
Started by James A. Hawke, January 05, 2017, 06:19:04 PM

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Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Sevoc on January 07, 2017, 01:29:04 AM

{USS Equinox Science Lab}

"Requests with little explanation are illogical," Sevoc replied. "However, I am willing to listen to your full request. If you are indeed who you claim, this would be of something of great consequence to the way things I know them to be. I am aware of such incidents you have stated. During our schooling on Vulcan, we briefly learned of the Earth's first space missions and that of Admiral Archer and his crew. T'Pol was instrumental in assisting the improved relations between humans and Vulcans as well as improving our society."

Sevoc had always had a greater respect for T'Pol than any other of the more famous of his maternal planet. Of course, every Vulcan respected not only Ambassador Sarek, but Ambassador Spock as well, however, Sevoc held a certain regard to T'Pol due to the uniqueness of his situation.

{USS Equinox Science Lab}-2400

Agent Ferguson gave a slight diplomatic bow, as gratitude for not calling security. He began explaining "Mr. Sevoc, I am here to recruit you for a dangerous mission.  The Borg Queen has is committing a dangerous maneuver to alter the timeline as we know it.   The Borg Queen is trying to destroy the Enterprise in 2365.  I have been gathering an elite crew across time and space in an effort to make sure that Earth and Vulcan does not fall to the Borg.  It's a desperate attempt to correct the timeline in order to save it from destruction.  I need you for this mission.  The need of the many outweigh the need of the few"  He said

Agent Ferguson handed a PADD with the information of the mission.  "Please look at this over, I need you and your research to join us in this mission"  Agent Ferguson said in a serious tone.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Chris Newberry on January 07, 2017, 08:46:47 AM

[Kantor Prime (Homeworld of the Katorlians), 2410]

The Admiral stared our of the cave that overlooked the vast prairies of Grasslands outside the planetary capital. Sighing, he knew he made the right decision a few days ago, after his nearly two hundred year career in Starfleet; it was time to step down. He was needed more on his planet and wanted to spend more time with his family which for the most part in the last fifteen years, he hadn't been able to.

Walking up behind him was one of his favorite descendants from the far future, but Chris had a feeling this wasn't particular a social call. More of a warning more than likely. He still had his contacts from theThirty First and Thirty-Second centuries.  "I take it; this isn't a social call, Justin?" He asked warily almost knowing the answer.

"No, afraid not. They're coming soon, Grandfather. Need you for one last mission but this time to the past. I will come along since you will need more help than what they can provide!

[U.S.S. Timex Á¢â,¬"œ Outside the Scope of Time]
"This guys is impossible to track!!!!" Agent Ferguson yelled as he slammed his fist in his time console.  "It's like he is outside the normal parameters of time!!!" He continued yelling.

He smiled as he thought to himself Ironic, a person that can control time, is running out of time

He looked around the ship and it's crew as they looked at him.  Assembly the crew was beginning to seem a easier task than finding the key person.   He needed Newberry, he had the ship that was critical for the mission.

The ripple effects of the time were already beginning affecting his systems.  He was already concerned that he might not have time.

Desperate time called for desperate measure.  He was going to violate one of the biggest tenets of traveling around time he was going to follow another individual: Agent Conwall

He yelled "Engage the Time Cloak...follow Agent Conwall!"

He then commanded "Computer Time and Location"

The Computer answered "Year 2410Á¢â,¬"Location Unknown...impossible to track"

Agent Ferguson gave a slight smile and said "Follow and mimic everything that ship is doing...I am going to find that son of a bitch"

[Kantor Prime (Homeworld of the Katorlians), 2410]
Agent Ferguson placed a personal cloaking device as he located Admiral Newberry.  This person was good if he would have not known any better he was hiding from temporal incursion like himself.  He saw both individuals talking.

He disengaged the personal cloak as he appeared in front of both of them.  "Long time no see know you are a pain in the ass to track down, even with state of the art 31st Century Technology...I need to talk to you...The Time Commission as not authorized this intervention and I am probably going to be branded a traitor for this in the 31st Century"

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 06:16:31 PM

Starfleet Academy - Medical Division - 2399

Agent Ferguson did a slight crooked smile.  The hardest step is to have people believe that he is from the 31st Century.  He placed his hand from his pocket and took a PADD out.  He approached Lizzie and gave  her a copy of the mission parameters.

He took a deep breath and he tried to explain "You should not be considered flattered, I won't mince words with you Captain, straight up this mission is almost a suicide mission.  But I need the best, I need a dedicated crew.  As I am sure you are well aware, the Borg has time traveling technology, a little crude for our standards but still they have that time altering technology.  In a effort to change the timeline the Borg Queen sent an additional Borg cube to meet with the Enterprise...our prognostication show that the Enterprise would be destroyed in 2365 and without their aid the Borg would conquer Earth.  The mission is and your crew would have to engage the Borg with an Excelsior vessel, there is no backup, no will be outgunned and outmanned.   If you fail....the Federation will fall...if you succeed no one will know about your actions...until the 31st Century".

He figured it was a lot of information "I told you, it was near suicidal...but we need you...and before you ask I need you to intervene...I can't do it not unless the Council Approves, which they haven't"  Agent Ferguson explained.

Starfleet Academy - Medical Division - 2399

Lizzie speed read the PADD while listening to the Agent. Once she was done she looked up.

"So this is a Black Book operation, even for the Temporal commission. We are to engage the Borg using antiquated technology that they will already be adapted to and with no support!" She gave the Temporal Agent a wry smile. "Well I always wanted to make a difference and given that The Borg are the biggest danger the Federation has ever faced I can't see a bigger difference than that. I was never a fan of medals anyway. So, how do we do this?" She asked, getting up with more energy that she had felt in over a year.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: William Waring on January 07, 2017, 04:12:06 AM

[Waring Residence - Earth - Year 2400 - 0730 Hours]

Will was sat in his parlor with a fresh cup of coffee looking at a PADD. He was a civilian contractor for Starfleet Command having retired his Captaincy months earlier after a three year deep space mission.

Now he sat reading the aforementioned PADD which contained his notice of reactivation. Essentially he was drafted back into Starfleet for active service.

"They can't seriously be drafting me!" He said exasperated only to hear a creak from the doorway.

"Quite serious Captain..."

[Waring Residence - Earth - Year 2400 - 0730 Hours]
Agent Ferguson looked at the PADD.  This one was another Captain. Captain William Warring, a distinguished officer from the famed Shadow Fleet.  He was a person who in their own right could take command of the mission.

In fact of Agent Ferguson, considered him for the Captain's role but he had another one in mind.  He organized in this time for him to be drafted into service.  He needed the person to be back into Starlfeet.  Even though he was a good civilian contractor he was a better Starfleet Captain.

He walked into the residence wearing his 31st Century outfit.  He then replied "Quite Serious, Captain"

The Agent walked into his house and said "I arranged for that, quite frankly you'll tank me in the future, Captain...I know all about you, Captain, were you were born, were you will die, the woman that you loved, your heartbreaks and joys  and I know you need to get back into service".

"I am recruiting a crew, across time and space and you are my next target.  I need you for a mission to save the Federation, against impossible odds.  My name is Agent Ferguson and I am from the 31st Century"  He explained

"I even do a deal with you, you do this mission to save the Federation and I can make that notice disappear and you can live your life as a civilian contractor in peace...if you don't I will make sure you will be drafted and sent in a place that you will be forgotten and I have your attention now, Captain

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 07, 2017, 05:54:39 AM

James frowned as the strange 'agent' spoke. Nothing he was saying was making much sense and if James didn't know any better he would thought this guy was insane. When he claimed he was a Temporal Agent James became even more skeptical but it would provide context and explain what he said earlier.

As Agent Ferguson held out his hand and offered to prove that he really was a Temporal  Agent, James frowned and stared at the man for a long moment before finally deciding to trust Ferguson. He put down his phaser, took a deep breath and took the man's hand.

As James took his hand Ferguson smiled and he knew he was going to blow away his mind.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J Á¢â,¬"œ 26th Century-Conference Room]

"Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, the battle Procyon V,  this is one of the most important battle's in the history of the Federation.   We are right now in the 26th Century"  Agent Ferguson commented.

He pointed out the window where images of a battle lied ahead.

"You probably wanted proof that I am from the future, here is your proof"  Agent Ferguson explained.

"I also have something to show you...Computer display Earth and Display New York City".  He commanded the computer.

Two images showed up on the main monitor for Hawk to see.

The first one was an image of Earth.

The second was an image of New York City.
"As you can see I need you to be part of a crew, to correct the timeline.  Before this becomes permanent, as I told you, this is probably going to be one of your most important mission for the Federation...any questions?" Agent Ferguson asked.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 07, 2017, 03:54:38 PM

[Crew Quarters - NPC EQ Kimball - Present Day]

EQ heard the door chime, but ignored it.  He had lost count of the number of times some unknown person or persons had rang his chime and then ran off.  He had ever considered disconnecting it.  Maybe tomorrow morning when he was sober.

So, the liberated Borg poured another drink.  He lifted it in the air and watched the image in the mirror do the same.  His twin, his only true friend.  'Prost' he said, a word his German grandparents had taught him.

When the voice followed the door chime, EQ paused and then placed the glass back on the table.  He stood and walked to the door.  And pressed the button to open it.

He looked at the man dressed all in black.  He mechanical devices around his eye moved slightly and the sensors told him there was something unique about the man.  But he was not sure how just yet.

"I do not know you.  And I'm off duty.  What is it you want with me?" EQ asked.

Agent Ferguson smiled as he looked at the liberated Borg.  He looked a little different than he expected from historical records.  He had never met this person in history.  He stood and stared at his implants for a second.
He swallowed his saliva for a second and answered his question "No, we have not met.  I am here to recruit you,  I need you for a mission against the Borg and to save the Federation from existence.  If we fail you will remain a mindless Borg collective drone and it will be the end of the Federation.  I have chosen you for this mission against the Borg for obvious reasons...the Federation needs you....are you interested in hearing more details?  The Agent asked.

He stood at the door and said "May I come in?"


[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

"Cheers, darling" Zex said she touched her glass of champagne to her husbands glass.  "Goodbye 2706.  Hello 2407" he replied.  "To anther blissful year of wedlock" the Deltan added before sipping her drink.  Her husband agreed and finished his drink.

A comfortable silence fell between the couple.  Each of them enjoyed the company of the other.  Enjoying the moment.  Being fully and totally in love.

"Should we head back and check on the little one?" he husband asked after Zex finished her drink.  Their adopted son was just under one year old and the new center of their lives.  "After you, my love" she said after standing and planting a kiss on her husband.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 09:32:40 PM

Agent Ferguson smiled as he looked at the liberated Borg.  He looked a little different than he expected from historical records.  He had never met this person in history.  He stood and stared at his implants for a second.
He swallowed his saliva for a second and answered his question "No, we have not met.  I am here to recruit you,  I need you for a mission against the Borg and to save the Federation from existence.  If we fail you will remain a mindless Borg collective drone and it will be the end of the Federation.  I have chosen you for this mission against the Borg for obvious reasons...the Federation needs you....are you interested in hearing more details?  The Agent asked.

He stood at the door and said "May I come in?"

[Crew Quarters - NPC EQ Kimball - Present Day]

EQ studied the man for a long moment.  He had no way of knowing if the may was telling the truth of lying.  But he did know that this man was somehow different than anyone he had met before.

And if what Ferguson said was true, then how could EQ turn down such an opportunity.  He simply couldn't.  "Sure" the liberated Borg replied and walked back to his waiting glass.  "You want a drink" he asked before sitting at the table.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 07, 2017, 04:46:44 PM

[Enterprise-J - Stardate - unknown]

Although completely comfortable with transporters and how they worked, being at a different some when was disconcerting to Ian who tried to take in what Ferguson was saying, but simply couldn't keep up and slipped from Standard to Gaelic in his initial response.

"Mhac na galla! Archer? Captain JONATHAN Archer? Here? Enterprise JAY? Sweet Merciful Maker. If'n ya tell me that wanker Kirk is here, I don't care what the consequences are, I'm ta punch him in the nose fer gettin' Great Uncle Galloway killed."

Ian followed along absently, still trying to process what he was being told.

"Looks like yer in it fer a full measure this time lad."

Ian laughed and figured Ferguson would think he was off his rocker, but using the word time was just too funny not to laugh about.

[U.S.S. Enterprise -J, 26th Century, Outside of Conference Room]
Agent Ferguson smiled he did not figure that this historical found him to be that amusing. He appeared to be star struck at the events.  "Ohh Mr. Galloway, I know the same feeling you are having.  Ironically, James T. Kirk was my first choice for this mission Captain, but yet again he never met the I had to settle with someone else."

As he continued he said "Once you go through this door and enter this conference room, there is no turning back...are you sure you want to do this?"

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on January 07, 2017, 07:11:31 PM

[Science Labs - 2399]

Well then.  Kinley thought. That added a level of complexity to the already messy affair she had gotten herself into. "I guess why not meet this Á¢â,¬Ëœdream team' of yours? " She said with a slight smirk. After all, it was generally impolite to be late to the potential apocalypse.

[Science Labs - 2399]

He nodded and responded " second, I am going to touch your shoulder for a second"

Agent Ferguson approach Garrison and touched her shoulder.

[U.S.S. Enterprise-J 26th Century]

They appeared on the ship of the U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J in the battle of Procyon V.  He looked at the window and saw the battle occurring in the background.

He smiled at Lieutenant Garrison and explained "This your last chance to turn there is a conference room.  I am already there waiting for you...once you go inside the room there is not turning back...this is your last chance, but you will do something important...something meaningful.

Ian Galloway


[Enterprise-J Stardate -unknown]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 09:49:17 PM

[U.S.S. Enterprise -J, 26th Century, Outside of Conference Room]

Agent Ferguson smiled he did not figure that this historical found him to be that amusing. He appeared to be star struck at the events.  "Ohh Mr. Galloway, I know the same feeling you are having.  Ironically, James T. Kirk was my first choice for this mission Captain, but yet again he never met the I had to settle with someone else."

As he continued he said "Once you go through this door and enter this conference room, there is no turning back...are you sure you want to do this?"

Ian took a deep breath, his eyes never leaving Ferguson's.

"If'n I wasn't sure, I'd have never agreed ta go with ya. I hate temporal mechanics, but if'n the Borg can't deal with losin' then ya just keep kickin' their arse until they get the bloody message. So, in fer a penny, in fer a pound."

Ian's expression was hard as he replied, but before he stepped through the door, his eyes twinkled as he added.

"And if'n ya ever do meet Kirk, be sure ta bust his nose good fer me and Great Uncle Miles."

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 07, 2017, 08:41:15 PM

Starfleet Academy - Medical Division - 2399

Lizzie speed read the PADD while listening to the Agent. Once she was done she looked up.

"So this is a Black Book operation, even for the Temporal commission. We are to engage the Borg using antiquated technology that they will already be adapted to and with no support!" She gave the Temporal Agent a wry smile. "Well I always wanted to make a difference and given that The Borg are the biggest danger the Federation has ever faced I can't see a bigger difference than that. I was never a fan of medals anyway. So, how do we do this?" She asked, getting up with more energy that she had felt in over a year.

Starfleet Academy - Medical Division - 2399
As the Captain began her comment and finished with a smile.  He said in a sarcastic tone "Well I did not want to make this too easy for you Captain"

As she stepped up, he looked at the Captain and said "Hold my hand, I will be transporting you in the meeting room, where you will meet the rest of the crew"

As he finished he extended his hand for Lizzie to touch.

William Waring

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 08:49:49 PM

[Waring Residence - Earth - Year 2400 - 0730 Hours]

Agent Ferguson looked at the PADD.  This one was another Captain. Captain William Warring, a distinguished officer from the famed Shadow Fleet.  He was a person who in their own right could take command of the mission.

In fact of Agent Ferguson, considered him for the Captain's role but he had another one in mind.  He organized in this time for him to be drafted into service.  He needed the person to be back into Starlfeet.  Even though he was a good civilian contractor he was a better Starfleet Captain.

He walked into the residence wearing his 31st Century outfit.  He then replied "Quite Serious, Captain"

The Agent walked into his house and said "I arranged for that, quite frankly you'll tank me in the future, Captain...I know all about you, Captain, were you were born, were you will die, the woman that you loved, your heartbreaks and joys  and I know you need to get back into service".

"I am recruiting a crew, across time and space and you are my next target.  I need you for a mission to save the Federation, against impossible odds.  My name is Agent Ferguson and I am from the 31st Century"  He explained

"I even do a deal with you, you do this mission to save the Federation and I can make that notice disappear and you can live your life as a civilian contractor in peace...if you don't I will make sure you will be drafted and sent in a place that you will be forgotten and I have your attention now, Captain

[Waring Residence - Earth - 0730]

Will eyed the mysterious man, still wondering how he managed to get into the house. "What is my purpose in this mission of yours?" He said as he rose from his chair and to the nearby replicator where he ordered a pot of coffee and a cup.

"I am a man of many fields of study. I have experience in Starfleet Operations and Command, I served as a Federation Diplomat from 2397 to earlier this year during my Deep Space Exploration. The list goes on but as you said, you know it."

He picked up the pot and mug, which were on a tray and set them on a wooden coffee table. "Coffee?"


Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Zex on January 07, 2017, 09:38:32 PM

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

"Cheers, darling" Zex said she touched her glass of champagne to her husbands glass.  "Goodbye 2706.  Hello 2407" he replied.  "To anther blissful year of wedlock" the Deltan added before sipping her drink.  Her husband agreed and finished his drink.

A comfortable silence fell between the couple.  Each of them enjoyed the company of the other.  Enjoying the moment.  Being fully and totally in love.

"Should we head back and check on the little one?" he husband asked after Zex finished her drink.  Their adopted son was just under one year old and the new center of their lives.  "After you, my love" she said after standing and planting a kiss on her husband.

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

The next person being recruited was a female from father in the future than usual.   He needed a medical officer to join the crew.  He hated interrupting intimate moments.  The historical records showed that she was a competent individual and needed for the mission.

Agent Ferguson noticed her and her husband were walking welcoming the new year.  He walked up to both of them as they were walking and he said "Mrs. Zex, pardon for the interruption, but may I have a moment of your time?"

His hand began trembling as he continued "I'm just having  a rough time with this New Year situation...all the noise is making me relive my past trauma....pll...please...just a second"  He looked at her with some pity in his eyes.   He needed to address her alone.

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 10:46:07 PM

Starfleet Academy - Medical Division - 2399

As the Captain began her comment and finished with a smile.  He said in a sarcastic tone "Well I did not want to make this too easy for you Captain"

As she stepped up, he looked at the Captain and said "Hold my hand, I will be transporting you in the meeting room, where you will meet the rest of the crew"

As he finished he extended his hand for Lizzie to touch.

Starfleet Academy - Medical Division - 2399

Lizzie nodded

Very well. But before we go I have something to do. She tuned and activated her terminal.

=/\=Computer Activate Protocol S.O.M. 1. Delay 48 hours!=/\=

=/\=Afermative! Protocol S.O.M. 1 Activated with 48 hour delay.=/\=

She then went over to the Agent, held out her hand and touched his.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

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