The First Battle with the Borg

Started by James A. Hawke, January 12, 2017, 03:01:18 PM

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James A. Hawke

Captain's Log: Suplemental

It has been a couple of days since we traveled in time to the year 2365.  I am impressed by the strenght and determination of the crew.  To say that they have been placed in a challenging situation would be the understatement of the century.  I have ordered the Valour to plot a direct course to the  Borg Cubes.  We need to destroy the all costs.  I have adopted Mr. Galloway's strategy to use the deflector dish as a weapon.  If all goes well this mission might be over by the end of the day.


James entered the bridge with a PADD at hand.  Truthfully, he was still getting used to the layout of the new ship.  He was a Captain of a Sovereing class vesell and the layout to an Excelxior was a little challenging at times.  Sometime he would get confused of the layouts of the  and location of the departments.

Before they arrived in 2365, Mr. Galloway proposed a plan.  In simple terms the ship would use the deflector dish as a big phaser.  He was keeping the plan secret, in the rare event that they would encounter the borg a critical member was assimilated.  There was a concerned that the power output of the ship was lower than a Galaxy-Class Vesell, but it was one of the best ideas out there.

He attempted to find the Ops Station and he asked "Ops, what our ETA until contact with the two Borg Cubes?"
He hoped that a couple of hours would be enough to get the ship ready.

He then turned into the person in the XO position "Please notify all the ships Senior Officers  and missions specialist to report to the bridge, ASAP"

He finished and sat down on the Captain seat waiting for people's arrival.

Click on the Badge to see bio

Ian Galloway


Ian was already in the turbolift when he heard the captain's announcement and stepped onto the bridge moments later. He walked confidently to the helm and relieved the Gamma shift flight ops officer and say down. He went back over the panel one last time to make sure everything was ready and waited for orders.

"I've been doin' flight ops simms of an Excelsior in the holodeck ever since we came aboard and now it's the real thing. Fifty bricks of gold pressed latinum question is will the sensor dish plan work? I brought it up ta the captain and he's bettin' our lives on it. If it fails, it will be on me ta a large part and that's goin' ta be a tough pill ta swallow because we don't have another plan that I'm aware of to bail us out. This is always the tough part, bein' shot at is nae so bad is knowin' yer goin' ta get shot at and havin' ta wait for the bugger ta do so is what's bad."

T'Ra Jones


T'Ra strolled through the various corridors, gradually making her way upwards and towards the bridge. Despite the mission at hand, the dangers they were sure to face, she felt a certain sense of calm, the kind that had been so frustratingly elusive of late. She let out a sigh of contentment. It felt good to be back on a ship, to hear the distant purr of the engines, to see the crew scurrying about trying to complete their respective tasks... She had missed this.

Still, it somehow felt incomplete. There was no doctor at her side making quips and snarky remarks. T'Ra had grown so used to his presence over the years, the last few months especially, but she knew she'd see Evan again soon. If not, the mysterious agent Ferguson would likely have an angry doctor to contend with when they returned.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 12, 2017, 03:01:18 PM

He then turned into the person in the XO position "Please notify all the ships Senior Officers  and missions specialist to report to the bridge, ASAP"

He finished and sat down on the Captain seat waiting for people's arrival.

When the call went out, T'Ra quickened her pace, heading for the nearest turbolift. She was loathe to get in, but it was the quickest way to the bridge. She called out to the computer, listing her desired destination, and soon they were there.

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 12, 2017, 03:01:18 PM

Captain's Log: Suplemental

It has been a couple of days since we traveled in time to the year 2365.  I am impressed by the strenght and determination of the crew.  To say that they have been placed in a challenging situation would be the understatement of the century.  I have ordered the Valour to plot a direct course to the  Borg Cubes.  We need to destroy the all costs.  I have adopted Mr. Galloway's strategy to use the deflector dish as a weapon.  If all goes well this mission might be over by the end of the day.


James entered the bridge with a PADD at hand.  Truthfully, he was still getting used to the layout of the new ship.  He was a Captain of a Sovereing class vesell and the layout to an Excelxior was a little challenging at times.  Sometime he would get confused of the layouts of the  and location of the departments.

Before they arrived in 2365, Mr. Galloway proposed a plan.  In simple terms the ship would use the deflector dish as a big phaser.  He was keeping the plan secret, in the rare event that they would encounter the borg a critical member was assimilated.  There was a concerned that the power output of the ship was lower than a Galaxy-Class Vesell, but it was one of the best ideas out there.

He attempted to find the Ops Station and he asked "Ops, what our ETA until contact with the two Borg Cubes?"
He hoped that a couple of hours would be enough to get the ship ready.

He then turned into the person in the XO position "Please notify all the ships Senior Officers  and missions specialist to report to the bridge, ASAP"

He finished and sat down on the Captain seat waiting for people's arrival.


Lizzie, still getting used to being back in Command Red rather than Medical Teal, was seated in one of the Mission specialist seats as there was no XO seat on the Bridge. Luckily the Academy had two Excelsior Class Starship for in system use so she was more than Familiar with their layout. She had been going over the information gathered by the crew of USS Voyager regarding the Assimilation processes and trying to find a solution or a preventative measure. The problem was the Nanobots, that started the process were adaptive little units and everything she had tried, had ended no-where. She turned her concentration back to the main area of the Bridge when James spoke. so she nodded.

"Yes Captain." She replied before activating the internal communications system.

=/\=Vaughan to all Senior Officers and Mission Specialists. Please report to the Bridge immediately!=/\=

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Dylan Torngate

[Engineering- Computer Access]

Alex was sitting in the corner of Engineering. Most of the ship was working well, so he'd taken the time to go through the computer history, trying to catch up on all the tech and everything he could.

The tech of the ship hadn't improved much from when he'd been taken, but it had changed enough that he wanted to be sure. That being said, he also was reading up on the Borg... at least what he'd been able to see.

He heard the call, and signed out of the computer, walking to a turbolift.


Alex exited from the turbolift, and stood at attention. He still wore the uniform of the era- looking totally out of place. Or was it everyone else that looked out of place? He wasn't sure anymore.

"Reporting as Ordered... Captain."

Webmaster and Administrator
Shadow Fleet

William Waring

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 12, 2017, 03:01:18 PM

Captain's Log: Suplemental

It has been a couple of days since we traveled in time to the year 2365.  I am impressed by the strenght and determination of the crew.  To say that they have been placed in a challenging situation would be the understatement of the century.  I have ordered the Valour to plot a direct course to the  Borg Cubes.  We need to destroy the all costs.  I have adopted Mr. Galloway's strategy to use the deflector dish as a weapon.  If all goes well this mission might be over by the end of the day.


James entered the bridge with a PADD at hand.  Truthfully, he was still getting used to the layout of the new ship.  He was a Captain of a Sovereing class vesell and the layout to an Excelxior was a little challenging at times.  Sometime he would get confused of the layouts of the  and location of the departments.

Before they arrived in 2365, Mr. Galloway proposed a plan.  In simple terms the ship would use the deflector dish as a big phaser.  He was keeping the plan secret, in the rare event that they would encounter the borg a critical member was assimilated.  There was a concerned that the power output of the ship was lower than a Galaxy-Class Vesell, but it was one of the best ideas out there.

He attempted to find the Ops Station and he asked "Ops, what our ETA until contact with the two Borg Cubes?"
He hoped that a couple of hours would be enough to get the ship ready.

He then turned into the person in the XO position "Please notify all the ships Senior Officers  and missions specialist to report to the bridge, ASAP"

He finished and sat down on the Captain seat waiting for people's arrival.

[Bridge - Ops]

Will was viewing Operational Status Reports when James asked for the ETA.

"Our estimates put it at..." he paused while he accessed the largest navigational data "...just over two hours. Give or take a few minutes."

Will looked over the rest of the data that was still coming to his console. "Beautiful ship if I do say so myself. Much like mine back in my time except mine has the refit. The Enterprise can say what it wants but there are very few ship with better lines then this."



Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 12, 2017, 09:37:44 PM


Lizzie, still getting used to being back in Command Red rather than Medical Teal, was seated in one of the Mission specialist seats as there was no XO seat on the Bridge. Luckily the Academy had two Excelsior Class Starship for in system use so she was more than Familiar with their layout. She had been going over the information gathered by the crew of USS Voyager regarding the Assimilation processes and trying to find a solution or a preventative measure. The problem was the Nanobots, that started the process were adaptive little units and everything she had tried, had ended no-where. She turned her concentration back to the main area of the Bridge when James spoke. so she nodded.

"Yes Captain." She replied before activating the internal communications system.

=/\=Vaughan to all Senior Officers and Mission Specialists. Please report to the Bridge immediately!=/\=


Zex had just finished inspecting Sickbay when the hale came in.  To her delight, Sickbay was well stocked an ready to receive incoming patients.  She was as prepared as she could be.

So she went to her locker and found her traveling medical bag.  She threw it over her shoulder and headed out the door.  A moment later she was in the turbo lift heading up to the Bridge.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Bridge - Sec/Tac Duty Station]

EQ worked the Sec/Tac duty station.  All systems checked out and the weapons were just waiting to be charged.  All 16 phaser banks and the 6 torpedo launchers.

Never before had the liberated Borg served upon a ship with such defensive power.  But it felt good.  Real good.

EQ nodded his head in reply to the Captain's orders.  "And it begins" he thought to himself.  The he looked forwards, waiting on orders like a good soldier. 

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kinley Garrison


[Science Lab - U.S.S. Valor]

For the record, chemistry was not Kinley's specialty. She knew enough on how to do it, but recollecting back on a couple of her early experiments, she figured it was best to let Sevoc do his job with minimal meddling on her part. She tapped the scanner, programming in the diagnostic she wanted to perform. The reprogramming of the Borg nanoprobes Sevoc had brought was taking longer than she was hoping. And time was going to be of the essence here.  She looked around the lab.  The technology she had was pretty adequate, but it was all built before she was even born, which meant that there was a bit of a learning curve for her. She had been working on this problem probably longer than she should have,  staying up late in the shift.

The computer chirped.  "Finally!" She exhaled. Hopefully these reprogrammed  nanoprobes would help trick the Borg so at least some part of the consciousness would be at least temporarily preserved, allowing for perhaps the individuality to "infect", so to speak, the surrounding drones.

It wasn't the best idea, but it was better than nothing. Which was what she currently had in the way of ideas at this moment. They were still having problems with the Borg in 2399. How could she devise a way to outsmart a hive full of them?

Her commbadge vibrated.

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 12, 2017, 09:37:44 PM


=/\=Vaughan to all Senior Officers and Mission Specialists. Please report to the Bridge immediately!=/\=

She sighed. "I'd better get up there."
=/\=" On my way, Garrison out." =/\=
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Leonard T. Scott


Leo was tinkering with one of the shuttlecraft. He figured he could boost one up for use in battle if needed.

"Hmm, we could set up additional phaser arrays on the fore and aft," he said to himself, "I'll need to talk to the tac guys about this."

He found some lettering and christened his brainchild the Kindness. He moved over to the replicator to make a plaque.

"Computer, I need a dedication plaque. Begin inscription. Kindness dedicated on stardate 43989.1. The craft was commissioned to assist in saving the Federation from the Borg. This craft is so named as to display perceived ideal the human reaction to aggression. May this craft guide and protect those in her charge and perform at peak ability. End dedication."

It was then that Leo got the call from the XO of their little venture.

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 12, 2017, 09:37:44 PM

=/\=Vaughan to all Senior Officers and Mission Specialists. Please report to the Bridge immediately!=/\=

He tapped his combadge.

=/\=Scott to Captain Vaughan, I'm on my way. Scott out.=/\=

He turned to his little slice of serenity.

"I'll be back to finish you lass."

With those words, he left the shuttlebay and went to the turbolift and made his way to the bridge.

Athena Second Officer. Feel free to message me if have any issues that need addressing.
Flight Control Instructor
"Keyboard. How quaint." - Captain Montgomery Scott


[Science Station, Bridge USS Valor

Sevoc was monitoring his station. The start of the mission was like any other. The crew was settling into their new roles admirably. It appeared those of higher rank yielded to the logic presented at the meeting they had beforehand.

Even after yes years of interaction with humans, they never ceased to fascinate him with their interaction especially when pressed by extermination. He listened to the CO and XO give their exchange.

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 12, 2017, 03:01:18 PM

Captain's Log: Suplemental

It has been a couple of days since we traveled in time to the year 2365.  I am impressed by the strenght and determination of the crew.  To say that they have been placed in a challenging situation would be the understatement of the century.  I have ordered the Valour to plot a direct course to the  Borg Cubes.  We need to destroy the all costs.  I have adopted Mr. Galloway's strategy to use the deflector dish as a weapon.  If all goes well this mission might be over by the end of the day.


James entered the bridge with a PADD at hand.  Truthfully, he was still getting used to the layout of the new ship.  He was a Captain of a Sovereing class vesell and the layout to an Excelxior was a little challenging at times.  Sometime he would get confused of the layouts of the  and location of the departments.

Before they arrived in 2365, Mr. Galloway proposed a plan.  In simple terms the ship would use the deflector dish as a big phaser.  He was keeping the plan secret, in the rare event that they would encounter the borg a critical member was assimilated.  There was a concerned that the power output of the ship was lower than a Galaxy-Class Vesell, but it was one of the best ideas out there.

He attempted to find the Ops Station and he asked "Ops, what our ETA until contact with the two Borg Cubes?"
He hoped that a couple of hours would be enough to get the ship ready.

He then turned into the person in the XO position "Please notify all the ships Senior Officers  and missions specialist to report to the bridge, ASAP"

He finished and sat down on the Captain seat waiting for people's arrival.

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on January 12, 2017, 09:37:44 PM


Lizzie, still getting used to being back in Command Red rather than Medical Teal, was seated in one of the Mission specialist seats as there was no XO seat on the Bridge. Luckily the Academy had two Excelsior Class Starship for in system use so she was more than Familiar with their layout. She had been going over the information gathered by the crew of USS Voyager regarding the Assimilation processes and trying to find a solution or a preventative measure. The problem was the Nanobots, that started the process were adaptive little units and everything she had tried, had ended no-where. She turned her concentration back to the main area of the Bridge when James spoke. so she nodded.

"Yes Captain." She replied before activating the internal communications system.

=/\=Vaughan to all Senior Officers and Mission Specialists. Please report to the Bridge immediately!=/\=

He looked up, watched and waited as the gathered motley crew assembled on the bridge.

So that would make me a blue-blooded hobgoblin?
Alt for Leo

James A. Hawke



Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 12, 2017, 03:51:07 PM


Ian was already in the turbolift when he heard the captain's announcement and stepped onto the bridge moments later. He walked confidently to the helm and relieved the Gamma shift flight ops officer and say down. He went back over the panel one last time to make sure everything was ready and waited for orders.

"I've been doin' flight ops simms of an Excelsior in the holodeck ever since we came aboard and now it's the real thing. Fifty bricks of gold pressed latinum question is will the sensor dish plan work? I brought it up ta the captain and he's bettin' our lives on it. If it fails, it will be on me ta a large part and that's goin' ta be a tough pill ta swallow because we don't have another plan that I'm aware of to bail us out. This is always the tough part, bein' shot at is nae so bad is knowin' yer goin' ta get shot at and havin' ta wait for the bugger ta do so is what's bad."


James waited a couple of minutes to wait and see most of the officers to show up.  He looked at Mr. Galloway as he entered the ship helm and took control of it.  He smiled and said "Lieutenant, it was your idea...I think you should to the honor of explaining it to the rest of the crew"�  He was not sure that the plan was going to work, but it was a good plan for hit them with something hard and making a good first impression.

Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 12, 2017, 04:23:16 PM

T'Ra strolled through the various corridors, gradually making her way upwards and towards the bridge. Despite the mission at hand, the dangers they were sure to face, she felt a certain sense of calm, the kind that had been so frustratingly elusive of late. She let out a sigh of contentment. It felt good to be back on a ship, to hear the distant purr of the engines, to see the crew scurrying about trying to complete their respective tasks... She had missed this.

Still, it somehow felt incomplete. There was no doctor at her side making quips and snarky remarks. T'Ra had grown so used to his presence over the years, the last few months especially, but she knew she'd see Evan again soon. If not, the mysterious agent Ferguson would likely have an angry doctor to contend with when they returned.

When the call went out, T'Ra quickened her pace, heading for the nearest turbolift. She was loathe to get in, but it was the quickest way to the bridge. She called out to the computer, listing her desired destination, and soon they were there.
After that instruction, James sat down his chair.  The noticed that Vice Admiral coming into the ship and said "Vice-Admiral...pleasure seeing you on the bridge...I wanted to see your thoughts of the proposed plan,  I would be honored for your thoughts..."  James said
Quote from: William Waring on January 12, 2017, 11:28:04 PM

[Bridge - Ops]

Will was viewing Operational Status Reports when James asked for the ETA.

"Our estimates put it at..." he paused while he accessed the largest navigational data "...just over two hours. Give or take a few minutes."

Will looked over the rest of the data that was still coming to his console. "Beautiful ship if I do say so myself. Much like mine back in my time except mine has the refit. The Enterprise can say what it wants but there are very few ship with better lines then this."

"Good, that what I expected...take us into Yellow Alert"  James said to Lizzie.

He looked at the officer on the bridge and said "Thank you everyone for being here...I believe Mr. Galoway has a proposed plan and I wanted to hear some thoughts before we implement it"

Click on the Badge to see bio

T'Ra Jones

Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 13, 2017, 04:50:30 AM

After that instruction, James sat down his chair.  The noticed that Vice Admiral coming into the ship and said "Vice-Admiral...pleasure seeing you on the bridge...I wanted to see your thoughts of the proposed plan,  I would be honored for your thoughts..."  James said

"Good, that what I expected...take us into Yellow Alert"  James said to Lizzie.

He looked at the officer on the bridge and said "Thank you everyone for being here...I believe Mr. Galoway has a proposed plan and I wanted to hear some thoughts before we implement it"


Hands clasped behind her back, T'Ra waited patiently for the doors to part so that she could step onto the bridge. As the doors finally parted, she could see a medley of colors already beginning to congregate around a single focal point, around what was decidedly the most revered chair in the entire ship. The yellow alert cast a faint glow upon the faces of those gathered, but T'Ra ignored this and continued.

"Captain," she replied, with a simple dip of the head. "It is a pleasure to be aboard. It is of course my intention to assist by whatever means necessary. But first, I should like to hear it in Mr. Galoway's own words."

Ich lache, weil es ein Loch in mir gibt.
-Evan Buehler


Quote from: James A. Hawke on January 13, 2017, 04:50:30 AM


James waited a couple of minutes to wait and see most of the officers to show up.  He looked at Mr. Galloway as he entered the ship helm and took control of it.  He smiled and said "Lieutenant, it was your idea...I think you should to the honor of explaining it to the rest of the crew"  He was not sure that the plan was going to work, but it was a good plan for hit them with something hard and making a good first impression.
After that instruction, James sat down his chair.  The noticed that Vice Admiral coming into the ship and said "Vice-Admiral...pleasure seeing you on the bridge...I wanted to see your thoughts of the proposed plan,  I would be honored for your thoughts..."  James said

"Good, that what I expected...take us into Yellow Alert"  James said to Lizzie.

He looked at the officer on the bridge and said "Thank you everyone for being here...I believe Mr. Galoway has a proposed plan and I wanted to hear some thoughts before we implement it"


Zex stepped onto the Bridge as the Hawke started to speak.  She did not announce herself.  Instead, she found a spot against the back wall and stood there quietly.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Ian Galloway


Quote from: T'Ra Jones on January 13, 2017, 08:20:35 AM


Hands clasped behind her back, T'Ra waited patiently for the doors to part so that she could step onto the bridge. As the doors finally parted, she could see a medley of colors already beginning to congregate around a single focal point, around what was decidedly the most revered chair in the entire ship. The yellow alert cast a faint glow upon the faces of those gathered, but T'Ra ignored this and continued.

"Captain," she replied, with a simple dip of the head. "It is a pleasure to be aboard. It is of course my intention to assist by whatever means necessary. But first, I should like to hear it in Mr. Galoway's own words."

Ian's eyebrows shot up involuntarily at being put on the spot, but never lacking in confidence, he double checked the helm to make certain the ship was on course, then stood to face the senior officers, as was appropriate for a junior officer about to brief his superiors. Nodding to the admiral, Ian took a deep breath before starting.

"Admiral, ladies and gentlefolk. My proposal, comes from an examination of the logs of the era, and is technically that of Lieutenant Commander Data of the USS Enterprise-D. When the ship first encountered the Borg due ta interference from the entity known as Q, the ship's weapons were able ta do damage, but the Borg displayed a rapid ability to adapt their defenses and phasers quickly became ineffective.

"When the Borg Cube arrived in the Alpha Quadrant, in response ta the Collective's adaptability, the crew rapidly modulated the frequency of her phasers and were able ta damage the Cube again for awhile. However, durin' this engagement, Data noticed that attacks by phasers in the higher band caused a drop in the Cube's total power output. Data, along with Chief Engineer LaForge theorized that if they could pump enough power at that high frequency by usin' the ship's primary deflector array, that it could cause significant damage ta the Borg. Unfortunately, by the time they were ready ta try this attack, Captain Picard had been captured and assimilated by the Borg, who adapted their defenses which, in turn, caused the attack to fail.

"It is possible that if we attack this second Cube before Picard is taken, that we have a decent chance of the attack succeedin' for us, if only once. If we can score significant damage with that first volley, we stand an increased chance of preventin' the Borg from altering the timeline. After all, we do not have to destroy the Cube, we just have to prevent it from joinin' forces with the first one so that the Enterprise-D can play her proper role in history as we know it."

🡱 🡳

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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.