
Started by James A. Hawke, January 05, 2017, 06:19:04 PM

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Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 06, 2017, 04:20:11 AM

[M'kemas III, Federation Black Site - 2399]

Although the Tzenkethi threat had been crushed by the Tempest years ago, there were still Anti-Federation radicals that attempted some form of plot or another every so often. In this particular case, Erizor-Tor-Mak, an agent of the Tzenkethi Aurtarch had been convicted on charges of terrorism after the bombing of the Federation embassy on Tzenketh. The Tzenkethi officials had been fairly helpful in allowing the Federation to run the investigaton unhindered but Federation investigators hadn't gotten very far and Starfleet Intelligence had decided to bring now Lieutenant Commander James Hawk in and interrogate the bomber.

He wasn't a fan of Black Sites like this where SFI agents extracted information using illegal methods but James believed that in certain circumstances this was nessasary. SFI had reason to believe that more attacks were coming and wanted to do whatever they had to in order to prevent any more attacks. James wanted to try and get information off the bomber before SFI brought in "Enhanced Interrogation Experts" and hoped that torture wouldn't become nessasary.

James sat behind a one sided mirror and stared at the prisoner. Soon he would go in, he was just waiting for one of the SFI Officers to finish running facial recognition for a suspected accomplice to the bombing that was caught on surveillance footage. He almost hated waiting like this more than he did this distasteful business.

[M'kemas III, Federation Black Site - 2399]

Agent Ferguson had another person in his list a tactical officer with a high rank.  He was considered a great military mind and a person that would get the job done regardless of the consequences he was an ideal candidate for recruitment.

Ferguson materialized in the black site area and looked around.  He walked into a room with a one sided mirror and looked at Lt. Commander Hawk.  "Lietenant Commander Hawk, this is Agent Ferguson, can I have a minute of your time before you continue, Sir?"
He purposefully left the name of his agency  vague sparking an interest from a tactical officer.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 06, 2017, 02:59:17 AM

[Science Labs -2399]

Agent Ferguson entered the Science Lab.  He was wearing a complete black uniform that was not Starfleet Standard on 2399.  In this mission Time was on the Essence and he could not afford to waste time convincing people.   From his perspective she was a hero and important person, but she was needed for this dangerous mission.

He spoke with a very slow and methodical voice "Lieutenant Garrison, my name is Agent Ferguson, from the Temporal Integrity Commission of the 31st Century and I need your help to save the Federation.  You have been hand selected for a mission to save the Federation.  The mission is dangerous, impossible odds, no backup...but if it fails it would be the end of history as we know it.  I don't have much time, are you interested in hearing more?"

Agent Ferguson asked.  He did not have much time for nicety and subtle hints.  She was a legend and she was selected because she could handle the situation.

[Science Labs]
Kinley's jaw dropped.  Was this real? This definitely did not seem real. They chose her, out of all people, to be part of some crazy mission where it was likely that the fate of the universe would rest on whether this mission succeeded or failed. No backup, very minimal chance of victory, and who knows what might happen. But heck. Why not?   She stood up to face the Agent.    "Alright.  I have no idea what the heck's going on or what's going to happen, but I'm in. Now can I find out what the heck I've managed to get myself into?"
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

James H. Hawk

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 06, 2017, 04:55:29 AM

[M'kemas III, Federation Black Site - 2399]

Agent Ferguson had another person in his list a tactical officer with a high rank.  He was considered a great military mind and a person that would get the job done regardless of the consequences he was an ideal candidate for recruitment.

Ferguson materialized in the black site area and looked around.  He walked into a room with a one sided mirror and looked at Lt. Commander Hawk.  "Lieutenant Commander Hawk, this is Agent Ferguson, can I have a minute of your time before you continue, Sir?"
He purposefully left the name of his agency  vague sparking an interest from a tactical officer.

"I am just about to begin my Interrogation so I don't have much time so you will have to be quick, Agent Ferguson," James was suspicious and he felt his hand move almost on a mind of its own to rest on his phaser in case he needed to use it. James hadn't heard of an Agent Ferguson here and the Black Site didn't have many people here. "What agency are you with?" he asked with a cautious tone.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on January 06, 2017, 04:32:39 AM

{XO's Office, Deep Space 5 - 2401}

Leo and his wife, Cat, were setting up his new office. It had been a long road getting to where he was now. He placed a holopic of his first crewmates beside his monitor. He glanced over at the lovely ginger and smiled to himself. She was busily rearranging his collection of model starships she got him for his birthday on a shelf, her favored tribble bouncing around her feet. He accepted this position over one on a starship since Cat was now 5 months along with their first child. He noticed that Trip was about to get in her way. He moved over and swooped the now greying blonde tribble out of the way and it purred at the attention.

"Well, babe," he started, "I was looking over the compliment of shuttles and such the base had and I think I'm going to ask the CO if we can get a Defiant-class ship added to it. I'm surprised the isn't one here already. Considering the ever present threat of the Borg."

"Anxious to get in the pilot seat again, Flyboy?" She winked at him, with a twinkle in her eyes.

"It's not just that," he replied with a sheepish grin. "I need to think of the safety of everyone on board. And yes, those ships are old, but so far Starfleet hasn't fully developed a stronger, better suited one yet. Especially at that size."

She laid a hand on her belly and sighed thoughtfully. "I'd really like to say you're worrying over nothing, but you really can't be too careful."

"Speaking of," he said lovingly, "you should head to our room for a bit. Everything is just about set up."

"Love, I'm pregnant, not invalid. I'm just peaches to move about normally. Besides exercise is good for the little one's development. But I could set for a bit with my feet up." She stuck her tongue out at him, about as dignified a response as she was wont to give him.

With that, he watched his wife leave. He sat down and started reviewing the base's crew and the list of ships coming in within the week.

After an hour or so, he decided to read up on some history. It was a recent hobby, but he had always enjoyed the subject.

He quickly picked back up with first all-out encounter with the Borg starting with the Battle of Wolf 359.

He decided to try and modify the career path Admiral Riker took since Riker had been something of an idol of his.

Agent Ferguson transported into the XO's Office.  He knew that it was sudden but needed.  He observed what he was reading and said "Mr. Scott, seems like you like reading about the Borg"  He commented.

Shortly afterwards he explain "Whoa, Whoa, don't worry I am not a intruder...I know Mr. Scott and I need you help to save the Federation from the save Commander Riker's life against impossible odds....are you interested?"  He asked


{Science Lab, USS Equinox - 2400}

Sevoc had recently been promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to Equinox as her Chief Science Officer. The ship had just gone under a refit and was about to embark on a deep space research mission in the Gamma Quadrant.

While he found the new opportunity a great way to learn more about the Gamma Quadrant. The scientific anomalies that were still being discovered were indeed fascinating.

The hybrid decided to start doing some research on some form of inoculation to help prevent Borg incursion on the biological components of any humanoid. It seemed the logical thing to do since their flight plan did take them close to the Delta Quadrant.

He poured over any bit of information he could find. He had requested a medical petty officer to assist. The PO2 arrived and reported to Sevoc.

Petty Officer Rizzo, reporting sir.

"Nice to meet you Petty Officer," Sevoc replied. "If you would not mind, I will require you to grab a few hyposprays so we can continue this research."

Aye, sir. By the way, how were you able to get the nano-technology here?

"It is illogical to question such things. However, if you must know, I have a connection on Denobula. As my mother was an ambassador, she made a few trips there and I found a trustworthy companion that I still keep in regular contact with," Sevoc replied in a calm manner.

Fair enough, sir. Can I just say welcome aboard and it's a pleasure to have you on board.

"The pleasantries are welcome, but are unnecessary," Sevoc replied, sounding remarkably like Ambassador Sarek. "Now, since time is of the essence, could you please gather the hypos and other supplies found on this PADD so we may begin?"

The petty officer nodded and left the lab. Sevoc continued to read the notes Yolepht had sent with the nano-probes.

So that would make me a blue-blooded hobgoblin?
Alt for Leo

Leonard T. Scott

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 06, 2017, 05:10:06 AM

Agent Ferguson transported into the XO's Office.  He knew that it was sudden but needed.  He observed what he was reading and said "Mr. Scott, seems like you like reading about the Borg"  He commented.

Shortly afterwards he explain "Whoa, Whoa, don't worry I am not a intruder...I know Mr. Scott and I need you help to save the Federation from the save Commander Riker's life against impossible odds....are you interested?"  He asked

{XO's Office DS5}

Leo had his hand ready at the comlink, but waited until the mysterious man has finish.

"I have a few questions for you first," he said as Trip squealed quietly. "First off, who are you? Secondly, I don't recall Riker's life being that much in peril during this encounter. I know Ambassador Picard's certainly was."

Leo was certainly a bit confused at all this. He wracked his brain trying to think of an insurance when someone mystically appeared. The only time he remember from his studies was when Admiral Archer mentioned something similar in his logs during the voyages of the NX-01, but some more modern historians attributed that to the effects of The Expanse.

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 06, 2017, 03:54:41 AM

[Shuttlecraft De Gama]

Ian blinked as Ferguson spoke and found himself shaking the man's hand absently without even remembering moving his arm. Ian opened his mouth, but no sound came out, then he shook his head started again.

"T-T-thirty-first Century? Yer goin' ta have ta give me a moment ta catch up Laddy. Save the Federation? Excited ta meet me? If'n yer excited ta meet me, you lot have got a low bar fer excitement."

Out of the blue, Ian chuckled.

"I guess that sayin' about bein' careful what ya wish for is truer than Gammer knew."

Ian shook his head and ran his hand through his hair to gather his thoughts, then his expression became serious as he met Ferguson's eye.

"Save the Federation ya say? Well, when ya put it that way, who am I ta turn down that sort of offer? I'm in, but yer the one that's goin' ta have ta explain things ta the Department of Temporal Investigations."

[Shuttlecraft De Gama Á¢â,¬"œ 2399]

Agent Ferguson sat next to the pilot's chair.  He smiled and gave a small chuckle as he observed the Lieutenant process the information given to him.  The fascinating thing about time travel and historical figures is that they appeared to be larger than life in books and in the holodeck.  However, meeting them in person you can observed that they were no different than most individuals, heavily flaw and real.

He handed a PADD over to Ian and gave a smile.  "I am indeed in your perspective the future, in the future I work for a Department that is similar to Temporal investigations, the reason why I am talking to you directly is because I don't have enough time.   Before you accept you need to know Lieutenant, that this mission is almost completely suicidal.  I am recruiting a crew to go back in time to the year 2365 and correct the timeline.  You will be the Chief Helmsman of an Excelsior class vessel under the command of Captain Hawke, you will be alone with no backup, no help, outgunned, outmanned, the odds of success are low and if you fail the U.S.S. Enterprise would encounter two Borg Cubes instead of one which would lead to their destruction.  The Borg would conquer Earth.  No one can know about this mission.  This might be one of your most important mission in your carrier and you are risking your life in a mission that no one except for us in the 31st Century know of your bravery. "  The agent gave the PADD which contained the details of the ship and the mission.

The stakes were high but, he was selected because he was important to this mission.  But he needed heroes for this mission or rather legends...

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on January 06, 2017, 05:01:00 AM

[Science Labs]
Kinley's jaw dropped.  Was this real? This definitely did not seem real. They chose her, out of all people, to be part of some crazy mission where it was likely that the fate of the universe would rest on whether this mission succeeded or failed. No backup, very minimal chance of victory, and who knows what might happen. But heck. Why not?   She stood up to face the Agent.    "Alright.  I have no idea what the heck's going on or what's going to happen, but I'm in. Now can I find out what the heck I've managed to get myself into?"

[Science Labs - 2399]

Agent Ferguson nodded and smiled.  He figured his approach was intimidating but he needed to get her attention.  From his perspective she was a hero a member of the famed Shadow Fleet.  From her perspective she was just a "regular" Science Officer.

He remained standing  and handed her a PADD.  The PADD contained information about the mission.  It was interesting checking each person records and thinking of a way to approach them and convince them as quickly as possible.  For her he was choosing a direct approach.

He looked at her rank once again and noticed that it was a Lieutenant.  "Take it easy Lieutenant, I am going to throw a lot of information at you at once...just take a deep breath  and take a couple of seconds to think about it".

"I have handpicked you due to your Scientific knowledge and your adaptability as a Starfleet Officer, from my point of view you are a heroine, as you can read in the PADD the mission is destroy a Borg Cube."  Agent Ferguson explained.

"And you are thinking to yourself, there must be  a catch...because there is.  The Borg altered the timeline and send 2 Borg Cubes to meet with the U.S.S. Enterprise our computer projects that the Enterprise would be destroyed and consequently Earth would be assimilated.  We can't directly intervene in the timeline unless we have permission from our superiors...however the ripple effect will change the timeline before a final vote and we are all dead, including you.  I am recruiting you on perhaps one of the most dangerous and important mission of your carrier, no one will know what truly happened... not at least until the 31st Century...we want...I mean, I need you to be Chief Science Officer on a mid 24th Century Vessel and fight and win against the Borg alone, outmanned and outgunned...we already selected a Captain...any questions?"  Ferguson asked .  He gave her a couple of second to process the information.

Not only he was telling her that she was special but she was informing her on the danger of the mission.

Ian Galloway

[Shuttlecraft De Gama Á¢â,¬"œ 2399]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 06, 2017, 05:00:20 PM

[Shuttlecraft De Gama Á¢â,¬"œ 2399]

Agent Ferguson sat next to the pilot's chair.  He smiled and gave a small chuckle as he observed the Lieutenant process the information given to him.  The fascinating thing about time travel and historical figures is that they appeared to be larger than life in books and in the holodeck.  However, meeting them in person you can observed that they were no different than most individuals, heavily flaw and real.

He handed a PADD over to Ian and gave a smile.  "I am indeed in your perspective the future, in the future I work for a Department that is similar to Temporal investigations, the reason why I am talking to you directly is because I don't have enough time.   Before you accept you need to know Lieutenant, that this mission is almost completely suicidal.  I am recruiting a crew to go back in time to the year 2365 and correct the timeline.  You will be the Chief Helmsman of an Excelsior class vessel under the command of Captain Hawke, you will be alone with no backup, no help, outgunned, outmanned, the odds of success are low and if you fail the U.S.S. Enterprise would encounter two Borg Cubes instead of one which would lead to their destruction.  The Borg would conquer Earth.  No one can know about this mission.  This might be one of your most important mission in your carrier and you are risking your life in a mission that no one except for us in the 31st Century know of your bravery. "  The agent gave the PADD which contained the details of the ship and the mission.

The stakes were high but, he was selected because he was important to this mission.  But he needed heroes for this mission or rather legends...

As Ferguson spoke, Ian's face grew more and more incredulous until the agent from the future stopped talking and handed him the PADD.

"I'd ask if ya were daft, but no one what wasn't serious could spin a yarn like that who wasn't serious and keep a straight face. And here I thought my little trip ta the ruins of B'Hala while waitin' for the USS Nez Pierce ta take on new crew was goin' ta be the highlight of my time in the Bajor system.

"So the real question is now am I the one that's nuttier than squirrel droppin's ta still be talkin' ta ya. You seriously think, we're supposed ta meet a Borg Cube in an Excelsior, an antique class of starship I might add, alone and accomplish summat other than givin' the Collective a fresh new set of Drones? I think even the Borg would laugh at that scenario, if'n the Borg knew how ta laugh."

Ian snorted and sat down as if the wind had gone out of him suddenly.

"I can tell ya one thing, you lot from the 31st Century surely don't think small and don't ask much. I'd tell ya ta go bugger yourself with a splintered rake, but ya had me at 'Savin' the Federation' and I think ya knew that ya bloody wanker.

"Well, if'n this is how I am ta meet my end, let it not be said in this or any other century that a Galloway shirked his duty when he was needed. You have a deal Ferguson, but if we don't end up Drones or rapidly cooling plasma in the void of space. I might just punch ya in the nose for this when we get back. I guess this is a stupid question when time is just a tool for you lot, but when do we leave?"

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 06, 2017, 05:01:58 AM

"I am just about to begin my Interrogation so I don't have much time so you will have to be quick, Agent Ferguson," James was suspicious and he felt his hand move almost on a mind of its own to rest on his phaser in case he needed to use it. James hadn't heard of an Agent Ferguson here and the Black Site didn't have many people here. "What agency are you with?" he asked with a cautious tone.

The individual answered  to his question.  Agent Ferguson knew that he was one of the hardest to recruit.  Damn him and his damn paranoia...I don't have time for this .  The Agent thought.

It was a dark room and he noticed as he attempted to grab the phaser.  Little did James know he was traveling outside the regular rules of time and space and it was impossible for him to kill the time traveling agent with a regular weapon.

"First of all, Lieutenant Commander I highly recommend to get our hand out of that phaser.  You can't kill me even if you wanted to.  Second, I am offering you to make something out of your life...something meaningful.  Years from now you are going to look at this moment in your life...and find out that it was meaningless.  You hated being here...You think you are doing something important but at the end you will realize that it was your time at the Tempest and future starships that gave your life meaning!"  He pointed out to the officer.

"I am an agent from the Temporal Integrity Commission of the 31st Century...and I am here to offer you an opportunity to get on a ship, the Chief Tactical Officer and Second Officer and do something that matters"  He explained.

He figured that he needed proof.  "You probably want proof of that I am saying...I don't have much time...but I am going to show you something...hold my hand if you are ready"  He said.

He extended his empty hand to the person in the interrogation room.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Sevoc on January 06, 2017, 05:47:17 AM

{Science Lab, USS Equinox - 2400}

Sevoc had recently been promoted to Lieutenant and assigned to Equinox as her Chief Science Officer. The ship had just gone under a refit and was about to embark on a deep space research mission in the Gamma Quadrant.

While he found the new opportunity a great way to learn more about the Gamma Quadrant. The scientific anomalies that were still being discovered were indeed fascinating.

The hybrid decided to start doing some research on some form of inoculation to help prevent Borg incursion on the biological components of any humanoid. It seemed the logical thing to do since their flight plan did take them close to the Delta Quadrant.

He poured over any bit of information he could find. He had requested a medical petty officer to assist. The PO2 arrived and reported to Sevoc.

Petty Officer Rizzo, reporting sir.

"Nice to meet you Petty Officer," Sevoc replied. "If you would not mind, I will require you to grab a few hyposprays so we can continue this research."

Aye, sir. By the way, how were you able to get the nano-technology here?

"It is illogical to question such things. However, if you must know, I have a connection on Denobula. As my mother was an ambassador, she made a few trips there and I found a trustworthy companion that I still keep in regular contact with," Sevoc replied in a calm manner.

Fair enough, sir. Can I just say welcome aboard and it's a pleasure to have you on board.

"The pleasantries are welcome, but are unnecessary," Sevoc replied, sounding remarkably like Ambassador Sarek. "Now, since time is of the essence, could you please gather the hypos and other supplies found on this PADD so we may begin?"

The petty officer nodded and left the lab. Sevoc continued to read the notes Yolepht had sent with the nano-probes.

[ USS Equinox - 2400 - Science Lab]

Agent Ferguson walked in the hallway as he looked at the Datapad information for this recruit.  He would eventually make groundbreaking research on Borg nano technology.  His expertise on the Borg made him one of the natural choice to be in this mission.

His records showed that he was logical, precise person.  For a second he wondered what approach would work to recruit this individual.

Agent Ferguson entered the lab with a monotone voice he said "I apologize for the interruption Lieutenant, but I need to talk to you for a second.  I understand that the logical move for you is call security, since I am a complete stranger.  However, I would like you to reconsider such request and hear me out for a second.  My name is Agent Ferguson, and I am from the 31st Century and I need your help.  I know in your records this is not the first time than individuals from the 31st Century have requested help in the past.  Even though it is is possible.. and logic dictates for you to investigate whether my statements are truthful or not before calling security.  Will you hear me out Mr. Sevok?"  He asked.

He raised his hand as a sign of surrender.  He was scared of this contact since he could not rely on emotions or morality...he needed to convince him to join with logic.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on January 06, 2017, 06:05:02 AM

{XO's Office DS5}

Leo had his hand ready at the comlink, but waited until the mysterious man has finish.

"I have a few questions for you first," he said as Trip squealed quietly. "First off, who are you? Secondly, I don't recall Riker's life being that much in peril during this encounter. I know Ambassador Picard's certainly was."

Leo was certainly a bit confused at all this. He wracked his brain trying to think of an insurance when someone mystically appeared. The only time he remember from his studies was when Admiral Archer mentioned something similar in his logs during the voyages of the NX-01, but some more modern historians attributed that to the effects of The Expanse.

Agent Ferguson nodded and said "Those are fair questions, you mind if I call you Leo?"  He asked.  When he was studying history he referred to his ancestor as Mr. Scott and to him as Leo that way he could keep it straight in his head.  It was rare to see families having multiple famous Starfleet Officers that had an impact in history.

He offered his hand as an attempt to shake it.  "My name is Agent Ferguson, and I am from the 31st Century.  I belong to an organization called the Temporal Integrity Commission.  To put it simply, our job is to make sure no one messes up with the timeline.  As I implied I am here to recruit you".  The Agent explained.

He then proceeded to hand over a PADD "Take a look at this"  he said.  He waited a couple of second to read the files and he began explaning.

"In 2365, the Enterprise was sent by Q, to meet with the Borg in order to prepare for the upcoming assault.  As you are well aware the Enterprise encountered ONE Borg Cube.  The Borg has Time Traveling Technology, although a bit crude for 31st Century Standard.  The Borg Queen informed her past self to sent TWO Borg Cubes to meet with the Enterprise.  Instead of barely making it alive, according to our calculations the Enterprise would be destroyed and altering the timeline.  The Borg would conquer Earth...and your hero Commander Riker would die in 2365.  As much as I want to directly intervene in this situation...I can't and that's where you come in Leo...I am recruiting you to save your hero and save the are you interested?"  The Agent explained.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 06, 2017, 05:34:46 PM

[Shuttlecraft De Gama Á¢â,¬"œ 2399]

As Ferguson spoke, Ian's face grew more and more incredulous until the agent from the future stopped talking and handed him the PADD.

"I'd ask if ya were daft, but no one what wasn't serious could spin a yarn like that who wasn't serious and keep a straight face. And here I thought my little trip ta the ruins of B'Hala while waitin' for the USS Nez Pierce ta take on new crew was goin' ta be the highlight of my time in the Bajor system.

"So the real question is now am I the one that's nuttier than squirrel droppin's ta still be talkin' ta ya. You seriously think, we're supposed ta meet a Borg Cube in an Excelsior, an antique class of starship I might add, alone and accomplish summat other than givin' the Collective a fresh new set of Drones? I think even the Borg would laugh at that scenario, if'n the Borg knew how ta laugh."

Ian snorted and sat down as if the wind had gone out of him suddenly.

"I can tell ya one thing, you lot from the 31st Century surely don't think small and don't ask much. I'd tell ya ta go bugger yourself with a splintered rake, but ya had me at 'Savin' the Federation' and I think ya knew that ya bloody wanker.

"Well, if'n this is how I am ta meet my end, let it not be said in this or any other century that a Galloway shirked his duty when he was needed. You have a deal Ferguson, but if we don't end up Drones or rapidly cooling plasma in the void of space. I might just punch ya in the nose for this when we get back. I guess this is a stupid question when time is just a tool for you lot, but when do we leave?"

[Shuttlecraft De Gama Á¢â,¬"œ 2399]

He laughed as he offered to punch him in the face.  He smiled and said "Fair Enough, if you are successful in your mission, I will let you punch me in the face"  He face turned serious.

"I knew you would be brave enough to see the importance of this mission.  I am asking you to make this sacrifice because I have too.  Think about this way...with the selected crew you should have a fighting chance...and technically we left for the mission 2365, but you can leave whenever you are can't bring any technology that did not exist on 2365...I bet you are anxious to meet the rest of the crew"  He said

Ian Galloway

[Shuttlecraft De Gama Á¢â,¬"œ 2399]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 06, 2017, 06:25:20 PM

[Shuttlecraft De Gama Á¢â,¬"œ 2399]

He laughed as he offered to punch him in the face.  He smiled and said "Fair Enough, if you are successful in your mission, I will let you punch me in the face"  He face turned serious.

"I knew you would be brave enough to see the importance of this mission.  I am asking you to make this sacrifice because I have too.  Think about this way...with the selected crew you should have a fighting chance...and technically we left for the mission 2365, but you can leave whenever you are can't bring any technology that did not exist on 2365...I bet you are anxious to meet the rest of the crew"  He said

Ian arched an eyebrow in a disturbingly Vulcan-like manner, then nodded as if settling something that Ferguson was not privy to know.

"Computer. Maintain heading for Deep Space Nine. I should be absent for no more than five minutes. If I am gone longer than that. Come to all stop and send a distress to the station."

In it's typically dispassionate female voice the computer responded.


Ian turned to Ferguson.

"Then it's a date, my fist and your nose whenever this is over. No use sittin' around pinin' fer the fjords or summat. Let's go and let's meet the rest of the cast of idiots of the USS Clowncar."

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 06, 2017, 04:37:33 AM

[2365 Á¢â,¬"œ USS Apogee]

Agent Ferguson entered on board of the ship from 2365.  The next person he wanted to recruit was a Engineer from the same era as the ship.  He believed that it was important to have an Engineer that was very familiar with the tool and technology of the ship that was going to be sent on the mission.

This individual was capable and was more impressive that what history records say about him.  He was in an era with La Forge and Data which made him stand out less in history.  However, he was one of the ideal choice of this mission.
He looked at the individual going to the ladder and he just memrely responded "Are you bored Lieutenant Tintus?

He gave a small smile and said "Sorry if I startled you sir, but I was hoping to talk to you for a second...I need you for an important mission to save the Federation and I need to know are you in or are you out?"

[2365- USS Apogee]

He didn't hear the man approach, and so jumped a bit when he was spoken to. "Depends who's asking", he said, turning to face the new person, who was definitely not part of the ship's 80 people. He regarded the man. "Well... you don't look like a scientist, and I don't see any identification... should I just call up to the bridge and have a security detail come talk to you?"

He walked past the man to the commspanel, preparing to call the bridge. He'd have to hear some quick talking really soon to prevent having the whole ship down on him. He paused when the man mentioned a mission. "What are you talking about?"

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