Featured Mission - Flight of the Revenant

Started by Nira Said, November 27, 2023, 09:02:11 AM

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Kinley Garrison


Kinley nodded , listening to the casualties reports. Fortunately, very few were injured, albeit a console did explode from the spike of energy. "œ Thanks for getting that  Novi.    she said, making her way to the  science console near James,  hanging  onto one of the chairs as the ship made a sharp turn.

As James made note of the interference, Kinley looked closer at the scans. Romulan Birds of Prey.

"œRight!" " she said, going into speed research mode, her fingers flying as she looked at the PADD she had on hand.  "œSeems like they're of the Praetorian Navy. Something about the New Romulan Empire? "

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (prior to beaming down to the planet)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on December 22, 2023, 11:33:30 PM

USS Revenant

Vila's focus was on the console, but she was listening to her superior.

Vila nodded. "I see. I was married once," she said. "Took his name, too, but boy, was THAT a mistake?" She sighed. "Ok, Addams with two d's, what are we supposed to be doing?"

Vila turned her head. What was she supposed to say to that? "I am sorry," she said. She hoped it sounded sincere. It was.

Vila looked bewildered. "Oh, um..ok," she said. She shrugged, but turned back around. She tapped away, but then issued a call.

=/\=All ready to transport.=/\= She sighed. Good luck.

Torra seemed puzzled a moment at Vila's question of what they were supposed to doing.  She'd heard that the Ensign had authority issues but had never seen her unable to perform her duties in the past so figured the question was intended to test Torra's tolerance of ridiculous questions.

"We're here escorting a medical transport responding to a call for aid in the Iquilion System."Torra answered with what information she had at that time.  "While in orbit of the planet - monitor communications, maintain the ship's EPS systems and stand ready for further orders. Commander Garrison will be in charge." she advised.

[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (after returning from planet, during the meteor attack)

Quote from: Nira Said on December 23, 2023, 06:41:47 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

The points made by Torra and Ensign Ramort made Nira narrow her eyes. Ramort's report about some particular ships in hiding...the fact that the Klingons reported their only ships were being repaired, it had to mean raiders. Either from a rival house of Klingons...or Romulans. The fact that there was some kind of interference to the viewscreen, it had to mean some kind of jamming.

"Mister V'Larinn, prime a quantum torpedo to generate an electromagnetic pulse and set for delayed detonation," she ordered.
The torpedo flew out, floated toward the clusters, and sent an EMP shockwave upon detonation. The electromagnetic pulse had knocked out the cloaks and a few systems, but the Birds of Prey were still function in weapons, shields and propulsion. The viewscreen came out clearer than before, now that the interference was lifted, and they saw the Birds of Prey clearly: in particular, they were a trio of Romulan Birds of Prey. Upon their exposure, they turned their course away from the Revenant like bats out of hell.
Looking around, she gave her orders. "Torra, contact Iquilon, let them know we have Romulan Raiders giving us trouble. Mister Ramort, scan the ships, see what's working and what's not. Kinley," she added, turning to her First Officer, "determine the signatures of the Romulan ships and cross reference with Starfleet Records, find out what faction they're from; they sure as hell cannot be vessels of the Free State."

Having been warned by Commander tr'Lhoell to keep Lorut as active as possible, when Nira's orders were issued, Torra then delegated the comms task on to Lorut.  "Ensign Lorut, contact Iquilon.  Inform them of the Romulan ships....Ask them if they might know anything about these suspected raiders.  Any information they might have on them could be useful."

Meanwhile, Torra was double checking their own power relays after the EMP, wanting to ensure none of the Revenant's systems had been affected.  It was unlikely, given the distance; but having a system down because she didn't check was not an option with three potential enemies out there  - not to mention the still on coming meteroids.

News that the ships were registered to the New Romulan Empire, had the Grazerite frowning.  A holdover splinter faction that couldn't let go of the past it seemed and wanted to continue the hostilities.     

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 23, 2023, 06:41:47 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

The points made by Torra and Ensign Ramort made Nira narrow her eyes. Ramort's report about some particular ships in hiding...the fact that the Klingons reported their only ships were being repaired, it had to mean raiders. Either from a rival house of Klingons...or Romulans. The fact that there was some kind of interference to the viewscreen, it had to mean some kind of jamming.

"Mister V'Larinn, prime a quantum torpedo to generate an electromagnetic pulse and set for delayed detonation," she ordered.

"Of course, Commander," said V'Larinn. "Accessing the priming systems now to prepare a warhead," he said, looking through it; he was a little slow as he worked, and Nira could feel something from him. She looked behind her and could see something in V'Larinn's eyes...a memory flooded toward her, it was so... "loud." A memory of his seizing the Tactical Station, killing his department head, and practically unloading the whole arsenal as part of the fleet bombardment, all the while muttering mindlessly, "Eliminate all unassimilated."

Of course, she thought. The last time he manned this station and worked Tactical, he was a drone. She adjusted her posture to make sure she looked at him full in the face and said with an encouraging smile, "I believe in you, Ensign. You got this."

V'Larinn looked at her, and then nodded. Despite being a Vulcan, Nira was sure she was feeling he was reassured. And then he worked with resolve. A moment later, he said, "Quantum torpedo adjusted and ready. Set for delayed detonation of ten seconds upon launch."

Nira smiled. He really knew the systems very well. "Target the dust clusters and fire from the rear launcher."

V'Larinn nodded and worked, then said, "Ready."


The torpedo flew out, floated toward the clusters, and sent an EMP shockwave upon detonation. The electromagnetic pulse had knocked out the cloaks and a few systems, but the Birds of Prey were still function in weapons, shields and propulsion. The viewscreen came out clearer than before, now that the interference was lifted, and they saw the Birds of Prey clearly: in particular, they were a trio of Romulan Birds of Prey. Upon their exposure, they turned their course away from the Revenant like bats out of hell.

"I knew it! After them, Mister Cutter!" ordered Nira. "Intercept course! Bridge to Engineering, channel power to engines but some power to weapons!"

Looking around, she gave her orders. "Torra, contact Iquilon, let them know we have Romulan Raiders giving us trouble. Mister Ramort, scan the ships, see what's working and what's not. Kinley," she added, turning to her First Officer, "determine the signatures of the Romulan ships and cross reference with Starfleet Records, find out what faction they're from; they sure as hell cannot be vessels of the Free State."

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - [As Nathan Cutter]

On seeing the Birds of Prey and hearing the command to pursuit, Nathan put the Revenant into a hard side slip, rolled to port to fit between a pair of large asteroids and then flattened out into a high starboard side intercept, as it looked like he'd over shoot the trailing Romulan, he fired the forward  and starboard forward thrusters to put the agile Revenant into a full starboard drift that put the Romulan directly in front of them for an easy shot.

"You want to fly? Then let's fly."

He murmured as he waited for tactical to fire.

Nira Said

Quote from: James Ramort on December 23, 2023, 07:38:32 PM

"On it!"

The continuous scan he sat up earlier had primarily focused the hidden ships and now that they had entered regular sensor range a whole wall of data was streaming into the Revenants Computers. Also including preliminary system reports on the Birds of Pray. Since the Shiptype was well known to the Federation the Computer didn't took a long time to parse through the vital systems.

"Most primary systems of the uncloaked ships are still fully functional. Only their Cloaks and Long Range Communication Arrays seem to have been disabled. Weapons, Shields, Engines and Sensors are still hot. They could retaliate if they want."

Most primary systems operational meant they could probably repair their Cloaks again in relatively short time. He needed a way to keep them visible if they tried. Guided by this thought he input secondary search parameters for leaks in their systems of any kind hinting at their location as well as having the Computer compile all available data on their cloaking tech.

Quote from: M'Nia on December 23, 2023, 08:39:30 PM

"ON it Captain!" M'nia made the adjustments quickly. "Bridge, engineering. All done. All power has been diverted to engines and some to weapons!" Looking to Feeka, "welcome to engineering Feeka! This is where the challenge is. Engineering on the fly!"

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 24, 2023, 05:33:23 PM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (prior to beaming down to the planet)

Torra seemed puzzled a moment at Vila's question of what they were supposed to doing.  She'd heard that the Ensign had authority issues but had never seen her unable to perform her duties in the past so figured the question was intended to test Torra's tolerance of ridiculous questions.

"We're here escorting a medical transport responding to a call for aid in the Iquilion System."Torra answered with what information she had at that time.  "While in orbit of the planet - monitor communications, maintain the ship's EPS systems and stand ready for further orders. Commander Garrison will be in charge." she advised.

[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (after returning from planet, during the meteor attack)

Having been warned by Commander tr'Lhoell to keep Lorut as active as possible, when Nira's orders were issued, Torra then delegated the comms task on to Lorut.  "Ensign Lorut, contact Iquilon.  Inform them of the Romulan ships....Ask them if they might know anything about these suspected raiders.  Any information they might have on them could be useful."

Meanwhile, Torra was double checking their own power relays after the EMP, wanting to ensure none of the Revenant's systems had been affected.  It was unlikely, given the distance; but having a system down because she didn't check was not an option with three potential enemies out there  - not to mention the still on coming meteroids.

News that the ships were registered to the New Romulan Empire, had the Grazerite frowning.  A holdover splinter faction that couldn't let go of the past it seemed and wanted to continue the hostilities.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 26, 2023, 01:21:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - [As Nathan Cutter]

On seeing the Birds of Prey and hearing the command to pursuit, Nathan put the Revenant into a hard side slip, rolled to port to fit between a pair of large asteroids and then flattened out into a high starboard side intercept, as it looked like he'd over shoot the trailing Romulan, he fired the forward  and starboard forward thrusters to put the agile Revenant into a full starboard drift that put the Romulan directly in front of them for an easy shot.

"You want to fly? Then let's fly."

He murmured as he waited for tactical to fire.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

The Revenant was giving chase. Nira narrowed her eyes at mention of their signatures, as well as curled her lips.

"SO," she snarled. "They're itching to make war, but they can't do it, are they? Not after what Captain Picard and his crew did. They're settling on pirate raids inspired by Gul Sherem, presumably?"

It was a ponderous question to herself. She was still kept looking at Intelligence reports regarding the Praetorians and the Triumvirate when she could. From what's reported from the Free State, there had been a momentary build-up of ships in Romulan territory further outward, heading towards the Delta Quadrant, but then they just disappeared. Right within the time reported that the Borg signal controlling the assimilated youth had dispersed. It was obvious why: They couldn't carry out their invasion; they were banking on having the Borg ships fight alongside them as they destroyed what's left of the Federation.

Nonetheless, Nira was still suspicious. True, there was no way anybody could dare to attack Earth with most of the fleet still around, even if they were being reprogrammed, the compensation for defense with all of Earth's facilities in orbit destroyed. But Nira was suspicious that the Praetorians could attack the moment the fleet was gone, when Earth had relaxed a little...

"Commander, enemy ships are heading toward the Asclepius,"
said Ensign V'Larinn.

"Attack a weaker opponent while exposed, are they?" snarled Nira. "V'Larinn, fire on two of the ships at your discretion. Shoot the engines off the third, preferably the lead ship; I want to make sure their officers are alive so we can get answers..."

"Targeting's not functioning well," V'Larinn said. "The electromagnetic pulse had taken out at least one or two systems; senors still work, as do the weapon systems. Targeting will have to be calibrated manually."

"Looks like you'll be the targeting sights for V'Larinn, Mister Cutter,"
said Nira. "Get in the path of the Romulans, we have to keep them off the Asclepius. Point them in his way once you get the Revenant in their paths. V'Larinn, fire once Cutter gets a good position. Torra, see what you can do with the targeting system," she ordered Torra.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Danjar-Torra Addams


Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during Romulan faction attack)

Quote from: Nira Said on December 26, 2023, 04:07:00 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

"Targeting's not functioning well," V'Larinn said. "The electromagnetic pulse had taken out at least one or two systems; senors still work, as do the weapon systems. Targeting will have to be calibrated manually."

"Looks like you'll be the targeting sights for V'Larinn, Mister Cutter,"
said Nira. "Get in the path of the Romulans, we have to keep them off the Asclepius. Point them in his way once you get the Revenant in their paths. V'Larinn, fire once Cutter gets a good position. Torra, see what you can do with the targeting system," she ordered Torra.

Hearing that tactical targeting was down, Torra immediately altered from checking the lifesupport and engine systems to the tactical systems.  At Nira's command, Torra nodded. "Yes ma'am. Already working on it."

The Grazerite discovered that it wasn't just the targeting that was down, though that did seem to be the most notable malfunction, but also the phaser recharge was down.  The ship would be working with a limited number of shots... at least until Torra could get the system repaired.

"Captain, weapons will be limited to one shot each phaser - both cannons and array - until Ensign Lorut and I can figure out which capacitors are down and are able to bypass them. I'll update you as soon as I know more," she advised then looked towards Lorut with an expectant look.

"Vila, I'll need your assistance to do this. Because the malfunction is affecting all the phasers, I'm suspecting it may be best to just do a direct tie in to the engines to power the phasers until after the battle and then find and repair the damaged units."

Torra tapped her comm. =/\="Lieutenant M'Nia, tactical is having issues with the phaser recharge.  I'd like to suggest to the Captain a direct tie in to the engines to power the phasers.  Is that workable on your end?"=/\=

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 26, 2023, 04:07:00 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

The Revenant was giving chase. Nira narrowed her eyes at mention of their signatures, as well as curled her lips.

"SO," she snarled. "They're itching to make war, but they can't do it, are they? Not after what Captain Picard and his crew did. They're settling on pirate raids inspired by Gul Sherem, presumably?"

It was a ponderous question to herself. She was still kept looking at Intelligence reports regarding the Praetorians and the Triumvirate when she could. From what's reported from the Free State, there had been a momentary build-up of ships in Romulan territory further outward, heading towards the Delta Quadrant, but then they just disappeared. Right within the time reported that the Borg signal controlling the assimilated youth had dispersed. It was obvious why: They couldn't carry out their invasion; they were banking on having the Borg ships fight alongside them as they destroyed what's left of the Federation.

Nonetheless, Nira was still suspicious. True, there was no way anybody could dare to attack Earth with most of the fleet still around, even if they were being reprogrammed, the compensation for defense with all of Earth's facilities in orbit destroyed. But Nira was suspicious that the Praetorians could attack the moment the fleet was gone, when Earth had relaxed a little...

"Commander, enemy ships are heading toward the Asclepius,"
said Ensign V'Larinn.

"Attack a weaker opponent while exposed, are they?" snarled Nira. "V'Larinn, fire on two of the ships at your discretion. Shoot the engines off the third, preferably the lead ship; I want to make sure their officers are alive so we can get answers..."

"Targeting's not functioning well," V'Larinn said. "The electromagnetic pulse had taken out at least one or two systems; senors still work, as do the weapon systems. Targeting will have to be calibrated manually."

"Looks like you'll be the targeting sights for V'Larinn, Mister Cutter,"
said Nira. "Get in the path of the Romulans, we have to keep them off the Asclepius. Point them in his way once you get the Revenant in their paths. V'Larinn, fire once Cutter gets a good position. Torra, see what you can do with the targeting system," she ordered Torra.

[Bridge - USS Revenant] - [As Nathan Cutter]

Nathan didn't respond to the captain as he had already lined up the ship for a perfect shot, if he could, he would fire the weapons himself. Rather than say anything he'd regret, he simply replied.

"Aye Sir."


Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 28, 2023, 06:59:13 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during Romulan faction attack)

Hearing that tactical targeting was down, Torra immediately altered from checking the lifesupport and engine systems to the tactical systems.  At Nira's command, Torra nodded. "Yes ma'am. Already working on it."

The Grazerite discovered that it wasn't just the targeting that was down, though that did seem to be the most notable malfunction, but also the phaser recharge was down.  The ship would be working with a limited number of shots... at least until Torra could get the system repaired.

"Captain, weapons will be limited to one shot each phaser - both cannons and array - until Ensign Lorut and I can figure out which capacitors are down and are able to bypass them. I'll update you as soon as I know more," she advised then looked towards Lorut with an expectant look.

"Vila, I'll need your assistance to do this. Because the malfunction is affecting all the phasers, I'm suspecting it may be best to just do a direct tie in to the engines to power the phasers until after the battle and then find and repair the damaged units."

Torra tapped her comm. =/\="Lieutenant M'Nia, tactical is having issues with the phaser recharge.  I'd like to suggest to the Captain a direct tie in to the engines to power the phasers.  Is that workable on your end?"[/color]

"M'nia here. Direct tie in eh? Maybe. Let me check but I think it can be done! I'll have to check a few things but off the top of my head, I'd say yes."

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during Romulan faction attack)

Quote from: M'Nia on December 28, 2023, 05:24:41 PM

"M'nia here. Direct tie in eh? Maybe. Let me check but I think it can be done! I'll have to check a few things but off the top of my head, I'd say yes."

Having received the answer she had hoped, Torra muted her end of the comm and looked first to the Commander, following the Chain of Command.  "Permission to proceed with the attempt to tie-in the phasers directly to the engine's EPS lines?"  The decision to do so was not Torra's but lay in the hands of the Commander and the Captain.  Torra was merely offering an option.
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 29, 2023, 04:30:10 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during Romulan faction attack)

Having received the answer she had hoped, Torra muted her end of the comm and looked first to the Commander, following the Chain of Command.  "Permission to proceed with the attempt to tie-in the phasers directly to the engine's EPS lines?"  The decision to do so was not Torra's but lay in the hands of the Commander and the Captain.  Torra was merely offering an option.


Kinley held on as the ship tilted and gave the go to Torra. "Permission granted.  Do what you need to." she said, giving a confused look. Why they were wantng to cause trouble was concerning.  "œThey really seem to want to try and fan the flames and start something. Mr. Ramort, can you do a scan and  see if there are any weaknesses in their ships? Also, Mr. Cutter, keep up the fancy flying".

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Nira Said

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 28, 2023, 06:59:13 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during Romulan faction attack)

Hearing that tactical targeting was down, Torra immediately altered from checking the lifesupport and engine systems to the tactical systems.  At Nira's command, Torra nodded. "Yes ma'am. Already working on it."

The Grazerite discovered that it wasn't just the targeting that was down, though that did seem to be the most notable malfunction, but also the phaser recharge was down.  The ship would be working with a limited number of shots... at least until Torra could get the system repaired.

"Captain, weapons will be limited to one shot each phaser - both cannons and array - until Ensign Lorut and I can figure out which capacitors are down and are able to bypass them. I'll update you as soon as I know more," she advised then looked towards Lorut with an expectant look.

"Vila, I'll need your assistance to do this. Because the malfunction is affecting all the phasers, I'm suspecting it may be best to just do a direct tie in to the engines to power the phasers until after the battle and then find and repair the damaged units."

Torra tapped her comm. =/\="Lieutenant M'Nia, tactical is having issues with the phaser recharge.  I'd like to suggest to the Captain a direct tie in to the engines to power the phasers.  Is that workable on your end?"=/\=

Quote from: M'Nia on December 28, 2023, 05:24:41 PM

"M'nia here. Direct tie in eh? Maybe. Let me check but I think it can be done! I'll have to check a few things but off the top of my head, I'd say yes."

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on December 29, 2023, 04:30:10 AM

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during Romulan faction attack)

Having received the answer she had hoped, Torra muted her end of the comm and looked first to the Commander, following the Chain of Command.  "Permission to proceed with the attempt to tie-in the phasers directly to the engine's EPS lines?"  The decision to do so was not Torra's but lay in the hands of the Commander and the Captain.  Torra was merely offering an option.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 29, 2023, 05:00:32 PM


Kinley held on as the ship tilted and gave the go to Torra. Permission granted.  Do what you need to. she said, giving a confused look. Why they were wantng to cause trouble was concerning.  "œThey really seem to want to try and fan the flames and start something. Mr. Ramort, can you do a scan and  see if there are any weaknesses in their ships? Also, Mr. Cutter, keep up the fancy flying.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

That was certainly a bigger problem, that the phaser recharge would be limited. But channeling power through the engines would make quite a punch. After Torra's conferring with M'Nia and getting her permission from Kinley, Nira replied, "And I am in agreement. Channeling through the engines will definitely amplify our power; Mister V'Larinn, make sure your shots count."

The Birds of Prey were on top of the Asclepius, which was too focused on reducing debris into dust, and could not respond in time. Fortunately, the Revenant was able to catch up, thanks to Cutter's flying.

"A kilometer closer, we'll get singed," said V'Larinn warningly.

"Fire!" Nira ordered.

The lone bursts from each cannon and array managed to slice through the shields and nacelles of one Bird of Prey. It was now adrift, no longer able to move. One down.

It was enough to get the attention of the other two off the Asclepius.

"Transmit a message to Captain Bhox on the Asclepius!" ordered Nira. "Tell him to hold that crippled Bird of Prey until it can be escorted to Iquilon. Meantime, we got to keep these two busy until we have engine power channeled."

Indeed, Cutter's fancy flying was able to keep the Romulan ships busy as Engineering and Ops worked. But the dance didn't last long before the two began to swoop on them on either side.

"Shields at sixty percent," said V'Larinn urgently. "We can't keep this up foreve...sirs, Klingon ship deloaking. Somraw class Raptor."

The viewscreen showed one of the Raptors in for repairs swooping behind a Bird of Prey and firing on it, followed by a hail to the Revenant. When it was answered, a fit Klingon was smiling at them.

"This is Commander Kath of the Luq'Argh. Looks like we got here in time."

"My thanks for your timing, Commander,"
said Nira. "And thanks for helping against these culprits."

"Indeed," said Kath. "I wondered when they would be back; they had been raiding us for some time...we can explain once we finish this battle."

"That we can," said Nira, smiling with determined resolution, feeling like she was back in her Klingon Exchange Program. "Let's finish them, Kath. Commander Said out."

The transmission ended, the two ships then worked together to make short work of the two remaining Birds of Prey, especially as the news came in, just as Kath cut communications, that the weapons were now channeled through the engines. Nira felt like whooping like a Klingon herself.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


M'nia studied the schematics of he engines, the phasers, torpedos and everything applicable. She carefully looked a connecting circuits and routing power to the weapons system. "Yes it can be done." the next several minutes were spent connecting circuits and rerouting power to the weapons system directly. She made her way to the jefferies tube and re routed some stuff there. "M'nia to bridge. Ok got power feeding directly in the weapons system. How long it will hold without overloading I can't say but it will add power to your shots!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Danjar-Torra Addams

Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Revenant - Deck 1 - Bridge] (during Romulan faction attack)

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on December 29, 2023, 05:00:32 PM


Kinley held on as the ship tilted and gave the go to Torra. "Permission granted.  Do what you need to." she said, giving a confused look. Why they were wantng to cause trouble was concerning.  "œThey really seem to want to try and fan the flames and start something. Mr. Ramort, can you do a scan and  see if there are any weaknesses in their ships? Also, Mr. Cutter, keep up the fancy flying".

Quote from: Nira Said on December 29, 2023, 07:03:19 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

That was certainly a bigger problem, that the phaser recharge would be limited. But channeling power through the engines would make quite a punch. After Torra's conferring with M'Nia and getting her permission from Kinley, Nira replied, "And I am in agreement. Channeling through the engines will definitely amplify our power; Mister V'Larinn, make sure your shots count."

Torra contacted Engineering to give M'Nia the 'go-ahead' to try connecting the system directly to the engine, circumventing the damaged capacitors in each of the EPS relays.  Meanwhile, the Grazerite worked with Lorut to ensure the tactical console regained their control over targeting.
Quote from: M'Nia on December 29, 2023, 08:18:24 PM

M'nia studied the schematics of he engines, the phasers, torpedos and everything applicable. She carefully looked a connecting circuits and routing power to the weapons system. "Yes it can be done." the next several minutes were spent connecting circuits and rerouting power to the weapons system directly. She made her way to the jefferies tube and re routed some stuff there. "M'nia to bridge. Ok got power feeding directly in the weapons system. How long it will hold without overloading I can't say but it will add power to your shots!"

Quote from: Nira Said on December 29, 2023, 07:03:19 PM

Indeed, Cutter's fancy flying was able to keep the Romulan ships busy as Engineering and Ops worked. But the dance didn't last long before the two began to swoop on them on either side.

"Shields at sixty percent," said V'Larinn urgently. "We can't keep this up foreve...sirs, Klingon ship decloaking. Somraw class Raptor."

The transmission ended, the two ships then worked together to make short work of the two remaining Birds of Prey, especially as the news came in, just as Kath cut communications, that the weapons were now channeled through the engines. Nira felt like whooping like a Klingon herself.
Given that her auxiliary station was closest to the tactical station, Torra was the one who had the side panel open and her arms elbow deep in wiring while Lorut guided her actions based on the diagnostic of what isolinear chip needed to be removed and replaced.  Thankfully spare chips were often kept just inside the panel for exactly moments like now.

"There!" she called out "I have switched out the targeting sensor chip.  Are there anymore that need to be replaced, Ensign Lorut?" the Grazerite asked, hoping that there wasn't and that the Ensign would give the Commander the report that the targeting was functioning once more. 

Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Lorut Vila


USS Revenant

Around her, things were moving quickly. Her brain kicked into action; idle no more, the Ops officer began the tasks to keep the ship's vital operations going smoothly. As she finished, and watched the away team move on, she stood.

"Ah, Lorut, can you head down to Engineering to assist M'Nia and Feeka? They're going to need as much help as needed."

The ensign just gave a curt nod. At least that gods-forsaken Ferengi wasn't here. She stood up to go, but was stopped by Addam's voice.


"Captain, weapons will be limited to one shot each phaser - both cannons and array - until Ensign Lorut and I can figure out which capacitors are down and are able to bypass them. I'll update you as soon as I know more...Vila, I'll need your assistance to do this. Because the malfunction is affecting all the phasers, I'm suspecting it may be best to just do a direct tie in to the engines to power the phasers until after the battle and then find and repair the damaged units".

She sat back down. "œYes, ma'am, I'm on it," she said. Her brown hair fell forward as she got to work, tapping away at buttons, and flipping switches as necessary.

"œShould I also cut power to all non-essential programs?" She asked.


[USS Asclepus - Captains ready room] Captain Bhox

Captain Bhox tapped away at her console in her ready room, across from her was her Chief Medical Officer, Lt. Commander Nicholas Shan(human), and her Chief Security Officer, Commander Los Joshnal(Tellarite). She raised her eye implying for her CSO to continue his comments after a brief pause.

"Well as I was saying in the report. The colony has been doing well. For the talks of multiple asteroid strikes as long as we can figure out what is behind this infrastructure and our assistance should be more then enough for a speedy recovery. Although I am still concerned about having so many of our teams down on the surface. Even with peaceful intentions we are technically outside federation territory. Standard procedure would recommend a larger security on the surface in case anything happens. While our team here is still small-"

The USS Asclepus rocked a bit and the conversation paused. For the past few hours the hospital ship was working with the Revenant on shooting down any incoming asteroids. The heavier firepower of the small corvette would destroy the large rocks and the more numerous phasers of the Asclepus destroyed the smaller rocks as they burned up in atmosphere. Captain Bhox had handed the conn to her first officer some time ago and was going reports and handling the start of phase 2 of relief operations. The offloading of industrial fabricators to begin the reconstruction processes with her two senior staff on the matter. After the ship steadied Cmdr Joshnal continued,

"While our team is still small, we can be put to use on the surface to actually do our jobs. Rather then move around boxes."

Captain Bhox nodded in agreement as she turned to look at the Cmdr, "I agree that security has been light. I've seen your report on the fight that took place so your implications are not lost on me." she kept the calm friendly demeanor of the sociable Denobulans turned on but even for her the brash and passive aggressive Tellarite tested her at moments, But we are in Klingon space, a quiet part too. That scuffle was just an insolated incident and I still don't see any threat to our people down there. Any big escalation may cause more problems.

She could already tell that the Commander wanted to say something more, but she simply and held up a hand, "Of course my friend, we can't just do nothing. So let's move up our security to just one per clinic as a compromise. Is that okay with you doctor?"

LtCmdr Shan nodded in agreement, "Fine with me. As long as everyone is comfortable with the surface arrangements and I can keep my Doctors on the ground informed."

Captain Bhox smiled. Give and take, give and take. Always needed on a ship and excellent traits of a good captain. She smiled and clapped her hands together. When there was another alert that a small asteroid had struck the Asclepus, a few minor breaches were caused which by the time the assembled officers had looked at the alert was already patched up. The Asclepus was quite a bit larger then the Revenant so small strikes like that were shrugged off much better then on the small corvette. Captain Bhox gave a little chuckle as she set it down,

"After a while those alerts get a little monotonous haha." she made the joke to lighten the mood as she stood up to get some drinks for everyone and finish up their meeting when suddenly a MUCH larger thing hit the ship, fully knocking her down and activating the ships red alert. LtCmdr Shan was already on her as Commander Joshnal had run out to take his position at the Bridge. I'm okay. I'm okay. she said as The Doctor helped her up,  =/\="Captain Bhox to Commander Drayton! What hit us?" =/\=

Commander Drayton, first officer, responded a moment later,  =/\= "Disrupters Captain! Revenant found some Birds-of-Prey! Praetorian from the looks of things and they're on us!"=/\=

Captain Bhox stumbled to the Bridge as another hit rocked the ship, "Status!"

"They caught us off guard sir! Minor damage overall but our port nacell was hit. Maneuvering will be a little difficult until it can be repaired." said some junior officer from Bhox's periphery.

Captain Bhox nodded her understanding and took a look at the battle from her captains console. The Asclepus wasn't a military vessel but it had the weapons to defend itself at least, by providing support to the Revenant they could hopefully box them in, even with her ships damaged nacell. She was about to give the order to turn the phasers on the Birds-of-Prey when her pilot, Ensign Avery, spoke up.

"Captain! 2 asteroids inbound! Revenant is occupied right now and couldn't break them up fully!"

Captain Bhox without hesitation gave the order to focus fire on the asteroids, if those hit the planet the devastation would be bad, and she still had people down there to protect, but it also left her ship vulnerable to the continued attacks from the Romulans. Yet again the ship rocked from more attacks, Captain Bhox pursed her lips, the Asclepus was both not maneuverable enough, and not armed enough to handle both threats. But was the Revenant able to handle 3 Birds-of-Prey? She exhaled as she watched one of the asteroids break up from the attacks, Of course a standard relief mission had to turn so complicated.

"Patch me through to the Revenant!" she ordered,  =/\="Revenant! this is Captain Bhox of the Asclepus we have more asteroids in-bound on the planet. Our port Nacelle has recieved damage and our maneuvering is limited until we can get it repaired! Please cover while we deal with the asteroids!" =/\= she leaned forward in her seat as she heard reports of injuries on deck 13 from a hull breach. She hoped the small corvette could provide the cover they need for the repairs and dispatching of the asteroids.

"Worrying only means you suffer twice"
Trill Female(Unjoined) | #8EA1DF | Age:22 | 1.7m | Doctor, Medical Engineer | USS Discovery

Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Nira perked up when Captain Bhox called in. She cringed at the news from Bhox of the attack on the Asclepius. "We already have you covered, Captain," said Nira. "It shouldn't be long with our new friend Commander Kath. Said out."

Turning to the helm, Nira said, "Mister Cutter, get us in proximity to the disabled Bird of Prey. Torra, get to the transporters and beam the crew aboard. V'Larinn?"

"I got their shields," he said, and fired. The Revenant dived while the Luq'Argh engaged the other two. Now that they had prisoners, the Revenant dived around and helped finish the fight.

Acting Captain's Log, Stardate 78432.1. Our mission is a success. We stopped the onslaught of meteors and helped the people of Iquilon Prime. Except there's more to the meteors than we realized. It even solved a little mystery that had been bothering me for some time: Why the New Romulan Empire, why the Praetorian Triumvirate had not started their attack after their declaration of war on what they claimed was "the last of the Federation."

It turns out that the Praetorian Triumvirate have been forced to hide their ships after Captain Picard and his old crew had stopped the Borg signal from Jupiter's Great Red Spot and freed the assimilated youth. They had been banking on joining forces with the Borg ships to make an invincible force to annihilate the rest of the Federation to destruction or assimilation. But after Picard thwarted that effort, the Praetorians were forced to hide.

Fleet whereabouts unknown, but for some of the more worked-up zealots, anxious for blood, they had resorted to raids along the border and especially well into Klingon space, determined that they'll have an easier fight against Klingons than against the Federation. They particularly chose backwaters that can be weakened and, in time, they could bring larger forces to occupy them. The Iquilon System was one of them, but the Klingons had been beating them back. The Praetorians then decided to use a more cunning means of attack: Cloaking and then tractoring clusters of stellar debris from a nearby asteroid belt to bombard the planet with "meteors" to cow them into submission. They certainly did not expect help from the Federation, they had done such a good job of making this look like a natural occurrence.

The Revenant is en route back to Starbase 133 for debrief and new orders, especially since this information needs to be relayed to Starfleet Command. Lieutenant Lachlyn is staying with the Asclepius to help finish medical efforts, and then she'll be headed to Starbase 133 and returning to Earth for reassignment. We on the other hand await our next mission as part of our six-month assignment on the Revenant. We are expected to have new officers to help in our department, Exchange Program officers: Three Klingon officers for Security and four Romulans, two from the Free State and two from the Unification Movement, all awaiting us at Starbase 133.

We, however, have an escort from the Luq'Argh, and Commander Kath insisted on a celebration, something I feel to seal the boost in morale to our officers.

[Commander Nira Said | Mess Hall | Deck Three | USS Revenant NCC-99333]

Not for the first time did Kath and the officers he brought with him to the mess hall gazed in amazement. The oldest officer in his retinue was especially impressed; he had fought in the Dominion War and had seen the Defiant in action, and he kept on saying how much the Revenant reminded him of the Defiant.

Nira looked around. The whole crew was gathered, with exception to Dersch, taking rest in Sickbay, while the EMH manned the bridge controls and took over as Emergency Command Hologram to keep the ship going.

Naturally, the party opened with a speech before the refreshments could be served. Nira started.

"Ladies and gentlemen," she said, "I want to offer my congratulations to you all. I am very proud by what you have accomplished in our first mission together. Especially to Commander Garrison, Lieutenant Dersch, and to the remaining original crew of the Revenant. You have done much to make your loved ones proud. Nathan Cutter, Feeka Olisa, V'Larinn, I am happy that this mission has brought back morale to you."

"If I may add," Commander Kath pointed out, "there is nothing like a victory in a challenge or a battle to raise morale. I am aware of what transpired to the youth of Starfleet. It pricks a warrior's heart enough to see so many brought down, it's even enough to bring a tear to a warrior's eye in pity. But I can say how much a victory can bring to one's soul.

"See, my father had served on the IKS Rotarran when the Great Martok had assumed command," Kath explained. "He too had seen the youth of Starfleet brought to low feelings and was reminded of the Rotarran's constant defeats until Martok turned things around. A victory had boosted their morale, and so has a victory done so now. I can concur with your commanding officer. You have done things to make one proud. And I am honored to be among such great warriors who would get back up to face new challenges. My regards to you, and on behalf of the governors of Iquilon, we all are grateful to you all."

And with a proud smile on his face, he raised his tankard in salute and in a toast. And Nira followed suit, looking at Cutter, Feeka and V'Larinn, with Counselor Bat standing near them. And she bowed her head toward them.

"And I give my salaams to you, these excellent officers. I am honored to serve with you."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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