the viewscreen.

Nira didn't like this. With Lachlyn back at the planet and Dersch incapacitated, V'Larinn was the only Security officer available. If there had been hostiles and boarders, it would mean having to activate starship lockdown systems and security traps.

Once V'Larinn got to Tactical, he set to work. He cringed when he looked down and quickly danced his fingers. In the viewscreen, through the static, Nira saw pulse phasers firing and breaking up something, but Nira was sure it was another meteor.

"Sorry...meteor incoming, I got it,"
V'Larinn said. "Commanders, those last two meteors weren't the result of a random obstruction. Sensors indicate they were flung back at us; the first meteor had some EM radiation emissions...spread from it..."

Nira pursed her lips. As much as she wanted narrow her eyes, she wanted to concentrate on the viewscreen, alongside Mister Cutter.

"Hmm...It seems the Klingons are being plagued by more than just meteors," she said with suspicion. Commander Garrison, Mister Ramort, initiate a tachyon scan around our radius. Mister Cutter, initiate evasive maneuvers, and keep an eye on the sensors until the viewscreen is fully functional. Mister V'Larinn, keep whittling down any meteors around us."

"Aye, Commander,"
replied the Vulcan from Tactical. He had been noticing on sensors that there was all the dust was accumulating somewhere, and he had a good idea why the Commander was suspicious about...

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - [Lt. Nathan Cutter]

As the ship rocked from impact, Nathan winced, and focused in on the viewscreen.

"Got to be better."

When the order came for evasive maneuver, he replied.

"Aye Sir, hold on to something everyone."

Nathan then put the small ship into a barrel roll and began slipping between the asteroids in full skids to get tactical the chance to fire as they passed. As he flew, for the first time since the Borg signal ended, he smiled.

James Ramort

Quote from: Nira Said on December 18, 2023, 09:01:37 AM

=/\="Ensign Ramort, report to the bridge, please." =/\=

[USS Revenant | Pre Planet Visit]

=/\= "Acknowledged, I am on my way!" =/\=

Immediately getting up from his station and heading for the turbolift. It being only a short ride leaving not much room to imagine what might await him once he arrived there.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 20, 2023, 10:58:48 PM

Commander Garrison, Mister Ramort, initiate a tachyon scan around our radius. Mister Cutter, initiate evasive maneuvers, and keep an eye on the sensors until the viewscreen is fully functional. Mister V'Larinn, keep whittling down any meteors around us."

[USS Revenant | Deck 1 | Bridge | Science Station]

"Initiating scan now."

Even while speaking he already began instructing the computer to realign the emitted particle streams to flood the surrounding space with the necessary energy to slow down the tachyons below the current detection thresholds.

Then the first results came in, showing a quantifiable amount of tachyons surrounding all ships in the vicinity and some of the satellites in orbit, presumably subspace relays, but there was an anomaly.

The space around them was not empty, it never was. Small ripples in subspace caused by decades and centuries worth of subspace travelling through the cosmos only surfacing at random intervals and locations; Small clouds of cosmic gases, dark and cold in the interstellar medium and forgotten by their original starts and planets; Asteroids, splintered and tumbling, dancing to the melody only expressed by complex mathematical models. And all that space in between filled with even more dust. Parts belonging to neither of the previous but collect by the fundamental forces and causing miniscule sensor readings.

Only what now appeared was not miniscule. And minor anomalies were not able to emit particles at speeds faster than light.

He queued another scan but the issue was to pressing to leave unattended until he could falsify the scan, especially after he had spent so much time ensuring the sensors were up to the task beforehand, just for a situation like this. To not have to doubt, to not have to hesitate and to ensure when they really relied on their sensors they would bring up the truth.

"I have some unaccounted readings. There is lots out there I was expecting, stellar debris and the likes but there is something else is in the Dust. The readout would indicate the power signatures of at least three ships. I would say Birds of Pray from the shape of their particle warping."

Finishing his initial report, he instructed the computer again to repeat the readings, parsing them directly through the federation database for all fitting matches. Also sending the incoming data through to helm and tactical should the Captain decide act upon the reading.

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 18, 2023, 09:01:37 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

(before the order to launch)
Nira could feel from Lorut the utmost feelings of boredom as she rose. So, as such, she approached her and said, "Ah, Lorut, can you head down to Engineering to assist M'Nia and Feeka? They're going to need as much help as needed."
Nira blinked and then looked over at the unmanned science station. How did she not realize...? She scowled slightly and summoned him:  =/\="Ensign Ramort, report to the bridge, please." =/\=

Torra smiled glad that that Nira had seen the wisdom of having a Science officer on the Bridge.  Soon the ship was launched by a seemingly motivated Mr. Cutter.

As the ship approached the asteroid threat coordinates and were preparing to raise shields, one of the forward  fragments impacted the ship with next to no warning.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 20, 2023, 09:37:17 PM


Kinley nodded to M'Nia who was heading down to Engineering.   "œGreat.  keep me updated as you can." she said, noting the  computer screens. It seemed like they were standard iron chondrite M-type  asteroids.  "œThey look like they're made of heavy metals, don't they? she said, before  suddenly, she felt a sudden jolt to the ship.  =/\= "œWe've been hit!"

The damage didn't seem huge, just a small breach on the hull, but for a ship as small as it was, it certainly felt big enough.  =/\= "œHas anyone been hurt?" =/\= she asked about.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 20, 2023, 10:58:48 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

"Bridge to Engineering, the word is given,"
ordered Nira, but just before the shield went up, they got hit. It was certainly expected, so much bunched up rocks.

It was reported that the hull breach hit the port side, tearing into one of the senior officer quarters. As small a breach as it was, a small breach on a small ship was on par with a big breach on a big ship. Force fields were soon up, covering that stretch of wall.

"That was a close one," breathed Nira. "Sorry to whoever has those quarters if they lost anything. Tactical, fire at will."

It was easy work, plowing through the asteroids with pulse phasers and torpedoes. Despite the composition of heavy metals, they were very easy to break up; they looked to still have been heated, as if having come from an exploded stellar body. Before there was a sense of ease, there was another impact. Despite the shields, it sent consoles exploding. One along the want sent Dersch flying, burned from the explosion. The viewscreen was frazzled out momentarily, "blinding" them, as it were.

Nira shouted. "Doctor Novi?" she said, turning to Novi, glad as she was she was on the bridge. "Medical Emergency! Bridge to Ensign V'Larinn, report up here, now! Lieutenant Addams, can you get that viewscreen working?" she asked Torra, gesturing at the viewscreen.

The ship shook and Torra at Ops had to reroute power around the impacted area.  She was dismayed to realize it was her own quarters that had been breached.   Never had she been more grateful to have not brought her menagerie of pets aboard the ship with her.  They could have been lost to the vacuum of space before the automated forcefields activated.   Now all she lost were a few personal objects that could be replaced.

After that initial impact, things began to improve; the ship was making progress with at least reducing the number and size of the fragments. However, despite Tactical's best efforts, another - this time larger fragment - impacted the ship.   Relays on the bridge sparked, including Torra's  auxiliary station and the main viewscreen.

Torra hope Lorut assisting down in Engineering was doing ok.

Hearing Nira's order, the Grazerite rose from her seat and quickly located an emergency tool kit in the same cache as the phaser weapons.  "I'm on it, Captain."

Nira was likely the only officer on board to recall Torra's first couple years on Discovery, when she was bounced from one department to another - transferring in from Challenger where she had been a Security crewman, only be told she was assigned to Medical... and then Ops... then Engineering... and once even Science.  It seemed to Torra the only department she had been assigned to was Flight.   As challenging as the department jumping had been - it did ensure that the Grazerite now could do most tasks surprisingly well.

Within a few moments, Torra had the viewscreen partially working - though there was very static.  "The view screen sensor is a very sensitive piece of technology, and at the moment it seems to be picking up a lot of interference." she pointed out to Nira.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 20, 2023, 10:58:48 PM

"Sorry...meteor incoming, I got it,"
V'Larinn said. "Commanders, those last two meteors weren't the result of a random obstruction. Sensors indicate they were flung back at us; the first meteor had some EM radiation emissions...spread from it..."

Nira pursed her lips. As much as she wanted narrow her eyes, she wanted to concentrate on the viewscreen, alongside Mister Cutter.

"Hmm...It seems the Klingons are being plagued by more than just meteors," she said with suspicion. Commander Garrison, Mister Ramort, initiate a tachyon scan around our radius. Mister Cutter, initiate evasive maneuvers, and keep an eye on the sensors until the viewscreen is fully functional. Mister V'Larinn, keep whittling down any meteors around us."

"Aye, Commander,"
replied the Vulcan from Tactical. He had been noticing on sensors that there was all the dust was accumulating somewhere, and he had a good idea why the Commander was suspicious about...

That the meteoroid fragments had been flung towards the planet was troubling news, and Torra wished she had a moment to process it to provide Captain Said some options; but time was something they did not have.  Thankfully the Captain seemed to have options of her own and so confirmation of 3 Birds of Prey were discovered to be in the area.   The inference being they were the ones sending the meteors.   The question was:  Why?
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Lorut Vila

USS Revenant

Vila's focus was on the console, but she was listening to her superior.
[quote]"Yes, Addams  -  with two d's.  It's my married name.   Torra is my given name.  Danjar is the name of my yearling group and Addams is my husband's Family name.   Since we Grazerites generally don't mate exclusively, I decided to show my commitment to him by taking on his Family name."[/color]
Vila nodded. "I see. I was married once," she said. "Took his name, too, but boy, was THAT a mistake?" She sighed. "Ok, Addams with two d's, what are we supposed to be doing?"

"He's not dead or anything... at least I don't think so; though he hasn't contacted me in a long time...He lost his memories.  Had them replaced with others and now he's out trying to find himself again. I'm hoping when he does, he'll remember what we mean to one another, and come back home to me."

Vila turned her head. What was she supposed to say to that? "I am sorry," she said. She hoped it sounded sincere. It was.

I have to go.  Look after the ship for me.

Vila looked bewildered. "Oh, um..ok," she said. She shrugged, but turned back around. She tapped away, but then issued a call.

=/\=All ready to transport.=/\= She sighed. Good luck.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 21, 2023, 02:03:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - [Lt. Nathan Cutter]

As the ship rocked from impact, Nathan winced, and focused in on the viewscreen.

"Got to be better."

When the order came for evasive maneuver, he replied.

"Aye Sir, hold on to something everyone."

Nathan then put the small ship into a barrel roll and began slipping between the asteroids in full skids to get tactical the chance to fire as they passed. As he flew, for the first time since the Borg signal ended, he smiled.

Quote from: James Ramort on December 21, 2023, 06:21:08 PM

[USS Revenant | Pre Planet Visit]

=/\= "Acknowledged, I am on my way!" =/\=

Immediately getting up from his station and heading for the turbolift. It being only a short ride leaving not much room to imagine what might await him once he arrived there.

[USS Revenant | Deck 1 | Bridge | Science Station]

"Initiating scan now."

Even while speaking he already began instructing the computer to realign the emitted particle streams to flood the surrounding space with the necessary energy to slow down the tachyons below the current detection thresholds.

Then the first results came in, showing a quantifiable amount of tachyons surrounding all ships in the vicinity and some of the satellites in orbit, presumably subspace relays, but there was an anomaly.

The space around them was not empty, it never was. Small ripples in subspace caused by decades and centuries worth of subspace travelling through the cosmos only surfacing at random intervals and locations; Small clouds of cosmic gases, dark and cold in the interstellar medium and forgotten by their original starts and planets; Asteroids, splintered and tumbling, dancing to the melody only expressed by complex mathematical models. And all that space in between filled with even more dust. Parts belonging to neither of the previous but collect by the fundamental forces and causing miniscule sensor readings.

Only what now appeared was not miniscule. And minor anomalies were not able to emit particles at speeds faster than light.

He queued another scan but the issue was to pressing to leave unattended until he could falsify the scan, especially after he had spent so much time ensuring the sensors were up to the task beforehand, just for a situation like this. To not have to doubt, to not have to hesitate and to ensure when they really relied on their sensors they would bring up the truth.

"I have some unaccounted readings. There is lots out there I was expecting, stellar debris and the likes but there is something else is in the Dust. The readout would indicate the power signatures of at least three ships. I would say Birds of Pray from the shape of their particle warping."

Finishing his initial report, he instructed the computer again to repeat the readings, parsing them directly through the federation database for all fitting matches. Also sending the incoming data through to helm and tactical should the Captain decide act upon the reading.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 22, 2023, 04:18:26 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Torra smiled glad that that Nira had seen the wisdom of having a Science officer on the Bridge.  Soon the ship was launched by a seemingly motivated Mr. Cutter.

As the ship approached the asteroid threat coordinates and were preparing to raise shields, one of the forward  fragments impacted the ship with next to no warning.

The ship shook and Torra at Ops had to reroute power around the impacted area.  She was dismayed to realize it was her own quarters that had been breached.   Never had she been more grateful to have not brought her menagerie of pets aboard the ship with her.  They could have been lost to the vacuum of space before the automated forcefields activated.   Now all she lost were a few personal objects that could be replaced.

After that initial impact, things began to improve; the ship was making progress with at least reducing the number and size of the fragments. However, despite Tactical's best efforts, another - this time larger fragment - impacted the ship.   Relays on the bridge sparked, including Torra's  auxiliary station and the main viewscreen.

Torra hope Lorut assisting down in Engineering was doing ok.

Hearing Nira's order, the Grazerite rose from her seat and quickly located an emergency tool kit in the same cache as the phaser weapons.  "I'm on it, Captain."

Nira was likely the only officer on board to recall Torra's first couple years on Discovery, when she was bounced from one department to another - transferring in from Challenger where she had been a Security crewman, only be told she was assigned to Medical... and then Ops... then Engineering... and once even Science.  It seemed to Torra the only department she had been assigned to was Flight.   As challenging as the department jumping had been - it did ensure that the Grazerite now could do most tasks surprisingly well.

Within a few moments, Torra had the viewscreen partially working - though there was very static.  "The view screen sensor is a very sensitive piece of technology, and at the moment it seems to be picking up a lot of interference." she pointed out to Nira.

That the meteoroid fragments had been flung towards the planet was troubling news, and Torra wished she had a moment to process it to provide Captain Said some options; but time was something they did not have.  Thankfully the Captain seemed to have options of her own and so confirmation of 3 Birds of Prey were discovered to be in the area.   The inference being they were the ones sending the meteors.   The question was:  Why?

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

The points made by Torra and Ensign Ramort made Nira narrow her eyes. Ramort's report about some particular ships in hiding...the fact that the Klingons reported their only ships were being repaired, it had to mean raiders. Either from a rival house of Klingons...or Romulans. The fact that there was some kind of interference to the viewscreen, it had to mean some kind of jamming.

"Mister V'Larinn, prime a quantum torpedo to generate an electromagnetic pulse and set for delayed detonation," she ordered.

"Of course, Commander," said V'Larinn. "Accessing the priming systems now to prepare a warhead," he said, looking through it; he was a little slow as he worked, and Nira could feel something from him. She looked behind her and could see something in V'Larinn's eyes...a memory flooded toward her, it was so... "loud." A memory of his seizing the Tactical Station, killing his department head, and practically unloading the whole arsenal as part of the fleet bombardment, all the while muttering mindlessly, "Eliminate all unassimilated."

Of course, she thought. The last time he manned this station and worked Tactical, he was a drone. She adjusted her posture to make sure she looked at him full in the face and said with an encouraging smile, "I believe in you, Ensign. You got this."

V'Larinn looked at her, and then nodded. Despite being a Vulcan, Nira was sure she was feeling he was reassured. And then he worked with resolve. A moment later, he said, "Quantum torpedo adjusted and ready. Set for delayed detonation of ten seconds upon launch."

Nira smiled. He really knew the systems very well. "Target the dust clusters and fire from the rear launcher."

V'Larinn nodded and worked, then said, "Ready."


The torpedo flew out, floated toward the clusters, and sent an EMP shockwave upon detonation. The electromagnetic pulse had knocked out the cloaks and a few systems, but the Birds of Prey were still function in weapons, shields and propulsion. The viewscreen came out clearer than before, now that the interference was lifted, and they saw the Birds of Prey clearly: in particular, they were a trio of Romulan Birds of Prey. Upon their exposure, they turned their course away from the Revenant like bats out of hell.

"I knew it! After them, Mister Cutter!" ordered Nira. "Intercept course! Bridge to Engineering, channel power to engines but some power to weapons!"

Looking around, she gave her orders. "Torra, contact Iquilon, let them know we have Romulan Raiders giving us trouble. Mister Ramort, scan the ships, see what's working and what's not. Kinley," she added, turning to her First Officer, "determine the signatures of the Romulan ships and cross reference with Starfleet Records, find out what faction they're from; they sure as hell cannot be vessels of the Free State."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

James Ramort

Quote from: Nira Said on December 23, 2023, 06:41:47 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Looking around, she gave her orders. "Torra, contact Iquilon, let them know we have Romulan Raiders giving us trouble. Mister Ramort, scan the ships, see what's working and what's not. Kinley," she added, turning to her First Officer, "determine the signatures of the Romulan ships and cross reference with Starfleet Records, find out what faction they're from; they sure as hell cannot be vessels of the Free State."

"On it!"

The continuous scan he sat up earlier had primarily focused the hidden ships and now that they had entered regular sensor range a whole wall of data was streaming into the Revenants Computers. Also including preliminary system reports on the Birds of Pray. Since the Shiptype was well known to the Federation the Computer didn't took a long time to parse through the vital systems.

"Most primary systems of the uncloaked ships are still fully functional. Only their Cloaks and Long Range Communication Arrays seem to have been disabled. Weapons, Shields, Engines and Sensors are still hot. They could retaliate if they want."

Most primary systems operational meant they could probably repair their Cloaks again in relatively short time. He needed a way to keep them visible if they tried. Guided by this thought he input secondary search parameters for leaks in their systems of any kind hinting at their location as well as having the Computer compile all available data on their cloaking tech.

Human | 26 Years | 1,83m
---   ---   ---
Iter extra astra in magnum ignotum


Quote from: Nira Said on December 23, 2023, 06:41:47 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

"I knew it! After them, Mister Cutter!" ordered Nira. "Intercept course! Bridge to Engineering, channel power to engines but some power to weapons!"

Looking around, she gave her orders. "Torra, contact Iquilon, let them know we have Romulan Raiders giving us trouble. Mister Ramort, scan the ships, see what's working and what's not. Kinley," she added, turning to her First Officer, "determine the signatures of the Romulan ships and cross reference with Starfleet Records, find out what faction they're from; they sure as hell cannot be vessels of the Free State."

"ON it Captain!" M'nia made the adjustments quickly. "Bridge, engineering. All done. All power has been diverted to engines and some to weapons!" Looking to Feeka, "welcome to engineering Feeka! This is where the challenge is. Engineering on the fly!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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