
Started by James A. Hawke, January 05, 2017, 06:19:04 PM

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Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 04:39:57 PM

[2365 Á¢â,¬"œ USS Apogee]

Agent Ferguson believed that this one was going to be one of the most difficult ones to recruit.  From historical records this individual had very little experience with time travel.  Agent Ferguson specifically choose this individual because he was from the same area of the ship.  "That won't be necessary, you don't need to call security.  My name is Agent Ferguson,  and as strange as this sounds...I am a member of Temporal Integrity Commission, which means I am a time traveler and I need your help not for just my sake but for the sake of you family"  He explained

He handed over a PADD for him to see.

"If this mission fails...this is what is going to happen to Earth in 2 years"  Agent Ferguson explained.

Ferguson waited for a second; he knew more about this person future that he knew himself.  "The mission is simple, we need to save the Enterprise from a new enemy.  You have not encountered them...yet, but you will.  It will become one of the most crucial moments of the Federation...I am currently selecting a crew from different ships and times and the crew needs you"  Agent Ferguson

"I are not used to having the fate of the Federation in your hands...but trust me you are more than equal to the task, I believe you and future generations will in you more than you know"  Ferguson added.

[USS Apogee]

Alex looked over at the man, trying to gauge what kind of joke this was. He was pretty close to his retirement himself, and figured this was just his command playing a prank on him. "Temporal Integrity Commission. Sure." he said, looking at the man with his eyebrows raised. He looked at the man with a serious look. "And I guess I'm the King of the Romulan Empire. Now why don't you tell me who you really are and what you want."

He read over the PADD, unconvinced. An image and a few words, doesn't prove anything. Anyone can falsify an image." he said, handing the PADD back. "And in all of this supposed temporal futureness you couldn't just wipe this... enemy off the maps?"

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on January 08, 2017, 01:54:39 AM

{XO's Office, DS5-2401}

"Ah, well that's nice of ya, lad," Leo replied. "And he was quite the remarkable man, wasn't he? I grew up on the stories and when he was lost. Actually, I'm one of the few in the family that cared to investigate what happened. I was surprised a bit when I read the logs of the "D" while getting to know of what Riker had done and found out they found him. However, I decided it best to leave him be. Besides, I figured, by that time a few years ago, he had already passed."

He grabbed the flask and took a swig. The familiar burn of the family's recipe reached his throat.

"Ahh!" Leo said refreshed a bit. "Now there's a fine year right there. I'd say 2257 by the taste. I do have one brief matter to attend to should I not come back."

He turned his head to his computer.

"Computer, please activate Final Message Tango Mike program."

He returned his attention to the temporal agent.

"I have had something like this set up ever since the mission that set me on my present career path," he informed Ferguson. "It was the one right after the Athena was sent to save Earth from the meteorite. It was something that came to me after we received his Christmas message that year. I figured if anything were to happen to me, I would like Cat to have an idea what happened. I have each message set on a delay of 24 hours, so as long as I'm back for breakfast tomorrow, things will work out. Now, I presume forward first, then back correct?"

He was trying to recall what happened with Admiral Archer and hoped he was correct.

"Leo, I had the privilege of meeting of meeting Mr. Scott twice...regarding your message that is fine but unnecessary.  If for some reason we failed...there is no Cat to receive the message we either succeed or everyone dies...pretty simple"  Agent Ferguson stated with a small smile.

He then extended his hand and said "Once you touch my hand there is no turning back...but a true Scott would do what is would be poetic a Scott saving the Enterprise.

As he finished his sentence he extended his hand.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Sevoc on January 08, 2017, 02:25:27 AM

{USS Equinox Science Lab-2400}

Sevoc read over the PADD he was handed. The scene was fascinating to the least. He saw the logic of participating.

"You are indeed correct in your final assessment," he replied coolly. "I shall join this endeavor. I can conclude that I do not need to leave any mention of my disappearance, as logically, should we be successful, I will be returned to the moment just after Petty Officer Rizzo stepped out of the room, correct?"

Sevoc knew that with, the most likely emotion laden rest of the crew would need some type of level headedness at times. Also it was a matter of preserving life as he, and everyone else around him, had known.

{USS Equinox Science Lab-2400}

Agent Ferguson stood serious as he read the analysis.  His process in order to recruit this officer.  He looked at Sevok and said "No, you don't sir.  If we succeed you will be return shortly after this meeting.  If we fail...there is no one to report.  The Federation is over".  There was no emotion just a mentioning of the fact.

Agent Ferguson extended his hand and said "This is your last chance...I need you but I want you to come out of your free will...all you need to do is take my hand and we will begin"

Leonard T. Scott

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 03:05:52 AM

"Leo, I had the privilege of meeting of meeting Mr. Scott twice...regarding your message that is fine but unnecessary.  If for some reason we failed...there is no Cat to receive the message we either succeed or everyone dies...pretty simple"  Agent Ferguson stated with a small smile.

He then extended his hand and said "Once you touch my hand there is no turning back...but a true Scott would do what is would be poetic a Scott saving the Enterprise.

As he finished his sentence he extended his hand.

{XO's Office, DS5-2401}

"It is quite fitting. Uncle Scotty would be beaming away like Father Christmas if he only knew. Well, here goes nothing," Leo responded as reached out his hand. "I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."

He knew it was going to be one hell of a ride, but if successful, worth every bump in the road. If his part in the mission were to start out on the right foot, he needed his pet phrase to start it like so many in the past.

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 03:17:45 AM

{USS Equinox Science Lab-2400}

Agent Ferguson stood serious as he read the analysis.  His process in order to recruit this officer.  He looked at Sevok and said "No, you don't sir.  If we succeed you will be return shortly after this meeting.  If we fail...there is no one to report.  The Federation is over".  There was no emotion just a mentioning of the fact.

Agent Ferguson extended his hand and said "This is your last chance...I need you but I want you to come out of your free will...all you need to do is take my hand and we will begin"

{USS Equinox Science Lab-2400}

"It shall be done," Sevoc replied. "This indeed is a needs of the many."

Sevoc reached for the man's hand and awaited what would come before him.

So that would make me a blue-blooded hobgoblin?
Alt for Leo


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 02:59:45 AM

Agent Ferguson smiled at the question and said "Of Course...I would not let this bourbon go to waste"  As he finished he said "When you are ready, hold my hand and I will transport you to a meeting to meet the rest of the crew"

When he finished he extended his hand...waiting for the liberated borg to take it.

[Crew Quarters - Present Day]

The fact that Agent Ferguson drank from the same glass EQ had helped Kimball feel more comfortable with the guy.  Almost the same way he had felt on his first ship before the Borg had attacked them.  "I'm ready" he said as he stood and grasped Ferguson's hand.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

William Waring

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 12:57:43 AM

[Waring Residence - Earth Á¢â,¬"œ 2400, 0730]

"Sure, I have a cup of Coffee, thank you for the kind offer Captain. "  Ferguson replied as he accepted a cup of coffee he then continued.

"I wish, this was a diplomatic mission, Captain.  It Is far more sinister I am afraid...I need you in Ops, in a Starship in the year 2395.  You are to take this vessel, which would be outmanned and outgunned and destroy a Borg Cube before they destroy the Enterprise...that's it... simple you your black coffee...just in case you were on my shortlist for Captain...but you are far too valuable on Ops for this mission"

[Waring Residence - 2400]

Will poured Agent Ferguson a black coffee and handed it to the man. "Your welcome Mister Ferguson." He paused for a moment before continuing "Well I imagine we succeed, judging by how we aren't all drones right now." He said in between sips of his own coffee. "I suppose we must be getting along then. Just give me a moment" He set his drink down and disappeared from the room only for a moment, returning with a change in attire.

"Something I kept from my Captaincy. Dress to impress eh?" He said, adjusting his jacket. "I don't think you want me joining your band of misfits in my sleepwear. Maybe you do but I don't judge" He let out a chuckle as he walked back over to where the agent was sat. "Lets save the present... or past. Whatever..."


Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on January 08, 2017, 02:44:28 AM

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J ~26th Century]

He touched her shoulder and suddenly the world went black for a second. Then as suddenly as it had happened, she found herself in the hallway of a significantly more advanced starship than any of the ships she had seen. Outside the ship, a battle was raging.  Eyes wide, she tried to take in all of the details of what was happening. Something about the ship felt almost... familiar...

She looked at the conference doors with apprehension. Once she went through, there would be no turning back for her. But if Agent Ferguson was right, whatever she would do would probably make all the difference, not just for her, but for the universe as well. Turning once more to the Agent, she made up her mind. . "Ok, I'm already here this far. I can't back out now. Count me in. I'll be here until the end of the line."    Turning her back on the agent, she headed through the doors.
[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room]
Agent Ferguson allowed Lt. Garrison to enter the conference doors.  As she entered he smiled in silence has he thought that his plan was slowly but surely taking shape.


Agent Ferguson entered the Conference Room with Lieutenant Garrison.  He looked at the room and noticed that they were two individuals in the room.

The room had a center table with chairs around it.  Agent Ferguson began the introduction.

"Lieutenant Garrison, I would like to introduce you , Lieutenant  Galloway, he will be the Chief Helmsman on the mission and may I introduce you to the First Officer of the mission Captain Elizabeth you will be all saving the Federation together...better get to know one I wish I could stay but I need to run and get more of your crew together"  Ferguson said as he transported away.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on January 08, 2017, 03:01:01 AM

[USS Apogee]

Alex looked over at the man, trying to gauge what kind of joke this was. He was pretty close to his retirement himself, and figured this was just his command playing a prank on him. "Temporal Integrity Commission. Sure." he said, looking at the man with his eyebrows raised. He looked at the man with a serious look. "And I guess I'm the King of the Romulan Empire. Now why don't you tell me who you really are and what you want."

He read over the PADD, unconvinced. An image and a few words, doesn't prove anything. Anyone can falsify an image." he said, handing the PADD back. "And in all of this supposed temporal futureness you couldn't just wipe this... enemy off the maps?"

He shook his head in disappointment from the Officer.  He did not believe his identity and the situation they were in.  He handed the PADD back and responded in a serious tone "This isn't a joke!  I am telling you the truth..."

He grabbed the PADD said and continued "I can't wipe out enemies from the future...the effects would be catastrophic for the universe.  It's not that simple...if my mission fail the future will be devastating for the Federation"

There was no laughter just starting at his eyes.  "Grab my hand and see for yourself..." he said as he extended his hand to the officer.

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J - Conference Room]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 04:02:26 AM

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room]

Agent Ferguson allowed Lt. Garrison to enter the conference doors.  As she entered he smiled in silence has he thought that his plan was slowly but surely taking shape.


Agent Ferguson entered the Conference Room with Lieutenant Garrison.  He looked at the room and noticed that they were two individuals in the room.

The room had a center table with chairs around it.  Agent Ferguson began the introduction.

"Lieutenant Garrison, I would like to introduce you , Lieutenant  Galloway, he will be the Chief Helmsman on the mission and may I introduce you to the First Officer of the mission Captain Elizabeth you will be all saving the Federation together...better get to know one I wish I could stay but I need to run and get more of your crew together"  Ferguson said as he transported away.

Ian stood and crossed over to shake Lieutenant Garrison's hand.

"Even though that Ferguson git said there were others daft enough ta be on this fool's quest, I was nae certain he wasn't spinnin' me up. Goin' by the odds against us, I can nae say if it's good ta see ya Lass, because we might all be standin' the Birkenhead drill soon enough."

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 01:17:29 AM

Agent Ferguson smiled and said "S.O.M Protocol?...Don't worry Captain, we either succeed or we die trying pretty simple"  Ferguson explained.

As they touched hands they transported into..the Future

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room]

They transported on a unfamiliar ship to the Captain.  "Welcome on board the U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, we are right now in the famous battle of Procyon V...please don't wander about too much, Captain Archer is here on a unrelated issue...This is an anchor in time, so we are safe here for the time being" Ferguson said

He showed the Conference room where they will have their meeting.

He pointed to a Lieutenant in the room "Captain, I believe you have meet Lieutenant Galloway before, you both served together at the Tempest ...he will be the Chief Helmsman for this mission...I'll leave now to let you to get re acquainted, now if you excuse me I have to get other individuals here.

He finished for a second and then transported away.

U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room

Lizzie nodded as the Agent disapeared. She then went over to Galloway and shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to work with you again Lieutenant.  I hope your flying skills are still as good as I remember." She said. But before they could say anything further, the agent returned.

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 04:02:26 AM

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room]

Agent Ferguson allowed Lt. Garrison to enter the conference doors.  As she entered he smiled in silence has he thought that his plan was slowly but surely taking shape.


Agent Ferguson entered the Conference Room with Lieutenant Garrison.  He looked at the room and noticed that they were two individuals in the room.

The room had a center table with chairs around it.  Agent Ferguson began the introduction.

"Lieutenant Garrison, I would like to introduce you , Lieutenant  Galloway, he will be the Chief Helmsman on the mission and may I introduce you to the First Officer of the mission Captain Elizabeth you will be all saving the Federation together...better get to know one I wish I could stay but I need to run and get more of your crew together"  Ferguson said as he transported away.

Lizzie was about to introduce herself but Galloway beat her to it.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 08, 2017, 04:34:00 AM

[Enterprise-J - Conference Room]

Ian stood and crossed over to shake Lieutenant Garrison's hand.

"Even though that Ferguson git said there were others daft enough ta be on this fool's quest, I was nae certain he wasn't spinnin' me up. Goin' by the odds against us, I can nae say if it's good ta see ya Lass, because we might all be standin' the Birkenhead drill soon enough."

She walked up behind him.

"Pleased to meet you Lieutenant. I'm Captain Vaughan." She introduced herself, offering her hand. "I've heard good things about you from colleagues at the Academy and and old friend, Kachina Filitov. I believe you served together on the Discovery?" She asked.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

James H. Hawk

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 07, 2017, 09:12:17 PM

As James took his hand Ferguson smiled and he knew he was going to blow away his mind.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J Á¢â,¬"œ 26th Century-Conference Room]

"Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, the battle Procyon V,  this is one of the most important battle's in the history of the Federation.   We are right now in the 26th Century"  Agent Ferguson commented.

He pointed out the window where images of a battle lied ahead.

"You probably wanted proof that I am from the future, here is your proof"  Agent Ferguson explained.

"I also have something to show you...Computer display Earth and Display New York City".  He commanded the computer.

Two images showed up on the main monitor for Hawk to see.

The first one was an image of Earth.

The second was an image of New York City.
"As you can see I need you to be part of a crew, to correct the timeline.  Before this becomes permanent, as I told you, this is probably going to be one of your most important mission for the Federation...any questions?" Agent Ferguson asked.
Despite this 'proof' that the Agent was in fact from the future, James was still naturally skeptical. It could easily be an illusion, holograms or something but James also had been exposed to Time Travel in the past so he knew if was possible. After several moments of staring out the conference room window, he eventually came to the conclusion that there were easier and more efficient ways to get his help through deception than this so James decided to believe Agent Ferguson.

James was immediatly  shocked by the images of an assimilated Earth when they were shown. "How did this happen, Agent?" James said deciding to take the risk and help Ferguson. "What would you have me do?" he said, still with a skeptical tone.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on January 08, 2017, 03:18:24 AM

{XO's Office, DS5-2401}

"It is quite fitting. Uncle Scotty would be beaming away like Father Christmas if he only knew. Well, here goes nothing," Leo responded as reached out his hand. "I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."

He knew it was going to be one hell of a ride, but if successful, worth every bump in the road. If his part in the mission were to start out on the right foot, he needed his pet phrase to start it like so many in the past.

{XO's Office, DS5-2401}
Agent Ferguson gave a slight smile as he heard Leo's word.  The journey was easy, however the mission was more complicated.  As he took the hand he began the time transport process.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

They transported in the conference room in a more advance vessel.

He showed the table for a second and looked at Leo as he transported.  "Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, we are in the 26th Century, at the battle of Procyon V, this ship...this moment in time is protected by the ripple effects of the time continuum"  Ferguson explained

"Leo, let me introduce you with the rest of your crew, over here you have your First Officer, Elizabeth Vaughan,  next to her you have Lieutenant Garrison,  she is the Chief Science Officer for the mission, next to her you have Lieutenant Galloway, he would be chief Helmsman...don't worry Leo, you will get to do plenty of flying on this mission, the ship will have a full complement of I will let you get to know each other, if you excuse me...I need to bring other people here"  Agent Ferguson said

Within a second he disappeared from the room.

Ian Galloway

9Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 08, 2017, 11:20:40 AM

U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room

Lizzie nodded as the Agent disapeared. She then went over to Galloway and shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to work with you again Lieutenant.  I hope your flying skills are still as good as I remember." She said. But before they could say anything further, the agent returned.

Lizzie was about to introduce herself but Galloway beat her to it.

She walked up behind him.

"Pleased to meet you Lieutenant. I'm Captain Vaughan." She introduced herself, offering her hand. "I've heard good things about you from colleagues at the Academy and and old friend, Kachina Filitov. I believe you served together on the Discovery?" She asked.

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 04:15:55 PM

{XO's Office, DS5-2401}
Agent Ferguson gave a slight smile as he heard Leo's word.  The journey was easy, however the mission was more complicated.  As he took the hand he began the time transport process.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

They transported in the conference room in a more advance vessel.

He showed the table for a second and looked at Leo as he transported.  "Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, we are in the 26th Century, at the battle of Procyon V, this ship...this moment in time is protected by the ripple effects of the time continuum"  Ferguson explained

"Leo, let me introduce you with the rest of your crew, over here you have your First Officer, Elizabeth Vaughan,  next to her you have Lieutenant Garrison,  she is the Chief Science Officer for the mission, next to her you have Lieutenant Galloway, he would be chief Helmsman...don't worry Leo, you will get to do plenty of flying on this mission, the ship will have a full complement of I will let you get to know each other, if you excuse me...I need to bring other people here"  Agent Ferguson said

Within a second he disappeared from the room.

Ian smiled warmly as Vaughan shook hands with him.

"Aye Captain. I remember ya from the Tempest I was no but a wee bairn then. I was-"

Ian blinked as Ferguson popped back in with another man introducing him quickly and then popping back out just as quickly.

"Nice ta meet ya... Leo was it? I don't claim ta know much in the way of Latin, but I do know a phrase that seems ta fit. Morituri te salutant. It means those of us about to die, salute you. Morbid perhaps, but goin' by the way that Ferguson wanker was talkin' it might be all too appropriate."

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Sevoc on January 08, 2017, 03:21:03 AM

{USS Equinox Science Lab-2400}

"It shall be done," Sevoc replied. "This indeed is a needs of the many."

Sevoc reached for the man's hand and awaited what would come before him.

Agent Ferguson explained "You might be disoriented, in your surroundings for a is perfectly normal"

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

The transporter sequence finished and they stood in the middle of a conference room that was already beginning to fill up with individuals.

Agent Ferguson pointed at the table and said "Mr. Sevoc...welcome onboard on the U.S.S.Enteprise ....J we are right now in a time pocket in the 26th Century in the middle of one of the Federation's most important vessel.  Here you have some of your crew picked from time and space...remember not everyone is from the same time as you, some of you are from more into the future than others...kept talking about your future self to a minimum"

He looked across the table and said "Introductions are in other here...First, this is Captain Elizabeth Vaughan the ship's first officer, to her left is Lieutenant Garrison, the Ship's Chief Science Officer, next to her is Lieutenant Galloway, the ship's primary helmsman, next to him is Leonard Scott, he will also work flight"

He looked at the room and said "Everyone, this is Mr. Sevok from 2400, he has done research and have invaluable information and studies regarding the will need him if you have any hope of surviving"  Agent Ferguson explained.

As he finished "I am sure you all know the gist now, I have to go...more people to recruit soo little time:...Before he transported he said "C'mon you have to admit that was funny coming from a Time Traveler"

And then he was gone again.

🡱 🡳

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