
Started by James A. Hawke, January 05, 2017, 06:19:04 PM

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Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 11, 2017, 04:49:26 AM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

"Thank you Master Chief, never hurts ta have a back up plan, but the real plan is ta bugger these Borg gits with a splintered rake and make 'em like it."

Ian replied much louder and with a broad smile.

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

"Agreed" EQ replied.  He took a look around the room.  "This is a pretty impressive group" he remarked.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: EQ Kimball on January 11, 2017, 09:14:53 PM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

"Agreed" EQ replied.  He took a look around the room.  "This is a pretty impressive group" he remarked.

"Aye, that it is. Several Captains and a couple admirals. Not sure how that's goin' ta work. Too many cooks spoil the haggis as it were. I just drive, so who's givin' the orders does nae matter all that much so long as they know what they're about."

Ian replied as he looked around the room.

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 11, 2017, 05:35:07 AM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

"Oh, I know very well what my question implied, Mr. Ferguson" T'Ra answered, lowering the padd. She had seen more than enough to get the gist of the situation. "But I find that sometimes I find I get a better answer when I ask the question indirectly."

She couldn't have cared less wether he had answered yes or no. What really intrigued her though was that he had said neither. "Time may be an art form, but art can be messy," she added. "As a Vulcan, I strive for order and thus prefer my quarters to be clean. That being said, even I can appreciate that a messy room is better than no room at all."

A bead of sweat shimmered as it rolled down the agent's forehead, catching her eye. Perhaps it was just the heat of the room (30Á,º could still be considered rather warm by human standards) but more likely the gravity of the situation, so T'Ra continued. "I should hardly say it is my decision to make, at least not mine alone. You mentioned you were recruiting a number of people?"

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

"Yes, I did and I have.  I believe you know Admiral Chris Newberry.  He is just one of the people involve" Agent Ferguson said.

"I will be happy to introduce you to the others.  But I can not do that until I know your answer, if only to preserve the timeline.  Will you join us Vice Admiral Jones?" he asked pointedly.

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 11, 2017, 09:45:48 PM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

"Yes, I did and I have.  I believe you know Admiral Chris Newberry.  He is just one of the people involve" Agent Ferguson said.

"I will be happy to introduce you to the others.  But I can not do that until I know your answer, if only to preserve the timeline.  Will you join us Vice Admiral Jones?" he asked pointedly.

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra inclined her head slightly, a part of her mind beginning to whir again, thoughts racing, searching for answers in what she had seen and read over the years, not just her own dealings with the Borg, but that of Picard and other captains as well. And as the agent continued to speak, she listened.

"Indeed, I have met the admiral," T'Ra replied, "a wise man." She held a great deal of respect for the admiral, and perhaps more than a little admiration for what he had done. No doubt he was one of the best minds, so it was encouraging to hear he was to be a part of the work at hand. Speaking of which... "I would think my answer would be obvious. As is only logical, I will do what I can to be of service in this mission."

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 11, 2017, 10:09:18 PM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra inclined her head slightly, a part of her mind beginning to whir again, thoughts racing, searching for answers in what she had seen and read over the years, not just her own dealings with the Borg, but that of Picard and other captains as well. And as the agent continued to speak, she listened.

"Indeed, I have met the admiral," T'Ra replied, "a wise man." She held a great deal of respect for the admiral, and perhaps more than a little admiration for what he had done. No doubt he was one of the best minds, so it was encouraging to hear he was to be a part of the work at hand. Speaking of which... "I would think my answer would be obvious. As is only logical, I will do what I can to be of service in this mission."

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

"Very well.  Then grab my hand and I will take you to the others" Agent Ferguson said.  He held out his hand.

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 11, 2017, 11:09:27 PM

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

"Very well.  Then grab my hand and I will take you to the others" Agent Ferguson said.  He held out his hand.

[Starbase Edmund] - Stardate 72018.6 (7 January 2395)

T'Ra was slightly dubious of the request. This man was still a relative stranger to her. She knew little of him besides his name and the mission. Her mind still whirled, all the possibilities, the outcomes, the excitement... It had been awhile since she had encountered something so challenging.

She lightly tapped her commbadge. =/\=We'll have to postpone those reports, Doctor. Something's come up.=/\=

There was a pause, a moment of baited silence, before the reply came. =/\=As you say, Admiral.=/\= The reply was calm but curt, and she knew he was upset. He never called her Admiral. But there was nothing she could do for that now. The needs of the many, after all...

T'Ra took a breath and turned back to the agent. She was ready.

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

William Waring

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 09, 2017, 03:57:16 AM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian ached an eyebrow in confusion for a moment before he replied softy.

"Tis 2399 fer me Sir. Only five years since ya promoted me aboard the Tempest. I'd not thought about hoppy McGee's ability ta choose folk from anywhen. I thought he was havin' a go about about Kirk, but he said Jonathan Archer was here when he brought me aboard, so it'd be child's play fer him to have crew from all over the full spectrum of time. Hell, he could have Robert the Bruce here if'n he wanted."

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 11, 2017, 06:51:01 PM

Conference Room - 26th Century

Lizzie smiled.

"You're right Will it has been too long! I was taken from October 2399. I'm now Commandant of the Starfleet Medical Academy. It started off as a short term teaching assignment at the request of an old friend. I took a 6 month posting at the Academy to cover their Trauma classes and when the short term posting became a permanent one, I had to make a choice. Either stay at the Academy to ensure that the next generation of Medical Officers were as good as they could be or resume the 2nd Officers spot on the Ticonderoga with the probability of making Captain within 5 years. I decided to go with my first love, but I won't say I have not experienced any regret since. Not all the time mind you, but every now and then.

[Conference Room]

"You guys are from before me. 2400 myself. It's good to see you two have been doing well. Can't say I am the same though. By 2400 I am a retired Starfleet Captain, well I was a retired Starfleet Captain until Agent Ferguson decided to get me drafted for this run. Guess my time in the field is of some us to him. Three years in deep space will get you that reputation."

"If I'm honest Lizzie, I really thought you would be CO by now. Then again, Starfleet doesn't have as many Medical Vessels as it once did so I guess it's hard for a Doctor to get to the center seat."


James H. Hawk

Quote from: Non-Playing Character 2 on January 11, 2017, 04:12:10 AM

Agent Ferguson just smiled and replied "Hmm,  I am sure you have the best possible odds with this crew"
[Conference Room U.S.S. Enterprise J]

He walked in thought the doors and then introduce everyone.  "Let me introduce you the crew, your Captain is James Hawke, First Officer, Captain Elizabeth Vanhaun, Chief is EQ Kimball, you will be the Second Officer and Chief of Tactical, Captain William Waring Chief of Ops, Lieutenant Ian Galloway, Chief of Helm and backup with Leo Scott, Lieutenant Garrison Chief of Science backup with Mr. Sevok...and this crew Mr. only the tip of the spear"

[Conference Room}

"Well if there was a crew that could do it it's this one," James said still skeptical. He had served with most of them in the past and they were all very good at what they did. He did find it strange that there weren't as many Tactical Officers but he would have to make do. "Do we have a plan on how to beat the Borg with such outdated technology?" he asked loudly enough for everyone to hear as he wasn't speaking to anyone in particular.

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: James H. Hawk on January 12, 2017, 03:56:49 AM

[Conference Room}

"Well if there was a crew that could do it it's this one," James said still skeptical. He had served with most of them in the past and they were all very good at what they did. He did find it strange that there weren't as many Tactical Officers but he would have to make do. "Do we have a plan on how to beat the Borg with such outdated technology?" he asked loudly enough for everyone to hear as he wasn't speaking to anyone in particular.

[Conference Room]

Alex finally spoke up, seeing as he was the only one who didn't know. "First off, who the hell are these 'Borg' anyways?" He asked aloud, mortified and a bit insulted at the comment on the tech. "Now you listen here... the Federation does not have antiquated tech, I don't care who you are don't insult my ships!" He said, already defending the ship he hadn't laid eyes on. He felt very out of the loop but he didn't care... it was time for him to figure out what was going on.

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Ian Galloway


[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: William Waring on January 12, 2017, 03:37:00 AM

[Conference Room]

"You guys are from before me. 2400 myself. It's good to see you two have been doing well. Can't say I am the same though. By 2400 I am a retired Starfleet Captain, well I was a retired Starfleet Captain until Agent Ferguson decided to get me drafted for this run. Guess my time in the field is of some use to him. Three years in deep space will get you that reputation."
"If I'm honest Lizzie, I really thought you would be CO by now. Then again, Starfleet doesn't have as many Medical Vessels as it once did so I guess it's hard for a Doctor to get to the center seat."

Ian frowned as Waring spoke and replied as soon as the other man paused.

"It seems a waste of talent fer a skilled officer as yerself ta be retired so soon after takin' center seat. When I get there, Starfleet is goin' ta have either stun me or beam me out of command once I get there."

Non-Playing Character 2

Quote from: T'Prina on January 10, 2017, 07:41:01 PM

[Earth 2369 - Abandoned Russian Cold War Bunker]

T'Prina shuffled across the floor of her make-shift laboratory, her cane kept a constant staccato beat at her side. It reverberated against the stark cement walls, along with the steady sounds of dripping water. She had long ceased paying attention to the sounds, her mind devoted to much more useful purposes. Survival, such as it was, took precedence ever since the Borg came and conquered.

She leaned against a table and rubbed the badly healed scar on her cheek absently. The sights and sounds of battle did not easily fade, though their scars weren't as visible. It wasn't often she allowed herself to dwell on the past. It accomplished nothing but a sense of melancholy that would linger for days, even with meditation. She shook her head clearing it, and made adjustments to the notes she had spread across the table. Papers covered in finely handprinted ink were methodically scattered around the room, where she had picked up an idea or discarded another. Weapons and computers torn open with circuitry exposed were left in a similar manner. Primitive tools and technology were key to avoiding detection, but they had their limits.

It was then her stomach grumbled. She couldn't remember the last time she ate. It wasn't important however. It could wait a bit longer. She had an illogical feeling that something would happen soon. For good or for ill, remained to be seen.

The one major thing that did not go as planned for Agent Ferguson was the fact that he was punched by Admiral Newberry.  He laid in the ground after the punch for a couple of hours.  As he woke up and regain concious he thought to himself Shit! The ripple effect....I need to finish the team

He stop and and noticed that his device was beginning to get weaker.  All the time traveling was draining his temporal shields.  He would beging to feel the effects unless he is in a time pocket.  He stood and and decided to go to his next target.

[Earth 2369 - Abandoned Russian Cold War Bunker]

When he finished the transportting he noticed that something was different a little too different.  He wanted to recruit an Starfleet Vulcan whos name was T'Prina.  However, the planet and everything looked different.  The items around looked makeshift and not up to Federation Standard.

He looked at his time tricorder and began seeing the problem.  The ripple effect were starting of occur and the alternative timeline was replacing their primal timeline.  This is part of the future, if they failed.

He began to walk and felt a sharp pain coming stomach and hands.  He noticed that he hands was beginning to dissapear.  All of his effort was leaving him unprotected from the changes. "Arrg , I need to finish this"

He entered into the laborary, the pain was beginning to be excruxiating and he tried.  He began to walk and quickly he tripped.  He attempted to crawl towards T'Prina and in agony he said "Come...with me...change...this...don't let the Borg"

He screamed in pain and extended his hand "Please, T'Prina....I don't know how long I here or how much time I have ...I need you"

Agent Ferguson felt part of his body and possibly organs appearing and disappearing.

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: William Waring on January 12, 2017, 03:37:00 AM

[Conference Room]

"You guys are from before me. 2400 myself. It's good to see you two have been doing well. Can't say I am the same though. By 2400 I am a retired Starfleet Captain, well I was a retired Starfleet Captain until Agent Ferguson decided to get me drafted for this run. Guess my time in the field is of some us to him. Three years in deep space will get you that reputation."

"If I'm honest Lizzie, I really thought you would be CO by now. Then again, Starfleet doesn't have as many Medical Vessels as it once did so I guess it's hard for a Doctor to get to the center seat."

Conference Room

Like I said Will, I had to make a choice and one I dont regret, most of the time. That is another reason why I am here, to see If I want to push it again.  And as for the Medical ships, most of them are kept mothballed unless they are needed for a emergency. Most Starships can handle anything these days." She replied.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Ian Galloway

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on January 12, 2017, 12:58:52 PM

[Conference Room]

Alex finally spoke up, seeing as he was the only one who didn't know. "First off, who the hell are these 'Borg' anyways?" He asked aloud, mortified and a bit insulted at the comment on the tech. "Now you listen here... the Federation does not have antiquated tech, I don't care who you are don't insult my ships!" He said, already defending the ship he hadn't laid eyes on. He felt very out of the loop but he didn't care... it was time for him to figure out what was going on.

Ian smiled at the enlisted man's pride and went over to talk to him.

"When ya from Lad? Antiquated is a relative term when ya are talkin' temporal mechanics."

Dylan Torngate

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 12, 2017, 07:45:58 PM

[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Ian smiled at the enlisted man's pride and went over to talk to him.

"When ya from Lad? Antiquated is a relative term when ya are talkin' temporal mechanics."


Alex saw the man and nodded to him. "Commander Alex Tintus, USS Apogee. I guess you'd say I'm from what seems to be most of your pasts... 2365 is the current year as far as I'm aware."

He waited and spoke again. "Who is this Borg you speak of? Is he a leader? Are they a species? You all are making no sense!"

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

Ian Galloway


[Enterprise-J Conference Room]

Quote from: Dylan Torngate on January 12, 2017, 08:02:43 PM


Alex saw the man and nodded to him. "Commander Alex Tintus, USS Apogee. I guess you'd say I'm from what seems to be most of your pasts... 2365 is the current year as far as I'm aware."

He waited and spoke again. "Who is this Borg you speak of? Is he a leader? Are they a species? You all are making no sense!"

Ian looked confused at Tintus' ignorance of the Borg, frowning deeply when a disturbing thought occurred to him.

"Oh bloody hell, if your time is prior to the invasion, Sweet Merciful Maker Sir, if'n ya have nae heard of the Borg, then this is goin' ta be a bad day fer ya. The Borg are a nightmare mish mosh of humanoid and machine that operate as a synchronized society of linked components of no individuality or free will. They have technology a century ahead of the best the Federation has ta offer in 2365. A single cube is about ta engage a fleet of forty starships at Wolf 359 and will destroy all but one fer no damage, and our mission is ta fight one of these cubes alone in a ship that is eighty years old in 2365, upgraded, but still an old design."

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