S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 5 - Luigi's Pizzeria]

Quote from: Nira Said on April 11, 2023, 08:44:31 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Luigi's Pizzeria | Deck Five | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Quite," said Nira in agreement. "Something short, between five and ten minutes."

Once it was pulled up, they took the moment to select their chosen characters. Nira, naturally, chose Shantae the genie.

"My favorite Nintendo character," said Nira. "It's only the game series I've ever been interested when I was younger," she added in explanation. "Of course, I stopped playing the games as I grew up in favor of playing her on the holodeck. After all, she is a dancer...though trying to emulate her style of using her hair as a whip does result in a crick in the neck."

And she put a hand to her neck as if recalling the times she cricked her neck...it must've been a decade and a half. Probable less, simply no more. True, belly dancers twirled their hair simply by moving their head around, but that was one dance style Nira preferred not to use; she had a long memory of that neck crick and was sure she'd only result in a sore neck if she tried it.

"Let's get going quickly," said Nira. "After that...well, you'll need to report to the bridge, Lieutenant Litt. And I'll be sure to take you along. Okay, Lahr, Litt...let's do this."

Lahr selected Princess Daisy, thinking to himself that Ruth would have commented on his choice of yet another redhead... but disappointingly Ruth wasn't around to comment anything.

The minigame was exactly that mini.  Short and fast paced as the computer randomly selected out Bob-omb Barrage!  And then set him out against the others.  His character 'Princess Daisy'  was adrift on a raft in the middle of a circular pool trying to remain the raft while the other player controlled the bomb tossing.  The bombs kept just missing her, as Lahr spammed left, right, forward and back to avoid the bomb game ending bombs for a set amount of time.

Lahr lost but he'd had fun - which is what mattered. But with the game ended, it was time for the others to go.

[USS Challenger - Deck 2 - Observation Lounge]

After Litt and the Commander left, Lahr paid off his tab and then decided to head over to Forward Lounge to hopefully find someone to distract him.

He was just settling browsing the room, sipping on his cup of coffee (ordered to appease Commander Said), when someone noted the arrival of the USS Discovery.   This caught at Lahr's attention.  He knew several folks formerly from Challenger that were on the Discovery. Most notable of which was his favorite match-makered pair. Lek and Helga.

Nearly three years ago now Lahr had matched the surly and lonely engineer with a sec/tac teammate of his.  It was always amusing when he received a message from the Klingon hybrid commenting on Lek had forgotten another anniversary or date night because he was engrossed with his engines.  Though she grumbled, Lahr would always hear in her tone the respect she had for the engineer and his dedication to his work.  It made him smile to know that they were still together.

Also on the Discovery was another sec/tac team member from his past - Danjar-Torra... or rather Danjar-Torra Addams... she'd married a Flight officer on Discovery.  A man who for a while transferred over to Challenger as the ships XO but who'd taken a Leave of Absence awhile back - opening the position as XO to the current Lt Commander Said.  The Andorian wondered what ever happened to the man?

Anyways, with his friends so close Lahr hoped that there would be some opportunity for the four of them to get together in person and reconnect.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 13, 2023, 03:48:26 AM

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

=/\= "...USS Challenger.  Lt Cmdr tr'Lhoell requests an immediate conference call with your ship's Chief Engineer, Chief of Operations, and Chief Science officer.  Please contact the appropriate individuals on your end and link them to this comm." =/\=

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

When the conference call started, Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn, the ship's Tellerite chief engineer, listened in to the proposal to have the Challenger follow in the wake of the Discovery's quantum slipstream corridor with interest at first, but that quickly turned to horror.

"Have you people lost your minds?" She roared. "We have less than an hour to conduct an experiment with our lives at stake for something we've never done before!"

Lieutenant Evan Randall, the Challenger's acting chief science officer chimed in a more moderate tone.

"I have some concerns as well. This plan, while intriguing, does seem to be rather poorly thought out. While I think what they want us to do is possible, in order to ensure the safety of both ships, we need more time."


Quote from: Kina Nural on April 12, 2023, 12:24:55 AM

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina gave him a small smile. It was nice hearing someone say they went through something similar. Buehler was very encouraging, and it seemed like that was the little boost she really needed. She nodded to him and enjoyed the idea of hearing her father's voice and talking about everything that happened. "Thank you Lieutenant. It.....really means a lot to me."

She shuddered at the mention of Dukat's name. Like all other Cardassian children, Kina learned about Dukat and what he had done. He was a traitor, an anarchist disguised as a patriot. His tale was told more as a caution, so that others would see his  mistakes, and do all they could to never repeat it. His name was considered a curse on her home now. But right now, something was happening at her home.

She instantly became worried. She needed to talk to her father. She needed to contact home. She looked over to Buehler, worry beginning to creep into her eyes. "Lieutenant...I.....I need to see the captain. Right away please.I....I have to contact Cardassia. My father may be able to help."


Evan was always glad when sharing his own experiences could help someone else. Not everyone was nice about it, but he didn't know how else to communicate that he understood what they were going through. Trying to explain that to someone who thought he was just trying to make it about himself seldom went well, making the visible relief on the ensign's face a nice change.

The sudden change in Nural's demeanor sent a shiver down his spine, like something unholy was about to rain down upon them. He furrowed a brow in concern. "œBy all means, Ensign. Do what you need to do. You know where to find me if you need me." Evan tried to offer a reassuring smile.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Zhuk's Room | Deck 2 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on April 11, 2023, 11:05:53 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Captain's Ready Room >- Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira perked up as Ops reported the arrival of the Discovery. She felt an excited smile at the realization that her old home was flying alongside. Those whom she felt closest...particlarly Torra...were on that ship.

A couple of minutes later, the Eagle had arrived. It was certainly of the shape of the old Constitution class, but it certainly lived up to the class officially named "Neo-Constituion."

Immediately, a hurried text came in from Captain Richards to both Captain Galloway and to Nira: We made it. May need to cool down the engines before we have to move again. Hope you got Lieutenant Litt okay.

No sooner was a reply typed back than a hail came from Admiral Gillespie. In fact, transmitted over to the small fleet assembled to all Command officers. The request was for the command officers to meet at the CO's Ready Rooms for mission brief. As soon as Ian and Nira had come in, they answered the hails. A moment later, a grizzled old Scotsman appeared through holocommunication, not just of Challenger, but also over to Discovery and the rest of the fleet.

"Top of the morning, Captains and First Officers," he said. "This is Admiral Gillespie of Starfleet Security. I'm sure yeh're wondering why you are all here. Most of you have been called to Ferenginar to assist the Ferengi fleet in the event of helping sooth over potential explosive situations. Well, the situation has been resolved, thank God, and while normally, the lot of yeh would be on yehr way back to yehr respective general assignments in Romulan space and elsewhere 'seeking oot new life and new civilisations,' yeh lot are required further in the opposite direction.

"Suffice to say," the admiral continued, "a situation has developed around Cardassian and Breen space. Two of Starfleet's best officers have been sent to the New Dominion for information, but there's something rotten in the offing, something that has the potential to involve the old Dominion, but it's something bound to be picked up by the whole of the Great Link, hence why a foremost ambassador to the Federation from the New Dominion, or rather, the New Dominion version of Ambassador Spock..."

He paused for a moment to let it sink in, and Nira was sure he was referring to Odo, former Constable of one of Starfleet's foremost outposts, prominent leader of the New Dominion and overall, an honorable man among the Great Link.

"...as such," continued Gillespie, "Starfleet has ordered a small fleet to assemble at Starbase Deep Space Nine while the information is ascertained. We are to wait for an additional envoy from the Cardassian government as well, seeing as how they have especially asked for help to exorcise the ghosts Gul Dukat had stained on the pages of Cardassian history.

"Now," he added, making a placating gesture, "I ken many of yeh have traveled a long way to get here at least, pushing engines as such. Well, this is why we have starships powered by quantum slipstream drives for this verry reason. You see, with quantum slipstream drives becoming prominent among the rising generation of starships, Starfleet has felt that there will come times when we'll need starships over in a short amount of time. As such, Starfleet has been conducting experiments with a handful of starships with slipstream drives: Keeping the slipstream rifts open long enough for other non-slipstream ships to follow through. Among these ships was the Starship Scott among the ranks of our fleet right here. They're among the starships that's demonstrated it can guide non-slipstream ships through long distances in a short amount of time.

"Since slipstream can stress some hulls of older ships," Gillespie explained, "especially if they're not outfitted with slipstream drives, it'll be necessary to make breaks between slipstream jumps. The most that's estimated that can be handled is between fifteen and twenty minutes, and ships like the Scott has demonstrated thus. As such, we've arranged a break point in proximity to AR-558, and once the systems of the ships have been given a rest, then we make the rest of the way to Deep Space Nine, where more slipstream-powered ships will join us.

"Now, given we've never had this many ships before attempt a guided jump before, this is why we have three slipstream-powered starships to guide us. Then we'll be met with additional ships, two at most powered by slipstream, and with the addition of those ships, it'll make the slipstream travel easier and smoother for the rest of the journey to Deep Space Nine."

"As such, this is where you are to inform the miracle workers of our fleet in Science, Engineering and Operations to prepare the ships for the potential bumpy ride through the slipstream portals our guides will open for us. And once we get through, that will be where things get interesting."

He stepped back to make a calmer gesture, indicative that he was ending his briefing.

"Now, all ships...you have one hour to prepare for the journey, to batten down the hatches, and assume formation."

Turning to an officer to the side, he said, "Proceed with the countdown."

He disappeared from the viewscreen and a new transmission was passed on from the Legacy: A countdown for an hour.

Nira looked over at Captain Galloway. They had their orders, and are to pass the news to the crew. They had an hour per the admiral's instructions.

As they emerged, Nira looked at Ian and said, "Looks like we have a lot for all hands to do."

After his bath, Zhukdra'shar made sure to get properly dressed, his uniform without a crease visible. It was by this point that he overheard the comms speaking about their next task, and what it was, utterly surprised him. There was talk about problems within Dominion space, and two Federation officers have been sent to investigate. Alongside them, it seemed that an important embassador to the Dominion, and an envoy from Cardassia would also come along. There was also some talk about how the new ships could create pathways for others to traverse at faster speeds, it seemed, but that information got slightly lost as Zhukdra'shar thought about the first pieces of data.

Hm. Cardassia.

Though he had never personally visited the planet, he had been told many things by his adoptive mother figure. How it was a great planet with proud people who had fallen into hard times after their support of the Dominion invasion of Federation, Romulan and Klingon space. A poor decision overall, but he supposed with the history that he had investigated to fill in the blanks, back in San Francisco, they were forced to do. Still, what a storm.

He did wondered what the issue would be now. A worrysome set of news, but he supposed that he should head to the bridge to learn more. And so, he did.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Kina Nural

Quote from: Buehler on April 13, 2023, 06:21:38 PM


Evan was always glad when sharing his own experiences could help someone else. Not everyone was nice about it, but he didn't know how else to communicate that he understood what they were going through. Trying to explain that to someone who thought he was just trying to make it about himself seldom went well, making the visible relief on the ensign's face a nice change.

The sudden change in Nural's demeanor sent a shiver down his spine, like something unholy was about to rain down upon them. He furrowed a brow in concern. "œBy all means, Ensign. Do what you need to do. You know where to find me if you need me." Evan tried to offer a reassuring smile.

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina gave Buehler a smile and nodded. He was letting her do what she felt she needed to do. She turned and hurried out of sickbay and down the corridor to the turbolift. She stepped inside and told it to take her to the Bridge. If this was the Cardassian military, she would have been lucky to even speak to a higher ranking offer like she did. Most likely she would have been ignored. But she wasn't in the Cardassian military. She was in Starfleet, and they listened to what everyone had to say. Hopefully, the captain would feel the same.

[Bridge / USS Challenger]

The second the doors of the turbolift opened to the bridge, Kina ran out and looked around. She needed to find the captain as quickly as possible. There wasn't time. Unfortunately for her, the captain was nowhere in sight. He must be off in a meeting or overseeing preparations.

Luckily, she saw Commander Said, and if she couldn't talk to the captain, the first officer would have to do. "œCommander!" She rushed over to Nira and was about to start talking when she remembered who it was she was talking to. One must always try to maintain dignity no matter what. Her father always told her that.

Kina quickly straightened up and got her breathing under control before she spoke again. "œCommander, my apologies for being so disruptive, but I understand there is something happening in Cardassian space and we are going to investigate. With your permission, I would like to contact my father on Cardassia. He's a high ranking legate in the Central Command, and he may be able to give us some kind of information on what we are going into."

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Lek on April 13, 2023, 11:08:46 AM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek couldn't believe what he was hearing. They wanted to configure the quantum slipstream drive to open a corridor for a warp only ship. According to the specifications he'd been given, the process had been successfully tested, but that was with ships and crews that had who knew how long to prep for the experiment. He and the others involved were being expected to get the adjustments made in less than an hour with no prior preparation. It wasn't a case of what would go wrong, but how much would go wrong and how badly would it be wrong when it happened!

Lek was at a loss for words. He'd never seen such a reckless plan before and he was now at the most significant crossroads of his life. He could refuse to be a part of this insanity. They were in orbit of Ferenginar, he could resign and enjoy the profits from his Delta Quadrant operations and be a very comfortable man.

It was the easy choice, but what bothered him about doing it was, if he left, some lesser engineer would try to do this insane plan and the Discovery, along with the Challenger would be destroyed in the process. He'd have a hand in the loss of both crews and he could not live with himself if he allowed that to happen and no amount of profit would compensate for that much guilt. His other option was far less palatable or profitable, he could go along with the insanity and die with the others. Death was a remarkable salve for guilt after all.

"Everything that matters to me is about to shatter like glass."

He thought in abject misery, until that statement jarred an idea loose from deep inside his head.

"Glass. Crystal. Crystalline matrix. The ablative armor!"

He grabbed his PADD and began furiously running calculations and after several minutes of intense concentration. During which the others on the call might have wondered if he was having an episode of some sort.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 13, 2023, 11:25:55 AM

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

When the conference call started, Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn, the ship's Tellerite chief engineer, listened in to the proposal to have the Challenger follow in the wake of the Discovery's quantum slipstream corridor with interest at first, but that quickly turned to horror.

"Have you people lost your minds?" She roared. "We have less than an hour to conduct an experiment with our lives at stake for something we've never done before!"

Lieutenant Evan Randall, the Challenger's acting chief science officer chimed in a more moderate tone.

"I have some concerns as well. This plan, while intriguing, does seem to be rather poorly thought out. While I think what they want us to do is possible, in order to ensure the safety of both ships, we need more time."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 13, 2023, 10:16:44 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

"I guess we need to stay vigilant.  The path will be shown to us in time... to coin a Bajoran phrase.  Obviously, Discovery is going to be the saddle for this mission, with luck you'll be assigned to us.  Discovery out." he said, closing the channel.

Things just didn't feel right, but he still had a mission.  The Captain stood up and walked out of the Ready Room to see his XO already arranging with the department heads of... his and the Challenger.  Good, they were assigned together. Not wanting to impose, Nevir stood back, listening.

It was rare find officers in such agreement when it came to new and innovative thinking or technology.  That they all agreed that this plan was mad, did not bode well for the success of this mission.

=/\= "Unfortunately gentlefolk, more time is something we do not have.  What we do have... are orders to make this guided slipstream jump happen. So let's figure out how.  It obviously can be done successfully." =/\= Rayek stated.  The Scott had managed the maneuver more than once; so could they!

Rayek was about to urge for more collaboration when something in Lek's voice caught at his attention.  The Romulan glanced at his viewscreen to see the Ferengi running calculations on his PADD.  Despite the urgency of the situation, Rayek didn't press the engineer for an immediate explanation.   Instead, he focused his attention on attempting to get the other Chiefs to come to some manner of agreement on how this plan was going to move ahead, but it was like herding gofers.  Worse yet, he heard the door to Ready Room slide open, so the Captain was witness to this debacle of leadership.

Quote from: Lek on April 13, 2023, 11:08:46 AM

"I have an idea everyone. We will need to dock fore to aft with the Discovery to create a physical link between the two ships. We run cables between the ships to also create a physical link between the two computer cores. We then configure the structural integrity fields of both ships to run through the ship's ablative armor's crystalline structure to essentially 'polarize the hull plating' like they did on the old NX-Class before shields were invented. This will make the two ships seem like one very long ship. Our warp fields will merge and when the Discovery opens the quantum field, it will be only one ship making the transit!"

When Lek began his speech with the line,  'I have an idea', Rayek had been hopeful that the Ferengi had managed to take the specs that they had been given by the Scott and figure a way to make them fit with the Discovery's engines and hull plating.

Instead, what the Ferengi had done was further confuse the situation by offering a second, completely untested, option.  Which Lieutenant Cadbury, Discovery's CScO, was quick to point out.  "Are you crazy to suggest something that hasn't even been tested? This plan is even more reckless than the previous one!  At least that has been proven and we have data work with to make our calculations."

Now, the previously unified chiefs were now split on which method to move forward on.

Rayek glanced at the time. Ten minutes of their precious time had already been wasted in complaints and now theorizing new methodology with the end result of them being no nearer finding a solution.   He was no engineer to have a strong opinion one way or the other, though physically connecting the two ships did seem like it might be easier to generate and extend the field over. Though it also assured that if something went wrong it would effect both ships.  Had this been tried by the Scott or some other slipstream capable ship before?  Was there a reason why this wasn't the initial plan?

=/\= "We need to come to consensus on the plan, people! Time is wasting. Commander Tharn do you support Commander Lek's idea?"  He asked the Tellerite point blank. If he could get the two engineers to agree to Lek's plan then he had the justification for altering their orders.  "If not, then we move ahead with the specs as provided." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 12, 2023, 11:13:17 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's head was still spinning from Gillespie's technical proposal as he beamed back to the ship and headed to the bridge. He called for the Department Heads and gave them the run down of the plan to have the ship's without Quantum Slipstream Drive piggyback on those with the technology's transit corridors.

"Admiral Gillespie stated that Starfleet has experimented with doin' this sort of thing and has been successful. However, those have been single corridors with just two ships involved. This will be the largest movement of the technique since some boffin came up with it in the first place.

"As the timin' is so pivotal ta usin' Slipstream in the first place, we are goin' ta have ta figure out how ta link our systems with that of the Slippin' ship ta the nanosecond. In addition, we are goin' ta have ta route every milligram of power we have ta the structural integrity field ta reinforce the hull to handle the additional stresses. We have an hour ta make this happen, so it's time for our merry band of miracle workers ta work their magic. No time for questions. Dismissed."

As the meeting broke up, Ian headed to the bridge. He wasn't completely certain how he felt about the proposed process, but he figured there was no way Gillespie would suggest the idea if it wasn't sound.

"It just sounds daft."

He muttered as he monitored the crew's progress to ready the ship.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 12, 2023, 05:56:08 PM

[Bridge --> Ready Room - USS Challenger]

When T'kel notified him of the private hail, Ian arched an eyebrow as he rose and headed for his ready room.

"You have the bridge Nira."

He said over his shoulder as he left the bridge.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 13, 2023, 03:48:26 AM

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

=/\= "...USS Challenger.  Lt Cmdr tr'Lhoell requests an immediate conference call with your ship's Chief Engineer, Chief of Operations, and Chief Science officer.  Please contact the appropriate individuals on your end and link them to this comm." =/\=

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira listened in and as Captain Galloway took the secure call, Nira had the bridge, and then got a transmission from Discovery, hearing a voice that made her smile.

"Of course, Lieutenant Addams," said Nira, formally but indicating, in her tone, how good it was to hear from her sister figure again. "I'll get Commanders Tharn and Catalan and Lieutenant Randall connected to Commander tr'Lhoell."

She wondered who Commander tr'Lhoell was, aside from the fact that he was obviously Discovery's new First Officer. She wanted to join in, but she had her bridge duties. She was further surprised when Nurse Nural appeared on the bridge.

Quote from: Kina Nural on April 14, 2023, 02:51:46 AM

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina gave Buehler a smile and nodded. He was letting her do what she felt she needed to do. She turned and hurried out of sickbay and down the corridor to the turbolift. She stepped inside and told it to take her to the Bridge. If this was the Cardassian military, she would have been lucky to even speak to a higher ranking offer like she did. Most likely she would have been ignored. But she wasn't in the Cardassian military. She was in Starfleet, and they listened to what everyone had to say. Hopefully, the captain would feel the same.

[Bridge / USS Challenger]

The second the doors of the turbolift opened to the bridge, Kina ran out and looked around. She needed to find the captain as quickly as possible. There wasn't time. Unfortunately for her, the captain was nowhere in sight. He must be off in a meeting or overseeing preparations.

Luckily, she saw Commander Said, and if she couldn't talk to the captain, the first officer would have to do. "œCommander!" She rushed over to Nira and was about to start talking when she remembered who it was she was talking to. One must always try to maintain dignity no matter what. Her father always told her that.

Kina quickly straightened up and got her breathing under control before she spoke again. "œCommander, my apologies for being so disruptive, but I understand there is something happening in Cardassian space and we are going to investigate. With your permission, I would like to contact my father on Cardassia. He's a high ranking legate in the Central Command, and he may be able to give us some kind of information on what we are going into."

Nira raised an eyebrow but gazed calmly at Nurse Nural as she explained about her father and contacting her father. A high ranking legate in Central Command? On the other hand, Nira had gotten to know Jael Sherem, whose mother was just as much a critical officer in the Cardassian military as well as an ambassador, while her father was a pro-Dominion sympathizer, outlaw and former head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau.

"Well, I suppose we could learn more from the Cardassians' side of things," said Nira. She pressed some functions on the arm of the Captain's chair and pulled up a holographic screen, rotated slightly to the side so that there will be more viewing of the nurse while she spoke. "Go ahead and make your call."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 14, 2023, 06:15:59 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

It was rare find officers in such agreement when it came to new and innovative thinking or technology.  That they all agreed that this plan was mad, did not bode well for the success of this mission.

=/\= "Unfortunately gentlefolk, more time is something we do not have.  What we do have... are orders to make this guided slipstream jump happen. So let's figure out how.  It obviously can be done successfully." =/\= Rayek stated.  The Scott had managed the maneuver more than once; so could they!

Rayek was about to urge for more collaboration when something in Lek's voice caught at his attention.  The Romulan glanced at his viewscreen to see the Ferengi running calculations on his PADD.  Despite the urgency of the situation, Rayek didn't press the engineer for an immediate explanation.   Instead, he focused his attention on attempting to get the other Chiefs to come to some manner of agreement on how this plan was going to move ahead, but it was like herding gofers.  Worse yet, he heard the door to Ready Room slide open, so the Captain was witness to this debacle of leadership.

When Lek began his speech with the line,  'I have an idea', Rayek had been hopeful that the Ferengi had managed to take the specs that they had been given by the Scott and figure a way to make them fit with the Discovery's engines and hull plating.

Instead, what the Ferengi had done was further confuse the situation by offering a second, completely untested, option.  Which Lieutenant Cadbury, Discovery's CScO, was quick to point out.  "Are you crazy to suggest something that hasn't even been tested? This plan is even more reckless than the previous one!  At least that has been proven and we have data work with to make our calculations."

Now, the previously unified chiefs were now split on which method to move forward on.

Rayek glanced at the time. Ten minutes of their precious time had already been wasted in complaints and now theorizing new methodology with the end result of them being no nearer finding a solution.   He was no engineer to have a strong opinion one way or the other, though physically connecting the two ships did seem like it might be easier to generate and extend the field over. Though it also assured that if something went wrong it would effect both ships.  Had this been tried by the Scott or some other slipstream capable ship before?  Was there a reason why this wasn't the initial plan?

=/\= "We need to come to consensus on the plan, people! Time is wasting. Commander Tharn do you support Commander Lek's idea?"  He asked the Tellerite point blank. If he could get the two engineers to agree to Lek's plan then he had the justification for altering their orders.  "If not, then we move ahead with the specs as provided." =/\=

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

Tharn looked at the Ferengi's proposal and thought it was both brilliant and sheer insanity at the same time. Yet, the specifications they'd received from the Scott were no less reckless. Even though she was by her very species disinclined to be agreeable, young Randall had the right of it, they needed more time. However, it was clear that more time was not an option. Finally, because she knew all eyes were on her, she finally replied.

"Commander, I cannot, in good conscious, support either of these plans within the time we have. These options are beyond risky, they border on the suicidal. I don't pretend to know what is so important that there is this obsessive need for speed, but we are talking thousands of lives at risk here. I will do what I am ordered to do, under protest, but I will not contribute to choosing the method by which we all die."

Kina Nural

Quote from: Nira Said on April 14, 2023, 09:11:32 AM

Nira raised an eyebrow but gazed calmly at Nurse Nural as she explained about her father and contacting her father. A high ranking legate in Central Command? On the other hand, Nira had gotten to know Jael Sherem, whose mother was just as much a critical officer in the Cardassian military as well as an ambassador, while her father was a pro-Dominion sympathizer, outlaw and former head of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau.

"Well, I suppose we could learn more from the Cardassians' side of things," said Nira. She pressed some functions on the arm of the Captain's chair and pulled up a holographic screen, rotated slightly to the side so that there will be more viewing of the nurse while she spoke. "Go ahead and make your call."

[Bridge / USS Challenger]

Kina knew that this was against protocol and that she should be focused on preparing sickbay, but the welfare of her father remained a priority in her mind. She was prepared for Nira to say no to her, that the priority was the ship. She was genuinely surprised when instead of shutting her down, the First Officer set up a comm for her. She smiled and nodded. "œThank you, ma'am."

She typed in the sub space codes for direct contact to Central Command and waited. After a few seconds, a young officer appeared, more than likely a new glinn assigned to direct calls. As much as she disliked it, he answered with an arrogance of her people.  =/\="œWhat do you want, Federa"¦.wait. Your Cardassian. What are you doing there?"=/\=

Kina squared herself up, and looked directly ahead. She knew how to deal with low officers like this one. And she had something to help her get to her father quickly. "œMy name is Kina Nural. You will put me in direct communication with my father, Legate Elor Nural, and you will do so without delay. Authorization code 8742-green." The young officer was surprised and quickly entered the code in the computer, surprised when it came back as a high level code.

=/\="œMy apologies. I'll"¦"¦I'll connect you right away."=/\= The image went blank and left Kina with her thoughts. She hoped her father was alright. He had to be. He was the only family she had left on Cardassia. Her thoughts were put to ease when after only a few minutes, an older Cardassian man appeared on the screen. He looked at her with surprise.

=/\="œKina, is that you my daughter?"=/\= When she saw her father, she was filled with immediate relief. She let out a breath and smiled. "œFather, I'm so happy to see you're alright." Elor smiled back at her, happy to see his daughter again.  =/\="œIt's so good to see you, my stardust. Look at you, on the bridge of a starship. I'm so proud of you, and your mother would be as well."=/\=

Kina blushed slightly, but quickly composed herself. "œI would love to talk more father, but I need help. My ship is going to be at Deep Space Nine soon and I was hoping you could tell us what is going on. My captain could use the information." She watched as her father shifted uneasily a bit. To anyone else, it looked normal. But to Kina, she would tell he was uneasy. He wanted to help her, but he couldn't jeopardize his position.

Being the leader of one of the most distinguished orders in the military allowed some lenience, but not enough to go against the orders of CIB.  =/\= "œI have always done everything I can to help you, Kina. You are my everything. However, most of the details on this is classified by the Intelligence Bureau, and I cannot discuss it on an open channel. What I can tell you is that I will be traveling to Deep Space Nine along with Legate Sherem in a few days. We are"¦..escorting a very important individual there. Other than that, I cannot say."=/\=

Kina nodded. If her father couldn't say anything, he wouldn't. He smiled at her and continued.  =/\="œWe can discuss more when we see each other. I would very much like to meet your captain if possible. And if there is time, maybe we can have a game of Kotra."=/\= Kina nodded. "œI would like that. I think I might have a chance this time. I'll see you soon father." With that, she ended the transmission.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 14, 2023, 11:08:12 AM

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

Tharn looked at the Ferengi's proposal and thought it was both brilliant and sheer insanity at the same time. Yet, the specifications they'd received from the Scott were no less reckless. Even though she was by her very species disinclined to be agreeable, young Randall had the right of it, they needed more time. However, it was clear that more time was not an option. Finally, because she knew all eyes were on her, she finally replied.

"Commander, I cannot, in good conscious, support either of these plans within the time we have. These options are beyond risky, they border on the suicidal. I don't pretend to know what is so important that there is this obsessive need for speed, but we are talking thousands of lives at risk here. I will do what I am ordered to do, under protest, but I will not contribute to choosing the method by which we all die."

It was unwelcome that the Challenger's Engineering Chief wouldn't support either plans.  It attested to just how risky this 'guided slipstream' was.  Ask much as Rayek was inclined to go with Lek's plan, without another engineer to back it, the Romulan couldn't justify risking both ships on a theory that it might work but as yet hadn't been tested.  He lacked the Engineering expertise to override the directed plan.

=/\= "We go with the provided specs then. Work together and figure out a way to give us the best chance of success. Update both myself and Commander Said of Challenger with your progress along the way. This is a hard deadline - so get it done! " =/\=  Rayek stated.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 13, 2023, 11:25:55 AM

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

When the conference call started, Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn, the ship's Tellerite chief engineer, listened in to the proposal to have the Challenger follow in the wake of the Discovery's quantum slipstream corridor with interest at first, but that quickly turned to horror.

"Have you people lost your minds?" She roared. "We have less than an hour to conduct an experiment with our lives at stake for something we've never done before!"

Lieutenant Evan Randall, the Challenger's acting chief science officer chimed in a more moderate tone.

"I have some concerns as well. This plan, while intriguing, does seem to be rather poorly thought out. While I think what they want us to do is possible, in order to ensure the safety of both ships, we need more time."

Quote from: Lek on April 13, 2023, 11:08:46 AM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek couldn't believe what he was hearing. They wanted to configure the quantum slipstream drive to open a corridor for a warp only ship. According to the specifications he'd been given, the process had been successfully tested, but that was with ships and crews that had who knew how long to prep for the experiment. He and the others involved were being expected to get the adjustments made in less than an hour with no prior preparation. It wasn't a case of what would go wrong, but how much would go wrong and how badly would it be wrong when it happened!

Lek was at a loss for words. He'd never seen such a reckless plan before and he was now at the most significant crossroads of his life. He could refuse to be a part of this insanity. They were in orbit of Ferenginar, he could resign and enjoy the profits from his Delta Quadrant operations and be a very comfortable man.

It was the easy choice, but what bothered him about doing it was, if he left, some lesser engineer would try to do this insane plan and the Discovery, along with the Challenger would be destroyed in the process. He'd have a hand in the loss of both crews and he could not live with himself if he allowed that to happen and no amount of profit would compensate for that much guilt. His other option was far less palatable or profitable, he could go along with the insanity and die with the others. Death was a remarkable salve for guilt after all.

"Everything that matters to me is about to shatter like glass."

He thought in abject misery, until that statement jarred an idea loose from deep inside his head.

"Glass. Crystal. Crystalline matrix. The ablative armor!"

He grabbed his PADD and began furiously running calculations and after several minutes of intense concentration. During which the others on the call might have wondered if he was having an episode of some sort.

"I have an idea everyone. We will need to dock fore to aft with the Discovery to create a physical link between the two ships. We run cables between the ships to also create a physical link between the two computer cores. We then configure the structural integrity fields of both ships to run through the ship's ablative armor's crystalline structure to essentially 'polarize the hull plating' like they did on the old NX-Class before shields were invented. This will make the two ships seem like one very long ship. Our warp fields will merge and when the Discovery opens the quantum field, it will be only one ship making the transit!"

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 14, 2023, 06:15:59 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

It was rare find officers in such agreement when it came to new and innovative thinking or technology.  That they all agreed that this plan was mad, did not bode well for the success of this mission.

=/\= "Unfortunately gentlefolk, more time is something we do not have.  What we do have... are orders to make this guided slipstream jump happen. So let's figure out how.  It obviously can be done successfully." =/\= Rayek stated.  The Scott had managed the maneuver more than once; so could they!

Rayek was about to urge for more collaboration when something in Lek's voice caught at his attention.  The Romulan glanced at his viewscreen to see the Ferengi running calculations on his PADD.  Despite the urgency of the situation, Rayek didn't press the engineer for an immediate explanation.   Instead, he focused his attention on attempting to get the other Chiefs to come to some manner of agreement on how this plan was going to move ahead, but it was like herding gofers.  Worse yet, he heard the door to Ready Room slide open, so the Captain was witness to this debacle of leadership.

When Lek began his speech with the line,  'I have an idea', Rayek had been hopeful that the Ferengi had managed to take the specs that they had been given by the Scott and figure a way to make them fit with the Discovery's engines and hull plating.

Instead, what the Ferengi had done was further confuse the situation by offering a second, completely untested, option.  Which Lieutenant Cadbury, Discovery's CScO, was quick to point out.  "Are you crazy to suggest something that hasn't even been tested? This plan is even more reckless than the previous one!  At least that has been proven and we have data work with to make our calculations."

Now, the previously unified chiefs were now split on which method to move forward on.

Rayek glanced at the time. Ten minutes of their precious time had already been wasted in complaints and now theorizing new methodology with the end result of them being no nearer finding a solution.   He was no engineer to have a strong opinion one way or the other, though physically connecting the two ships did seem like it might be easier to generate and extend the field over. Though it also assured that if something went wrong it would effect both ships.  Had this been tried by the Scott or some other slipstream capable ship before?  Was there a reason why this wasn't the initial plan?

=/\= "We need to come to consensus on the plan, people! Time is wasting. Commander Tharn do you support Commander Lek's idea?"  He asked the Tellerite point blank. If he could get the two engineers to agree to Lek's plan then he had the justification for altering their orders.  "If not, then we move ahead with the specs as provided." =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 14, 2023, 11:08:12 AM

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

Tharn looked at the Ferengi's proposal and thought it was both brilliant and sheer insanity at the same time. Yet, the specifications they'd received from the Scott were no less reckless. Even though she was by her very species disinclined to be agreeable, young Randall had the right of it, they needed more time. However, it was clear that more time was not an option. Finally, because she knew all eyes were on her, she finally replied.

"Commander, I cannot, in good conscious, support either of these plans within the time we have. These options are beyond risky, they border on the suicidal. I don't pretend to know what is so important that there is this obsessive need for speed, but we are talking thousands of lives at risk here. I will do what I am ordered to do, under protest, but I will not contribute to choosing the method by which we all die."

[Lieutenant Commander Fernando CatalÁ¡n | Engineering | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Fernando CatalÁ¡n had been silent throughout the whole exchange. Of course Tharn disagreed - if a Tellarite wasn't disagreeing in the slightest with something, then something was wrong - but in this case, he could understand her concern. But Lek offered a most brilliant idea.

"It could work, Commander, Lieutenant," he said to Tharn and Randall. "Extending ablative armor toward the Challenger's structural integrity could guarantee it lasts through the slipstream. Going piggyback in pairs, in a way. Uh, no pun intended and no offense, Tharn," he added, hoping Tharn won't take the "piggyback" comment literally. "Spreading the ablative armor via cables can definitely help.

"Considering there are roughly five ships without slipstream capability," continued CatalÁ¡n, "it'll mean one of the bigger slipstream ships will have to guide two of the non-slipstream ships. However, way I see it, the Legacy and the Scott are both big enough that either one of them can supply the ablative spread to two ships, though as long as one of those ships is the Eagle, which is easily the smallest ship in our little fleet, at least those of regular warp capability."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 13, 2023, 10:16:44 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

"I guess we need to stay vigilant.  The path will be shown to us in time... to coin a Bajoran phrase.  Obviously, Discovery is going to be the saddle for this mission, with luck you'll be assigned to us.  Discovery out." he said, closing the channel.

Things just didn't feel right, but he still had a mission.  The Captain stood up and walked out of the Ready Room to see his XO already arranging with the department heads of... his and the Challenger.  Good, they were assigned together. Not wanting to impose, Nevir stood back, listening.

[Captain's Ready Room --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sighed when Tekin closed the connection, before rising and returning to the bridge, more unsettled than he'd been before he took the call. As he sat down, the only fraction of comfort he could find was that he wasn't the only one deeply concerned by the proposed piggyback plan. He noted that the meeting between the department heads of the two ships was still ongoing and that the meeting was seriously beginning to cut into the hour they'd been given. He tapped the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Captain Galloway here. Time is gettin' away from us gentlebein's have you come ta consensus?" =/\=

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 14, 2023, 11:08:12 AM

[Engineering - USS Challenger]

Tharn looked at the Ferengi's proposal and thought it was both brilliant and sheer insanity at the same time. Yet, the specifications they'd received from the Scott were no less reckless. Even though she was by her very species disinclined to be agreeable, young Randall had the right of it, they needed more time. However, it was clear that more time was not an option. Finally, because she knew all eyes were on her, she finally replied.

"Commander, I cannot, in good conscious, support either of these plans within the time we have. These options are beyond risky, they border on the suicidal. I don't pretend to know what is so important that there is this obsessive need for speed, but we are talking thousands of lives at risk here. I will do what I am ordered to do, under protest, but I will not contribute to choosing the method by which we all die."

Quote from: Nira Said on April 14, 2023, 05:53:40 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Fernando CatalÁ¡n | Engineering | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Fernando CatalÁ¡n had been silent throughout the whole exchange. Of course Tharn disagreed - if a Tellarite wasn't disagreeing in the slightest with something, then something was wrong - but in this case, he could understand her concern. But Lek offered a most brilliant idea.

"It could work, Commander, Lieutenant," he said to Tharn and Randall. "Extending ablative armor toward the Challenger's structural integrity could guarantee it lasts through the slipstream. Going piggyback in pairs, in a way. Uh, no pun intended and no offense, Tharn," he added, hoping Tharn won't take the "piggyback" comment literally. "Spreading the ablative armor via cables can definitely help.

"Considering there are roughly five ships without slipstream capability," continued CatalÁ¡n, "it'll mean one of the bigger slipstream ships will have to guide two of the non-slipstream ships. However, way I see it, the Legacy and the Scott are both big enough that either one of them can supply the ablative spread to two ships, though as long as one of those ships is the Eagle, which is easily the smallest ship in our little fleet, at least those of regular warp capability."

It was unwelcome that the Challenger's Engineering Chief wouldn't support either plans.  It attested to just how risky this 'guided slipstream' was.

As much as Rayek was inclined to go with Lek's plan, especially given the Challenger's Operations Chief's support, but without another engineer to back it, the Romulan couldn't justify risking both ships on a theory that it might work but as yet hadn't been tested.  He lacked the Engineering expertise to override the directed plan.

=/\= "We go with the provided specs then. Work together and figure out a way to give us the best chance of success. Update both myself and Commander Said of Challenger with your progress along the way. This is a hard deadline - so get it done! " =/\=  Rayek stated.

No sooner had he stated such than the Challenger's Captain called for an update.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 14, 2023, 07:26:57 PM

[Captain's Ready Room --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sighed when Tekin closed the connection, before rising and returning to the bridge, more unsettled than he'd been before he took the call. As he sat down, the only fraction of comfort he could find was that he wasn't the only one deeply concerned by the proposed piggyback plan. He noted that the meeting between the department heads of the two ships was still ongoing and that the meeting was seriously beginning to cut into the hour they'd been given. He tapped the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Captain Galloway here. Time is gettin' away from us gentlebein's have you come ta consensus?" =/\=

Rayek responded.  =/\= "No consensus was reached.  Lieutenant Commander Lek had an untested idea that might have improved our chance success but the team was divided to it.  So we are going with the specs as provided.  I've ordered regular updates be provided to the Command Officers of both ships." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Richard James Litt

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 11, 2023, 09:03:58 PM

[Bridge- USS Challenger]

Ian turned toward the familiar voice and rose to shake Ricky's hand vigorously, smiling broadly as he spoke.

"Lieutenant Litt! Bloody good ta see you Lad. I was chuffed ta see you'd returned ta us. Once we find out what all this wifferdil is about, there's a P-40 with your name on it on Holodeck Two waitin' for you whenever you're ready."

Ian returned to the command chair, looked out at the fleet assembling on the viewscreen and wondered, yet again, what 'this wifferdil' was about himself.

[USS Challenger · Bridge · Helm]

Litt was quite excited when he was greeted by the captain. As soon as he spoke about the P-40 waiting on the Holodeck, an excited little smile formed on the young man's face. "I can't wait to get back into one of those beauties".

After introducing himself to the Captain he took his place at the helm with an almost nostalgic expression. "œHow I missed it here". After a brief reflective and wistful moment, Litt began checking all the flight systems to make sure they would be ready to fly as soon as the captain asked.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 15, 2023, 12:14:43 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

It was unwelcome that the Challenger's Engineering Chief wouldn't support either plans.  It attested to just how risky this 'guided slipstream' was.

As much as Rayek was inclined to go with Lek's plan, especially given the Challenger's Operations Chief's support, but without another engineer to back it, the Romulan couldn't justify risking both ships on a theory that it might work but as yet hadn't been tested.  He lacked the Engineering expertise to override the directed plan.

=/\= "We go with the provided specs then. Work together and figure out a way to give us the best chance of success. Update both myself and Commander Said of Challenger with your progress along the way. This is a hard deadline - so get it done! " =/\=  Rayek stated.

No sooner had he stated such than the Challenger's Captain called for an update.

Rayek responded.  =/\= "No consensus was reached.  Lieutenant Commander Lek had an untested idea that might have improved our chance success but the team was divided to it.  So we are going with the specs as provided.  I've ordered regular updates be provided to the Command Officers of both ships." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian listened to the Discovery's First Officer, a Romulan of all things, with amazement. As he didn't know the man, he held his initial response in check. He instead replied in a cold tone rather than with the heat that initially crossed his mind.

=/\= "Are you seriously sayin' you have a plan that will increase our odds of success and we're nae doin' that? Given even the planned method is only half-baked, I am at a loss as ta why you wouldn't want ta improve our chances. Send this Lek's proposal ta me and if'n it's one dram less mad than the current plan, we're goin' ta do that. Galloway out." =/\=

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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