Let's get this BS sorted out RIGHT EFFING NOW!

Started by Archangel Koris, June 22, 2014, 06:23:51 PM

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Adam Lewandowski

I'm tired. I'm going to sleep. I am willing to help, though, even if I have little time, some is better than none. Instead of wasting it reading this whole thing- just let me know what I can do when I have some time. There are upheavals in this sort of 'club' all the time. It's not the end of the world, if people are willing to do a little. Please make sure you delegate, no one can do everything, and sometimes trusting someone to get it done is very hard.

No weapon is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women.

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 08:47:59 PM

The committee disbanded itself because we were no longer needed. What you are talking about is a forum for the command level officers to talk which we have.

And just proving my point, that is what you decided FOR the Fleet. Obviously some of us think it was the wrong decision. If there's a command level officer forum, excellent! Is that taking the place of the committee? Or are Richard, Chris, and Klara expected to make authoritarian decisions all by themselves?
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 08:47:59 PM

No. To open command level discussions to the entire site is a bad idea. We routinely toss around terrible ideas just to throw them out. For the entire site to watch this process would not reduce instability but instigate it. Reports are routinely published regarding command level decisions when they affect the fleet, that's why we have the fleet news board.

Politicians debate publicly for all to see every day and we expect them to run our country. Surely a handful of adults running a simulation fleet can be mature enough during discussions for others to see what you actually do. And if we have concerns, we can go through our chain of command and PM those concerns to potentially be brought up. For example, that botched fleet crew shuffle, or the ill-timed Starbase Horizon. While the Fleet's been operating adequately under the Admiralty and Committee, have you ever considered the attrition rate of our senior command staff? Maybe there's a reason why it's so high? Point in fact, Richard just tried to resign, and most of us had no idea what kind of stress he's been under, or if we did, that he was nearing his breaking point. Also, the Fleet News Board is a great tool. It's like watching the 5 minute edition of Entertainment Tonight. We find out just enough to ask why something happened, but we never get the answers.
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 08:47:59 PM

As for the situations regarding Mr. Tulley and Mr. Soreka, they were handled in private for a reason. End of story. Private matters are dealt with in private. We are not here to air dirty laundry or bash individuals. Telling the entire site a private matter that caused someone to leave can be interpreted as that and will not lead to good places. There is a reason we have private boards and they are going to remain private for those same reasons.

Agreed, in part. let me quote myself here: "...an unbiased report of the decision made and the reason behind published only after the specific individual involved has been notified." When Soreka began his downward spiral, most of us were in the dark as to the reason why. Some of us, especially the rest of Gibson's Command Staff, needed to know what was happening. Instead, we were as surprised as everyone else.
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 08:47:59 PM

Except some people can handle more than 3 characters and you are potentially penalizing people after a character has run its course for the time being. I agree that some recent activity with alts has gotten ridiculous but to blanket restrict those who haven't made offense simply isn't fair. If you could reword this in such a way as to target the specific situations you mentioned while not hindering those who have proven themselves capable that would be amazing and I'm sure it would be given serious consideration. Finally those rules do say that characters over the limit can be approved by the admiralty.

Once again, let me quote myself: "...2nd character should only be allowed after 6 months of active posting with the primary. 3rd character should only be allowed after another 6 months of active posting with BOTH primary and secondary. Unless approved unanimously by the full committee, the maximum number of characters a single player shall have will be limited to 3, including all in Reserve or on LOA."

I'm not sure how much more clear you want me to be. Should I start calling names?

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 08:47:59 PM

Day late and a dollar short. Horizon is mothballed. 'Nuff said.

Noted, I'm just saying that we shouldn't try again until the conditions are ideal, regardless if it's a new starbase or a new ship.
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 08:47:59 PM

This has always been a case by case issue and with the exception of Scott Bradley, multiple same person characters on a ship are temporary things to be changed when able or the reason why the character was placed there is resolved.

And for this, we go back to the alternate character issue. Prime example, Chris Newberry is currently playing two alternates onboard Discovery because two other players had pulled their alternate characters. If Chris were to, hypothetically, declare a sabbatical, Discovery would have no CENG and be down an Ops crewman.
Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 08:47:59 PM

This I completely agree with. My only question involves the officer promotions. How does one explain to an individual, "Yes, you've met all the requirements but you're still not getting promoted because I don't think you're good enough," without disillusioning them? I agree that command level officers need to be explicitly held to a higher standard but I don't see much of a problem with the ones we have now. Again, if you can clean up the wording into something fair and definitive I'm sure it will be looked at.

Can't really go more into detail without bringing up examples and that will lead to names. Basically my point is, we can't keep shuffling command teams, and we need to consider advancing some players who obviously have skilled leadership and organizational abilities instead of promoting primarily on time in.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

John Brown

Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 09:55:19 PM

And just proving my point, that is what you decided FOR the Fleet. Obviously some of us think it was the wrong decision. If there's a command level officer forum, excellent! Is that taking the place of the committee? Or are Richard, Chris, and Klara expected to make authoritarian decisions all by themselves?

Yes, We as Shadowfleet Admirity are making these Decisions that we have been making since the Fleet was Started in 2007; and its been running for Seven Years  until that only recently we brought the Committee and the only Reason the Committee was brought in was Because there were complaints that we were making choices that were JK this JK that and we stoped the Committee and did'nt harm the Fleet; and as for Horzion it was technical a New SIMM no new pepole were going on it as it was Intellignce a switch to station; I saw my self it was'nt been effestion as with my other duties as I know if somthing not working so I closed it myself as I have the Command Experence to know when somthing is not working.

Alexander Wu

Quote from: John Brown on June 22, 2014, 10:03:15 PM

Yes, We as Shadowfleet Admirity are making these Decisions that we have been making since the Fleet was Started in 2007; and its been running for Seven Years  until that only recently we brought the Committee and the only Reason the Committee was brought in was Because there were complaints that we were making choices that were JK this JK that and we stoped the Committee and did'nt harm the Fleet; and as for Horzion it was technical a New SIMM no new pepole were going on it as it was Intellignce a switch to station; I saw my self it was'nt been effestion as with my other duties as I know if somthing not working so I closed it myself as I have the Command Experence to know when somthing is not working.

JK got run out of town and you almost pulled the eject lever several days after the Committee was dissolved. Coincidence then?

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

John Brown

Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 10:04:33 PM

JK got run out of town and you almost pulled the eject lever several days after the Committee was dissolved. Coincidence then?

No; it was other matters that were consirning me in the Postion of Fleet Commander its not an Easy Job; its a High Stress Job not many can handle it with everything you have to look at and deside on a daily basis and planning to make things better and changing your might on things within weeks from desiding to do somthing.

Revek Tre'el

Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 09:55:19 PM

And just proving my point, that is what you decided FOR the Fleet. Obviously some of us think it was the wrong decision. If there's a command level officer forum, excellent! Is that taking the place of the committee? Or are Richard, Chris, and Klara expected to make authoritarian decisions all by themselves?

Let me get this straight. You want a committee to make decisions but we made a decision and you don't like it so you're criticizing it? Alex, it sounds like you don't want a committee but a committee that thinks the way you want them to. It served its purpose when it was needed and it was decided that it was no longer needed and disbanded. We have command level officers to discuss things end of story.
Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 09:55:19 PM

Politicians debate publicly for all to see every day and we expect them to run our country. Surely a handful of adults running a simulation fleet can be mature enough during discussions for others to see what you actually do. And if we have concerns, we can go through our chain of command and PM those concerns to potentially be brought up. For example, that botched fleet crew shuffle, or the ill-timed Starbase Horizon. While the Fleet's been operating adequately under the Admiralty and Committee, have you ever considered the attrition rate of our senior command staff? Maybe there's a reason why it's so high? Point in fact, Richard just tried to resign, and most of us had no idea what kind of stress he's been under, or if we did, that he was nearing his breaking point. Also, the Fleet News Board is a great tool. It's like watching the 5 minute edition of Entertainment Tonight. We find out just enough to ask why something happened, but we never get the answers.

Yes politicians discuss some things publicly. Other things they discuss in private.

As for Richards attempted resignation, it was his decision. Whether you liked it or not, it was his right to make that decision. That he reconsidered is wonderful news and we solved a problem but at the end of the day it was his decision to make and he didn't even need to give us a reason.

As for the comment about maturity, I'm not sure I quite understand you. Are you saying we can have a civilized enough discussion or that people can sit back and watch it without getting worked up? If it's the former, that wasn't my point. If it's the latter I disagree. Bottom line is those boards aren't going to be made public. You don't have to like it but you wanted decisions made and a reason why. The decision was made and the reason was given.

Moving on.

Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 09:55:19 PM

Agreed, in part. let me quote myself here: "...an unbiased report of the decision made and the reason behind published only after the specific individual involved has been notified." When Soreka began his downward spiral, most of us were in the dark as to the reason why. Some of us, especially the rest of Gibson's Command Staff, needed to know what was happening. Instead, we were as surprised as everyone else.

Once again, let me quote myself: "...2nd character should only be allowed after 6 months of active posting with the primary. 3rd character should only be allowed after another 6 months of active posting with BOTH primary and secondary. Unless approved unanimously by the full committee, the maximum number of characters a single player shall have will be limited to 3, including all in Reserve or on LOA."

I'm not sure how much more clear you want me to be. Should I start calling names?

Just going to answer these both at the same time. The admiralty approved these situations. End of story. A decision was made and it was between the admiralty and the people involved. You're not getting a reason.
Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 09:55:19 PM

Noted, I'm just saying that we shouldn't try again until the conditions are ideal, regardless if it's a new starbase or a new ship.

That decision will be made by those in command. That's all I can say on that. Again, whether you agree with it or not isn't the deciding factor.
Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 09:55:19 PM

And for this, we go back to the alternate character issue. Prime example, Chris Newberry is currently playing two alternates onboard Discovery because two other players had pulled their alternate characters. If Chris were to, hypothetically, declare a sabbatical, Discovery would have no CENG and be down an Ops crewman.

Yes, yes they would. And if Chris didn't have two characters on the Discovery they would be permanently out of a CENG or Ops Crewman. Wait! He can NPC one! Wait! LoA still results in a temporary loss of both. Admiralty approved it, your approval wasn't needed. Sorry but that's how it is.
Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 09:55:19 PM

Can't really go more into detail without bringing up examples and that will lead to names. Basically my point is, we can't keep shuffling command teams, and we need to consider advancing some players who obviously have skilled leadership and organizational abilities instead of promoting primarily on time in.

And who decides that? I'm not disagreeing with you per say but it needs to be worded appropriately. Again, if you would care to do so then I will make sure your proposal is looked at.

Species: Cardassian

We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school - Thucydides

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 10:18:22 PM

Let me get this straight. You want a committee to make decisions but we made a decision and you don't like it so you're criticizing it? Alex, it sounds like you don't want a committee but a committee that thinks the way you want them to. It served its purpose when it was needed and it was decided that it was no longer needed and disbanded. We have command level officers to discuss things end of story.

Yes politicians discuss some things publicly. Other things they discuss in private.

As for Richards attempted resignation, it was his decision. Whether you liked it or not, it was his right to make that decision. That he reconsidered is wonderful news and we solved a problem but at the end of the day it was his decision to make and he didn't even need to give us a reason.

As for the comment about maturity, I'm not sure I quite understand you. Are you saying we can have a civilized enough discussion or that people can sit back and watch it without getting worked up? If it's the former, that wasn't my point. If it's the latter I disagree. Bottom line is those boards aren't going to be made public. You don't have to like it but you wanted decisions made and a reason why. The decision was made and the reason was given.

Moving on.

Just going to answer these both at the same time. The admiralty approved these situations. End of story. A decision was made and it was between the admiralty and the people involved. You're not getting a reason.

That decision will be made by those in command. That's all I can say on that. Again, whether you agree with it or not isn't the deciding factor.

Yes, yes they would. And if Chris didn't have two characters on the Discovery they would be permanently out of a CENG or Ops Crewman. Wait! He can NPC one! Wait! LoA still results in a temporary loss of both. Admiralty approved it, your approval wasn't needed. Sorry but that's how it is.

And who decides that? I'm not disagreeing with you per say but it needs to be worded appropriately. Again, if you would care to do so then I will make sure your proposal is looked at.

I'm not even going to dignify this with an individual response for each. Basically the answer you've given for most of the points are: "My way or the highway. If you don't like it, too bad, cause nothing's going to change unless WE (being the admiralty/captain's club) want to."

My main point is that there has to be more transparency. From your tone, it seems like you think the Admiralty's been making all of the right decisions and that those decisions are infallible. You don't need public opinion because, as far as you're concerned, their word is God. If you really want me to break it down into figures of how the fleet is doing compared to one year ago, I simply don't have the time right now.

Richard's resignation and reversal of that decision is the best example I can think of right now about why discussions on decisions regarding the Fleet as a whole need to be made public. His resignation lasted a whole 18 minutes before someone in the Fleet spoke out and said, belay that, we can figure this out. Don't quit on us now. How many more others have resigned over issues which could have been solved by a simple discussion that was open to the Fleet? Sukal? Soreka? JK? (Notice how I'm exempting Tulley from this list, he was pretty much hopeless) We'll never know, because the Committee and the Admiralty decided to keep these issues behind closed doors.

I'm not saying that you need MY approval for anything. Frankly, I couldn't give a damn how the Fleet was run, so long as it was run competently. And I agree, to a degree and with many difficult hurdles, the Admiralty's done well. However, the simple existence of this thread shows that it isn't enough. Not changing things as you appear to be suggesting for the most part just won't be good enough. More involvement and transparency won't undermine the Admiralty's decision, it'll affirm the trust of those these decisions affect most; the players. And it isn't a matter of wanting to adapt or not, it's a matter of survival. Because at our current rate of attrition, there is an increasing possibility many of us won't be here next year.

Oh, and Committee = Command Level Staff. Sorry, thought I had made that clear with my original suggestion for replacing the committee with one from each ship. Don't really care what title you choose, so long as there's still the forum for discussion.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Malcolm Adeyemi

I got to agree with Al on this one. I don't know much, to be frank. But too often even myself, a longtime player, will have little to no say in anything that goes on around here. I can't tell you how many times I'll log in one morning and I'll have a PM or there'll be a new topic In the News. Something earth shattering happened to the Fleet that was decided behind closed doors. What happened? Why? Who did what? All I know is the decision was made and the rest of us are left in the dark.

I'm not saying each and every decision should be discussed Fleet wide. We have leaders for a reason. That reason is to make these decisions. But I don't of any organization where the leaders don't at least listen to a myriad of opinions from their people. And that's exactly what we have here.

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Luke Stafford on June 22, 2014, 10:59:27 PM

I got to agree with Al on this one. I don't know much, to be frank. But too often even myself, a longtime player, will have little to no say in anything that goes on around here. I can't tell you how many times I'll log in one morning and I'll have a PM or there'll be a new topic In the News. Something earth shattering happened to the Fleet that was decided behind closed doors. What happened? Why? Who did what? All I know is the decision was made and the rest of us are left in the dark.

I'm not saying each and every decision should be discussed Fleet wide. We have leaders for a reason. That reason is to make these decisions. But I don't of any organization where the leaders don't at least listen to a myriad of opinions from their people. And that's exactly what we have here.

A certain young Romulan just pointed out to me that I didn't make something clear and could be what's being hung up on; I'm not saying that we need every issue made public. Only issues that will affect the entire fleet, like senior staff talking about resigning, or a new simm being started, should be brought to the Fleet's attention. The criteria would obviously rest with the Admiralty about which discussions would be important for the Fleet to stay informed upon and/or mention their own points of view through the appropriate chains of command if required.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

John Brown

Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 22, 2014, 10:49:58 PM

I'm not even going to dignify this with an individual response for each. Basically the answer you've given for most of the points are: "My way or the highway. If you don't like it, too bad, cause nothing's going to change unless WE (being the admiralty/captain's club) want to."

My main point is that there has to be more transparency. From your tone, it seems like you think the Admiralty's been making all of the right decisions and that those decisions are infallible. You don't need public opinion because, as far as you're concerned, their word is God. If you really want me to break it down into figures of how the fleet is doing compared to one year ago, I simply don't have the time right now.

Richard's resignation and reversal of that decision is the best example I can think of right now about why discussions on decisions regarding the Fleet as a whole need to be made public. His resignation lasted a whole 18 minutes before someone in the Fleet spoke out and said, belay that, we can figure this out. Don't quit on us now. How many more others have resigned over issues which could have been solved by a simple discussion that was open to the Fleet? Sukal? Soreka? JK? (Notice how I'm exempting Tulley from this list, he was pretty much hopeless) We'll never know, because the Committee and the Admiralty decided to keep these issues behind closed doors.

I'm not saying that you need MY approval for anything. Frankly, I couldn't give a damn how the Fleet was run, so long as it was run competently. And I agree, to a degree and with many difficult hurdles, the Admiralty's done well. However, the simple existence of this thread shows that it isn't enough. Not changing things as you appear to be suggesting for the most part just won't be good enough. More involvement and transparency won't undermine the Admiralty's decision, it'll affirm the trust of those these decisions affect most; the players. And it isn't a matter of wanting to adapt or not, it's a matter of survival. Because at our current rate of attrition, there is an increasing possibility many of us won't be here next year.

Oh, and Committee = Command Level Staff. Sorry, thought I had made that clear with my original suggestion for replacing the committee with one from each ship. Don't really care what title you choose, so long as there's still the forum for discussion.

Listen I do'nt think your getting it yes we had the Committee but the Committee was there for assiting the Admirity in making decistions when it releates to the Fleet Assiting not making then as the Final Call is and Always layed with us the Admirity we have been making the same choices we just added the Committee to see if they could assit us more but now the Command Level Officers do this Yes there is no committee but there is still command level officers. and Still the Admirity makes choices I make choices for the Fleet Every day now for transparenisy we allow posts like this to happen these topics; last time I check this is what this is board was created for.

now for the issues with senior Officer resigning as for my Resigning you saying there was no clue in this; there were warnings but maybe you did'nt see or pepole did'nt want to see....there are some in the Fleet who are quite aware what was happening with me reguarding this and the breaking point happen to what it is; the reason I delayed that was I was in a Skype Convostation with some of the pepole involved who knew I been having these issues with Stress who calm me down that is somthing you did'nt know why it took 18 minites was becuse I was convinced to hold off for now and for now I am.......that dos'nt mean the thought is gone it just on hold for a while.

As for JK you have no clue what was happing about that no Clue at all; I wo'nt mention details but really would you have liked it all Command Officers Removed from there Postions in one swoope last year around this time; we did'nt have the ones that we have now it took a year for that....as for SUkal his reasoning is for his own persinal belifs but were not going to force him to stay becuse he did'nt agree. and as for Sorka you wanted him to stay after some of the things that did happen he distroyed our youtube accouunt but you wanted us to save him and keep him here Okay good on you

and you say unless you see privite boards and see all we discuss everyone going to quit the fleet I really doubt that after we been here for 7 years! and also It is up to the Admirity to deside when to Open a SIMM not you its our choice not yours!

Gabriel Arthur

An alternate take on transparency -

I enjoy sausage.

I have never made it, but I have a vague idea of how it's made.

I don't want to sit and watch how my sausage is made.

I want to sit back and eat my delicious sausage.


Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: John Brown on June 22, 2014, 11:13:00 PM

Listen I do'nt think your getting it yes we had the Committee but the Committee was there for assiting the Admirity in making decistions when it releates to the Fleet Assiting not making then as the Final Call is and Always layed with us the Admirity we have been making the same choices we just added the Committee to see if they could assit us more but now the Command Level Officers do this Yes there is no committee but there is still command level officers. and Still the Admirity makes choices I make choices for the Fleet Every day now for transparenisy we allow posts like this to happen these topics; last time I check this is what this is board was created for.

now for the issues with senior Officer resigning as for my Resigning you saying there was no clue in this; there were warnings but maybe you did'nt see or pepole did'nt want to see....there are some in the Fleet who are quite aware what was happening with me reguarding this and the breaking point happen to what it is; the reason I delayed that was I was in a Skype Convostation with some of the pepole involved who knew I been having these issues with Stress who calm me down that is somthing you did'nt know why it took 18 minites was becuse I was convinced to hold off for now and for now I am.......that dos'nt mean the thought is gone it just on hold for a while.

As for JK you have no clue what was happing about that no Clue at all; I wo'nt mention details but really would you have liked it all Command Officers Removed from there Postions in one swoope last year around this time; we did'nt have the ones that we have now it took a year for that....as for SUkal his reasoning is for his own persinal belifs but were not going to force him to stay becuse he did'nt agree. and as for Sorka you wanted him to stay after some of the things that did happen he distroyed our youtube accouunt but you wanted us to save him and keep him here Okay good on you

and you say unless you see privite boards and see all we discuss everyone going to quit the fleet I really doubt that after we been here for 7 years! and also It is up to the Admirity to deside when to Open a SIMM not you its our choice not yours!

Richard, the last part of that response is akin to my former three year old stomping his foot when I ask him if he's been throwing mommy's makeup all over the room. I also can't read the rest of it and I'm not going to try.

Alex is bringing up a very good point. The Committee was (almost? Entirely?) command staff. How can that committee or the admiralty make decisions that are informed if they don't know all the factors at play? I remember when JK was in charge we'd have Fleet wide debates concerning large matters. Like the enlisted training program Tully and I drew up. Or when new SIMMs would open up we'd talk about it from the ground up.

Now we have three new SIMMs that have opened up recently that were just a flat out bad idea. Wrong place and time. Was anyone else involved in the Magellan/Horizon or SI project? Clearly not, since when the Horizon came up it was a total shock to me. I voiced my opinion and was shouted down. Looks like I was right, at least partially. Not sure why that particular base was mothballed but for whatever reason...if a big decision like that had come up to all of us in the Fleet I, at least, would have said why I thought it was a bad idea.

I don't mean to harken back to the days of JK. I'll be the first to admit a lot went on (and goes on) that I don't know about. I'm sure some of this is for a reason. But is it too much to ask that the players have a say in the large scale decisions that go on around here? Instead of just being told it's for our own good?

Revek Tre'el

Ok, first, Luke. Your ability to remain professional is above reproach. Admiral Brown has already admitted to a personal issue (dealing with a lot of stress) and your response is to liken him to a three year old. Well played. Very classy. You should be proud of yourself.

Now, you speak like you were around for all of JK's time here. You weren't. Neither way I actually but I saw more than you did. Did we discuss the enlisted training program? Sure. Did we get to vote on the class of the new SIMM? Sure. Did we get to decide when the SIMM's would open or if the new plan was implemented? No. Did any of those discussions relate to criticizing his leadership? No. The conversations that did that were immediately locked, deleted, the players that started them were banned and had their accounts deleted. You make broad assumptions about things that you know very little about. Please don't.

Gabe, you make a beautiful analogy. If it's lost on some people then I'm sorry for them lol.

Alex, yes I agree that some decisions benefit from being open to the public. However, you nor I are the ones that get to decide which decisions are and which aren't. At the end of the day I trust that the Admiralty and other Command Level Officers have the best interests of the fleet at heart. Yes mistakes are made but we are human beings. It's going to happen. That's life.

I'm sorry if I came off like I was trying to say things are my way or the highway. That wasn't my intent at all. I was simply relaying information from higher.

The concerns being presented here are being talked about. I got home at roughly seven this evening. I was on by computer and talking to the powers that be within ten minutes. It's not a little after midnight. Trust me. We are listening to the things you are saying and we are working on addressing them. Some of these things may be aired to the fleet before being implemented for feedback and others may not. Again, I trust that the Admiralty has the best interests of the fleet at heart and that's enough for me even if I don't always agree with what they decide.

Species: Cardassian

We must remember that one man is much the same as another, and that he is best who is trained in the severest school - Thucydides

Alexander Wu

Quote from: John Brown on June 22, 2014, 11:13:00 PM

Listen I do'nt think your getting it yes we had the Committee but the Committee was there for assiting the Admirity in making decistions when it releates to the Fleet Assiting not making then as the Final Call is and Always layed with us the Admirity we have been making the same choices we just added the Committee to see if they could assit us more but now the Command Level Officers do this Yes there is no committee but there is still command level officers. and Still the Admirity makes choices I make choices for the Fleet Every day now for transparenisy we allow posts like this to happen these topics; last time I check this is what this is board was created for.

now for the issues with senior Officer resigning as for my Resigning you saying there was no clue in this; there were warnings but maybe you did'nt see or pepole did'nt want to see....there are some in the Fleet who are quite aware what was happening with me reguarding this and the breaking point happen to what it is; the reason I delayed that was I was in a Skype Convostation with some of the pepole involved who knew I been having these issues with Stress who calm me down that is somthing you did'nt know why it took 18 minites was becuse I was convinced to hold off for now and for now I am.......that dos'nt mean the thought is gone it just on hold for a while.

As for JK you have no clue what was happing about that no Clue at all; I wo'nt mention details but really would you have liked it all Command Officers Removed from there Postions in one swoope last year around this time; we did'nt have the ones that we have now it took a year for that....as for SUkal his reasoning is for his own persinal belifs but were not going to force him to stay becuse he did'nt agree. and as for Sorka you wanted him to stay after some of the things that did happen he distroyed our youtube accouunt but you wanted us to save him and keep him here Okay good on you

and you say unless you see privite boards and see all we discuss everyone going to quit the fleet I really doubt that after we been here for 7 years! and also It is up to the Admirity to deside when to Open a SIMM not you its our choice not yours!

Okay...yes, we've already established that the Admiralty makes all the final decisions. That point was made...several discussions ago. I think I also pointed out that I don't care who's advising and involved in the discussion, so long as there is discussion going on. That point was also clarified, with the command level officers taking the place of the committee.

And I wasn't speaking specifically about being surprised at you being stressed, I had read your blog post. To keep my point brief, I personally believe that if you had come to the Fleet with that issue sooner, we could have helped you solve it sooner before you hit that breaking point which culminated in your resignation today. Yes, I understand that you were talking to people on Skype about it, but as you pointed out yourself, not everyone has Skype.

JK, Soreka...as I had implied before, I'm not too sure as to the circumstances of their departure, primarily because...well, unless we heard about it through word of mouth by someone who was on the posse, it was never really announced what had actually happened asides from...they're gone. Sukal's personal beliefs I did hear about, and I'm not confident that had the rest of the Fleet known about the reason those beliefs were challenged, he would still be gone today. From the sideliner's point of view, the needs of the many over the needs of the few...didn't really come into consideration in this case.

But, that's in the past now, along with how the Fleet has fluctuated in success and failure over those 7 years. You've been here for those many years, you know much more intimately than almost anyone else of all the ups and downs. Let's look towards the future.

I'm not doubting your ability to lead, Richard, I'm just concerned that these discussions of malcontent are becoming almost predictable, and we swing back to them every few months with issues that can be traced back to the top. It's become a cycle. Maybe if these issues were made public sooner, and the decision process could be observed by those with another point of view, these problems can be solved before they rear their ugly heads. Thus, my suggestion about transparency during discussions about important matters. And once again just to clarify, on Fleet issues that the Admiralty decides to make open. That in itself will involve alot of trust from the Fleet placed upon you, Klara, and Chris.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on June 22, 2014, 11:47:36 PM

Ok, first, Luke. Your ability to remain professional is above reproach. Admiral Brown has already admitted to a personal issue (dealing with a lot of stress) and your response is to liken him to a three year old. Well played. Very classy. You should be proud of yourself.

Now, you speak like you were around for all of JK's time here. You weren't. Neither way I actually but I saw more than you did. Did we discuss the enlisted training program? Sure. Did we get to vote on the class of the new SIMM? Sure. Did we get to decide when the SIMM's would open or if the new plan was implemented? No. Did any of those discussions relate to criticizing his leadership? No. The conversations that did that were immediately locked, deleted, the players that started them were banned and had their accounts deleted. You make broad assumptions about things that you know very little about. Please don't.

Rev, the personal rancor reflected in that remark I do not intend to dignify with a response. Your sarcasm is also above reproach.

I also know that's your way, so I didn't take it personally. I said his response was that of a three year old, not the man himself.

Yeah, I wasn't privy to all that. But that didn't make it right then with JK and that doesn't make it right now with those of us that are left.

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