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Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 08, 2017, 05:58:13 PM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian watched the new arrivals appear and nodded to the Vulcan, knowing their aversion to shaking hands, before eying Kimball with interest.

"That Lad does like ta flit doesn't he? Welcome to the band of fools waitin' fer So-Vor-Kor or whatever ya believes in. I'm Ian."

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

"Flit?  Oh I got it.  Good one" EQ replied with a smile.  He did not extend his hand as he did not expect it to be accepted.  "I'm Edward Quintino Kimball.  I go by EQ" he added.     

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 04:32:39 AM

He shook his head in disappointment from the Officer.  He did not believe his identity and the situation they were in.  He handed the PADD back and responded in a serious tone "This isn't a joke!  I am telling you the truth..."

He grabbed the PADD said and continued "I can't wipe out enemies from the future...the effects would be catastrophic for the universe.  It's not that simple...if my mission fail the future will be devastating for the Federation"

There was no laughter just starting at his eyes.  "Grab my hand and see for yourself..." he said as he extended his hand to the officer.

[USS Apogee]

Alex weighed his options. He decided to believe the man. "Fine, just hang on a minute." he said, before typing out a message to be delivered if he wasn't back in five minutes.

TO: Lieutenant J. Fawkes
FROM: Commander A. Tintus

Message Begins.
Report to Engineering. If I do not return I am to be presumed dead and unrecoverable. In such case take command of Engineering.
Message Ends.

He walked back over after entering this in the ship's logs. He grabbed the man's hand. "Let's see what you have to show me."

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J] Conference Room]

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 08, 2017, 11:46:35 PM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

"Flit?  Oh I got it.  Good one" EQ replied with a smile.  He did not extend his hand as he did not expect it to be accepted.  "I'm Edward Quintino Kimball.  I go by EQ" he added.

"Well EQ it is then. I don't know anything about how the Collective works, but won't ya be at risk ta be re-assimilated? I mean we really need yer skills, but last thing we need where we're goin' is another Borg Drone."

Leonard T. Scott

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 04:15:55 PM

{XO's Office, DS5-2401}
Agent Ferguson gave a slight smile as he heard Leo's word.  The journey was easy, however the mission was more complicated.  As he took the hand he began the time transport process.

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

They transported in the conference room in a more advance vessel.

He showed the table for a second and looked at Leo as he transported.  "Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise-J, we are in the 26th Century, at the battle of Procyon V, this ship...this moment in time is protected by the ripple effects of the time continuum"  Ferguson explained

"Leo, let me introduce you with the rest of your crew, over here you have your First Officer, Elizabeth Vaughan,  next to her you have Lieutenant Garrison,  she is the Chief Science Officer for the mission, next to her you have Lieutenant Galloway, he would be chief Helmsman...don't worry Leo, you will get to do plenty of flying on this mission, the ship will have a full complement of I will let you get to know each other, if you excuse me...I need to bring other people here"  Agent Ferguson said

Within a second he disappeared from the room.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 08, 2017, 04:26:31 PM

9Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian smiled warmly as Vaughan shook hands with him.

"Aye Captain. I remember ya from the Tempest I was no but a wee bairn then. I was-"

Ian blinked as Ferguson popped back in with another man introducing him quickly and then popping back out just as quickly.

"Nice ta meet ya... Leo was it? I don't claim ta know much in the way of Latin, but I do know a phrase that seems ta fit. Morituri te salutant. It means those of us about to die, salute you. Morbid perhaps, but goin' by the way that Ferguson wanker was talkin' it might be all too appropriate."

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

"You're correct, laddie," Leo replied with the same accent. "A'm gled tae meet a fellow Scot. Seems we're gonna be working together. "

He figured Ferguson was off to recruit more folks. He turned to the others that had joined.

"A few of you I recall from our time in the Athena, but the rest of you, I'll be glad to get to know you."

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on January 09, 2017, 02:00:04 AM

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

"You're correct, laddie," Leo replied with the same accent. "A'm gled tae meet a fellow Scot. Seems we're gonna be working together. "

He figured Ferguson was off to recruit more folks. He turned to the others that had joined.

"A few of you I recall from our time in the Athena, but the rest of you, I'll be glad to get to know you."

Ian shook Leo's hand firmly, while smiling and stage whispering conspiratorily.

"I'm figurin' that the only reason we're goin ta survive this here temporal conundrum is havin' Scots aboard. Shame we don't have one in the engine room, but beggars can nae be choosers."


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 04:39:53 PM

Agent Ferguson explained "You might be disoriented, in your surroundings for a is perfectly normal"

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room]

The transporter sequence finished and they stood in the middle of a conference room that was already beginning to fill up with individuals.

Agent Ferguson pointed at the table and said "Mr. Sevoc...welcome onboard on the U.S.S.Enteprise ....J we are right now in a time pocket in the 26th Century in the middle of one of the Federation's most important vessel.  Here you have some of your crew picked from time and space...remember not everyone is from the same time as you, some of you are from more into the future than others...kept talking about your future self to a minimum"

He looked across the table and said "Introductions are in other here...First, this is Captain Elizabeth Vaughan the ship's first officer, to her left is Lieutenant Garrison, the Ship's Chief Science Officer, next to her is Lieutenant Galloway, the ship's primary helmsman, next to him is Leonard Scott, he will also work flight"

He looked at the room and said "Everyone, this is Mr. Sevok from 2400, he has done research and have invaluable information and studies regarding the will need him if you have any hope of surviving"  Agent Ferguson explained.

As he finished "I am sure you all know the gist now, I have to go...more people to recruit soo little time:...Before he transported he said "C'mon you have to admit that was funny coming from a Time Traveler"

And then he was gone again.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 08, 2017, 05:58:13 PM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian watched the new arrivals appear and nodded to the Vulcan, knowing their aversion to shaking hands, before eying Kimball with interest.

"That Lad does like ta flit doesn't he? Welcome to the band of fools waitin' fer So-Vor-Kor or whatever ya believes in. I'm Ian."

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

"Peace and long life," Sevoc replied extending the customary hand salute of his maternal people. "It seems we have a rather eclectic group among us. I have begun research on developing something of a vaccine against the Borg nano-probes. Lt. Garrison, it would be most agreeable to work with on this endeavor as it will provide a much needed, so to speak, ace up our sleeve."

He was never really one for social gatherings.

So that would make me a blue-blooded hobgoblin?
Alt for Leo

William Waring

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 08, 2017, 06:35:34 PM

U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room 2

Lizzie, having greeted the other officers, stopped in shock when she saw Will. She immediately went over to him.

"Glad to have you aboard Will." She said, giving him a hug. "At least we have one of, if not the best Ops officer in the history of the fleet." She released him and smiled. "We may be a rag-tag bunch but we do have some very capable officers. I hop the ship will at least be in a good state.

[Conference Room - 26th Century]

Will returned the gesture to Lizzie before speaking. "It's been too long Lizzie" he spoke as if the two officers had seen each other in years "For me anyway." He gave a dismissive wave "The officers these days make me look like a first year cadet. My Ops Chief on the Daedalus, the Sovereign Class I captained for the past three years, speaks of comcepts that were hypothetical when I held the post. Could speak the leg off a table that one, reminds me of Ruth, she does..." he trailed off but quickly recovered by clearing his throat "Sorry, still difficult sometimes."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 08, 2017, 07:01:53 PM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian smiled broadly when he saw Waring.

"I'm sorely conflicted ta see ya Sir. Proud as hell ta be servin' with ya again, and sorry as hell that Ferguson roped ya into this suicide run. However, as I will never forget ya takin' the time ta promote me ta ensign in the middle of a red alert. I'm goin' ta come down on the pleased ta see ya again side Sir."

Ian reached out and shook Captain Waring's hand with firmness and true affection.

"Ian Galloway, well call me a monkey's uncle! How have you been? You just be at least Lieutenant Commander by now! Wait..."

He turned and spoke to Lizzie and Ian "What years are you from?"


T'Ra Jones

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra sat on the floor, her legs crossed and her hands resting gently on her lap. Her breaths were slow and even in a deliberate attempt to meditate, searching for that blissful state of calm that had been so frustratingly elusive of late. Breath in, breath out. But still the thoughts were buzzing, frantically, as if searching for honey, or an answer. But she had nothing.

And then something happened, causing T'Ra to tilt her head ever so slightly. Even with her eyes closed, she knew the door had opened. A soft hiss had been followed by a rush of cold air, causing a few small bumps to raise on her skin before she was re-engulfed by the sweet heat.

"By God, T'Ra," a man exclaimed, "are you trying to boil me in my skin?!" She opened her eyes, arching a brow. "Is that the only way you Vulcans can communicate, raising an eyebrow?" he scoffed.

"Why say more if a simple gesture is sufficient?" T'Ra asked, remaining in her seated position. "In any case, you know what I meant, Mr. Beuhler."

Buehler paused to wipe a drop of sweat from his own brow, his teal medical uniform already starting to get damp. "I thought we were past that..." T'Ra simply raised her brow again. "I know, I know," he said quietly. "You're just irritated with me. But seriously, can you turn the bleeding heat down?"

"Computer," she called out, "reduce temperature to thirty degrees centigrade." Turning back to Buehler, she asked, "I take it you have the reports I asked for?"

"Yeah," he replied, holding out a padd, "but you missed our lunch date."

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: William Waring on January 09, 2017, 03:22:01 AM

[Conference Room - 26th Century]

Will returned the gesture to Lizzie before speaking. "It's been too long Lizzie" he spoke as if the two officers had seen each other in years "For me anyway." He gave a dismissive wave "The officers these days make me look like a first year cadet. My Ops Chief on the Daedalus, the Sovereign Class I captained for the past three years, speaks of comcepts that were hypothetical when I held the post. Could speak the leg off a table that one, reminds me of Ruth, she does..." he trailed off but quickly recovered by clearing his throat "Sorry, still difficult sometimes."
"Ian Galloway, well call me a monkey's uncle! How have you been? You just be at least Lieutenant Commander by now! Wait..."

He turned and spoke to Lizzie and Ian "What years are you from?"

Ian ached an eyebrow in confusion for a moment before he replied softy.

"Tis 2399 fer me Sir. Only five years since ya promoted me aboard the Tempest. I'd not thought about hoppy McGee's ability ta choose folk from anywhen. I thought he was havin' a go about about Kirk, but he said Jonathan Archer was here when he brought me aboard, so it'd be child's play fer him to have crew from all over the full spectrum of time. Hell, he could have Robert the Bruce here if'n he wanted."


Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 09, 2017, 01:59:25 AM

[Enterprise-J] Conference Room]

"Well EQ it is then. I don't know anything about how the Collective works, but won't ya be at risk ta be re-assimilated? I mean we really need yer skills, but last thing we need where we're goin' is another Borg Drone."

[Enterprise-J] Conference Room]

EQ smiled even wider.  "You would be right if I still had my neural transceiver.  But I had that removed long ago.  Apparently resistance isn't futile" the liberated Borg replied.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 09, 2017, 03:55:55 AM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra sat on the floor, her legs crossed and her hands resting gently on her lap. Her breaths were slow and even in a deliberate attempt to meditate, searching for that blissful state of calm that had been so frustratingly elusive of late. Breath in, breath out. But still the thoughts were buzzing, frantically, as if searching for honey, or an answer. But she had nothing.

And then something happened, causing T'Ra to tilt her head ever so slightly. Even with her eyes closed, she knew the door had opened. A soft hiss had been followed by a rush of cold air, causing a few small bumps to raise on her skin before she was re-engulfed by the sweet heat.

"By God, T'Ra," a man exclaimed, "are you trying to boil me in my skin?!" She opened her eyes, arching a brow. "Is that the only way you Vulcans can communicate, raising an eyebrow?" he scoffed.

"Why say more if a simple gesture is sufficient?" T'Ra asked, remaining in her seated position. "In any case, you know what I meant, Mr. Beuhler."

Buehler paused to wipe a drop of sweat from his own brow, his teal medical uniform already starting to get damp. "I thought we were past that..." T'Ra simply raised her brow again. "I know, I know," he said quietly. "You're just irritated with me. But seriously, can you turn the bleeding heat down?"

"Computer," she called out, "reduce temperature to thirty degrees centigrade." Turning back to Buehler, she asked, "I take it you have the reports I asked for?"

"Yeah," he replied, holding out a padd, "but you missed our lunch date."

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

Agent Ferguson materialized outside the door.  This was one recruit he had been wanting to meet.  T'Ra Jones was somewhat of a legend among her peers and had even fought the Borg before.

She would be helpful in their current mission.  Possibly even the deciding factor.  So Ferguson took a small breath and rang the door chime.

Kinley Garrison

[Conference room, Enterprise-J]

Kinley looked over the gradually-increasing number of her new colleagues.  One of whom was an Andorian named Sevoc. She had reviewed a few of his papers before and they had all been rather top rate.  Having him on the science team would most definitely help her breathe easier during this crisis.

Quote from: Sevoc on January 09, 2017, 03:01:39 AM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

"Peace and long life," Sevoc replied extending the customary hand salute of his maternal people. "It seems we have a rather eclectic group among us. I have begun research on developing something of a vaccine against the Borg nano-probes. Lt. Garrison, it would be most agreeable to work with on this endeavor as it will provide a much needed, so to speak, ace up our sleeve."

He was never really one for social gatherings.

Kinley listened to the Andorian with a growing sense of glee. "You sir, are brilliant! I've been wracking my brain trying to work out a solution to give us an edge against the Borg, and here you come along! After this meeting is over, we are going to have quite the brainstorming session, my friend! "
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


Quote from: Kinley Garrison on January 09, 2017, 04:16:33 AM

[Conference room, Enterprise-J]

Kinley looked over the gradually-increasing number of her new colleagues.  One of whom was an Andorian named Sevoc. She had reviewed a few of his papers before and they had all been rather top rate.  Having him on the science team would most definitely help her breathe easier during this crisis.

Kinley listened to the Andorian with a growing sense of glee. "You sir, are brilliant! I've been wracking my brain trying to work out a solution to give us an edge against the Borg, and here you come along! After this meeting is over, we are going to have quite the brainstorming session, my friend! "

[Conference room, Enterprise-J]

"Indeed," Sevoc replied. "I do have my notes and some of the nano-probes I was working with. Hopefully together we can perfect it before getting to our destination."

He was glad to have a fellow scientist around.

So that would make me a blue-blooded hobgoblin?
Alt for Leo

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 09, 2017, 04:03:00 AM

[Enterprise-J] Conference Room]

EQ smiled even wider.  "You would be right if I still had my neural transceiver.  But I had that removed long ago.  Apparently resistance isn't futile" the liberated Borg replied.

Ian laughed as he replied.

"Well said mate. Good ta have ya aboard then. One thing they impressed on us cadets at the academy was the value of a good NCO and looks like we're crackin' in that department."

Ian then lowered his voice so that only Kimball could hear him.

"I'm goin' ta ask a favor of ya Lad, and it's a big one."

Ian paused as he clearly struggled with how to say what he had to say before hs words came out in a rush.

"If'n it should turn out that this mission goes bad, or if just something happen ta me in particular. If either of those things happen and I'm not able ta do this on my own. I want ya ta make sure there is nothing for the Borg ta assimilate. I would trust I'm makin' that clear Mister Kimball?"

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 09, 2017, 03:55:55 AM

"Yeah," he replied, holding out a padd, "but you missed our lunch date."

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

"Ni'droi'ik nar-tor," she apologized, lowering her gaze. "I had other things on my mind. I forgot."

Evan Buehler took it all in stride."Nah'um, T'Ra. Don't worry about it. I know you red shirts always have a lot on your plates. Besides, it gave me an excuse to come check on you. Come," he told her, offering a hand to help her up, "let's go sit down and I'll get us something to munch from the replicator while we go over the reports."

T'Ra could have easily gotten up under her own steam, but it would have been rude to refuse the hand offered. "That sounds agreeable."

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 09, 2017, 04:11:53 AM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

Agent Ferguson materialized outside the door.  This was one recruit he had been wanting to meet.  T'Ra Jones was somewhat of a legend among her peers and had even fought the Borg before.

She would be helpful in their current mission.  Possibly even the deciding factor.  So Ferguson took a small breath and rang the door chime.

Evan and T'Ra both arched a brow in unison when the doorbell chimed, causing the corner of her lip to curl up slightly in a rare smirk. "Expecting company?" Evan asked.

T'Ra shook her head, all seriousness again. "It's not my custom to have visitors to my private quarters. You're usually the only one, and you don't even bother with the chime any more." She paused a moment before calling to the computer, "Open door."

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

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