Myne- Reporting In - April 21st 2023

Started by Rayek trLhoell, April 21, 2023, 07:05:22 PM

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Rayek trLhoell

Welcome to Shadowfleet Miss Myne.

Please post your application form by selecting, copying and pasting the following code into your newly created application topic.

[b]Character Details[/b]

[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Age[/u]:
[u]Character DOB[/u]:
[u]Character Image[/u]:
[u]Character Species[/u]:
[u]Character Family[/u]:
[u]Character Bio[/u]:

[b]Your Details[/b]

[u]Previous Role-Playing Experience[/u]:
[u]Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Secondary Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian[/u]:

[u]Sample post[/u]:

[u]Additional information[/u]:

[u]How did you find Shadow Fleet?[/u]

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



Code: [Select]
Character Details

Character Name: Myne of Miri (originally Melly of Miri)
Character Age: 241
Character DOB: 2160
Character Image:
Character Species: Only
Gender: Female
Character Family: All grups are dead.
Character Bio:
Myne was born on the planet Miri to two Onlies who were nearing the point in there life where the Life prolongation project would drive them insane and kill them. She was born and aged normally for a time until about eight years old she started the effects of the virus locking her age so that she only aged one month every one hundred years. There had been a number of Onlies having children when hormones would kick in so she was raised by a group of Onlines that found her. After the Federation came and cured the aspect of the plague that killed the Onlies she stayed around learning from the Federation until the Cry of the Onlies incident where the Federation protectors were victimizing the Onlies. At the close of that incident the Federation put Flint incharge and it was nice. But wanting to see the universe, Melly signed on with a colony ship needing children and begun her long history of bad luck. Melly was what is reffered to in Naval terms as a Jonah, a person of infinitely bad luck. However she never let it get her down. Every bad experience she took positive aspects to learn. Finally however she felt it best to enlisted in Starfleet so she would not get enslaved so often. She changed her name to Myne, since all her former owners would say 'mine' when reffering to her. So she changed the name to make it her own.

- 2260 - Birth on planet Miri.
- 2265 - Both parents died from the grups plague.
- 2266 - USS Enterprise cured the grups Plague.
- 2266 - Planet Miri became a Federation Protectorate.
- 2269 - Cry of the Onlies incident. Resulting in the death of Jahn and Miri.
- 2270 - Relocated to a Colony on Tarian IV, It was wiped out by a Brancher, but then Choraii slavers picked up the survivors. But I learned to sing and play music!
- 2280 - Rescued with others by the Federation.
- 2290 - Relocated to a Colony on Valakis, captured by Nausicaan slavers and sold to Orion Slavers. But I learned to dance great!
- 2310 - Rescued with others by the Federation.
- 2310 - Relocated to a Colony on Mimit, captured by Kzinti slavers during one of there Mimit Ravager ceremonies. But I learned to tend animals and help with feline muscle cramps!
- 2330 - Rescued with others by the Federation.
- 2330 - Relocated to a Colony on Hydra not realizing it was a Hydran colony first. Captured by Hydran slavers, but learned to hold my breath like a pro!
- 2350 - Rescued with others by the Federation.
- 2350 - Relocated to a Colony on Galen IV, captured by Talarian slavers. But I learned some nice domestic skills and how to make a excellent Raktajino and cook!
- 2370 - Rescued with others by the Federation.
- 2370 - Met my first true love in a tavern. But he only wanted me for my salt it seemed. (He was a Salt Succubus).
- 2370 - Relocated to a Colony on Auren, Assemilated by the Borg but plucked free quickly. But I learned great organization skills!
- 2371 - Rescued with others by the Federation.
- 2371 - Infected with a Bluegil, Don't think I learned much. Don't remember much either!
- 2371 - Relocated to Aldea, had a ball and fun until a Aldean decided not to let me leave. Ever. But I learn more music skills and got to feel safe in my captivity!
- 2397 - Rescued with others by the Federation.
- 2397 - Given the second dose of McCoys grup plague cure.
- 2397 - Joined Starfleet Academy to prevent being enslaved again.
- 2401 - Present

Your Details
Previous Role-Playing Experience: I have rped in play by post since mIRC and yahoo era. I have run games as well as played in games in extensive roles. I have played D&D since 1st edition as well as FASA Trek, WEG Star Wars, and countless others.

Department Preference: Operations, Preferably as a Yeoman
Secondary Department Preference: Science (Ms Sinth said this is what the Challenger wanted me as)
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:

Additional information:
Not sure what to say, I am a eager writer.

How did you find Shadow Fleet?: Ms Sinthija

Female Only

Rayek trLhoell


Thank you for the application, a very interesting read.   Your character is approved.  Your Science instructor for the Academy Training Course (ATC) will post here, directing you to your ATC thread once it is up and ready.

As requested, you will be assigned to the USS Challenger once your ATC is complete.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Ian Galloway

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