
Started by James A. Hawke, January 05, 2017, 06:19:04 PM

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James H. Hawk

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 08, 2017, 06:21:44 PM

[U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œ J 26th Century-Conference Room 2

He gave him a couple of second to process the information.  He was a hard skeptical man, but he figured that images sometimes spoke louder than words.  He remained serious and spoke with a low tone of voice he looked at his eyes so he could read he was not lying.  "This already happened, the Borg with their time traveling technology sent another cube to the year 2365.  The U.S.S. Enterprise Á¢â,¬"œD who was supposed to encountered one borg cube instead encountered two cubes.  The ship was destroyed and all hands lost.  Without the Enterprise  heroics after the battle of Wolf 359, the Federation fell to the Borg and what you see is the future"  He said solemnly.

"You are trained to detect deception, and I ask you, do you think I am I said I need you to be Chief Tactical Officer and Second Officer on a mission to stop the second Borg Cube at all cost, you will only have on Excelsior class vesell, you will be alone, outmanned, outgunned, no reinforcements and failure is not an option...I am not asking a small favor...I am asking you to risk your life in an effort to save the Federation...I know it sounds suicide, but I have been working on increasing those odds...what do you say,  Lieutenant Commander?

"An Excelsior Class?" James exclaimed, "Sure they look pretty but I doubt they hold their own against a Borg Sphere let alone two Cube!" he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Going up against the Borg was no easy feat and James was quite frankly terrified almost to the point of it being a phobia of the Borg. He couldn't let Earth be assimilated even if it meant he had to fight one of his greatest fears but going up against two Cube's in an outdated cruiser was certainly suicide. "How would you increase these odds? You'd need weaponry and defensive technologies on par or more advanced than those of the present at least my present and integrating advanced technologies to older starships takes time and is not easy and that's if they are even compatible. Your going to need something good, Agent because I'm not facing those...those things unless the odds are much more in our favor."

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 09, 2017, 06:21:01 AM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

"Ni'droi'ik nar-tor," she apologized, lowering her gaze. "I had other things on my mind. I forgot."

Evan Buehler took it all in stride."Nah'um, T'Ra. Don't worry about it. I know you red shirts always have a lot on your plates. Besides, it gave me an excuse to come check on you. Come," he told her, offering a hand to help her up, "let's go sit down and I'll get us something to munch from the replicator while we go over the reports."

T'Ra could have easily gotten up under her own steam, but it would have been rude to refuse the hand offered. "That sounds agreeable."

Evan and T'Ra both arched a brow in unison when the doorbell chimed, causing the corner of her lip to curl up slightly in a rare smirk. "Expecting company?" Evan asked.

T'Ra shook her head, all seriousness again. "It's not my custom to have visitors to my private quarters. You're usually the only one, and you don't even bother with the chime any more." She paused a moment before calling to the computer, "Open door."

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

The door swooshed open to a long corridor.  And then opened up into a large living space.  Agent Ferguson followed the path and found himself facing T'Ra and what he assumed to be her trusted aide.

Ferguson was dress all in black as the member of the Time Integrity Commission were known to do.  He stopped as soon as he entered room.  "Vice Admiral Jones, please allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Agent Ferguson" he said, bowing slightly in respect for her Vulcan heritage.

"I apologize for interrupting your meal, but I've come a long way to meet with you personally.  The nature of the matter is quite urgent and confidential.  Would it be possible to speak to you in private?" he added after taking a small step forward.

Non-Playing Character 2

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

Agent Ferguson looked down, he felt a little worried about recruiting this particular person.  Most people would like to spend their last moments of exitence with their loved one and it was something that he would be potentially denying here.

As he was not focused he felt a slap across his face.  This one was not going according to plan, he  planned on using her emotions as a recruiting tactic but this time it failed.  He raised his hand at  cheek her he got slapped . "I get it, but I assure you, I am trying to save the lives of your family...I am not the villain's the Borg"  He replied

He handed a PADD "I am not a secret the contrary...I am a Temporal Agent...the Borg has altered the timeline and it's up to us to fix it.  I am assembling a crew across time and space from the famous Shadow Fleet to try and stop the Borg in 2365 before they destroy the Enterprise...which if they do...we are all dead...including your beloved family."

He stood up from the bench and said "I am offering you a chance to save your loved ones...not everyone get's that chance, are you interested?"  He asked.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on January 09, 2017, 12:35:46 AM

[USS Apogee]

Alex weighed his options. He decided to believe the man. "Fine, just hang on a minute." he said, before typing out a message to be delivered if he wasn't back in five minutes.

TO: Lieutenant J. Fawkes
FROM: Commander A. Tintus

Message Begins.
Report to Engineering. If I do not return I am to be presumed dead and unrecoverable. In such case take command of Engineering.
Message Ends.

He walked back over after entering this in the ship's logs. He grabbed the man's hand. "Let's see what you have to show me."

[USS Apogee-2365]

Agent Ferguson crossed his arms and looked at the man. He waited patiently as he gave the message.  "Don't worry if all goes right you will be back before anyone notices...if everything goes bad...then don't worry either they will only miss you for a year at most".

He attempted to make a slight joke there about how limited his choices were.  Unlike the other individuals in the crew if the missions failed he could be cutting his life short for a couple of years.

He then approached Commander Tintus and touched him in his shoulder

[U.S.S. Enteprise Á¢â,¬"œ J Á¢â,¬"œ 26th Century Á¢â,¬"œ Hallway]
Almost like a second they appeared to be on a vesell, which was much larger than the Oberth Vesell they were in.  He gave him a couple of second to observe the technology and attempt to recognize that they were in a significantly more advance vesell.
"Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise...J...we are in the 26th Century in the battle of Procyon V...this battle is between the Federation and another alien race just as Captain Archer described.  Look our the window for a second"  Ferguson said

From the window we could observe images of the Federation starship Promethius and other advance vesells fighting against the sphere builder.

"There design should look that they are based on Federation Technology...because it is the Federation just more an Engineer I am sure you can observe small details of the wanted proof that I am not lying to you there is your proof...this is not a hologram and you can run whatever test you wants to eliminate the potential of being a holographic projection".

He tunred to the holoscreen "Computer Display the Remmants of Battle Wolf 359"

"I am showing you the future, I bet you recognize some of those ships like the Saratoga the Federation fought 39 vessells against a species called the Borg.  They ultimately will be defeated by the Enterprise.  This battle HAS to occur this way in order for the Borg to be defeated...this destruction was only with ONE of their ships they would be unstobable with TWO...this is no joke, I need you for this mission...if you don't do it for yourself...then do it for your wanted proof...I am giving you proof. "  Agent Ferguson said

He then said "I am sorry for being the bearer of horrible news,but it's the truth"

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 09, 2017, 09:30:54 AM

"An Excelsior Class?" James exclaimed, "Sure they look pretty but I doubt they hold their own against a Borg Sphere let alone two Cube!" he couldn't believe what he was hearing. Going up against the Borg was no easy feat and James was quite frankly terrified almost to the point of it being a phobia of the Borg. He couldn't let Earth be assimilated even if it meant he had to fight one of his greatest fears but going up against two Cube's in an outdated cruiser was certainly suicide. "How would you increase these odds? You'd need weaponry and defensive technologies on par or more advanced than those of the present at least my present and integrating advanced technologies to older starships takes time and is not easy and that's if they are even compatible. Your going to need something good, Agent because I'm not facing those...those things unless the odds are much more in our favor."

U.S.S. Enteprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century,  Conference Room 2

Agent Ferguson shook his head sideways giving a negative response.  No one liked this part of the information.  Not only they were only a single ship but they could not upgrade the vesell to their current technology.

"I am sorry Luitenant Commander, but you won't be able to take any technology from your time period or any time period that is not 2365.  You won't have what you consider modern weapons and technology.  I can't let you if for some reason the Borg Assimilates your vesell  with advance technlolgy, we have to bring another vesell from a more modern time and the consequences in the timeline would be catastrophic."  Agent Ferguson delivered the bad news.

"You want something good...I am giving something good.  I have handpicked the best crew I could find to defeat this won't be alone you will be working with the best I could find."  Agent Ferguson smiled

"A wise man once said order to understand the Tactical Situation  you must not only read the offensive and defensive capabilites of a ship, but the heart, training and determination of it's crew.  The crew is sometimes the more crucial part of the equation...that's you in 5 years where you are now"

Agent Ferguson gave a slight smile to the officer as he wanted to see if he was going to argue with himself.  "Do you want to meet your crewmates?  They are waiting for you in another conference room"

James A. Hawke

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 08, 2017, 10:16:27 PM

Ian was now getting used to Ferguson's rapid comings and goings and just extended his hand to Hawke.

"Greetings Sir. Let me be the first ta welcome ya ta the voyage of the damned and ta say how much I'm glad yer not that git Kirk or I'd have punched ya in the nose already."

James accepted the extentended hand and responded with a smile "Thank's for the reminder that I was the second choice for the mission...and also thank you for not punching me in the nose.  It has been a while Ian, I can see you are all grown up...we are lucky to have you".  As James finished he gave him a gentle pat in the back.

Voyage of the dammed, I need to do something to correct that attitude...they NEED to believe that we can do this against all odds James thout to himself.

He approached the table and remained standing.  He placed both of his hands on the table and began thinking what to say.  He knew the majority of the individuals here but it was ackward not having his crew and his vesell.  He stood for a couple of seconds and waited for the attention to go to him.

He cleared his throat for a second and began talking
"Ahem, this is a unique situation, some of us are old friends... other strangers, we have been gathered around time and space for a singular purpose, to stop the borg and save the Federation.  We are a team like no other, we have come from different times, different places, different perspective.  I want you to take a second and look at the people in the room, around you.  Each one of you was selected for this mission for a reason, each one of you were brave to answer the call, each one of you should understand that this is a high risk mission, but never in the history of the Federation a crew has been selected this way.  We are not just a crew, we are a team.  I know that you will not let each other down!  At the contrary, I am confident that you will make yourself proud and when this is all said and done this story might sound like a fairy tale...but in your hearts you know the truth of what happened! We will take our ship the Valour and we will show the Borgs...that they messed with the wrong people, in the wrong time!  We will kick their ass so hard that it will echo in the timeline all the way in the 31st Century!  Now, who is with me?"   James finished the small speech and hope that it boosted morale somewhat.

Click on the Badge to see bio

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 09, 2017, 05:33:10 PM

[USS Apogee-2365]

Agent Ferguson crossed his arms and looked at the man. He waited patiently as he gave the message.  "Don't worry if all goes right you will be back before anyone notices...if everything goes bad...then don't worry either they will only miss you for a year at most".

He attempted to make a slight joke there about how limited his choices were.  Unlike the other individuals in the crew if the missions failed he could be cutting his life short for a couple of years.

He then approached Commander Tintus and touched him in his shoulder

[U.S.S. Enteprise Á¢â,¬"œ J Á¢â,¬"œ 26th Century Á¢â,¬"œ Hallway]
Almost like a second they appeared to be on a vesell, which was much larger than the Oberth Vesell they were in.  He gave him a couple of second to observe the technology and attempt to recognize that they were in a significantly more advance vesell.
"Welcome to the U.S.S. Enterprise...J...we are in the 26th Century in the battle of Procyon V...this battle is between the Federation and another alien race just as Captain Archer described.  Look our the window for a second"  Ferguson said

From the window we could observe images of the Federation starship Promethius and other advance vesells fighting against the sphere builder.

"There design should look that they are based on Federation Technology...because it is the Federation just more an Engineer I am sure you can observe small details of the wanted proof that I am not lying to you there is your proof...this is not a hologram and you can run whatever test you wants to eliminate the potential of being a holographic projection".

He tunred to the holoscreen "Computer Display the Remmants of Battle Wolf 359"

"I am showing you the future, I bet you recognize some of those ships like the Saratoga the Federation fought 39 vessells against a species called the Borg.  They ultimately will be defeated by the Enterprise.  This battle HAS to occur this way in order for the Borg to be defeated...this destruction was only with ONE of their ships they would be unstobable with TWO...this is no joke, I need you for this mission...if you don't do it for yourself...then do it for your wanted proof...I am giving you proof. "  Agent Ferguson said

He then said "I am sorry for being the bearer of horrible news,but it's the truth"

[ENT-J- 26c]

Alex looked as the man motioned to his surroundings. He had his tricorder at his side, and was whirring away. He was impressed, to say the least. The mention of Archer brought up another memory... something he'd heard discussed by two of the eggheads in the mess hall a few weeks ago.

He frowned, and turned to the man after viewing the fight. "The Archer paradox..." he said, referring to this event. "Daniels. You're another like him." he said, grasping faintly at the straws and connecting a few dots.

"Well these don't look like any Oberth class vessels, but I'll take your word for it." he said, and began muttering to himself. Unbeknownst to him he began to act much like his grandson later would. He looked at the window and began ticking off familliar markings. "Dual nacelle... right color scheme, warp plasma variance likely with .0043 and .0021... And that arrowhead." he mused, looking around the hallways. He'd love to explore this later, but he didn't have the time now. Or the resources.

He saw the next image brought up on the screen. He stopped short as he recognized almost all of the Earth Defense Fleet in ruins... as well as several ships he had friends on. "Melbourne... Kyushu... Bonestell..." he said, as he identified wrecks. He gasped when he saw the ship he'd just been on. "Apogee..."

He looked to the man, his face hardening. "I've not seen my son in years. John's out of the picture so don't you DARE use him as leverage against me." he said, a mix of anger and fear in his voice. "Is this my fate? To be blown to bits by some species I've never even met? And now you're asking me to go up against them now, where if I make it back I'll know what happens? You're asking me to kill myself now, rather than later?"

He paced, trying to figure out what to do. "Fine. It's my duty as a Starfleet officer to protect the Federation. Let's get this over with."

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Leonard T. Scott

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 09, 2017, 06:59:12 PM

James accepted the extentended hand and responded with a smile "Thank's for the reminder that I was the second choice for the mission...and also thank you for not punching me in the nose.  It has been a while Ian, I can see you are all grown up...we are lucky to have you".  As James finished he gave him a gentle pat in the back.

Voyage of the dammed, I need to do something to correct that attitude...they NEED to believe that we can do this against all odds James thout to himself.

He approached the table and remained standing.  He placed both of his hands on the table and began thinking what to say.  He knew the majority of the individuals here but it was ackward not having his crew and his vesell.  He stood for a couple of seconds and waited for the attention to go to him.

He cleared his throat for a second and began talking
"Ahem, this is a unique situation, some of us are old friends... other strangers, we have been gathered around time and space for a singular purpose, to stop the borg and save the Federation.  We are a team like no other, we have come from different times, different places, different perspective.  I want you to take a second and look at the people in the room, around you.  Each one of you was selected for this mission for a reason, each one of you were brave to answer the call, each one of you should understand that this is a high risk mission, but never in the history of the Federation a crew has been selected this way.  We are not just a crew, we are a team.  I know that you will not let each other down!  At the contrary, I am confident that you will make yourself proud and when this is all said and done this story might sound like a fairy tale...but in your hearts you know the truth of what happened! We will take our ship the Valour and we will show the Borgs...that they messed with the wrong people, in the wrong time!  We will kick their ass so hard that it will echo in the timeline all the way in the 31st Century!  Now, who is with me?"   James finished the small speech and hope that it boosted morale somewhat.

[ENT-J- 26c]

"I believe they will also say, 'Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal,' but that's just my speculation," Leo replied with a smile. "But yes, they will definitely regret the fact Q forced us to meet early."

His timing for jokes had always been his strong suit.

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 09, 2017, 06:59:12 PM

James accepted the extentended hand and responded with a smile "Thank's for the reminder that I was the second choice for the mission...and also thank you for not punching me in the nose.  It has been a while Ian, I can see you are all grown up...we are lucky to have you".  As James finished he gave him a gentle pat in the back.

Voyage of the dammed, I need to do something to correct that attitude...they NEED to believe that we can do this against all odds James thout to himself.

He approached the table and remained standing.  He placed both of his hands on the table and began thinking what to say.  He knew the majority of the individuals here but it was ackward not having his crew and his vesell.  He stood for a couple of seconds and waited for the attention to go to him.

He cleared his throat for a second and began talking
"Ahem, this is a unique situation, some of us are old friends... other strangers, we have been gathered around time and space for a singular purpose, to stop the borg and save the Federation.  We are a team like no other, we have come from different times, different places, different perspective.  I want you to take a second and look at the people in the room, around you.  Each one of you was selected for this mission for a reason, each one of you were brave to answer the call, each one of you should understand that this is a high risk mission, but never in the history of the Federation a crew has been selected this way.  We are not just a crew, we are a team.  I know that you will not let each other down!  At the contrary, I am confident that you will make yourself proud and when this is all said and done this story might sound like a fairy tale...but in your hearts you know the truth of what happened! We will take our ship the Valour and we will show the Borgs...that they messed with the wrong people, in the wrong time!  We will kick their ass so hard that it will echo in the timeline all the way in the 31st Century!  Now, who is with me?"   James finished the small speech and hope that it boosted morale somewhat.

Ian nodded as Captain Hawke spoke.

"The Kirk thing is a family debt, but does nae matter. The wanker is nae here and I wouldn't be here if'n I thought our task was hopeless. One thought occurred ta me Sir, when Ferguson mentioned that we could nae bring modern tech back with us. As I recall, the Enterprise had found that high frequency phaser fire caused a drop in the Borg cube's power output. They tried ta use the main deflector ta emit the same frequency on a larger scale, but by the time it was ready, Picard had been assimilated and that gave the Borg the means ta adapt. If we roll in with that same modification ready and hit this cube before Picard gets taken, we should be able ta play holy hob with this cube."


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 09, 2017, 04:33:48 PM

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

Agent Ferguson looked down, he felt a little worried about recruiting this particular person.  Most people would like to spend their last moments of exitence with their loved one and it was something that he would be potentially denying here.

As he was not focused he felt a slap across his face.  This one was not going according to plan, he  planned on using her emotions as a recruiting tactic but this time it failed.  He raised his hand at  cheek her he got slapped . "I get it, but I assure you, I am trying to save the lives of your family...I am not the villain's the Borg"  He replied

He handed a PADD "I am not a secret the contrary...I am a Temporal Agent...the Borg has altered the timeline and it's up to us to fix it.  I am assembling a crew across time and space from the famous Shadow Fleet to try and stop the Borg in 2365 before they destroy the Enterprise...which if they do...we are all dead...including your beloved family."

He stood up from the bench and said "I am offering you a chance to save your loved ones...not everyone get's that chance, are you interested?"  He asked.

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

As soon as the Deltan heard the word Borg, her anger at Ferguson washed away.  And she was immediately embarrassed that she had struck him.  Never in her life had she acted like that before, but being a new mommy (an adopted one at that) had changed things for Zex.

"I would do anything for my husband and my baby" Zex finally replied with a tone that suggested the topic was off limits.  "I will go with you.  But I need just a little time to get ready, thirty minutes" she pleaded.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 09, 2017, 04:56:19 AM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian laughed as he replied.

"Well said mate. Good ta have ya aboard then. One thing they impressed on us cadets at the academy was the value of a good NCO and looks like we're crackin' in that department."

Ian then lowered his voice so that only Kimball could hear him.

"I'm goin' ta ask a favor of ya Lad, and it's a big one."

Ian paused as he clearly struggled with how to say what he had to say before hs words came out in a rush.

"If'n it should turn out that this mission goes bad, or if just something happen ta me in particular. If either of those things happen and I'm not able ta do this on my own. I want ya ta make sure there is nothing for the Borg ta assimilate. I would trust I'm makin' that clear Mister Kimball?"

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

"Thanks again, Ian.  Sounds like they taught you well at the Academy" EQ replied with a smirk.  "What's that" he asked, but leaned in forward to hear what favor the man would ask.

"If that's what you want, I will do it.  But I survived it.  Maybe not completely, but I did.  So I need you to be absolutely sure that is what you want before I will agree to it" EQ replied in hushed tones.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on January 09, 2017, 07:07:06 PM

[ENT-J- 26c]

Alex looked as the man motioned to his surroundings. He had his tricorder at his side, and was whirring away. He was impressed, to say the least. The mention of Archer brought up another memory... something he'd heard discussed by two of the eggheads in the mess hall a few weeks ago.

He frowned, and turned to the man after viewing the fight. "The Archer paradox..." he said, referring to this event. "Daniels. You're another like him." he said, grasping faintly at the straws and connecting a few dots.

"Well these don't look like any Oberth class vessels, but I'll take your word for it." he said, and began muttering to himself. Unbeknownst to him he began to act much like his grandson later would. He looked at the window and began ticking off familliar markings. "Dual nacelle... right color scheme, warp plasma variance likely with .0043 and .0021... And that arrowhead." he mused, looking around the hallways. He'd love to explore this later, but he didn't have the time now. Or the resources.

He saw the next image brought up on the screen. He stopped short as he recognized almost all of the Earth Defense Fleet in ruins... as well as several ships he had friends on. "Melbourne... Kyushu... Bonestell..." he said, as he identified wrecks. He gasped when he saw the ship he'd just been on. "Apogee..."

He looked to the man, his face hardening. "I've not seen my son in years. John's out of the picture so don't you DARE use him as leverage against me." he said, a mix of anger and fear in his voice. "Is this my fate? To be blown to bits by some species I've never even met? And now you're asking me to go up against them now, where if I make it back I'll know what happens? You're asking me to kill myself now, rather than later?"

He paced, trying to figure out what to do. "Fine. It's my duty as a Starfleet officer to protect the Federation. Let's get this over with."

U.S.S. Enteprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century,  Hallway
Agent Ferguson stood silent out of his outburst of Wolf 359.  He expected an emotional reaction and he was using his feelings and love for family against him.  His objective was to recruit the crew he thought best, he did not care what he needed to do.  All that matter was the mission and saving the Federation.

He responded calmly.  "Commander, with all due respect even if I knew how you died,  I would be prohibited to tell you...all I can tell you that your friends death in a year or so from your going to have a huge impact in the timeline.  The Federation and future Generations will benefit from it.  The next decades is going to be violent for the Federation...but at the end the entire Galaxy will benefit from it. "

Agent Ferguson hated giving that lecture typically it was bad news.  It was hard to explain that sometimes bad things need to happen to trigger better events.  However, this situation was not one of them.

" duty as a Starfleet Officer does not require you do this...but I will make your that your family and future generations know of what you did today"  Agent Ferguson said.

"If you walk through those doors you will meet the rest of your crew"  Agent Ferguson said .

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Zex on January 09, 2017, 11:19:48 PM

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

As soon as the Deltan heard the word Borg, her anger at Ferguson washed away.  And she was immediately embarrassed that she had struck him.  Never in her life had she acted like that before, but being a new mommy (an adopted one at that) had changed things for Zex.

"I would do anything for my husband and my baby" Zex finally replied with a tone that suggested the topic was off limits.  "I will go with you.  But I need just a little time to get ready, thirty minutes" she pleaded.

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

Agent  Ferguson looked down as he heard the Deltan talking.  He hit an emotional cord to her but sometimes the recruitment was a messy  affair.  He heard her plea for half an hour he looked down.  He was not supposed to but he wanted to be kind for a second.
"Yeah...I can wait for thirty can't tell them what I told you, and from their point of view you will be gone for only 5 minutes at most, if everything goes right...if everything goes wrong them and you won't even exist..."

He looked at the Deltan in the eyes and said "Don't worry I will wait for you.  When you are ready to leave, just hold my hand and I will transport you to meet the rest of the team"

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 10, 2017, 01:39:51 AM

U.S.S. Enteprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century,  Hallway

Agent Ferguson stood silent out of his outburst of Wolf 359.  He expected an emotional reaction and he was using his feelings and love for family against him.  His objective was to recruit the crew he thought best, he did not care what he needed to do.  All that matter was the mission and saving the Federation.

He responded calmly.  "Commander, with all due respect even if I knew how you died,  I would be prohibited to tell you...all I can tell you that your friends death in a year or so from your going to have a huge impact in the timeline.  The Federation and future Generations will benefit from it.  The next decades is going to be violent for the Federation...but at the end the entire Galaxy will benefit from it. "

Agent Ferguson hated giving that lecture typically it was bad news.  It was hard to explain that sometimes bad things need to happen to trigger better events.  However, this situation was not one of them.

" duty as a Starfleet Officer does not require you do this...but I will make your that your family and future generations know of what you did today"  Agent Ferguson said.

"If you walk through those doors you will meet the rest of your crew"  Agent Ferguson said .


Alex stopped and looked at him. "I've made my decision. Don't talk yourself out of this." he said, turning on his heel and walking into the conference room.

[Conference Room]

Alex walked in. He didn't recognize a single one of the officers assembled. Although he looked remarkably like his grandson, Dylan Torngate, he didn't know he even had a grandson.

He was wearing the Engineer's duty uniform of the era, and sat down at a table, not looking at anyone as he processed what was, at least for him, in his future. Something didn't sit right- as if he really wouldn't ever see the Apogee again.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

James A. Hawke

As he finished his statement he looked at the crew.

Quote from: Leonard T. Scott on January 09, 2017, 07:25:28 PM

[ENT-J- 26c]

"I believe they will also say, 'Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal,' but that's just my speculation," Leo replied with a smile. "But yes, they will definitely regret the fact Q forced us to meet early."

His timing for jokes had always been his strong suit.

He looked at the person that spoke those words and said "I'll take it as a yes....and you are?"
Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 09, 2017, 07:59:37 PM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian nodded as Captain Hawke spoke.

"The Kirk thing is a family debt, but does nae matter. The wanker is nae here and I wouldn't be here if'n I thought our task was hopeless. One thought occurred ta me Sir, when Ferguson mentioned that we could nae bring modern tech back with us. As I recall, the Enterprise had found that high frequency phaser fire caused a drop in the Borg cube's power output. They tried ta use the main deflector ta emit the same frequency on a larger scale, but by the time it was ready, Picard had been assimilated and that gave the Borg the means ta adapt. If we roll in with that same modification ready and hit this cube before Picard gets taken, we should be able ta play holy hob with this cube."

He listed to Ian's statement and thought "I like the idea...the problem is that the Enterprise is going to use it.  We need to be careful not only of succeeding the mission but keeping the timeline intact, it's more complicated than a simple destruction of the Cube...Thank you for the suggestion, Lieutenant"

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