S:5 E:10 - The Galloway Gambit

Started by Ian Galloway, December 03, 2022, 01:38:13 PM

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Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When the Challenger rolled out of the Immelmann maneuver, she was 80,000 kilometers directly behind the Khranu and Davenport fired every weapon that could bear, a total of eight phasers and eight burst fired quantum torpedoes. The immediate effect was that one of the forward torpedo tubes shorted out and was out of the fight. Normally, this would pose a serious reduction in the Challenger's total firepower, but given the fact that all eight phasers and five of the quantums hit, the need for firepower was now moot.

The Khranu's aft shields flared and collapsed. Her formidable structural integrity field flared and collapsed. At this point the considerable excess energy had to be absorbed by the ship itself. The hull burned, as did her aft disruptors. Her port engine took some damage, but what ended the fight were the two hits to the Khranu's engineering section. The main shield grid was completely destroyed and the weapons array suffered crippling damage. In the time before Challenger's weapons could recycle, there was a small chance the weapons could be restored, but with the shield grid gone and the structural integrity field in the process of recharging, the Khranu was completely defenseless.

[Bridge - IRW Khranu]

Chaos reigned all around Sub-Commander Ramuk, the Khranu's first officer looked at the damage report and knew there was only one option.

"Activate the cloak, hard over to starboard. Take us to warp!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian couldn't contain his smirk as he watched the Khranu flee.


He murmured in satisfaction. With the threat over, Ian issued several orders.

"Secure from battlestations. Make our status yellow alert. Keep the shields up, just in case someone is out there, no one is takin' our prisoners..."

Ian paused and added.

"Mister Davenport, flood the two occupied cells with anesthezine. I wouldn't want our 'guests' ta have time ta plan anything, best the catch up on their beauty sleep. Oh, and double the guards in the brig."

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

When the ship stopped maneuvering and the Khranu's retreat clearly visible to the rattled scientists, the tension in the Lounge dropped markedly. This allowed the medical staff to treat the injured and to beam the dead Sunik to the morgue. Shortly after order was restored, Ian arrived figuring his presence would be required to reassure all that everything was under control.

"Gentlebeings. I am so sorry that intruders from the remnants of the Empire interrupted your visit. The attackin' ship has been driven off, we are undamaged, and those responsible for the murder of Doctor Sunik are in custody. I ken full well that it looks like the Challenger destroyed the Doval and we have absolute confirmation that we did not.

"However, the one part of this event yet ta be explained is how it came ta look as if we did fire on the Doval. My security chief, Lieutenant Commander T'Kel, has started an investigation into this matter and as we have captured Commander Thelal's and Nirreen's accomplices, I'm certain this matter will be resolved quickly.

"Now despite the interruption, the purpose of this conference was for the finest scientific minds of the Federation and the Free State ta meet, mingle, and share knowledge. I beg of you do not give the rump of the Empire a victory by allowin' their attempt ta sabotage this exchange succeed. Now please, everyone, let's be colleagues and perhaps, in the process become friends."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 09, 2023, 12:49:29 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When the Challenger rolled out of the Immelmann maneuver, she was 80,000 kilometers directly behind the Khranu and Davenport fired every weapon that could bear, a total of eight phasers and eight burst fired quantum torpedoes. The immediate effect was that one of the forward torpedo tubes shorted out and was out of the fight. Normally, this would pose a serious reduction in the Challenger's total firepower, but given the fact that all eight phasers and five of the quantums hit, the need for firepower was now moot.

The Khranu's aft shields flared and collapsed. Her formidable structural integrity field flared and collapsed. At this point the considerable excess energy had to be absorbed by the ship itself. The hull burned, as did her aft disruptors. Her port engine took some damage, but what ended the fight were the two hits to the Khranu's engineering section. The main shield grid was completely destroyed and the weapons array suffered crippling damage. In the time before Challenger's weapons could recycle, there was a small chance the weapons could be restored, but with the shield grid gone and the structural integrity field in the process of recharging, the Khranu was completely defenseless.

[Bridge - IRW Khranu]

Chaos reigned all around Sub-Commander Ramuk, the Khranu's first officer looked at the damage report and knew there was only one option.

"Activate the cloak, hard over to starboard. Take us to warp!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian couldn't contain his smirk as he watched the Khranu flee.


He murmured in satisfaction. With the threat over, Ian issued several orders.

"Secure from battlestations. Make our status yellow alert. Keep the shields up, just in case someone is out there, no one is takin' our prisoners..."

Ian paused and added.

"Mister Davenport, flood the two occupied cells with anesthezine. I wouldn't want our 'guests' ta have time ta plan anything, best the catch up on their beauty sleep. Oh, and double the guards in the brig."

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

When the ship stopped maneuvering and the Khranu's retreat clearly visible to the rattled scientists, the tension in the Lounge dropped markedly. This allowed the medical staff to treat the injured and to beam the dead Sunik to the morgue. Shortly after order was restored, Ian arrived figuring his presence would be required to reassure all that everything was under control.

"Gentlebeings. I am so sorry that intruders from the remnants of the Empire interrupted your visit. The attackin' ship has been driven off, we are undamaged, and those responsible for the murder of Doctor Sunik are in custody. I ken full well that it looks like the Challenger destroyed the Doval and we have absolute confirmation that we did not.

"However, the one part of this event yet ta be explained is how it came ta look as if we did fire on the Doval. My security chief, Lieutenant Commander T'Kel, has started an investigation into this matter and as we have captured Commander Thelal's and Nirreen's accomplices, I'm certain this matter will be resolved quickly.

"Now despite the interruption, the purpose of this conference was for the finest scientific minds of the Federation and the Free State ta meet, mingle, and share knowledge. I beg of you do not give the rump of the Empire a victory by allowin' their attempt ta sabotage this exchange succeed. Now please, everyone, let's be colleagues and perhaps, in the process become friends."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Out of the corner of her eye, Nira saw the Khranu outside the window turning tail and running off while cloaking. She let out a smirk.

"Your allies have turned tail and run," she said. "You're alone."

She was definitely sure one of the two Vaxians she was staring hard at was sweating. One of them had just opened a mouth to speak when Captain Galloway returned and made his announcement. She kept on staring but listened, not once batting an eye, not once turning her head.

Once finished, the same Romulan in flowing robes earlier came in close, and Nira saw him coming out of the corner of her eye. She was ready to counteract him...

"Oh, you think you have all the accomplices?" he said with a sneer, extending a hand very easily enough to pat the Vaxian and maybe Nira, but then a hand reached out from the crowd and touched the Romulan in a very specific spot on the neck, causing him to collapse. Now that was enough to make Nira turn her head and see in full who had saved her...

...Imzadi, she thought.

Savar was there and, with an amused eyebrow raise, commented, "Pinch."

Zhuk would search the man and would find that he, too, was loaded, same as Nirreen, even to the same poison syringe.

"Well, I will say for sure that Commander T'Kel will have help," said Nira to the crowd. "And I will be helping her...and as for you," she added to the sweating Vaxian, "that definitely accounts for all the accomplices, I as near as I figure."

After a moment, the Vaxian spokesman, the one who wasn't sweating under Nira's gaze, turned to Captain Galloway and said, "Captain, would you kindly inform your First Officer to stop making my associate nervous? We know nothing of any plot, neither of us."

"I do apologize on her behalf," said Savar. "She can sometimes be paranoid when she suspects something."

"All the same, it is disappointing to hear some of our own people are involved in this," the Vaxian spokesman said.

That was enough for Nira to know that he knew nothing of the plot. Her expression softened and she said, "Well, that's good to know, sir. I apologize for that, I had thought..."

"Quite understandable," the Vaxian replied, "and that assassin the Vulcan stunned certainly must have quite the bias toward Vaxians...assuming he was going to kill me."

That certainly bothered Nira most of all. Who was that assassin out to kill, one of the Vaxians or Nira herself?

[Trinam Nirreen | Brig | Deck Twelve | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nirreen was making her subtle tapping. It was passing enough for tapping her fingers to pass the time, but in reality, she was priming her EMP from her inhibitor belt. It was ready and standing by. All that was needed was the right timing and perhaps if she was able to be close enough to the outer hull as she could be, like if she was near a window or an airlock...of course, she was definitely confident that the inhibitor won't be removed; anybody who would try without her permission of any kind and it would program to detonate...although the detonation was set differently now that she set it so that it would also generate an EMP to...

Just then, she heard a hissing of gas in her cell. She was suddenly getting sleepy. She knew what it was, and there wasn't a thing she could do, trapped in this gas chamber...and soon unconsciousness claimed her.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 8 - The Lounge]

Lahr applauded as T'Kel sent the Khranu running - without her Captain or Tal'Shiar agent.  As such, he figured the rogue Romulan ship would skulk back after a while.  He hoped that the Ops personnel on duty on the bridge would keep an eye out for that.

Quote from: Nira Said on January 09, 2023, 11:59:18 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Out of the corner of her eye, Nira saw the Khranu outside the window turning tail and running off while cloaking. She let out a smirk.

"Your allies have turned tail and run," she said. "You're alone."

She was definitely sure one of the two Vaxians she was staring hard at was sweating. One of them had just opened a mouth to speak when Captain Galloway returned and made his announcement. She kept on staring but listened, not once batting an eye, not once turning her head.

Once finished, the same Romulan in flowing robes earlier came in close, and Nira saw him coming out of the corner of her eye. She was ready to counteract him...

"Oh, you think you have all the accomplices?" he said with a sneer, extending a hand very easily enough to pat the Vaxian and maybe Nira, but then a hand reached out from the crowd and touched the Romulan in a very specific spot on the neck, causing him to collapse. Now that was enough to make Nira turn her head and see in full who had saved her...

...Imzadi, she thought.

Savar was there and, with an amused eyebrow raise, commented, "Pinch."

Zhuk would search the man and would find that he, too, was loaded, same as Nirreen, even to the same poison syringe.

"Well, I will say for sure that Commander T'Kel will have help," said Nira to the crowd. "And I will be helping her...and as for you," she added to the swearing Vaxian, "that definitely accounts for all the accomplices, I as near as I figure."

After a moment, the Vaxian spokesman, the one who wasn't sweating under Nira's gaze, turned to Captain Galloway and said, "Captain, would you kindly inform your First Officer to stop making my associate nervous? We know nothing of any plot, neither of us."

"I do apologize on her behalf," said Savar. "She can sometimes be paranoid when she suspects something."

"All the same, it is disappointing to hear some of our own people are involved in this," the Vaxian spokesman said.

That was enough for Nira to know that he knew nothing of the plot. Her expression softened and she said, "Well, that's good to know, sir. I apologize for that, I had thought..."

"Quite understandable," the Vaxian replied, "and that assassin the Vulcan stunned certainly must have quite the bias toward Vaxians...assuming he was going to kill me."

That certainly bothered Nira most of all. Who was that assassin out to kill, one of the Vaxians or Nira herself?

His attention then turned back to watching Nira do her thing.  With her and the other security present there wasn't much for the likes of him to do so the Andorian stayed out of the way by the Lounge door, leaning a shoulder against the wall casually as he watched 'the show'.

Of course, Savar came to his 'Lady's' rescue like a knight-in-shining armor.  Yeah, that the Science officer reacted faster than any of the Security personnel present said a lot about how 'OP'd' the Vulcan was.   The nerdish Andorian bet if he had to stat the Vulcan as a D&D character he'd be above 16 in everything.   Yeah, the guy made the rest them look bad.

Things began to settle down with the VIP's and after a while even the Captain visited.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 09, 2023, 12:49:29 PM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

When the ship stopped maneuvering and the Khranu's retreat clearly visible to the rattled scientists, the tension in the Lounge dropped markedly. This allowed the medical staff to treat the injured and to beam the dead Sunik to the morgue. Shortly after order was restored, Ian arrived figuring his presence would be required to reassure all that everything was under control.

"Gentlebeings. I am so sorry that intruders from the remnants of the Empire interrupted your visit. The attackin' ship has been driven off, we are undamaged, and those responsible for the murder of Doctor Sunik are in custody. I ken full well that it looks like the Challenger destroyed the Doval and we have absolute confirmation that we did not.

"However, the one part of this event yet ta be explained is how it came ta look as if we did fire on the Doval. My security chief, Lieutenant Commander T'Kel, has started an investigation into this matter and as we have captured Commander Thelal's and Nirreen's accomplices, I'm certain this matter will be resolved quickly.

"Now despite the interruption, the purpose of this conference was for the finest scientific minds of the Federation and the Free State ta meet, mingle, and share knowledge. I beg of you do not give the rump of the Empire a victory by allowin' their attempt ta sabotage this exchange succeed. Now please, everyone, let's be colleagues and perhaps, in the process become friends."

When the Captain confirmed for all that Challenger DID NOT fire on the Doval, Lahr recalled a similar incident with a cloaked ship years back during Kirk's time.  Was it Romulan's then too?  Or maybe Klingons?  Bah, Lahr couldn't remember.  He hadn't even been born at the time.  Yet the baddies seemed to always return to the same tactics, lying and falsifying data.

Annoyed by this simple truth, a little later after he'd been released from working the convention, Lahr messaged T'Kel asking her if he could join her investigative team.   Maybe this way he could actually do something worthwhile, instead of babysitting VIP's.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

The dignitaries had an awkward moment after Ian finished speaking as they tried to find the words to re-start the topic of science after the violent interruption of the conference. Oddly, it was the Efrosian, Doctor Xin-ghoratreii who broke the ice.

"Doctor Surith, as a member of a warrior culture, we Efrosians typically over value martial arts above all other skills. Do Romulans face the same overemphasis on war?"

This simple question opened a flood gates of inquiries not only about science, but of cultural norms, which was enough to get the conference moving along the lines that it was supposed to do.


T'Kel noted the rise in ambient sound as the scientists began to engage in conversations about science and found it pleasing to know that the conference was now back on track. Turning to face Nira she asked.

"Extensive examination of our sensor logs, which were running at very high intensity per the Captain's orders as well as a review of our internal sensor logs prove categorically that we did not fire. However, the sensors did detect the launch of a photon from the lower half of the saucer very consistent with the ship firing a torpedo. As a hand count of the torpedo casings has confirmed none of our weapons are missing, the one aspect of this event is figuring out exactly where this anomalous weapon originated. Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed Commander?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 11, 2023, 02:40:02 PM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

The dignitaries had an awkward moment after Ian finished speaking as they tried to find the words to re-start the topic of science after the violent interruption of the conference. Oddly, it was the Efrosian, Doctor Xin-ghoratreii who broke the ice.

"Doctor Surith, as a member of a warrior culture, we Efrosians typically over value martial arts above all other skills. Do Romulans face the same overemphasis on war?"

This simple question opened a flood gates of inquiries not only about science, but of cultural norms, which was enough to get the conference moving along the lines that it was supposed to do.


T'Kel noted the rise in ambient sound as the scientists began to engage in conversations about science and found it pleasing to know that the conference was now back on track. Turning to face Nira she asked.

"Extensive examination of our sensor logs, which were running at very high intensity per the Captain's orders as well as a review of our internal sensor logs prove categorically that we did not fire. However, the sensors did detect the launch of a photon from the lower half of the saucer very consistent with the ship firing a torpedo. As a hand count of the torpedo casings has confirmed none of our weapons are missing, the one aspect of this event is figuring out exactly where this anomalous weapon originated. Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed Commander?"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was very intrigued to see how the subject of cultural similarities got the conference going again, how there were discussions in voice rather than accusations. T'Kel's words really had Nira's attention.

"The lower half the of the saucer," said Nira in an almost pondering way. "We're going to have to take a closer look at where that torpedo launched, given none of our torpedoes before our latest brush with the Khranu had been launched. We're likely going to miss something if we take a shuttle. That means we're going to go for a little walk," she added, coining a certain expression.

Tapping her comm badge, Nira called the bridge. "Said to Bridge. Check the sensor logs to see where that torpedo launch originated."

Then, now that she was realizing that this means having to walk on the hull on the underside of the saucer, she decided to get the people suited to assist.

"T'Lara, Lahr, McNair, you're with me and T'Kel," she said. "Get your equipment and some EV suits. We'll meet up at one of the forward airlocks on Deck Nine. We're going for a walk."

She knew perfectly well why she picked a particular airlock for them to go from: Deck Nine was the first deck on the "neck" of the ship, essentially the best place that's right under the saucer, and thus the best place to start looking for that mysterious origin point.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 8 - The Lounge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 11, 2023, 02:40:02 PM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

The dignitaries had an awkward moment after Ian finished speaking as they tried to find the words to re-start the topic of science after the violent interruption of the conference. Oddly, it was the Efrosian, Doctor Xin-ghoratreii who broke the ice.

"Doctor Surith, as a member of a warrior culture, we Efrosians typically over value martial arts above all other skills. Do Romulans face the same overemphasis on war?"

This simple question opened a flood gates of inquiries not only about science, but of cultural norms, which was enough to get the conference moving along the lines that it was supposed to do.


T'Kel noted the rise in ambient sound as the scientists began to engage in conversations about science and found it pleasing to know that the conference was now back on track. Turning to face Nira she asked.

"Extensive examination of our sensor logs, which were running at very high intensity per the Captain's orders as well as a review of our internal sensor logs prove categorically that we did not fire. However, the sensors did detect the launch of a photon from the lower half of the saucer very consistent with the ship firing a torpedo. As a hand count of the torpedo casings has confirmed none of our weapons are missing, the one aspect of this event is figuring out exactly where this anomalous weapon originated. Do you have any suggestions on how to proceed Commander?"

Quote from: Nira Said on January 11, 2023, 06:33:05 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was very intrigued to see how the subject of cultural similarities got the conference going again, how there were discussions in voice rather than accusations. T'Kel's words really had Nira's attention.

"The lower half the of the saucer," said Nira in an almost pondering way. "We're going to have to take a closer look at where that torpedo launched, given none of our torpedoes before our latest brush with the Khranu had been launched. We're likely going to miss something if we take a shuttle. That means we're going to go for a little walk," she added, coining a certain expression.

Tapping her comm badge, Nira called the bridge. "Said to Bridge. Check the sensor logs to see where that torpedo launch originated."

Then, now that she was realizing that this means having to walk on the hull on the underside of the saucer, she decided to get the people suited to assist.

"T'Lara, Lahr, McNair, you're with me and T'Kel," she said. "Get your equipment and some EV suits. We'll meet up at one of the forward airlocks on Deck Nine. We're going for a walk."

She knew perfectly well why she picked a particular airlock for them to go from: Deck Nine was the first deck on the "neck" of the ship, essentially the best place that's right under the saucer, and thus the best place to start looking for that mysterious origin point.

Lahr lingered in the lounge, loitering by the door.  He knew he should probably get back to work but he was delaying that in the hopes that T'Kel would respond to his text.   But as it was, he didn't even know if she'd read it yet.  She certainly hadn't responded back or even glanced his way in acknowledgement of his offer to assist.  Maybe she was just too busy to check her messages.

The Andorian thought about asking in person but hesistated.  If the Vulcan was too busy to respond to a message on her PADD, she likely didn't have time for the those trying to avoid their own work.  But if he didn't, Lahr knew he'd be assigned to some mind-numbing menial task in the bowels of the ship by his Chief.

Deciding to risk it, Lahr looked over the room for the Vulcan Security officer who the Captain said was leading the investigation.  He spotted her talking to the Commander.  Lahr edged closer, moving into the Vulcan's periphery waiting his turn to speak.

But to pleasant surprise Commander Said, pre-empted his planned offer to assist, and called on him and others to take a Hull-walk.   The Andorian's antennae perked.

"Yes, ma'am." Lahr quickly acknowledged before she changed her mind.  The tuxedoed engineer hurried off to get changed into his uniform and gather his tools and EV suit.

Normally, Lahr wasn't keen on EV suits.  Since on more than one occasion he'd had to wear it for a disciplinary reason - having been sent out to scrub the hull.   But this time was different!

Fifteen minutes later found Lahr arriving at the forward airlock on Deck Nine.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 11, 2023, 02:40:02 PM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

The dignitaries had an awkward moment after Ian finished speaking as they tried to find the words to re-start the topic of science after the violent interruption of the conference. Oddly, it was the Efrosian, Doctor Xin-ghoratreii who broke the ice.

"Doctor Surith, as a member of a warrior culture, we Efrosians typically over value martial arts above all other skills. Do Romulans face the same overemphasis on war?"

This simple question opened the floodgates of inquiries not only about science, but of cultural norms, which was enough to get the conference moving along the lines that it was supposed to do.


As the flashing red changed to an amber-like shade of yellow, signaling a step down in the magnitude of danger, the queue of people naturally fizzled out. There had been no real need to evaluate every single individual present, but it was a helpful way to keep the situation as calm and orderly as possible. For the first time in what felt like eons, Evan had a moment or two to himself to breathe before the next patient approached.

Now that the atmosphere had calmed somewhat, the adrenaline was beginning to wear off, bringing the stabbing sensation in his side back to the forefront. All eyes fell on the Efrosian scientist as he posed a question, and in the flurry of responses that followed, Evan took the opportunity to dose himself with a painkiller while everyone was distracted by the ongoing debate.

After a brief moment, he was ready to continue, calling out "Next." to indicate the last person could step forward to be seen.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 11, 2023, 02:40:02 PM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

The dignitaries had an awkward moment after Ian finished speaking as they tried to find the words to re-start the topic of science after the violent interruption of the conference. Oddly, it was the Efrosian, Doctor Xin-ghoratreii who broke the ice.

"Doctor Surith, as a member of a warrior culture, we Efrosians typically over value martial arts above all other skills. Do Romulans face the same overemphasis on war?"

This simple question opened a flood gates of inquiries not only about science, but of cultural norms, which was enough to get the conference moving along the lines that it was supposed to do.

[Lounge - USS Challenger]

Buck had been on edge, trying to keep the peace but also grateful that it sounded like things were going to be going back to normal. Or as normal as they could manage with everything that had gone on. He nodded at the speech given by the Captain before his eyes went back towards the dignitaries, feeling the creeping silence becoming awkward until an Efrosian had began to speak.

Whilst it could have gone either way, Buck breathed a sigh of relief as they began to discuss amongst themselves. He gave a muted smile, grateful that they weren't trying to trample one another or at one another throats.

Quote from: Nira Said on January 11, 2023, 06:33:05 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was very intrigued to see how the subject of cultural similarities got the conference going again, how there were discussions in voice rather than accusations. T'Kel's words really had Nira's attention.

"The lower half the of the saucer," said Nira in an almost pondering way. "We're going to have to take a closer look at where that torpedo launched, given none of our torpedoes before our latest brush with the Khranu had been launched. We're likely going to miss something if we take a shuttle. That means we're going to go for a little walk," she added, coining a certain expression.

Tapping her comm badge, Nira called the bridge. "Said to Bridge. Check the sensor logs to see where that torpedo launch originated."

Then, now that she was realizing that this means having to walk on the hull on the underside of the saucer, she decided to get the people suited to assist.

"T'Lara, Lahr, McNair, you're with me and T'Kel," she said. "Get your equipment and some EV suits. We'll meet up at one of the forward airlocks on Deck Nine. We're going for a walk."

She knew perfectly well why she picked a particular airlock for them to go from: Deck Nine was the first deck on the "neck" of the ship, essentially the best place that's right under the saucer, and thus the best place to start looking for that mysterious origin point.

[Lounge > Deck Nine]

He looked over to Commander Said, arching a brow in surprise. "Aye commander." Now his smile had grown larger as Buck considered what had been asked of him. They were going to be taking a closer look at the torpedoes and where it had launched from. Buck glanced over at the other two who had been chosen to go with the Commander, he nodded towards them as he excused himself from the Lounge and headed towards where the equipment and EV suits were stored.

Buck stood there for a moment, in his EV suit. It was going to be an interesting time exploring the underneath of the saucer. It certainly was never a dull time on the Challenger. He shut down the mirror and headed towards Deck Nine with a kit bag, hoping that he was not running behind schedule.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on January 11, 2023, 06:33:05 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was very intrigued to see how the subject of cultural similarities got the conference going again, how there were discussions in voice rather than accusations. T'Kel's words really had Nira's attention.

"The lower half the of the saucer," said Nira in an almost pondering way. "We're going to have to take a closer look at where that torpedo launched, given none of our torpedoes before our latest brush with the Khranu had been launched. We're likely going to miss something if we take a shuttle. That means we're going to go for a little walk," she added, coining a certain expression.

Tapping her comm badge, Nira called the bridge. "Said to Bridge. Check the sensor logs to see where that torpedo launch originated."

Then, now that she was realizing that this means having to walk on the hull on the underside of the saucer, she decided to get the people suited to assist.

"T'Lara, Lahr, McNair, you're with me and T'Kel," she said. "Get your equipment and some EV suits. We'll meet up at one of the forward airlocks on Deck Nine. We're going for a walk."

She knew perfectly well why she picked a particular airlock for them to go from: Deck Nine was the first deck on the "neck" of the ship, essentially the best place that's right under the saucer, and thus the best place to start looking for that mysterious origin point.

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

As the scientists merrily chattered along in most incomprehensible terms, the bridge replied to Nira's request.

"Command Said, Lieutenant Randell here. Sensors were concentrated outward at the time the torpedo launched. Best I can give you from going over the sensor logs is the launch occurred from near our own launchers. Sorry I can't give you more."


[Airlock - Deck 9 - USS Challenger]

The investigation team gathered in their bulky space suits and waited to be led out onto the hull. As they waited, they had time to wonder, why, after more than 400 years in space, no species had yet to figure out to make a spacesuit that didn't feel like they'd climbed into a sack of potatoes.

Nira Said

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 12, 2023, 03:48:17 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 8 - The Lounge]

Lahr lingered in the lounge, loitering by the door.  He knew he should probably get back to work but he was delaying that in the hopes that T'Kel would respond to his text.   But as it was, he didn't even know if she'd read it yet.  She certainly hadn't responded back or even glanced his way in acknowledgement of his offer to assist.  Maybe she was just too busy to check her messages.

The Andorian thought about asking in person but hesistated.  If the Vulcan was too busy to respond to a message on her PADD, she likely didn't have time for the those trying to avoid their own work.  But if he didn't, Lahr knew he'd be assigned to some mind-numbing menial task in the bowels of the ship by his Chief.

Deciding to risk it, Lahr looked over the room for the Vulcan Security officer who the Captain said was leading the investigation.  He spotted her talking to the Commander.  Lahr edged closer, moving into the Vulcan's periphery waiting his turn to speak.

But to pleasant surprise Commander Said, pre-empted his planned offer to assist, and called on him and others to take a Hull-walk.   The Andorian's antennae perked.

"Yes, ma'am." Lahr quickly acknowledged before she changed her mind.  The tuxedoed engineer hurried off to get changed into his uniform and gather his tools and EV suit.

Normally, Lahr wasn't keen on EV suits.  Since on more than one occasion he'd had to wear it for a disciplinary reason - having been sent out to scrub the hull.   But this time was different!

Fifteen minutes later found Lahr arriving at the forward airlock on Deck Nine.

Quote from: Buck McNair on January 13, 2023, 04:58:15 PM

[Lounge - USS Challenger]

Buck had been on edge, trying to keep the peace but also grateful that it sounded like things were going to be going back to normal. Or as normal as they could manage with everything that had gone on. He nodded at the speech given by the Captain before his eyes went back towards the dignitaries, feeling the creeping silence becoming awkward until an Efrosian had began to speak.

Whilst it could have gone either way, Buck breathed a sigh of relief as they began to discuss amongst themselves. He gave a muted smile, grateful that they weren't trying to trample one another or at one another throats.

[Lounge > Deck Nine]

He looked over to Commander Said, arching a brow in surprise. "Aye commander." Now his smile had grown larger as Buck considered what had been asked of him. They were going to be taking a closer look at the torpedoes and where it had launched from. Buck glanced over at the other two who had been chosen to go with the Commander, he nodded towards them as he excused himself from the Lounge and headed towards where the equipment and EV suits were stored.

Buck stood there for a moment, in his EV suit. It was going to be an interesting time exploring the underneath of the saucer. It certainly was never a dull time on the Challenger. He shut down the mirror and headed towards Deck Nine with a kit bag, hoping that he was not running behind schedule.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 14, 2023, 10:48:27 AM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

As the scientists merrily chattered along in most incomprehensible terms, the bridge replied to Nira's request.

"Command Said, Lieutenant Randell here. Sensors were concentrated outward at the time the torpedo launched. Best I can give you from going over the sensor logs is the launch occurred from near our own launchers. Sorry I can't give you more."


[Airlock - Deck 9 - USS Challenger]

The investigation team gathered in their bulky space suits and waited to be led out onto the hull. As they waited, they had time to wonder, why, after more than 400 years in space, no species had yet to figure out to make a spacesuit that didn't feel like they'd climbed into a sack of potatoes.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge >- Airlock >- Outer Hull | Deck Eight >- Deck Nine | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"That's all right, Lieutenant," said Nira. "It'll give us a good place to start looking. Said out."

Within a moment, Nira had arrived in her EV suit with the rest of the team. However, far different from the typical EV suits the other members of the away team had, Nira brought her own EV suit.

These were typically tactical EV suits, mostly for security officers. On the Challenger, however, there weren't so many, given the bulk were standard space suits and, again, mostly for security officers. Of course, Nira brought her own from the Discovery when she discovered how many of these suits were on the Challenger; she was extremely comfortable in the suit and it gave her confidence of armored protection, especially in space, especially in a hostile situation. Plus, it gave her a sort of aura of power, fitting her place on the Command staff.

The Captain ought to remember this suit when we boarded that Borg ship in the Devari Nebula, Nira thought to herself. She looked at T'Kel and nodded respectfully.

"Okay, here's the plan, people," said Nira once she got her helmet on. "We're going to proceed on the hull, starting within proximity of the torpedo launchers. Then we will walk in a spread pattern out to the forward edge of the saucer. Thelal's associates would've easily have snuck something close to the launchers to launch one of our kind of torpedoes. We can rule out the possibility that a cloaked ship lodged itself to the underbelly of the saucer, whether it's a drone or not, because then it would get hit by the torpedoes we launched when the Khranu attacked. Therefore, it's likely going to be something small. That's why we're going to be spacewalking on the hull. Pure and simple. If one of us stumbles onto something invisible, we'll know.

"Once we do find it," Nira continued, "We'll gather up at that spot. Lahr, McNair, it'll be up to you to determine what it is and to shut off he cloak."

Once they were cleared to head out of the airlock, Nira ordered the magnetic boots activated and they proceeded to walk along the hull. Granted, it was going to be slow, considering the magnetization. It was a little unusual to be walking on the underside of the saucer. Of course, Nira was glad they weren't in orbit of a station or a planet.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 14, 2023, 10:48:27 AM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

As the scientists merrily chattered along in most incomprehensible terms, the bridge replied to Nira's request.

"Command Said, Lieutenant Randell here. Sensors were concentrated outward at the time the torpedo launched. Best I can give you from going over the sensor logs is the launch occurred from near our own launchers. Sorry I can't give you more."


[Airlock - Deck 9 - USS Challenger]

The investigation team gathered in their bulky space suits and waited to be led out onto the hull. As they waited, they had time to wonder, why, after more than 400 years in space, no species had yet to figure out to make a spacesuit that didn't feel like they'd climbed into a sack of potatoes.

Quote from: Nira Said on January 14, 2023, 12:27:12 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge >- Airlock >- Outer Hull | Deck Eight >- Deck Nine | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"That's all right, Lieutenant," said Nira. "It'll give us a good place to start looking. Said out."

Within a moment, Nira had arrived in her EV suit with the rest of the team. However, far different from the typical EV suits the other members of the away team had, Nira brought her own EV suit.

These were typically tactical EV suits, mostly for security officers. On the Challenger, however, there weren't so many, given the bulk were standard space suits and, again, mostly for security officers. Of course, Nira brought her own from the Discovery when she discovered how many of these suits were on the Challenger; she was extremely comfortable in the suit and it gave her confidence of armored protection, especially in space, especially in a hostile situation. Plus, it gave her a sort of aura of power, fitting her place on the Command staff.

The Captain ought to remember this suit when we boarded that Borg ship in the Devari Nebula, Nira thought to herself. She looked at T'Kel and nodded respectfully.

"Okay, here's the plan, people," said Nira once she got her helmet on. "We're going to proceed on the hull, starting within proximity of the torpedo launchers. Then we will walk in a spread pattern out to the forward edge of the saucer. Thelal's associates would've easily have snuck something close to the launchers to launch one of our kind of torpedoes. We can rule out the possibility that a cloaked ship lodged itself to the underbelly of the saucer, whether it's a drone or not, because then it would get hit by the torpedoes we launched when the Khranu attacked. Therefore, it's likely going to be something small. That's why we're going to be spacewalking on the hull. Pure and simple. If one of us stumbles onto something invisible, we'll know.

"Once we do find it," Nira continued, "We'll gather up at that spot. Lahr, McNair, it'll be up to you to determine what it is and to shut off he cloak."

Once they were cleared to head out of the airlock, Nira ordered the magnetic boots activated and they proceeded to walk along the hull. Granted, it was going to be slow, considering the magnetization. It was a little unusual to be walking on the underside of the saucer. Of course, Nira was glad they weren't in orbit of a station or a planet.

[Airlock --> Outer Hull - USS Challenger - A]

T'Lara responded to Said's assignment in the usual way, a nod of acknowledgement as she left the lounge and completed the task of donning the EV suit. They should be able to get this job done efficiently, albeit rather slowly, and get the information they needed to finally conduct a complete investigation. The Vulcan listened to instructions and was soon following the rest of the team out of the airlock. She had done this sort of work before, and after a few minutes mastered the technique. She found that matching her breathing with moving her legs, one in front of the other, helped her develop a rhythm as she conducted a search of her designated area.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Nine - Airlock >>>  Outer Hull]

Quote from: Nira Said on January 14, 2023, 12:27:12 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge >- Airlock >- Outer Hull | Deck Eight >- Deck Nine | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"That's all right, Lieutenant," said Nira. "It'll give us a good place to start looking. Said out."

Within a moment, Nira had arrived in her EV suit with the rest of the team. However, far different from the typical EV suits the other members of the away team had, Nira brought her own EV suit.

"Okay, here's the plan, people," said Nira once she got her helmet on. "We're going to proceed on the hull, starting within proximity of the torpedo launchers. Then we will walk in a spread pattern out to the forward edge of the saucer. Thelal's associates would've easily have snuck something close to the launchers to launch one of our kind of torpedoes. We can rule out the possibility that a cloaked ship lodged itself to the underbelly of the saucer, whether it's a drone or not, because then it would get hit by the torpedoes we launched when the Khranu attacked. Therefore, it's likely going to be something small. That's why we're going to be spacewalking on the hull. Pure and simple. If one of us stumbles onto something invisible, we'll know.

"Once we do find it," Nira continued, "We'll gather up at that spot. Lahr, McNair, it'll be up to you to determine what it is and to shut off he cloak."

Once they were cleared to head out of the airlock, Nira ordered the magnetic boots activated and they proceeded to walk along the hull. Granted, it was going to be slow, considering the magnetization. It was a little unusual to be walking on the underside of the saucer. Of course, Nira was glad they weren't in orbit of a station or a planet.

Lahr eyed up the form fitting EV suit worn by the Commander.  Yeah, not surprising she would have something like that.  Nira always looked good.  Well, not as appealing as a certain red-head who had a penchant for blue men, but still damn hot.

The dangerous thing about such thoughts was that the Commander was part Betazoid and could readily pick up thoughts like that.  Focus on the work, man! Focus on the work!

He tried doing exactly that as the Commander laid out the plan. "Yes, ma'am." he acknowledged his orders before securing his own helmet and activating his own magboots as he stepped out on the hull.  From his tool belt which the Andorian wore overtop his EV suit, Lahr pulled a telescoping rod with a magnet at the end, usually used for picking up fallen stembolts, but if held the other way, Lahr could use it to help him extend his search radius by 6 ft on either side.

Scanning devices would be next to useless in finding a cloaked launcher, it would all have to be done by feel.  This way Lahr had an advantage.  If he found the launcher, maybe the Commander might convince Chief Tharn to allow him back on the Bridge a few times a week.

Lahr started off his search sweeping the hull with the handle end of the rod (the magnet end being a bit problematic otherwise).  From side to side, he extended the rod out along the hull as far as it would reach before stepping forward a pace and repeating the sweep along the route the Commander had delegated him. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on January 14, 2023, 12:27:12 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge >- Airlock >- Outer Hull | Deck Eight >- Deck Nine | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"That's all right, Lieutenant," said Nira. "It'll give us a good place to start looking. Said out."

Within a moment, Nira had arrived in her EV suit with the rest of the team. However, far different from the typical EV suits the other members of the away team had, Nira brought her own EV suit.

These were typically tactical EV suits, mostly for security officers. On the Challenger, however, there weren't so many, given the bulk were standard space suits and, again, mostly for security officers. Of course, Nira brought her own from the Discovery when she discovered how many of these suits were on the Challenger; she was extremely comfortable in the suit and it gave her confidence of armored protection, especially in space, especially in a hostile situation. Plus, it gave her a sort of aura of power, fitting her place on the Command staff.

The Captain ought to remember this suit when we boarded that Borg ship in the Devari Nebula, Nira thought to herself. She looked at T'Kel and nodded respectfully.

"Okay, here's the plan, people," said Nira once she got her helmet on. "We're going to proceed on the hull, starting within proximity of the torpedo launchers. Then we will walk in a spread pattern out to the forward edge of the saucer. Thelal's associates would've easily have snuck something close to the launchers to launch one of our kind of torpedoes. We can rule out the possibility that a cloaked ship lodged itself to the underbelly of the saucer, whether it's a drone or not, because then it would get hit by the torpedoes we launched when the Khranu attacked. Therefore, it's likely going to be something small. That's why we're going to be spacewalking on the hull. Pure and simple. If one of us stumbles onto something invisible, we'll know.

"Once we do find it," Nira continued, "We'll gather up at that spot. Lahr, McNair, it'll be up to you to determine what it is and to shut off he cloak."

Once they were cleared to head out of the airlock, Nira ordered the magnetic boots activated and they proceeded to walk along the hull. Granted, it was going to be slow, considering the magnetization. It was a little unusual to be walking on the underside of the saucer. Of course, Nira was glad they weren't in orbit of a station or a planet.

Quote from: T'Lara on January 15, 2023, 03:13:27 PM

[Airlock --> Outer Hull - USS Challenger - A]

T'Lara responded to Said's assignment in the usual way, a nod of acknowledgement as she left the lounge and completed the task of donning the EV suit. They should be able to get this job done efficiently, albeit rather slowly, and get the information they needed to finally conduct a complete investigation. The Vulcan listened to instructions and was soon following the rest of the team out of the airlock. She had done this sort of work before, and after a few minutes mastered the technique. She found that matching her breathing with moving her legs, one in front of the other, helped her develop a rhythm as she conducted a search of her designated area.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 15, 2023, 08:40:16 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Nine - Airlock >>>  Outer Hull]

Lahr eyed up the form fitting EV suit worn by the Commander.  Yeah, not surprising she would have something like that.  Nira always looked good.  Well, not as appealing as a certain red-head who had a penchant for blue men, but still damn hot.

The dangerous thing about such thoughts was that the Commander was part Betazoid and could readily pick up thoughts like that.  Focus on the work, man! Focus on the work!

He tried doing exactly that as the Commander laid out the plan. "Yes, ma'am." he acknowledged his orders before securing his own helmet and activating his own magboots as he stepped out on the hull.  From his tool belt which the Andorian wore overtop his EV suit, Lahr pulled a telescoping rod with a magnet at the end, usually used for picking up fallen stembolts, but if held the other way, Lahr could use it to help him extend his search radius by 6 ft on either side.

Scanning devices would be next to useless in finding a cloaked launcher, it would all have to be done by feel.  This way Lahr had an advantage.  If he found the launcher, maybe the Commander might convince Chief Tharn to allow him back on the Bridge a few times a week.

Lahr started off his search sweeping the hull with the handle end of the rod (the magnet end being a bit problematic otherwise).  From side to side, he extended the rod out along the hull as far as it would reach before stepping forward a pace and repeating the sweep along the route the Commander had delegated him.

Quote from: Buck McNair on January 13, 2023, 04:58:15 PM

[Lounge - USS Challenger]

Buck had been on edge, trying to keep the peace but also grateful that it sounded like things were going to be going back to normal. Or as normal as they could manage with everything that had gone on. He nodded at the speech given by the Captain before his eyes went back towards the dignitaries, feeling the creeping silence becoming awkward until an Efrosian had began to speak.

Whilst it could have gone either way, Buck breathed a sigh of relief as they began to discuss amongst themselves. He gave a muted smile, grateful that they weren't trying to trample one another or at one another throats.

[Lounge > Deck Nine]

He looked over to Commander Said, arching a brow in surprise. "Aye commander." Now his smile had grown larger as Buck considered what had been asked of him. They were going to be taking a closer look at the torpedoes and where it had launched from. Buck glanced over at the other two who had been chosen to go with the Commander, he nodded towards them as he excused himself from the Lounge and headed towards where the equipment and EV suits were stored.

Buck stood there for a moment, in his EV suit. It was going to be an interesting time exploring the underneath of the saucer. It certainly was never a dull time on the Challenger. He shut down the mirror and headed towards Deck Nine with a kit bag, hoping that he was not running behind schedule.

[Outer Hull - USS Challenger]

As the four members of Starfleet fanned out to try to find some clue as to how the Doval had been destroyed. It was a slow process in space suits and mag boots, especially as they didn't know what they were looking for.

Despite his use of his telescoping rod, the galaxy decided that his caution wasn't enough and as the rod was sweeping to the left, his right foot hit something hard enough to surprise the Andorian enough to cause his right mag boot to detach from the hull, off balance and failing, caused the left boot also to detach and Lahr found himself tumbling away from the hull and out into open space!

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Outer Hull]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 16, 2023, 12:36:16 PM

[Outer Hull - USS Challenger]

As the four members of Starfleet fanned out to try to find some clue as to how the Doval had been destroyed. It was a slow process in space suits and mag boots, especially as they didn't know what they were looking for.

Despite his use of his telescoping rod, the galaxy decided that his caution wasn't enough and as the rod was sweeping to the left, his right foot hit something hard enough to surprise the Andorian enough to cause his right mag boot to detach from the hull, off balance and failing, caused the left boot also to detach and Lahr found himself tumbling away from the hull and out into open space!

Roohz! Lahr cussed silently as he tumbled head over heels away from the hull.  It wasn't that the Andorian was at all concerned about being lost in space.  The EV suits they wore had trackers to prevent such an occurrence.  He could easily be beamed back aboard.  It was more the razzing that he would have to endurance after this that concerned the engineer.

Given that the others had their attention down to the hull looking for the cloaked launcher, it was unlikely that his predicament had been noticed quite yet.   If only he'd thought to bring the thruster pack.  But he hadn't.  The task had been a hull walk... his magboots should have held!   Maybe he could use something on his toolbelt to get him back to the hull with none the wiser?

Lahr felt at his belt as he continued to drift further away.  But nothing he had seemed at all helpful for this.

Belatedly, he recalled that the EV suits did have an integrated tether line, but they were rather short. Only about 15 ft and Lahr was already beyond twice that with his hesitation.  With a sigh of resignation, Lahr tapped his comm.

=/\= "ch'Verret to Petty Officer Grelek." =/\=

=/\= "Grelek here." =/\=   Came the bland Vulcan response over Lahr's comm.

=/\= "You're working transporters currently aren't you?   I need a discreet favor" =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Buck McNair

Quote from: Nira Said on January 14, 2023, 12:27:12 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge >- Airlock >- Outer Hull | Deck Eight >- Deck Nine | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"That's all right, Lieutenant," said Nira. "It'll give us a good place to start looking. Said out."

Within a moment, Nira had arrived in her EV suit with the rest of the team. However, far different from the typical EV suits the other members of the away team had, Nira brought her own EV suit.

These were typically tactical EV suits, mostly for security officers. On the Challenger, however, there weren't so many, given the bulk were standard space suits and, again, mostly for security officers. Of course, Nira brought her own from the Discovery when she discovered how many of these suits were on the Challenger; she was extremely comfortable in the suit and it gave her confidence of armored protection, especially in space, especially in a hostile situation. Plus, it gave her a sort of aura of power, fitting her place on the Command staff.

The Captain ought to remember this suit when we boarded that Borg ship in the Devari Nebula, Nira thought to herself. She looked at T'Kel and nodded respectfully.

"Okay, here's the plan, people," said Nira once she got her helmet on. "We're going to proceed on the hull, starting within proximity of the torpedo launchers. Then we will walk in a spread pattern out to the forward edge of the saucer. Thelal's associates would've easily have snuck something close to the launchers to launch one of our kind of torpedoes. We can rule out the possibility that a cloaked ship lodged itself to the underbelly of the saucer, whether it's a drone or not, because then it would get hit by the torpedoes we launched when the Khranu attacked. Therefore, it's likely going to be something small. That's why we're going to be spacewalking on the hull. Pure and simple. If one of us stumbles onto something invisible, we'll know.

"Once we do find it," Nira continued, "We'll gather up at that spot. Lahr, McNair, it'll be up to you to determine what it is and to shut off he cloak."

Once they were cleared to head out of the airlock, Nira ordered the magnetic boots activated and they proceeded to walk along the hull. Granted, it was going to be slow, considering the magnetization. It was a little unusual to be walking on the underside of the saucer. Of course, Nira was glad they weren't in orbit of a station or a planet.

[Airlock > Outer Hull | Deck Nine | USS Challenger]

Buck fastened his helmet, feeling as it locked into place with the rest of the EV suit and glanced around the airlock - comforted that he was surrounded by his crew members.

Spacewalking looking for something small.

Sounded like a fun challenge.

"Aye, commander." He nodded, ensuring that it was clear that he understood the assignment as he activated the magnetic boots, locking him to the ship's surface as they walked. Buck had underestimated the weightless and weight that came with being magnetised to the underside of the Challenger. "This, I have to admit, is one to tell the grandkids." He grinned underneath his helmet as he walked, his foot going in half circles before he placed it down as he tried to cover as much space as he possibly could as he fanned out and searched for the small invisible object.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on January 17, 2023, 12:36:23 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Outer Hull]

Roohz! Lahr cussed silently as he tumbled head over heels away from the hull.  It wasn't that the Andorian was at all concerned about being lost in space.  The EV suits they wore had trackers to prevent such an occurrence.  He could easily be beamed back aboard.  It was more the razzing that he would have to endurance after this that concerned the engineer.

Given that the others had their attention down to the hull looking for the cloaked launcher, it was unlikely that his predicament had been noticed quite yet.   If only he'd thought to bring the thruster pack.  But he hadn't.  The task had been a hull walk... his magboots should have held!   Maybe he could use something on his toolbelt to get him back to the hull with none the wiser?

Lahr felt at his belt as he continued to drift further away.  But nothing he had seemed at all helpful for this.

Belatedly, he recalled that the EV suits did have an integrated tether line, but they were rather short. Only about 15 ft and Lahr was already beyond twice that with his hesitation.  With a sigh of resignation, Lahr tapped his comm.

=/\= "ch'Verret to Petty Officer Grelek." =/\=

=/\= "Grelek here." =/\=   Came the bland Vulcan response over Lahr's comm.

=/\= "You're working transporters currently aren't you?   I need a discreet favor" =/\=

[NPC] PO2 Grelek
[Transporter Control - USS Challenger]

The Vulcan petty officer would have frowned if he hadn't heard the tone in which it had been given in, and the way the Ensign requested for a discreet favor.  =/\= "I am aware you're aware that I am working transporters at the present moment. What is it that you need me to do?" =/\=

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.