
Started by James A. Hawke, January 05, 2017, 06:19:04 PM

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Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 08, 2017, 03:32:13 AM

[Crew Quarters - Present Day]

The fact that Agent Ferguson drank from the same glass EQ had helped Kimball feel more comfortable with the guy.  Almost the same way he had felt on his first ship before the Borg had attacked them.  "I'm ready" he said as he stood and grasped Ferguson's hand.

[Crew Quarters - Present Day]

He smiled at EQ for a second.  Even though his appearance was a little intimidating the person under the implants had a sense of humor that was surprising to say the least.

He grabbed EQ's hand and said "This will only take a second"

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

They entered the Conference room which was filled with people.  He pointed at the table.  He addressed everyone in the room.  "Everyone Calm Down!  He is not a Borg he is a Liberated Borg.  This is EQ Kimball and he is your Chief of the will also need him to understand the collective better."  As he finished he looked at EQ Kimball and said "Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, we are right now in a time pocket in the 26th Century in the middle of one of the greatest battles of the Federation."  He pointed at the table and began instructions.

"Here is part of the crew you will be working with, Captain Elizabeth Vaughan, she will be the ship's First Officer, here we have Lieutenant Galloway, the ship's Chief of Flight, then we have Lieutenant Galloway she will be the ship's Science Officer, then we have Mr. Leonard Scott, she will be working on ship's flight you will also need his flight skills, Mr. Sevok is also a specialist in Borg Nanoprobes"

"Now, I would love and stay with all of you but I need to run again"  As he finished his statement he transported out again.

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 05:25:17 PM

[Crew Quarters - Present Day]

He smiled at EQ for a second.  Even though his appearance was a little intimidating the person under the implants had a sense of humor that was surprising to say the least.

He grabbed EQ's hand and said "This will only take a second"

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

They entered the Conference room which was filled with people.  He pointed at the table.  He addressed everyone in the room.  "Everyone Calm Down!  He is not a Borg he is a Liberated Borg.  This is EQ Kimball and he is your Chief of the will also need him to understand the collective better."  As he finished he looked at EQ Kimball and said "Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, we are right now in a time pocket in the 26th Century in the middle of one of the greatest battles of the Federation."  He pointed at the table and began instructions.

"Here is part of the crew you will be working with, Captain Elizabeth Vaughan, she will be the ship's First Officer, here we have Lieutenant Galloway, the ship's Chief of Flight, then we have Lieutenant Galloway she will be the ship's Science Officer, then we have Mr. Leonard Scott, she will be working on ship's flight you will also need his flight skills, Mr. Sevok is also a specialist in Borg Nanoprobes"

"Now, I would love and stay with all of you but I need to run again"  As he finished his statement he transported out again.

Ian watched the new arrivals appear and nodded to the Vulcan, knowing their aversion to shaking hands, before eying Kimball with interest.

"That Lad does like ta flit doesn't he? Welcome to the band of fools waitin' fer So-Vor-Kor or whatever ya believes in. I'm Ian."

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: William Waring on January 08, 2017, 03:36:32 AM

[Waring Residence - 2400]

Will poured Agent Ferguson a black coffee and handed it to the man. "Your welcome Mister Ferguson." He paused for a moment before continuing "Well I imagine we succeed, judging by how we aren't all drones right now." He said in between sips of his own coffee. "I suppose we must be getting along then. Just give me a moment" He set his drink down and disappeared from the room only for a moment, returning with a change in attire.

"Something I kept from my Captaincy. Dress to impress eh?" He said, adjusting his jacket. "I don't think you want me joining your band of misfits in my sleepwear. Maybe you do but I don't judge" He let out a chuckle as he walked back over to where the agent was sat. "Lets save the present... or past. Whatever..."

Agent Ferguson took another sip of his coffee and smiled at the comment.  "That is a very...linear way of thinking time, Captain Waring.  It's actually much more complicated than that, there are ripple effects, delayed effects, and's hard to explain, let's say your success is not guaranteed"  Agent Ferguson said in a serious tone.  He like his confidence but they could not be overconfident .

He waited a couple of minutes and noticed the sharp dress dress man coming in.

He smiled and said "Don't take this the wrong way, but you look good Captain.  And I will introduce you with to the crew now"  Agent Ferguson touched his shoulder and just like that he was transported across time and space.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]


They appeared inside a crowded conference room.  He waited a couple of second for Captain Waring to get his bearings.  He then began explaining "Captain Waring, welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise ...J, we are right now in the 26th Century, we are in the middle of an important battle and this moment in time is a pocket, we should be safe for now."

He pointed to the rest "Some of these people you already know Captain, but let me introduce you to the crew of this mission of heroes....the First Officer of the mission is Captain Elizabeth Vaghaun,  the Chief of the boat is the liberated borg EQ Kimball you will need him, Lieutenant Garrison will be your Chief Science Officer, she will be supported by Mr. Sevok an expert in Borg Nano technology, then we have Lieutenant Garrison who is the Chief Flight Officer and he will be supported by Leonard Scott who we will need his flight skills"  Agent Ferguson said

He then turned to the table and said "Everyone, I want you to meet, Captain Waring, he is the best Ops Officer we could find in the mission...he will be manning Ops and in charge of supplies and I need to go again"

Within a second he left the room again

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 08, 2017, 11:46:07 AM

Despite this 'proof' that the Agent was in fact from the future, James was still naturally skeptical. It could easily be an illusion, holograms or something but James also had been exposed to Time Travel in the past so he knew if was possible. After several moments of staring out the conference room window, he eventually came to the conclusion that there were easier and more efficient ways to get his help through deception than this so James decided to believe Agent Ferguson.

James was immediatly  shocked by the images of an assimilated Earth when they were shown. "How did this happen, Agent?" James said deciding to take the risk and help Ferguson. "What would you have me do?" he said, still with a skeptical tone.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room 2

He gave him a couple of second to process the information.  He was a hard skeptical man, but he figured that images sometimes spoke louder than words.  He remained serious and spoke with a low tone of voice he looked at his eyes so he could read he was not lying.  "This already happened, the Borg with their time traveling technology sent another cube to the year 2365.  The U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œD who was supposed to encountered one borg cube instead encountered two cubes.  The ship was destroyed and all hands lost.  Without the Enterprise  heroics after the battle of Wolf 359, the Federation fell to the Borg and what you see is the future"  He said solemnly.

"You are trained to detect deception, and I ask you, do you think I am I said I need you to be Chief Tactical Officer and Second Officer on a mission to stop the second Borg Cube at all cost, you will only have on Excelsior class vesell, you will be alone, outmanned, outgunned, no reinforcements and failure is not an option...I am not asking a small favor...I am asking you to risk your life in an effort to save the Federation...I know it sounds suicide, but I have been working on increasing those odds...what do you say,  Lieutenant Commander?

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 06:03:25 PM

Agent Ferguson took another sip of his coffee and smiled at the comment.  "That is a very...linear way of thinking time, Captain Waring.  It's actually much more complicated than that, there are ripple effects, delayed effects, and's hard to explain, let's say your success is not guaranteed"  Agent Ferguson said in a serious tone.  He like his confidence but they could not be overconfident .

He waited a couple of minutes and noticed the sharp dress dress man coming in.

He smiled and said "Don't take this the wrong way, but you look good Captain.  And I will introduce you with to the crew now"  Agent Ferguson touched his shoulder and just like that he was transported across time and space.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]


They appeared inside a crowded conference room.  He waited a couple of second for Captain Waring to get his bearings.  He then began explaining "Captain Waring, welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise ...J, we are right now in the 26th Century, we are in the middle of an important battle and this moment in time is a pocket, we should be safe for now."

He pointed to the rest "Some of these people you already know Captain, but let me introduce you to the crew of this mission of heroes....the First Officer of the mission is Captain Elizabeth Vaghaun,  the Chief of the boat is the liberated borg EQ Kimball you will need him, Lieutenant Garrison will be your Chief Science Officer, she will be supported by Mr. Sevok an expert in Borg Nano technology, then we have Lieutenant Garrison who is the Chief Flight Officer and he will be supported by Leonard Scott who we will need his flight skills"  Agent Ferguson said

He then turned to the table and said "Everyone, I want you to meet, Captain Waring, he is the best Ops Officer we could find in the mission...he will be manning Ops and in charge of supplies and I need to go again"

Within a second he left the room again

U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room 2

Lizzie, having greeted the other officers, stopped in shock when she saw Will. She immediately went over to him.

"Glad to have you aboard Will." She said, giving him a hug. "At least we have one of, if not the best Ops officer in the history of the fleet." She released him and smiled. "We may be a rag-tag bunch but we do have some very capable officers. I hop the ship will at least be in a good state.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian smiled broadly when he saw Waring.

"I'm sorely conflicted ta see ya Sir. Proud as hell ta be servin' with ya again, and sorry as hell that Ferguson roped ya into this suicide run. However, as I will never forget ya takin' the time ta promote me ta ensign in the middle of a red alert. I'm goin' ta come down on the pleased ta see ya again side Sir."

Ian reached out and shook Captain Waring's hand with firmness and true affection. 

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 05, 2017, 07:59:58 PM

[2498-2499 Á¢â,¬"œ Adm. Newberry Plaza Á¢â,¬"œ New Year's Day]

James heard the crowd chanting the countdown for the arrival of the new year.  He grabbed his glass of wine and took a small sip.  The people were excited and rightfully so, this next year would be the last year of the 24th Century.  He could not help but smile.
He was wearing his white dress clothes and walked in the ballroom.  If possible, Captain Hawke liked his crew to get some rest and relaxation during the holidays.  He smiled as he saw several crew members in the Starbase plaza celebrating the New Year.  From a glance he would notice an occasional kiss as a symbol of good luck.  He could not help but contain his smile as he noticed that.
He walked slowly into his table, the realization that he was not as young as he used to be.  His days of action and leading away team might be a thing in the past.  He slowly sat down on his chair in his reserved table for Commanding Officers of Shadow Fleet.   He looked at the other seven chairs in the table and noticed that they were completely empty.

He gave a small smile and said to himself "Just my luck... being alone for New Year's"  As he finished the took a small sip of this glass of wine.   As he remained seated he noticed that his glass of wine was nearly empty.  James then raised his glass as a symbol that he wanted more.

The server observed James and instead of filling his glass a wine, he took a seat and said "With all due respect Captain I think you had enought to drink...and I need to talk to private"  Stunned James looked at the man, he did not have any major duties the next day and he was coherent.  It was the first time that a Server requested a Starfleet Captain to not drink on New Year's.

[2498-2499 Á¢â,¬"œ Adm. Newberry Plaza Á¢â,¬"œ New Year's Day] 

Agent Ferguson needed to recruit the Captain of the ship.  His research showed that this one of the best time to recruit that officer.  Given how many people were around him and the public nature of the event he figured that being dressed in 31st Century clothing might not be a good idea.

He had a disguise as a server, he pondered dressing his rank as Captain with time period uniforms.  However, he did not want to give attention to himself.  He had been observing Captain Hawke during the new year's party for the last couple of minutes and observed his drinking habits.  Even thouht the man was not drunk by any means, he needed him to be sober enough to make command decisions.

He looked at the corner of his eyes and observed that there was a tray with glasses of champaign and wife.  He walked across the VIP area as random officers and civilian reached out to his tray and grabbed a glass of their prefered beverage.  After walking as a server for a couple of minutes he noticed that he was alone sitting on a table.

He denied his attempt to grab a glass of wine and then responded "With all due respect Captain I think you had enought to drink...and I need to talk to private"

He sat down in front of the gentleman and wondered to himself Why did I select him as Captain, again?  There were plently of other choices, Briggs, Constance, Kirok, Rellek,  Waring, Stafford...ect  He then reminded himself that simulation showed

Agent Ferguson then with a serious tone began "I need for you command a mission to save the name is Agent Ferguson and I am rom the Temporal Commission of the 31st Century"  As he finished he looked at James Squarly in the eyes.

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 07:22:39 PM

[2498-2499 Á¢â,¬"œ Adm. Newberry Plaza Á¢â,¬"œ New Year's Day] 

Agent Ferguson needed to recruit the Captain of the ship.  His research showed that this one of the best time to recruit that officer.  Given how many people were around him and the public nature of the event he figured that being dressed in 31st Century clothing might not be a good idea.

He had a disguise as a server, he pondered dressing his rank as Captain with time period uniforms.  However, he did not want to give attention to himself.  He had been observing Captain Hawke during the new year's party for the last couple of minutes and observed his drinking habits.  Even thouht the man was not drunk by any means, he needed him to be sober enough to make command decisions.

He looked at the corner of his eyes and observed that there was a tray with glasses of champaign and wife.  He walked across the VIP area as random officers and civilian reached out to his tray and grabbed a glass of their prefered beverage.  After walking as a server for a couple of minutes he noticed that he was alone sitting on a table.

He denied his attempt to grab a glass of wine and then responded "With all due respect Captain I think you had enought to drink...and I need to talk to private"

He sat down in front of the gentleman and wondered to himself Why did I select him as Captain, again?  There were plently of other choices, Briggs, Constance, Kirok, Rellek,  Waring, Stafford...ect  He then reminded himself that simulation showed

Agent Ferguson then with a serious tone began "I need for you command a mission to save the name is Agent Ferguson and I am rom the Temporal Commission of the 31st Century"  As he finished he looked at James Squarly in the eyes.

James looked at the server back in his eyes and began laughintg.  He continued his laught and he continue "ok...ok , heh, heh, your're pretty good you had me there for a second...did the XO put you up to this?"

Hawke noticed that the person in front of him was not laughting at all.  He stopped his laughter and then said "Ok...I'll bite, why did it took you soo long to arrest me?"

Click on the Badge to see bio

Kinley Garrison

[Conference Room. Enterprise-J]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 08, 2017, 04:34:00 AM

[Enterprise-J - Conference Room]

Ian stood and crossed over to shake Lieutenant Garrison's hand.

"Even though that Ferguson git said there were others daft enough ta be on this fool's quest, I was nae certain he wasn't spinnin' me up. Goin' by the odds against us, I can nae say if it's good ta see ya Lass, because we might all be standin' the Birkenhead drill soon enough."

Kinley nodded at Lieutenant Galloway's remarks, trying to decipher the Lieutenant's very prominent accent. . "Well, not if we can't help it." she replied.
Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 08, 2017, 11:20:40 AM

U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century-Conference Room

"Pleased to meet you Lieutenant. I'm Captain Vaughan." She introduced herself, offering her hand. "I've heard good things about you from colleagues at the Academy and and old friend, Kachina Filitov. I believe you served together on the Discovery?" She asked.

Shaking Captain Vaughan's hand, Kinley smiled at the mention of her fellow crew mate, . "Yes I did serve with her for a time on the Discovery. I didn't know you knew Katcha as well. Must be a pretty small universe after all. " She grinned, trying to bring a little levity in the conference room.

More people kept popping inside the conference room, some Kinley recognized by at least reputation, if not by the endless conferences she had to go to as an officer.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 08, 2017, 08:22:01 PM

James looked at the server back in his eyes and began laughintg.  He continued his laught and he continue "ok...ok , heh, heh, your're pretty good you had me there for a second...did the XO put you up to this?"

Hawke noticed that the person in front of him was not laughting at all.  He stopped his laughter and then said "Ok...I'll bite, why did it took you soo long to arrest me?"

[2498-2499 Á¢â,¬"œ Adm. Newberry Plaza Á¢â,¬"œ New Year's Day] 
Agent Ferguson looked at James in the yes and said "No...I am not here to arrest you.  In fact, I am here to do the oposite, I want you to repeat the Historical Self Correction that you did during the Klingon War....ohh yeah we know what you did, for the record it took me years to clean up the mess that you made".

He handed over a PADD "This is your crew and your are too go to 2365 and destoy a Borg Cube...and before you go there the answer is can't use your own vesell or crew...this crew has been compiled for this mission only"

With a small smirk he said "If it makes you feel any were my second choice for this mission.  I wanted James T. Kirk to lead this mission"

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 08:48:44 PM

[2498-2499 Á¢â,¬"œ Adm. Newberry Plaza Á¢â,¬"œ New Year's Day] 

Agent Ferguson looked at James in the yes and said "No...I am not here to arrest you.  In fact, I am here to do the oposite, I want you to repeat the Historical Self Correction that you did during the Klingon War....ohh yeah we know what you did, for the record it took me years to clean up the mess that you made".

He handed over a PADD "This is your crew and your are too go to 2365 and destoy a Borg Cube...and before you go there the answer is can't use your own vesell or crew...this crew has been compiled for this mission only"

With a small smirk he said "If it makes you feel any were my second choice for this mission.  I wanted James T. Kirk to lead this mission"

James gave a slighly smile and said "Nothing more conforting to hear that you are the the second choice..."

He took the PADD and read it speaking outloud "blah blah blah Destroy a Borg Cube....before it destroys the U,S,S, Enterprise...consequences of failure....destruction of the Federation"  He lowered the PADD and looked at the agent.

"You do sound a tad overdramatic, let's go and meet this crew of ours"  James said.

Click on the Badge to see bio

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on January 08, 2017, 08:29:08 PM

[Conference Room. Enterprise-J]

Kinley nodded at Lieutenant Galloway's remarks, trying to decipher the Lieutenant's very prominent accent. . "Well, not if we can't help it." she replied.
Shaking Captain Vaughan's hand, Kinley smiled at the mention of her fellow crew mate, . "Yes I did serve with her for a time on the Discovery. I didn't know you knew Katcha as well. Must be a pretty small universe after all. " She grinned, trying to bring a little levity in the conference room.

More people kept popping inside the conference room, some Kinley recognized by at least reputation, if not by the endless conferences she had to go to as an officer.

Ian smiled at Garrison admiring her confidence.

"Aye Lass. Hope springs eternal and all that. We do each have roughly thirty plus years of information about the Borg that Enterprise-D did nae have. That is goin' ta have ta be enough, because there is nae another option."

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 08, 2017, 09:05:53 PM

James gave a slighly smile and said "Nothing more conforting to hear that you are the the second choice..."

He took the PADD and read it speaking outloud "blah blah blah Destroy a Borg Cube....before it destroys the U,S,S, Enterprise...consequences of failure....destruction of the Federation"  He lowered the PADD and looked at the agent.

"You do sound a tad overdramatic, let's go and meet this crew of ours"  James said.

[2498-2499 Á¢â,¬"œ Adm. Newberry Plaza Á¢â,¬"œ New Year's Day] 

Agent Ferguson nooded and touched James into the future.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

Agent Ferguson appeared with a room full of people.  He then yelled to grab everyone's attention.
"Everyone!! Sorry to Interupt but can I get your attention!" He yelled at the room.

"It is my pleasure to introduce the Captain of the Mission.  Captain James Hawke"  Agent Ferguson said to the room.

He grabbed James by his shoulder and guided him to the Conference Room table. "Let me introduce you to part of your crew.  Some of them you do know others you do not.  First,  your first officer Captain Captain Elizabeth Vaghaun,  the Chief  of the boat EQ Kimball, Lieutenant Garrison your Chief Science Officer, she will be supported by Mr. Sevok , have Lieutenant Garrison who is the Chief Flight Officer and he will be supported by Leonard Scott, your will be backed by your ops personnel, Captain William Waring"

"I'll leave you to get aqquitated with the rest of your, crew...I need to do more work"  As like that he disappeared.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 10:03:12 PM

[2498-2499 Á¢â,¬"œ Adm. Newberry Plaza Á¢â,¬"œ New Year's Day] 

Agent Ferguson nooded and touched James into the future.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

Agent Ferguson appeared with a room full of people.  He then yelled to grab everyone's attention.
"Everyone!! Sorry to Interupt but can I get your attention!" He yelled at the room.

"It is my pleasure to introduce the Captain of the Mission.  Captain James Hawke"  Agent Ferguson said to the room.

He grabbed James by his shoulder and guided him to the Conference Room table. "Let me introduce you to part of your crew.  Some of them you do know others you do not.  First,  your first officer Captain Captain Elizabeth Vaghaun,  the Chief  of the boat EQ Kimball, Lieutenant Garrison your Chief Science Officer, she will be supported by Mr. Sevok , have Lieutenant Galloway who is the Chief Flight Officer and he will be supported by Leonard Scott, your will be backed by your ops personnel, Captain William Waring"

"I'll leave you to get aqquitated with the rest of your, crew...I need to do more work"  As like that he disappeared.

Ian was now getting used to Ferguson's rapid comings and goings and just extended his hand to Hawke.

"Greetings Sir. Let me be the first ta welcome ya ta the voyage of the damned and ta say how much I'm glad yer not that git Kirk or I'd have punched ya in the nose already."


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 02:41:46 AM

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

Agent Ferguson felt a little bad that he needed to use deception to talk to the next recruit alone.  But it was needed.  He looked at the nearest bench and sat there for a second.  "Thank you, it is mighty kind to for you to talk to me"

He took a deep breath as he sat for a second as he waited her to sit next to him.  Historical records showed she was a kind person and caring.  As he looked her in the eyes he felt he could not deceive her.  "Thank you for meeting me ma'am, my name is Alexander Ferguson and I need your help...I have been recruiting people for a special mission ...I am quite well and I apologize to use deception to speak with you privately"   Ferguson said

Before she could react he said "If you love your husband...and you want to keep him alive you will listen to me.  His life and the Federation is in imminent danger...please hear me out before you walk away, I need a Chief Medical Officer and you are the top of my list"  Ferguson said in a serious tone.

He truly felt bad, but he would need to do some tactics in order to make sure the Federation is preserved.

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

Zex pulled back when the man came clean about his deception.  But the threat to her family she could not accept.  She stood and attempted to slap Ferguson across the face.

"How dare you threaten my husband and my child.  I'm not some secret agent you can simply scoop up for whatever mission you choose.  You have exactly five seconds to explain yourself" the Deltan mother bear said threw gritted teeth.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

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