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T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 09, 2017, 01:57:56 PM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)
The door swooshed open to a long corridor.  And then opened up into a large living space.  Agent Ferguson followed the path and found himself facing T'Ra and what he assumed to be her trusted aide.

Ferguson was dressed all in black as the members of the Time Integrity Commission were known to do.  He stopped as soon as he entered room.  "Vice Admiral Jones, please allow me to introduce myself.  My name is Agent Ferguson" he said, bowing slightly in respect for her Vulcan heritage.

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra stood silent as a man in black entered the room, and she could hear the gentle rustle of Evan's uniform as he shifted uneasily behind her, slightly off to the side, as they both sized up the unexpected visitor. Evan knew very well why T'Ra did not just admit anyone to her private quarters, a precaution stemming from her days as a young science lieutenant visiting a starbase and what had happened to her there. Memories of the abduction had long since begun to fade, but old habits died hard.

There was a nervous but excitable energy to the man before them, his body posture nonthreatening. The atmosphere further mellowed as the man in black began to speak. And she was almost certain that Evan was trying to contain a snicker. "Vice Admiral". T'Ra was not terribly fond of being addressed by rank (or addressing others by rank for that matter). If it were just the two of them, Evan would be quipping in his best Ferengi voice, "A red shirt is a red shirt is a red shirt." But she knew the gesture was well meant, as was the slight bow, so she said nothing.

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 09, 2017, 01:57:56 PM

"I apologize for interrupting your meal, but I've come a long way to meet with you personally.  The nature of the matter is quite urgent and confidential.  Would it be possible to speak to you in private?" he added after taking a small step forward.

"There is little need to apologize, Mr. Ferguson," T'Ra replied. "Our appetites have waited thus far and can stand to wait a little longer." She was loathe to send Evan away though. He was her confidant, advisor, and dear friend, and perhaps in his eyes, self-appointed protector. But there was a sense of urgency in Ferguson's voice that she could not deny, nor could any logic explain why she felt so compelled to listen.

She cast a simple glance to Evan, and he understood. He hesitated. "T'hai'la," he whispered, but he knew he had gone too far. Silently, somberly, he left, though T'Ra doubted he would stray far from the door, and in that she felt content.

"Now, Mr. Ferguson," she said, addressing the stranger. "What is so urgent that brings you to this particular corner of the galaxy?"

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 10, 2017, 02:25:11 AM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra stood silent as a man in black entered the room, and she could hear the gentle rustle of Evan's uniform as he shifted uneasily behind her, slightly off to the side, as they both sized up the unexpected visitor. Evan knew very well why T'Ra did not just admit anyone to her private quarters, a precaution stemming from her days as a young science lieutenant visiting a starbase and what had happened to her there. Memories of the abduction had long since begun to fade, but old habits died hard.

There was a nervous but excitable energy to the man before them, his body posture nonthreatening. The atmosphere further mellowed as the man in black began to speak. And she was almost certain that Evan was trying to contain a snicker. "Vice Admiral". T'Ra was not terribly fond of being addressed by rank (or addressing others by rank for that matter). If it were just the two of them, Evan would be quipping in his best Ferengi voice, "A red shirt is a red shirt is a red shirt." But she knew the gesture was well meant, as was the slight bow, so she said nothing.

"There is little need to apologize, Mr. Ferguson," T'Ra replied. "Our appetites have waited thus far and can stand to wait a little longer." She was loathe to send Evan away though. He was her confidant, advisor, and dear friend, and perhaps in his eyes, self-appointed protector. But there was a sense of urgency in Ferguson's voice that she could not deny, nor could any logic explain why she felt so compelled to listen.

She cast a simple glance to Evan, and he understood. He hesitated. "T'hai'la," he whispered, but he knew he had gone too far. Silently, somberly, he left, though T'Ra doubted he would stray far from the door, and in that she felt content.

"Now, Mr. Ferguson," she said, addressing the stranger. "What is so urgent that brings you to this particular corner of the galaxy?"

Agent Ferguson sat across Vice Admiral T'Ra.  He waited a couple of minutes until the room was cleared of all individuals.  He knew he was speaking to someone that was greatly admired but it was a desperate time.  As he remained seated he could not help but look at the Vice-Admiral in the eyes.

Before he talked he started with the obvious "Thank you for respecting, my request Vice-Admiral".

He continued by giving her a PADD.  "As I previously mentioned my name is Agent Ferguson and I have come to ask your help to help the Federation...once last hold the line against terror, against the Borg"

Agent Ferguson continued "For the last day, I have been recruiting individuals from different time and places in an effort to prevent this from happening..."

Agent Ferguson stopped a second and pressed an image in the PADD.

Agent Ferguson continued "This is the fate of Earth and the Federation if we fail...the Borg will conquer earth on 2367.  We can prevent this by destroying a Cube in 2365 to restore the timeline...but we need your help"

"Are you interested in protecting the needs of the more time? Vice-Admiral"  Agent Ferguson asked.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on January 10, 2017, 01:56:11 AM


Alex stopped and looked at him. "I've made my decision. Don't talk yourself out of this." he said, turning on his heel and walking into the conference room.

[Conference Room]

Alex walked in. He didn't recognize a single one of the officers assembled. Although he looked remarkably like his grandson, Dylan Torngate, he didn't know he even had a grandson.

He was wearing the Engineer's duty uniform of the era, and sat down at a table, not looking at anyone as he processed what was, at least for him, in his future. Something didn't sit right- as if he really wouldn't ever see the Apogee again.

[U.S.S.Enterprise J Á¢â,¬"œ 26th Century- Conference Room]

He walked into the room as the Captain was giving a speech.  He looked at Alex and said "Shhh...the Captain is giving the speech"

As the Captain finished he said "Sorry to interrupt everyone...I am to introduce you your Chief Engineer Alex Tidus from 2365..."

He looked at Alex and said "Let me introduce you to everyone "Your Commanding Officer is Captain James Hawke, the First Officer is Captain Elizabeth Vanhaun, the Chief of the boat is the liberated board EQ Kimbell, Ops is being manned by Captain William Waring, Flight is being manned by Lieutenant Galloway and assisted by Mr. Scott, Science is manned by Lieutenant Garrison and assisted by Mr. Sevok ...this is Earth's and your future best hope for survival"

James H. Hawk

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 09, 2017, 05:56:19 PM

U.S.S. Enteprise Á¢â,¬"œ J, 26th Century,  Conference Room 2

Agent Ferguson shook his head sideways giving a negative response.  No one liked this part of the information.  Not only they were only a single ship but they could not upgrade the vesell to their current technology.

"I am sorry Luitenant Commander, but you won't be able to take any technology from your time period or any time period that is not 2365.  You won't have what you consider modern weapons and technology.  I can't let you if for some reason the Borg Assimilates your vesell  with advance technlolgy, we have to bring another vesell from a more modern time and the consequences in the timeline would be catastrophic."  Agent Ferguson delivered the bad news.

"You want something good...I am giving something good.  I have handpicked the best crew I could find to defeat this won't be alone you will be working with the best I could find."  Agent Ferguson smiled

"A wise man once said order to understand the Tactical Situation  you must not only read the offensive and defensive capabilites of a ship, but the heart, training and determination of it's crew.  The crew is sometimes the more crucial part of the equation...that's you in 5 years where you are now"

Agent Ferguson gave a slight smile to the officer as he wanted to see if he was going to argue with himself.  "Do you want to meet your crewmates?  They are waiting for you in another conference room"

"It's going to take a lot more than a good crew to keep us alive but if you think we can do it, I don't exactly have a lot in life so if I have a shot at saving the Federation I suppose I've got plenty to gain and little to lose. I'll meet your crew, I really do hope that they're not just the best but bloody lucky because we're gonna need a lot of luck," James said finally giving in. "Lead on, mate," James said before following Ferguson.

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 09, 2017, 11:43:40 PM

"Thanks again, Ian.  Sounds like they taught you well at the Academy" EQ replied with a smirk.  "What's that" he asked, but leaned in forward to hear what favor the man would ask.

"If that's what you want, I will do it.  But I survived it.  Maybe not completely, but I did.  So I need you to be absolutely sure that is what you want before I will agree to it" EQ replied in hushed tones.

Ian's expression became even harder as he replied.

"Master Chief, if what I'm talkin' about comes ta pass, either I've already been taken or they've taken the ship and I'll not be a Drone, so aye, it will be what I want."

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 10, 2017, 02:05:08 AM

As he finished his statement he looked at the crew.

He looked at the person that spoke those words and said "I'll take it as a yes....and you are?"

He listed to Ian's statement and thought "I like the idea...the problem is that the Enterprise is going to use it.  We need to be careful not only of succeeding the mission but keeping the timeline intact, it's more complicated than a simple destruction of the Cube...Thank you for the suggestion, Lieutenant"

Ian's expression brightened as he spoke to the captain.

"Aye sir Enterprise-D will, it's their idea after all, but this is one time temporal mechanics are on our side. Thing is, when they try it, we already know they will fail. At the time, it was reasoned that it did nae work because of Picard warnin' them when he was assimilated. However, we'll do it first before that happens when it will work. So when they follow history and fail, it won't matter if it was because of us doin' it first or because of Picard, either way, it will work for us, and maintain the timeline."


[Earth 2369 - Abandoned Russian Cold War Bunker]

T'Prina shuffled across the floor of her make-shift laboratory, her cane kept a constant staccato beat at her side. It reverberated against the stark cement walls, along with the steady sounds of dripping water. She had long ceased paying attention to the sounds, her mind devoted to much more useful purposes. Survival, such as it was, took precedence ever since the Borg came and conquered.

She leaned against a table and rubbed the badly healed scar on her cheek absently. The sights and sounds of battle did not easily fade, though their scars weren't as visible. It wasn't often she allowed herself to dwell on the past. It accomplished nothing but a sense of melancholy that would linger for days, even with meditation. She shook her head clearing it, and made adjustments to the notes she had spread across the table. Papers covered in finely handprinted ink were methodically scattered around the room, where she had picked up an idea or discarded another. Weapons and computers torn open with circuitry exposed were left in a similar manner. Primitive tools and technology were key to avoiding detection, but they had their limits.

It was then her stomach grumbled. She couldn't remember the last time she ate. It wasn't important however. It could wait a bit longer. She had an illogical feeling that something would happen soon. For good or for ill, remained to be seen.

At your smallest components, you are indistinguishable from a forest fire.


Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 10, 2017, 03:31:05 PM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian's expression became even harder as he replied.

"Master Chief, if what I'm talkin' about comes ta pass, either I've already been taken or they've taken the ship and I'll not be a Drone, so aye, it will be what I want."

Ian's expression brightened as he spoke to the captain.

"Aye sir Enterprise-D will, it's their idea after all, but this is one time temporal mechanics are on our side. Thing is, when they try it, we already know they will fail. At the time, it was reasoned that it did nae work because of Picard warnin' them when he was assimilated. However, we'll do it first before that happens when it will work. So when they follow history and fail, it won't matter if it was because of us doin' it first or because of Picard, either way, it will work for us, and maintain the timeline."

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

EQ was quiet for a moment.  "Very well.  I will do it if necessary" he said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 10, 2017, 03:04:00 AM

Agent Ferguson sat across Vice Admiral T'Ra.  He waited a couple of minutes until the room was cleared of all individuals.  He knew he was speaking to someone that was greatly admired but it was a desperate time.  As he remained seated he could not help but look at the Vice-Admiral in the eyes.

Before he talked he started with the obvious "Thank you for respecting, my request Vice-Admiral".

He continued by giving her a PADD.  "As I previously mentioned my name is Agent Ferguson and I have come to ask your help to help the Federation...once last hold the line against terror, against the Borg"

Agent Ferguson continued "For the last day, I have been recruiting individuals from different time and places in an effort to prevent this from happening..."

Agent Ferguson stopped a second and pressed an image in the PADD.

Agent Ferguson continued "This is the fate of Earth and the Federation if we fail...the Borg will conquer earth on 2367.  We can prevent this by destroying a Cube in 2365 to restore the timeline...but we need your help"

"Are you interested in protecting the needs of the more time? Vice-Admiral"  Agent Ferguson asked.

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra simply inclined her head, accepting the padd as he handed it to her. Good things were said to come in small packages, but seldom did that ever include the contents of a padd. Like the reports Evan had come to discuss with her, T'Ra was sure this one would bring a whole new slew of problems.

"The borg, you say," she asked, arching a brow. "2367? I was born that year, on Vulcan. But I take it you wish to draw from that which I have experienced in the 28 years since then." Specifically her dealings with the borg. It had been a long time since she had thought about those days, all the hardships and struggles over which they had eventually emerged victorious. To think that those would be in her near future (or perhaps better put, her past) gave her an odd sort of feeling.

The image on the padd was grim, an Earth devoid of life, the oceans dry and the color of blood. "As is logical, I am of course interested in protecting the needs of the many. But first I have a question to pose. Are you certain that our interference, however well intentioned, will not have to adverse an effect on the timeline?"

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 10, 2017, 04:43:03 AM

"It's going to take a lot more than a good crew to keep us alive but if you think we can do it, I don't exactly have a lot in life so if I have a shot at saving the Federation I suppose I've got plenty to gain and little to lose. I'll meet your crew, I really do hope that they're not just the best but bloody lucky because we're gonna need a lot of luck," James said finally giving in. "Lead on, mate," James said before following Ferguson.

Agent Ferguson just smiled and replied "Hmm,  I am sure you have the best possible odds with this crew"
[Conference Room U.S.S. Enterprise J]

He walked in thought the doors and then introduce everyone.  "Let me introduce you the crew, your Captain is James Hawke, First Officer, Captain Elizabeth Vanhaun, Chief is EQ Kimball, you will be the Second Officer and Chief of Tactical, Captain William Waring Chief of Ops, Lieutenant Ian Galloway, Chief of Helm and backup with Leo Scott, Lieutenant Garrison Chief of Science backup with Mr. Sevok...and this crew Mr. only the tip of the spear"

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 11, 2017, 12:35:26 AM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

EQ was quiet for a moment.  "Very well.  I will do it if necessary" he said.
"Thank you Master Chief, never hurts ta have a back up plan, but the real plan is ta bugger these Borg gits with a splintered rake and make 'em like it."

Ian replied much louder and with a broad smile.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 11, 2017, 12:59:35 AM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra simply inclined her head, accepting the padd as he handed it to her. Good things were said to come in small packages, but seldom did that ever include the contents of a padd. Like the reports Evan had come to discuss with her, T'Ra was sure this one would bring a whole new slew of problems.

"The borg, you say," she asked, arching a brow. "2367? I was born that year, on Vulcan. But I take it you wish to draw from that which I have experienced in the 28 years since then." Specifically her dealings with the borg. It had been a long time since she had thought about those days, all the hardships and struggles over which they had eventually emerged victorious. To think that those would be in her near future (or perhaps better put, her past) gave her an odd sort of feeling.

The image on the padd was grim, an Earth devoid of life, the oceans dry and the color of blood. "As is logical, I am of course interested in protecting the needs of the many. But first I have a question to pose. Are you certain that our interference, however well intentioned, will not have to adverse an effect on the timeline?"

Agent Ferguson looked at Vice Admiral T'Ra at the looked at the Padd.  He could tell from experience and historical records that she was paying detailed attention the PADD.  He hated being the bringer of bad news, but sometimes it was his job to do so.

He gave her a couple of minutes to digest the issue regarding the Borg.  Ferguson knew that for this time period the Borg was one of the scariest and most fearsome foes that the Federation encountered.  He felt some sweat coming down his forehead.   Agent Ferguson explained "We are stopping them in 2365 so they won't destroy your home planet on 2367".

After correcting the timeline he heard her question.  He slightly bit his lower lip as he attempted to explain.  "Vice Á¢â,¬"œ Admiral, your question implies that time manipulation is an exact science like math.  In reality, time manipulation is more like an art form..."

He stood silent for a second and tried to explain "The best I can do, Vice Admiral is to give you a fighting chance...also I am not brining technology from the future in order to avoid distortions of the time can certainty...I can't promise you that...but I can promise that if we don't intervene...we will all perish...your choice Vice-Admiral...."

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 11, 2017, 04:58:45 AM

After correcting the timeline he heard her question.  He slightly bit his lower lip as he attempted to explain.  "Vice Á¢â,¬"œ Admiral, your question implies that time manipulation is an exact science like math.  In reality, time manipulation is more like an art form..."

He stood silent for a second and tried to explain "The best I can do, Vice Admiral is to give you a fighting chance...also I am not brining technology from the future in order to avoid distortions of the time can certainty...I can't promise you that...but I can promise that if we don't intervene...we will all perish...your choice Vice-Admiral...."

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

"Oh, I know very well what my question implied, Mr. Ferguson" T'Ra answered, lowering the padd. She had seen more than enough to get the gist of the situation. "But I find that sometimes I find I get a better answer when I ask the question indirectly."

She couldn't have cared less wether he had answered yes or no. What really intrigued her though was that he had said neither. "Time may be an art form, but art can be messy," she added. "As a Vulcan, I strive for order and thus prefer my quarters to be clean. That being said, even I can appreciate that a messy room is better than no room at all."

A bead of sweat shimmered as it rolled down the agent's forehead, catching her eye. Perhaps it was just the heat of the room (30Á,º could still be considered rather warm by human standards) but more likely the gravity of the situation, so T'Ra continued. "I should hardly say it is my decision to make, at least not mine alone. You mentioned you were recruiting a number of people?"

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 10, 2017, 03:13:19 AM

[U.S.S.Enterprise J Á¢â,¬"œ 26th Century- Conference Room]

He walked into the room as the Captain was giving a speech.  He looked at Alex and said "Shhh...the Captain is giving the speech"

As the Captain finished he said "Sorry to interrupt everyone...I am to introduce you your Chief Engineer Alex Tidus from 2365..."

He looked at Alex and said "Let me introduce you to everyone "Your Commanding Officer is Captain James Hawke, the First Officer is Captain Elizabeth Vanhaun, the Chief of the boat is the liberated board EQ Kimbell, Ops is being manned by Captain William Waring, Flight is being manned by Lieutenant Galloway and assisted by Mr. Scott, Science is manned by Lieutenant Garrison and assisted by Mr. Sevok ...this is Earth's and your future best hope for survival"

[ENT-J- Conf Rm]

Alex nodded and remained silent. He heard the people introduced and noticed quite a few Captains among them.  He didn't recognize a single person, so he figured he was the only one from his era.

He nodded to the people in the room, finding and taking a seat, not talking with any of them unless spoken to. This was new to him, and as far as he knew they all outranked and wouldn't know him.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet


Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 10, 2017, 01:48:40 AM

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

Agent  Ferguson looked down as he heard the Deltan talking.  He hit an emotional cord to her but sometimes the recruitment was a messy  affair.  He heard her plea for half an hour he looked down.  He was not supposed to but he wanted to be kind for a second.
"Yeah...I can wait for thirty can't tell them what I told you, and from their point of view you will be gone for only 5 minutes at most, if everything goes right...if everything goes wrong them and you won't even exist..."

He looked at the Deltan in the eyes and said "Don't worry I will wait for you.  When you are ready to leave, just hold my hand and I will transport you to meet the rest of the team"

[Starbase Columbus - Promenade - 2407]

Thirty minutes later the Deltan returned.  She had been able to hold her baby for most of that time.  Perhaps for the last time ever.

She had said a proper goodbye to her husband.  But had followed Ferguson orders to a T.  And she had even stopped by Sickbay and prepared herself the mission the best way she knew how.

"I'm ready" Zex said.  She took one last look around the Starbase that had become her home.  Then she held out her hand to the time traveling man.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: William Waring on January 09, 2017, 03:22:01 AM

[Conference Room - 26th Century]

Will returned the gesture to Lizzie before speaking. "It's been too long Lizzie" he spoke as if the two officers had seen each other in years "For me anyway." He gave a dismissive wave "The officers these days make me look like a first year cadet. My Ops Chief on the Daedalus, the Sovereign Class I captained for the past three years, speaks of comcepts that were hypothetical when I held the post. Could speak the leg off a table that one, reminds me of Ruth, she does..." he trailed off but quickly recovered by clearing his throat "Sorry, still difficult sometimes."
"Ian Galloway, well call me a monkey's uncle! How have you been? You just be at least Lieutenant Commander by now! Wait..."

He turned and spoke to Lizzie and Ian "What years are you from?"

Conference Room - 26th Century

Lizzie smiled.

"You're right Will it has been too long! I was taken from October 2399. I'm now Commandant of the Starfleet Medical Academy. It started off as a short term teaching assignment at the request of an old friend. I took a 6 month posting at the Academy to cover their Trauma classes and when the short term posting became a permanent one, I had to make a choice. Either stay at the Academy to ensure that the next generation of Medical Officers were as good as they could be or resume the 2nd Officers spot on the Ticonderoga with the probability of making Captain within 5 years. I decided to go with my first love, but I won't say I have not experienced any regret since. Not all the time mind you, but every now and then.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

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