Kirani Dalsirath - Checking in - 17 January 2022

Started by Ian Galloway, January 17, 2022, 11:26:01 PM

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Ian Galloway


Please fill out your application below using the format below.

[b]Character Details[/b]

[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Age[/u]:
[u]Character DOB[/u]:
[u]Character Image[/u]:
[u]Character Species[/u]:
[u]Character Family[/u]:
[u]Character Bio[/u]:

[b]Your Details[/b]

[u]Previous Role-Playing Experience[/u]:
[u]Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Secondary Department Preference[/u]:
[u]Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian[/u]:

[u]Sample post[/u]:

[u]Additional information[/u]:

[u]How did you find Shadow Fleet?[/u]


Character Details

Character Name: Kirani Dalsirath
Character Age: 24
Character DOB: 2375
Character Image:
Character Species: Caitian
Gender: Female
Character Family:
Cait Dalsirath (father, age 41) - Artisan, focusing on wood crafts
Selari Dalsirath (mother) - Parrises squares star.

Character Bio:

Born on Cait, her parents spent many years with the turmoil of the Alpha Quadrant trying to persuade her not to join Starfleet, and she spent some years trying to find a job in education, before realizing that she wanted to be in Starfleet, and went to the Academy as an officer.

Kirani is somewhat athletic, in the footsteps of her mother, and found her joy in a lot of fitness activities, as well as philosophy. She is also a marksman, maintaining her proficiency, and doing that as part of playing Velocity.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Various fleets, mostly SB118, Theta Fleet, some experience in sims in Bravo and 22nd fleet recently. Older RP experience was fantasy on forums circa 2000.

Department Preference: Engineering
Secondary Department Preference: Security or Operations
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Enlisted

Sample post:

Kirani side-eyed the piece of machinery she was working on. Sometimes, she absolutely hated working on phaser emitters. Most of the time, the array worked fine, generated it's phased beam, everyone except the target was happy, etc. The tiger-woman narrowed her green eyes, and bit off a curse as the PADD beeped in angry negation.

Some of the time it was battle damage, so some time with a hyperspanner and replacement parts, a test of the EPS taps and an alignment test of the emitter, and you were happy.  As she mused angrily to herself, she tested the EPS tap and some of the alignment, and the PADD still beeped in angry negation.. but at least the power system beeped happily.

And sometimes the problem wasn't in any of that and she got to spend time checking the computer systems, connections, emitter strength and then replacing components one by one until she found the silently failing one. And at this point, her fur was staticky, and she brought up the tricorder and PADD with the test pattern with a devout hope this strip was fixed.

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Advertisment on Theta.

Ian Galloway

Excellent application. Currently, we have two SIMMs in need of an engineer. Either the USS Challenger or the space station Katra. Do you have a preference?


Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kylindra on January 18, 2022, 05:27:50 PM

I do not have a preference between the two.

Well, allow me to invite you to become a member of the crew of the USS Challenger. I have the distinction of being the captain of this ship and I welcome you aboard.

One requirement before you can join in the main mission is completing the Academy Training Course (ATC). Your instructor will be contacting you soon. In the meantime, you can post in the Holodeck and the Mess Hall right now to get started. Thank you for joining us.

Tekin Nevir

Good morning!

I will be handling your Engineering ATC.  You can find your first thread here.

🡱 🡳

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