S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: myne on April 25, 2023, 02:28:04 PM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Ensign was bracing on her knees in the chair as she worked on the science panel doing the scans. Hearing the request she then hit a few buttons she raised up on her feet in the chair balancing to hit the buttons on the top of the panel. Lowering back to a safe spot the Only smiled. Rather than saying aloud with the Cardasian in earshot the girl skipped along as if being casual should the Cardasian see her and raised on tiptoes to whisper to Lieutenant Randell. If she did attract the man's attention it would possibly be thought of as a child playing and telling secrets to a parent the Only hoped. Some of the games the older kids had played on Kirk called 'Foolies'.

"Sir. Bottom segment on the underside of the station has a large saucer-like object at coordinates Above this is a cylinder holding it to the bottom of the station surrounded by six energy transfer pylons. The Transwarp core is there, surrounded by the pylons. If three pylons can be destroyed or the main generator in the saucer nodule disabled the drain from the transwarp core would need more emergency power the station has to function with the normal reactor hampered. Doing this should leave the life support but seriously hamper the station. A resonance pulse set to alternate every six milliseconds should pierce any Borg shielding."

She then giggled cutely as she lowered back down to finish the ruse before skipping back to her station to get back in the chair raised up on her knees.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian couldn't help but see the antics of the Onlie ensign and despite the tense confrontation, he frowned at the behavior.

"I'm goin' ta assume she has a reason for actin' in such a way. For now, it will have ta pass. After this is over however, we're ta have words."

He thought as he continued to observe the communication between Tekin and Sherem.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 26, 2023, 06:47:49 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Tekin kept his own equally hard look.  A mobile Cardassian station firing on the Federation was a non-starter for him.  He couldn't help but think about his own children, seeing this man basically taunting his daughter right in front of her commanding officer.  Oh how much he wanted to give an outburst at the man... but he was a Starfleet captain.  He had to be diplomatic.  Only a twitch in his eye gave any indication that he reacted to the taunt.

"How about we show each other some professional courtesy, Gul Sherem. You have already broken a couple of treaties merely with your actions. And you are risking open war with the Federation..." he stated, looking behind the old Cardassian to see Jem'Hadar.

"But I'm guessing that is what your intention is, isn't it?  Bait the Federation into attacking Cardassia?  But why?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian thought furiously as Tekin and Sherem bantered.

"The fact that bleedin' station has transwarp means if'n Sherem chooses ta pursue, he'll be able ta run down the freighters regardless of what speed they manage. Tekin has got ta keep Sherem occupied a wee bit longer or we're ta end up like convoy PQ17."

Ian muted the communications and spoke to Ops.

"Send an encrypted, tight beam signal ta Admiral Gillespie of what and who we've encountered. Tell them we need reinforcements."

He then unmuted the comm and waited to see what would happen next.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Armory | USS Challenger ::

Kyan had barely had time to drop his duffel bag in his quarters... his shared quarters, which would take some getting used to again, before a Vulcan's voice had come over his com badge.

"All Security report to the Armory for weapons issue." the Vulcan had ordered in his boring monotone. He'd have to see if ole pointy ears could make a recording to use if he had problems getting to sleep. In the meantime, he'd come to the armory and been given a pair of hand phasers and one of the new F.E.D.S. gauntlets.

The Forearm Energy Dispersal Shield was the brainchild of someone at Starfleet Security. It worked pretty well but wasn't as good against disruptor style weapons as it was against Federation beam weapons. And it only covered a small area, about the size of a dinner platter. For some of the larger species, it was good enough to protect your face... if you held your arm in the right position. For someone Kyan's size, it worked better, but fitting was an issue. He was happy to see that the second issue had been addressed at least. It fit snug on his forearm when he put it on and pressed the lock button. Another addition was the activation switch. Instead of a button, now all one had to do to activate it was make a fist. He tested it a few times, watching the blue disc materialize and disappear.

"Mister Mackenzie." The Vulcan's monotone interrupted his testing out the new tech. "Please take a F.E.D.S. and a phaser to Lieutenant Mrekrerhas on the bridge, and coordinate tactical duties with him."

"Aye Aye boss." Kyan answered, taking the equipment.

:: USS Challenger | Bridge ::

When Kyan stepped out of the lift, the first thing he noticed was the Cardassiab grup on screen, blathering on about what was likely some master plan or other nonesense. That Galloway had it muted and was issuing orders struck the Onlie as both ironic and funny. He wished there was a way he could make use of that tactic when the grup was in front of him.

Having no desire to interrupt the Captain, Kyan went to the tactical station and put the equipment down for the Caitian. "Here ye are mate. Dat Vulcan was after me givin ye this. I'll be back here on the other Tactical station if ye need me."

Kyan then turned back toward the auxilliary console and noticed that there was a girl sitting in the chair next to it... at science. She looked to be a bit younger than himself. "An Onlie?" he wondered, taking the seat at tactical. He pushed the button on the side of the chair, raising it to it's full height, which took his feet off the deck by a few inches, drawing them up into the chair, Kyan assumed a cross legged posture and keyed in his access code. He stole a glance over at the girl. who was busy scanning or whatever science types did. She looked like an Onlie. Moved like one too.

"Hey." He called over. Then when she looked. "Merry Met. I'm Kyan."


Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 26, 2023, 11:01:30 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian couldn't help but see the antics of the Onlie ensign and despite the tense confrontation, he frowned at the behavior.

"I'm goin' ta assume she has a reason for actin' in such a way. For now, it will have ta pass. After this is over however, we're ta have words."

He thought as he continued to observe the communication between Tekin and Sherem.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian thought furiously as Tekin and Sherem bantered.

"The fact that bleedin' station has transwarp means if'n Sherem chooses ta pursue, he'll be able ta run down the freighters regardless of what speed they manage. Tekin has got ta keep Sherem occupied a wee bit longer or we're ta end up like convoy PQ17."

Ian muted the communications and spoke to Ops.

"Send an encrypted, tight beam signal ta Admiral Gillespie of what and who we've encountered. Tell them we need reinforcements."

He then unmuted the comm and waited to see what would happen next.

[USS Challenger-bridge]

T'prith heeded the captain's orders as she proceed to send an encripted tight beam signal to Admiral Gillespie saying that they need reinforcements. It sure looked like they were in a sticky situation. She hoped that they could get the reinforcements in time before things took an unfortunate turn.

Nira Said

Quote from: Kina Nural on April 25, 2023, 12:16:10 PM

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]
Kina couldn't help it. Again, she found herself deep in thought and speculation. Which meant her mind raced with questions, which meant pacing. She paced in sickbay, desperately trying to figure out everything that was going on. She heard from passersby's about Challenger and Discovery leaving the fleet to respond to a threat of pirates. Not ordinary pirate, but Cardassian pirates.

Which only made her wonder more. Cardassian pirates were not heard of, least to her. Cardassian ships obeyed the orders sent down from Central Command. The only one who disobeyed was the traitor Dukat during the war. So what was going on now. She thought about going to the Bridge, see what exactly was happening.

Her thoughts were interrupted with a sound from a medical diagnostic panel. It was odd, because she had no patients. What was going on? Walking up to the panel, she noticed an odd file, subtle, but grabbing her attention. She opened the file and looked inside. Inside was text, encrypted in an older Cardassian code that many forgot about. It took her a moment to decipher the code, and was shocked at what she saw.

[Bridge / USS Challenger]
Her choice was made. She now HAD to go to the Bridge. She downloaded the file onto her PADD and raced out to the turbolift. She just hoped this information would help the captain. Things were already tense, she didn't need to make them worse. As she stepped out of the turbolift onto the bridge, she stopped short to see Sherem on the view screen. Alongside him and his troops were soldiers of Jem'hadar. Why? Cardassians never forgave what they did during the end of the war. Something was up.

She had to play it cool. She had to maintain herself. Do not give anything away. She walked over toward Nira and made a motion to offer her the PADD. "œCommander, I have those medical diagnostics you asked for." She looked over at the view screen and smiled, bringing the PADD behind her back. "œOh. I apologize. Gul Sherem, it is very nice to see you again. It's"¦.been a long time since I last saw you. I don't know if you remember me. I'm Kina, Nural's daughter."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 26, 2023, 11:01:30 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian couldn't help but see the antics of the Onlie ensign and despite the tense confrontation, he frowned at the behavior.

"I'm goin' ta assume she has a reason for actin' in such a way. For now, it will have ta pass. After this is over however, we're ta have words."

He thought as he continued to observe the communication between Tekin and Sherem.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian thought furiously as Tekin and Sherem bantered.

"The fact that bleedin' station has transwarp means if'n Sherem chooses ta pursue, he'll be able ta run down the freighters regardless of what speed they manage. Tekin has got ta keep Sherem occupied a wee bit longer or we're ta end up like convoy PQ17."

Ian muted the communications and spoke to Ops.

"Send an encrypted, tight beam signal ta Admiral Gillespie of what and who we've encountered. Tell them we need reinforcements."

He then unmuted the comm and waited to see what would happen next.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 26, 2023, 06:47:49 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Tekin kept his own equally hard look.  A mobile Cardassian station firing on the Federation was a non-starter for him.  He couldn't help but think about his own children, seeing this man basically taunting his daughter right in front of her commanding officer.  Oh how much he wanted to give an outburst at the man... but he was a Starfleet captain.  He had to be diplomatic.  Only a twitch in his eye gave any indication that he reacted to the taunt.

"How about we show each other some professional courtesy, Gul Sherem. You have already broken a couple of treaties merely with your actions. And you are risking open war with the Federation..." he stated, looking behind the old Cardassian to see Jem'Hadar.

"But I'm guessing that is what your intention is, isn't it?  Bait the Federation into attacking Cardassia?  But why?"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Old Man Sherem turned and noticed Nurse Nural. At the mention, he scowled.

"Ah. Nural. The suck-up who always hid in his hole. Can never decide which side he can stay on...as far as I know..."

For the first time, Nira could see some uncertainty. The nurse's father must not have been worthy of attention. On the other hand, he mentioned earlier he was an expert on the Borg. She wondered just how much time he spent studying the Borg, even in exile.

Turning back to Tekin, Old Man Sherem's scowl further deepened. "To answer your comments, Bajoran," he replied scathingly - Nira wondered how much grief the Bajoran Resistance gave him during the Occupation - "I left my professional courtesy piece by piece back on Terok Nor, and your fellow ragtag renegades, no matter where or your relations were, took it a piece at a time, along with the dignity of many, from S.G. Dukat to Kotan Pa'Dar. The humiliation at Minos Korva was the last straw."

Nira thought she knew what he was talking about. Jael mentioned once to her that the Cardassians never accepted that the Bajoran Resistance had forced them out of Bajor; in Cardassian eyes, it was their failure to annex Minos Korva that prompted their withdrawal from Bajor. Then again, if the old man was a former Obsidian Order agent, perhaps it rankled most to him that there were too many enemies to deal with personally, either by torture or enslavement, as was typical of Cardassian officers during the Occupation.

"And open war with the Federation?" Old Man Sherem let out a mirthless bark of a laugh. "The war with the Federation never ended. At least to me, to my colleagues, and to my friends in the Dominion still here in the Alpha Quadrant."

Nira perked up, and the surprise she felt around around her was utterly nuclear, her empathy felt so much heat of surprise, she was surprised not to feel singed. The reaction certainly didn't look to be unnoticed to the old man.

"What, did you think all the Dominion forces withdrew back to the Gamma Quadrant?" he said with a chuckle, the kind that made Nira think of a deep purr of a lion or a tiger. "Many remained. Many are still here. I speak not for my government; my Cardassia is gone. Why bait the Federation into attacking Cardassia just because I personally attack them? You don't know piracy when you see it."

"Is piracy also an excuse for savage behavior like what you display?" snapped Nira. "A gul would have to know proper decorum, as any good officer would."

"Girl, I'm no more an exile than that fool Elim Garak," growled the old man. "The difference between him and me is our respective levels of aggression."

Nira kept her peace and looked at Captain Galloway. The only reason they were still talking is to give the trading fleet time to get away, and hopefully, Admiral Gillespie will have gotten the call for help.

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Legacy NCC-75001-B]

Gillespie was pacing amidst arrivals around AR-558 when his Ops officer spoke up: "Admiral, we're getting an encrypted tight-beam signal from the Challenger."

Gillespie raised an eyebrow in such a way that he resembled the eponymous Vulcan of "The Laughing Vulcan and His Dog" but with more years and less laughter and definitely no dog or pointed ears. "Soonds like those pirates are potentially going to be more trouble than we thought. What's this aboot?"

When he got the details, he blanched so much, he could've looked chiseled out of Antarctic ice. "Melek Nor? Most of Convoy PQ17 is destroyed? Swaet Jaezz..." He stopped his curse before completing. "Old Man Sherem is going to smack them doon like swatting a fly with a B'rel."

Naturally, as a member of Starfleet Security and often a go-betweener with Starfleet Intelligence, he knew about Nehor Sherem, his affiliation, status and, most especially, Melek Nor and his enhancements to the station.

"Ops, what are the closest ships to Challenger, Discovery and Intrepid's positions that are en roote to AR-558?" Gillespie asked.

"Without slipstream? Four ships: Vixen, Shamshir, Magellan and Lich-Lord. With slipstream, the Davis and the Bonchune. Oh, and sir, a small formation of Inquiries have just come maximum range: The Imprint, the Xerox and the Duplicant."

Gillespie rolled his eyes. Three more ships from the "cookie-cutter" fleet? Those ships were potential fodder to push the Mirandas aside. And he strongly suspected the ship called the "Shamshir" was a Saber-class starship; almost every Saber-class has been given blade names. But most of the latter were powerhouses, and the Lich-Lord was yet another Akira torpedo boat.

"Divert them to the Challenger's, Discovery's and Intrepid's positions," Gillespie ordered. "The sooner they reinforce that lot, the better. We ken how much upgraded Nor platforms can hand [spoiler]arses [/spoiler]back to attackers in torpedo coffins."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar



:: USS Challenger | Bridge ::

When Kyan stepped out of the lift, the first thing he noticed was the Cardassian grup on screen, blathering on about what was likely some master plan or other nonesense. That Galloway had it muted and was issuing orders struck the Onlie as both ironic and funny. He wished there was a way he could make use of that tactic when the grup was in front of him.

Having no desire to interrupt the Captain, Kyan went to the tactical station and put the equipment down for the Caitian. "Here ye are mate. Dat Vulcan was after me givin ye this. I'll be back here on the other Tactical station if ye need me."

Kyan then turned back toward the auxilliary console and noticed that there was a girl sitting in the chair next to it... at science. She looked to be a bit younger than himself. "An Onlie?" he wondered, taking the seat at tactical. He pushed the button on the side of the chair, raising it to it's full height, which took his feet off the deck by a few inches, drawing them up into the chair, Kyan assumed a cross legged posture and keyed in his access code. He stole a glance over at the girl. who was busy scanning or whatever science types did. She looked like an Onlie. Moved like one too.

"Hey." He called over. Then when she looked. "Merry Met. I'm Kyan."

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Hello Sir!", Myne saluted. "My name is Myne of Miri. I take it your an Only like me Sir?", Mynes smile went from ear to ear. She was still balancing on her knees in the chair to reach up higher as she suddenly eeeeeped when the chair spun 360 degrees before she was completely back around and she could grab ahold of the side panel.

Myne giggled once the initial shock of the spin got resolved before she continued to scan for further data. She hoped that her data could help Lieutenant Randell. Looking back to the Only, "Faith and confidence Big Brother! I've been enslaved by enough species and I am not going to add Cardassian to it! We will do wonderful, we have a great Captain and a good crew!" She knew none of this, but she would be the shining beacon of morale whenever possible and had faith in the command. Her smile was big and her soft grey eyes twinkling, she would not give up! Nothing would defeat her! The chair started turning again.. except maybe this chair!

Female Only

Kina Nural

Quote from: Nira Said on April 26, 2023, 11:58:59 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Old Man Sherem turned and noticed Nurse Nural. At the mention, he scowled.

"Ah. Nural. The suck-up who always hid in his hole. Can never decide which side he can stay on...as far as I know..."

For the first time, Nira could see some uncertainty. The nurse's father must not have been worthy of attention. On the other hand, he mentioned earlier he was an expert on the Borg. She wondered just how much time he spent studying the Borg, even in exile.

Turning back to Tekin, Old Man Sherem's scowl further deepened. "To answer your comments, Bajoran," he replied scathingly - Nira wondered how much grief the Bajoran Resistance gave him during the Occupation - "I left my professional courtesy piece by piece back on Terok Nor, and your fellow ragtag renegades, no matter where or your relations were, took it a piece at a time, along with the dignity of many, from S.G. Dukat to Kotan Pa'Dar. The humiliation at Minos Korva was the last straw."

Nira thought she knew what he was talking about. Jael mentioned once to her that the Cardassians never accepted that the Bajoran Resistance had forced them out of Bajor; in Cardassian eyes, it was their failure to annex Minos Korva that prompted their withdrawal from Bajor. Then again, if the old man was a former Obsidian Order agent, perhaps it rankled most to him that there were too many enemies to deal with personally, either by torture or enslavement, as was typical of Cardassian officers during the Occupation.

"And open war with the Federation?" Old Man Sherem let out a mirthless bark of a laugh. "The war with the Federation never ended. At least to me, to my colleagues, and to my friends in the Dominion still here in the Alpha Quadrant."

Nira perked up, and the surprise she felt around around her was utterly nuclear, her empathy felt so much heat of surprise, she was surprised not to feel singed. The reaction certainly didn't look to be unnoticed to the old man.

"What, did you think all the Dominion forces withdrew back to the Gamma Quadrant?" he said with a chuckle, the kind that made Nira think of a deep purr of a lion or a tiger. "Many remained. Many are still here. I speak not for my government; my Cardassia is gone. Why bait the Federation into attacking Cardassia just because I personally attack them? You don't know piracy when you see it."

"Is piracy also an excuse for savage behavior like what you display?" snapped Nira. "A gul would have to know proper decorum, as any good officer would."

"Girl, I'm no more an exile than that fool Elim Garak," growled the old man. "The difference between him and me is our respective levels of aggression."

Nira kept her peace and looked at Captain Galloway. The only reason they were still talking is to give the trading fleet time to get away, and hopefully, Admiral Gillespie will have gotten the call for help.

[Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Legacy NCC-75001-B]

Gillespie was pacing amidst arrivals around AR-558 when his Ops officer spoke up: "Admiral, we're getting an encrypted tight-beam signal from the Challenger."

Gillespie raised an eyebrow in such a way that he resembled the eponymous Vulcan of "The Laughing Vulcan and His Dog" but with more years and less laughter and definitely no dog or pointed ears. "Soonds like those pirates are potentially going to be more trouble than we thought. What's this aboot?"

When he got the details, he blanched so much, he could've looked chiseled out of Antarctic ice. "Melek Nor? Most of Convoy PQ17 is destroyed? Swaet Jaezz..." He stopped his curse before completing. "Old Man Sherem is going to smack them doon like swatting a fly with a B'rel."

Naturally, as a member of Starfleet Security and often a go-betweener with Starfleet Intelligence, he knew about Nehor Sherem, his affiliation, status and, most especially, Melek Nor and his enhancements to the station.

"Ops, what are the closest ships to Challenger, Discovery and Intrepid's positions that are en roote to AR-558?" Gillespie asked.

"Without slipstream? Four ships: Vixen, Shamshir, Magellan and Lich-Lord. With slipstream, the Davis and the Bonchune. Oh, and sir, a small formation of Inquiries have just come maximum range: The Imprint, the Xerox and the Duplicant."

Gillespie rolled his eyes. Three more ships from the "cookie-cutter" fleet? Those ships were potential fodder to push the Mirandas aside. And he strongly suspected the ship called the "Shamshir" was a Saber-class starship; almost every Saber-class has been given blade names. But most of the latter were powerhouses, and the Lich-Lord was yet another Akira torpedo boat.

"Divert them to the Challenger's, Discovery's and Intrepid's positions," Gillespie ordered. "The sooner they reinforce that lot, the better. We ken how much upgraded Nor platforms can hand [spoiler]arses [/spoiler]back to attackers in torpedo coffins."

[Bridge / USS Challenger]
Kina forced herself to smile. Sherem was one of those stuck in the old ways, the old Cardassia. But her home changed from the war, it was different, better. He wanted to return Cardassia back to a Dominion stronghold, and she would first break her oath and kill every single Jem'hadar with him than let Cardassia go back to the way it was.

She looked at him and kept her calm. "œThat's rather humorous, because from what I am seeing, my father is the only one not talking in insanities. However given the company you're currently keeping, one would have to assume you are." She gripped the PADD tight, anger was flowing through her. She was ready to snap, and when he spoke down to a hero, it happened.

Kina's eyes and voice became hard as she glared at Sherem. "œElim Garak is more of a Cardassian than you will ever be. And my father stood up against the Dominion when our people attacked Rodman III. My father proved his loyalty to our people. As well as every Cardassian who died freeing us. And you stand there with the same"¦..things that killed our people. You are no Cardassian."

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 5 - Airlock]

Lahr waited in dread for the barrage of weapons fire to make mincemeat out of the hobbled ship, but the moment came and went.  The Andorian wondered what conversations were being had on the bridge at that moment.  Was the Captain cussing out and insulting the enemy in taunt like he so often did with the Romulan commander, Thelal?

Lahr would have never thought he'd miss hearing someone called a 'git' before.

The Andorian leaned back against the airlock door and pondered how it was he ever ended up an engineer.   It was so dull - until it wasn't. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: myne on April 25, 2023, 02:28:04 PM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Ensign was bracing on her knees in the chair as she worked on the science panel doing the scans. Hearing the request she then hit a few buttons she raised up on her feet in the chair balancing to hit the buttons on the top of the panel. Lowering back to a safe spot the Only smiled. Rather than saying aloud with the Cardasian in earshot the girl skipped along as if being casual should the Cardasian see her and raised on tiptoes to whisper to Lieutenant Randell. If she did attract the man's attention it would possibly be thought of as a child playing and telling secrets to a parent the Only hoped. Some of the games the older kids had played on Kirk called 'Foolies'.

"Sir. Bottom segment on the underside of the station has a large saucer-like object at coordinates Above this is a cylinder holding it to the bottom of the station surrounded by six energy transfer pylons. The Transwarp core is there, surrounded by the pylons. If three pylons can be destroyed or the main generator in the saucer nodule disabled the drain from the transwarp core would need more emergency power the station has to function with the normal reactor hampered. Doing this should leave the life support but seriously hamper the station. A resonance pulse set to alternate every six milliseconds should pierce any Borg shielding."

She then giggled cutely as she lowered back down to finish the ruse before skipping back to her station to get back in the chair raised up on her knees.

[Bridge - USS Challenger - Lieutenant Evan Randell]

Randell was about to chastise the new ensign for her behavior, but as she whispered her findings, he held his rebuke in check as the information more than compensated for her actions. He nodded to her and whispered a quick "Good work Ensign." Before sending the data on the station in a coded burst transmission to the Discovery's hulls and the Intrepid. If they could disable the station's transwarp, then the convoy could escape.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 26, 2023, 11:58:59 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Old Man Sherem turned and noticed Nurse Nural. At the mention, he scowled.

"Ah. Nural. The suck-up who always hid in his hole. Can never decide which side he can stay on...as far as I know..."

For the first time, Nira could see some uncertainty. The nurse's father must not have been worthy of attention. On the other hand, he mentioned earlier he was an expert on the Borg. She wondered just how much time he spent studying the Borg, even in exile.

Turning back to Tekin, Old Man Sherem's scowl further deepened. "To answer your comments, Bajoran," he replied scathingly - Nira wondered how much grief the Bajoran Resistance gave him during the Occupation - "I left my professional courtesy piece by piece back on Terok Nor, and your fellow ragtag renegades, no matter where or your relations were, took it a piece at a time, along with the dignity of many, from S.G. Dukat to Kotan Pa'Dar. The humiliation at Minos Korva was the last straw."

Nira thought she knew what he was talking about. Jael mentioned once to her that the Cardassians never accepted that the Bajoran Resistance had forced them out of Bajor; in Cardassian eyes, it was their failure to annex Minos Korva that prompted their withdrawal from Bajor. Then again, if the old man was a former Obsidian Order agent, perhaps it rankled most to him that there were too many enemies to deal with personally, either by torture or enslavement, as was typical of Cardassian officers during the Occupation.

"And open war with the Federation?" Old Man Sherem let out a mirthless bark of a laugh. "The war with the Federation never ended. At least to me, to my colleagues, and to my friends in the Dominion still here in the Alpha Quadrant."

Nira perked up, and the surprise she felt around around her was utterly nuclear, her empathy felt so much heat of surprise, she was surprised not to feel singed. The reaction certainly didn't look to be unnoticed to the old man.

"What, did you think all the Dominion forces withdrew back to the Gamma Quadrant?" he said with a chuckle, the kind that made Nira think of a deep purr of a lion or a tiger. "Many remained. Many are still here. I speak not for my government; my Cardassia is gone. Why bait the Federation into attacking Cardassia just because I personally attack them? You don't know piracy when you see it."

"Is piracy also an excuse for savage behavior like what you display?" snapped Nira. "A gul would have to know proper decorum, as any good officer would."

"Girl, I'm no more an exile than that fool Elim Garak," growled the old man. "The difference between him and me is our respective levels of aggression."

Nira kept her peace and looked at Captain Galloway. The only reason they were still talking is to give the trading fleet time to get away, and hopefully, Admiral Gillespie will have gotten the call for help.

Quote from: Kina Nural on April 27, 2023, 01:16:24 AM

[Bridge / USS Challenger]
Kina forced herself to smile. Sherem was one of those stuck in the old ways, the old Cardassia. But her home changed from the war, it was different, better. He wanted to return Cardassia back to a Dominion stronghold, and she would first break her oath and kill every single Jem'hadar with him than let Cardassia go back to the way it was.

She looked at him and kept her calm. "œThat's rather humorous, because from what I am seeing, my father is the only one not talking in insanities. However given the company you're currently keeping, one would have to assume you are." She gripped the PADD tight, anger was flowing through her. She was ready to snap, and when he spoke down to a hero, it happened.

Kina's eyes and voice became hard as she glared at Sherem. "œElim Garak is more of a Cardassian than you will ever be. And my father stood up against the Dominion when our people attacked Rodman III. My father proved his loyalty to our people. As well as every Cardassian who died freeing us. And you stand there with the same"¦..things that killed our people. You are no Cardassian."

[Bridge - USS Challenger - Captain Ian Galloway]

Ian watched his bridge devolve into chaos as the children danced and an ensign, without leave, got into a shouting match with a Cardassian with delusions of grandeur even grander than usual.

"I believe the term my Gaffer used ta use was 'It's Bedlam in here.'"

He thought as he forced himself to hold his tongue. If the situation were in any way different, he'd have intervened by now to stop this nonsense. Ensign's didn't skip on a Starfleet bridge and they damn sure didn't intrude on a conversation between ship commanders without permission.

However, these actions, along with Tekin's extended dialog, were keeping Sherem from firing or pursuing the freighters. While Gillespie had signaled that reinforcements were on the way, at the moment, if the station opened fire, the Discoverenger would have to fight a holding action long enough for the freighters to scatter.

"We'll likely go down like the HMS Rawalpindi or HMS Jarvis Bay, but it will be a braw fight if'n it comes ta that. Should we survive, I will be talkin' ta both Ensign Myne and Ensign Nural about what is appropriate on a Starfleet bridge."

He fumed internally as he waited for the word to fire.

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: myne on April 27, 2023, 12:04:42 AM

"Hello Sir!", Myne saluted. "My name is Myne of Miri. I take it your an Only like me Sir?", Mynes smile went from ear to ear. She was still balancing on her knees in the chair to reach up higher as she suddenly eeeeeped when the chair spun 360 degrees before she was completely back around and she could grab ahold of the side panel.

Kyan's eyes widened. He hadn't seen another Onlie in person since leaving his homeworld with the Mackenzies in 2271. He'd heard about them. Seen holovids of some of them, but never been in the same room as one. For the first time in a very long time he wasn't the only Onlie. He wasn't alone. Sure there had been the Mackenzies, and then the Ferengi and his crew, and finally Starfleet. And with the exception of his first decade or so in Starfleet, he'd managed to make friends. But they were mostly grups. Even the kids he'd met and befriended. Eventually, they became grups. And then they died.

But this one wouldn't. Yeah, she was a girl... and a blue shirt girl at that, but she was an Onlie. And from what he could see, a nice one. It took a few moments for him to realize that she had spoken and probably expected a reply. He was about to give one, which likely would have been clumbsy when she lost control of her chair.

Quote from: myne on April 27, 2023, 12:04:42 AM

Myne giggled once the initial shock of the spin got resolved before she continued to scan for further data. She hoped that her data could help Lieutenant Randell. Looking back to the Only, "Faith and confidence Big Brother! I've been enslaved by enough species and I am not going to add Cardassian to it! We will do wonderful, we have a great Captain and a good crew!"

There was alot to unpack here. He had questions. Had she been home recently? How was the planet? If not, where had she been? Had she had aventures? A family? Of course if she had they were likely dead... unless she got a new one. So maybe save that line of questions for another time. But wait... enslaved? by several species? His green eyes darkened at that, remembering his own recent captivity. He'd crossed off one name on the list but there were more. Did she have a list too? Maybe he could help her cross some names off, and she him. But she didn't look like a fighter. Of course, to most grups neither did he.

His thoughts were interrupted by the Cardassian blue shirt giving the Gul on the screen a proper talking to. He grinned hearing her go off. If Galloway was anything like a typical captain, she'd catch hell for it. He always did. But good on her anyways!

But then he came back to Myne, who was still having trouble with the chair.

"Umm..." he croaked, his voice not working... which was weird. He finally decided that action was preferable to speaking. He turned his own chair to the side and hopped off it. Crossing the short distance to her chair, he went to a knee and found the rotation control lever. He aimed the chair at her console and locked it. Then he raised the chair to it's full height before standing. "They dinnae really make these for us." he said finally.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 27, 2023, 09:23:14 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran stood there, defiantly, not speaking and not reacting.  The same defiant stance that many of his people held in the latter days of the Occupation; when the tides had turned.  He took the hits in stride, not even reacting to his own people speaking.  He was just letting the Cardassian coil the rope he was using to hang himself.

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, Sheram.  Dukat failed to learn that lesson and it cost him his life. You are presently on that same path." he stated, standing at rest as he spoke quietly and carefully.

"As you have stated you are unaffiliated with Cardassia, I no longer have to treat you as a representative of Cardassia.  Which means you are forfeited any and all rights afforded to rogue military elements.  Both the Federation and the new Cardassia have strict laws in regard to pirates.  So I will afford you the opportunity once to leave this system and turn yourself in to Cardassia.  Otherwise, we will be forced to act in defense.  And trust me when I say that Discovery is no mere rebel ship." he said, allowing just that one hint of acid in his voice.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could hear the change in tone in his former captain's voice and knew things were about to happen and happen quickly. He muted the channel and quietly began issuing orders.

"The time for antics is over, especially from ensigns. Tactical, load the aft photons, fused for proximity burst. Your objective is ta obscure the sensors of that station. Bring phasers ta ready. Your target for them are those energy transfer pylons at the bottom of the station. Ops, point of impact shields ta full. Engineerin', have EVA teams ready ta sever the towin' cables should this plan go south."

With orders given, he waited for the moment Tekin said to fire or Sherem broke off and he just didn't see Sherem breaking off.

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 28, 2023, 09:58:44 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could hear the change in tone in his former captain's voice and knew things were about to happen and happen quickly. He muted the channel and quietly began issuing orders.

"The time for antics is over, especially from ensigns. Tactical, load the aft photons, fused for proximity burst. Your objective is ta obscure the sensors of that station. Bring phasers ta ready. Your target for them are those energy transfer pylons at the bottom of the station. Ops, point of impact shields ta full. Engineerin', have EVA teams ready ta sever the towin' cables should this plan go south."

With orders given, he waited for the moment Tekin said to fire or Sherem broke off and he just didn't see Sherem breaking off.

[Bridge | USS Challenger]

Buck glanced over at T'Prith, not wanting to be overbearing and hogging their station as it were a collaborative effort between all parties. Be it that things had devolved slightly on the bridge and there were multiple things which were running straight over his head - all up to the fact that their Captain began to rein them in, calling in the magical word of 'Ops' which caught his ear and his attention. "Aye sir, P.O.I shields turned to full." As he said it, his hands did, turning up the shields and their capability up to its full measure. It would take a beat of a moment to see the progress of the shields power up. They certainly would be in for a dog fight if Buck was along the same lines that the rest of the bridge was heading.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 5 - Airlock]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 28, 2023, 09:58:44 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could hear the change in tone in his former captain's voice and knew things were about to happen and happen quickly. He muted the channel and quietly began issuing orders.

"The time for antics is over, especially from ensigns. Tactical, load the aft photons, fused for proximity burst. Your objective is ta obscure the sensors of that station. Bring phasers ta ready. Your target for them are those energy transfer pylons at the bottom of the station. Ops, point of impact shields ta full. Engineerin', have EVA teams ready ta sever the towin' cables should this plan go south."

With orders given, he waited for the moment Tekin said to fire or Sherem broke off and he just didn't see Sherem breaking off.

Inside his helmet, the Andorian's antennae leaned forward in a slight show of anticipation, when Lieutenant Commander Tharn forwarded the Captain's message to him and the other EVA team members.  He just heard one glaring omission in the Captain's preparations.

While a quick sever of the cables would certainly remove the exchange of the ablative shielding... but there was still the computer cores which were connected to one another via a hardline running through the lower airlocks.   Did Discovery or Challenger have someone assigned to uncouple those at a moments notice?

Did he dare interrupt Commander Tharn to double check?  The Andorian wasn't the Commander's favorite engineer... more the opposite.   But Lahr would rather get told off for reminding the Commander of something that they already had planned for than having both computer cores be damaged if the sharing was suddenly cut without proper uncoupling.

=/\= "ch'Verret to Cmdr Tharn.  You might want to check with Ops to be sure they remembered our computer core is hardlined with that of the Discovery's Beta Hull. Don't wanna be 'separating' without that being dealt with first.  Just sayin'..." =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 28, 2023, 05:26:47 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 5 - Airlock]

Inside his helmet, the Andorian's antennae leaned forward in a slight show of anticipation, when Lieutenant Commander Tharn forwarded the Captain's message to him and the other EVA team members.  He just heard one glaring omission in the Captain's preparations.

While a quick sever of the cables would certainly remove the exchange of the ablative shielding... but there was still the computer cores which were connected to one another via a hardline running through the lower airlocks.   Did Discovery or Challenger have someone assigned to uncouple those at a moments notice?

Did he dare interrupt Commander Tharn to double check?  The Andorian wasn't the Commander's favorite engineer... more the opposite.   But Lahr would rather get told off for reminding the Commander of something that they already had planned for than having both computer cores be damaged if the sharing was suddenly cut without proper uncoupling.

=/\= "ch'Verret to Cmdr Tharn.  You might want to check with Ops to be sure they remembered our computer core is hardlined with that of the Discovery's Beta Hull. Don't wanna be 'separating' without that being dealt with first.  Just sayin'..." =/\=

[Engineering - USS Challenger - Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn]

Tharn heard her problem child and grunted. He wasn't wrong, but she wouldn't admit that to him. Instead, she sent a text only message to Ops.

"Engineering to Ops. Ensure you have personnel stationed at airlock 5 to remove ODN cables if emergency separation becomes necessary."



[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There was alot to unpack here. He had questions. Had she been home recently? How was the planet? If not, where had she been? Had she had aventures? A family? Of course if she had they were likely dead... unless she got a new one. So maybe save that line of questions for another time. But wait... enslaved? by several species? His green eyes darkened at that, remembering his own recent captivity. He'd crossed off one name on the list but there were more. Did she have a list too? Maybe he could help her cross some names off, and she him. But she didn't look like a fighter. Of course, to most grups neither did he.

His thoughts were interrupted by the Cardassian blue shirt giving the Gul on the screen a proper talking to. He grinned hearing her go off. If Galloway was anything like a typical captain, she'd catch hell for it. He always did. But good on her anyways!

But then he came back to Myne, who was still having trouble with the chair.

"Umm..." he croaked, his voice not working... which was weird. He finally decided that action was preferable to speaking. He turned his own chair to the side and hopped off it. Crossing the short distance to her chair, he went to a knee and found the rotation control lever. He aimed the chair at her console and locked it. Then he raised the chair to it's full height before standing. "They dinnae really make these for us." he said finally.

The Only boy helped her, settled her, and locked the chair. "My hero...", she said with a smile as he vanquished the evil chair. She was saved! 'An Only on board with her..', she thought as her heart went aflutter with the thoughts of no longer fearing everyone she speaks to dying. She would definitely want to have a snack with him or ask him a few questions... but this had to wait. We are officers and have our jobs to do! But all the questions she had for him were forming into nice lists for when there was time... all the time in the universe.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could hear the change in tone in his former captain's voice and knew things were about to happen and happen quickly. He muted the channel and quietly began issuing orders.

"The time for antics is over, especially from ensigns. Tactical, load the aft photons, fused for proximity burst. Your objective is ta obscure the sensors of that station. Bring phasers ta ready. Your target for them are those energy transfer pylons at the bottom of the station. Ops, point of impact shields ta full. Engineerin', have EVA teams ready ta sever the towin' cables should this plan go south."

With orders given, he waited for the moment Tekin said to fire or Sherem broke off and he just didn't see Sherem breaking off.

Myne hunkered down at the console holding to the chair with her fingers digging in. She went and messed it right up it seems. Day one on the bridge and she would be lucky if she would be allowed back on the bridge after this. If the Cardassian had seen her and she announced the findings he would have prepared. She was trying to do right and be useful. But she was now second guessing herself. A bit of the universes grissle... but she would look on the bright side of life and remember not to whistle on the bridge. This brought her a smile and she continued her scans. But hearing the Captains order and noting the muted channel, "Three will sufice to make the power drain be too much for the station, if you do more then three it might hamper life support."
Female Only

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: myne on April 24, 2023, 10:43:21 PM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Not on the ship two hours and it was already in conflict. Her jonah status seemed to be the case even in the new setting. No matter she thought, she would hurry as fast as her little legs could take her to the bridge. To think the bridge on day one! She didn't know if it was a lack of officers or if a confidence in her record but the moment Lieutenant Evan Randell ordered her to the bridge a bright smile crossed her face. Using her small size, the same as a seven year old human child she weaved and waved threw the other officers in the corridors before into the turbolift.

"Main Bridge please!", she said with a smile. No need for please but why not be nice?

Once the doors opened she smiled from ear to ear stepping out but announced herself, "Ensign Myne, Science. Lieutenant Randell said you needed a science officer. Where am I needed?" She expected the jokes to come but she would smile and do whatever she could to help.

While Zhukdra'shar remained with his attention focused upon the console, his left ear flicked as he heard the voice of a child apparently claiming to be an Ensign. He turned around to confirm this, surprise visible on his face as he didn't expect an actual tyke to come within the Bridge. Immediately, he turned towards her, seriously: "Apologies, little girl, but I must petition for you to abandon the premises at once. We are caught within a very delicate situation"
Quote from: Nira Said on April 25, 2023, 10:11:44 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around in surprise to see a child enter the bridge in a uniform. Well, she looked like a child. Still, one can't judge a book by its cover.

"Man Science 3 by Lieutenant Savar, Ensign."
Hearing out the ideas of Captain Galloway and Commander tr'Lhoell, Nira nodded in pondering. With all that firepower, a flashbang of sorts can be another way to divert their attention to give the trading fleet time to get away.

Seeing Zhuk standing by at T'Kel's side, Nira said, "Wait for our command, but be ready to launch and detonate some photons per the Captain's specifications."

Tapping her comm badge, she called tr'Lhoell: "Commander tr'Lhoell, our tactical officer is standing by..."

Just then, Ops called that they're receiving a hail. Putting it up, it was clear Challenger was sharing with Discovery a transmission sent from the station. The image showed a gruff Cardassian, but it was clear he was a Dominion sympathizer, judging from the Jem'Hadar in the background along with his Cardassian henchmen.

"Captains. Allow me to introduce myself," Nehor drawled. "I am Gul Sherem, director of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. At least, until my office was liquidated by some upstarts under the thumb of that traitor Damar. And this...this is my masterpiece, Melek Nor. The only mobile station you will ever find. I'm sure your sensors will have noticed Borg signatures here. No, I am no Borg King, I just love the implementation of Borg technology."

Nira perked up. Gul Sherem...? Suddenly, it dawned on Nira: They were talking to Jael's father. He had the same eyes as Jael, though they looked cold enough to induce a Pluto-level chill. His little boast prompted Nira to look at Savar and Myne at Science before looking back.

But getting over her initial shock, she realized that they'll have the time they need to divert the station's attention to not just allow the trading fleet to get away, but was prepared to surprise them with their flashbangs.

Old man Sherem continued speaking and, at the same time, mocking the other ships. "I admit, I was surprised to see a simple formation. And I suppose you were expecting less. I expect no less than a tickle, especially you two hugging it out."

The Cardassians around him laughed; the Jem'Hadar, being bred professional soldiers, did not.

"At least Daddy is separate from the rest of the herd, am I right, Bajoran," added the old man, looking particularly at Tekin. Nira cringed a little; the way he said "Bajoran" at Tekin, he was saying it so scathingly it was like the name "Bajoran" was on par with a derogatory insult. On the other hand, he looked old enough to be a veteran of the Bajoran Occupation. She looked at Captain Galloway with a little worry in her face.

However, he was quite surprised to overhear Lieutenant Commander Said instructing the kid to man the Science console alongside with Savar. He frowned slightly at that, but he indeed noticed after a more proper inspection, that she had a Science Ensign outfit. He decided to not say anything, going back to his console, as Nira asked him to wait for further instructions, and prepare himself.

He nodded, getting ready to send in the photons, until...

A gruff-looking Cardassian, who revealed himself as Gul Sherem, hailed the ship, explaining that the station, whom he referred to as 'Melek Nor', wasn't of Borg origin, but rather, only employed some kind of Borg technology. And perhaps more worryingly, it was his pet project. His frown focused now on him, getting ready for any and all indication for Zhuk to send the payload.

Quote from: myne on April 25, 2023, 10:33:12 AM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Yes Ma'am!", Myne smiled cheerfully and knew not to question and was quickly hurrying to the science station weaving about with small 'excuses me's' as she passed the different bridge crew deciding to use the fastest most direct route with her small frame. Then the science station, her first impression to make and she hoped she would not make a bad one.

She was a bit short so she turned the chair backwards and got on her knees in the chair and began her scans. She did a scan of the trading fleet then as she heard the Cardassian speak she made a bit of a face. Not a bad one but a cross between a pout and a fuss.

"I spent a year in the collective. Scanning Melek Nor now to identify possible Borg elements.", Myne spoke up loud enough to be heard but her loud voice sounded like a child wanting the adults attention. Base scans would cover the station, Cardassian make typical of most Nor stations. But she was focused on the Borg elements. The power frequencies were similar to the one's she saw as a engineering drone before being rescued.

"Sir, it appears to be Melek Nor has a Borg Transwarp Core supplimenting as a energy reactor. Center Mass is the only area big enough for proper use. I would assume Borg weaponry would be suplimenting the standard loadout so be ready Sir. Shall I pinpoint the exact location or is there other scans I may do?", Myne smiled feeling useful as she balanced on her knees on the chair.

He was quite surprised though, to overhear the technicalities being spoken about the technology being used within the station, by no one else but the literal child that had walked into the Bridge. It vexed him how she could be so knowledgeable. Was she a genius of some kind? He surely didn't knew of anyone like that back in the Academy. Didn't matter, he supposed.

As the Captain asked to make time by stalling Gul Sherem, Zhuk wondered if he should attempt to trick him with a theatre play, using the knowledge about Cardassia that he had. He decided against it, though, worrying that his act might be too convincing, or unexpected, rather. That could cause chaos within the cabin, and make things worse. Instead, he limited himself to overhearing more technical jargon accompanied by 'cute' conduct carried out by the new Science Ensign.

He found it more than obnoxious, but again, spoke not of it.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 26, 2023, 05:13:06 PM

:: Armory | USS Challenger ::

Kyan had barely had time to drop his duffel bag in his quarters... his shared quarters, which would take some getting used to again, before a Vulcan's voice had come over his com badge.

"All Security report to the Armory for weapons issue." the Vulcan had ordered in his boring monotone. He'd have to see if ole pointy ears could make a recording to use if he had problems getting to sleep. In the meantime, he'd come to the armory and been given a pair of hand phasers and one of the new F.E.D.S. gauntlets.

The Forearm Energy Dispersal Shield was the brainchild of someone at Starfleet Security. It worked pretty well but wasn't as good against disruptor style weapons as it was against Federation beam weapons. And it only covered a small area, about the size of a dinner platter. For some of the larger species, it was good enough to protect your face... if you held your arm in the right position. For someone Kyan's size, it worked better, but fitting was an issue. He was happy to see that the second issue had been addressed at least. It fit snug on his forearm when he put it on and pressed the lock button. Another addition was the activation switch. Instead of a button, now all one had to do to activate it was make a fist. He tested it a few times, watching the blue disc materialize and disappear.

"Mister Mackenzie." The Vulcan's monotone interrupted his testing out the new tech. "Please take a F.E.D.S. and a phaser to Lieutenant Mrekrerhas on the bridge, and coordinate tactical duties with him."

"Aye Aye boss." Kyan answered, taking the equipment.

:: USS Challenger | Bridge ::

When Kyan stepped out of the lift, the first thing he noticed was the Cardassiab grup on screen, blathering on about what was likely some master plan or other nonesense. That Galloway had it muted and was issuing orders struck the Onlie as both ironic and funny. He wished there was a way he could make use of that tactic when the grup was in front of him.

Having no desire to interrupt the Captain, Kyan went to the tactical station and put the equipment down for the Caitian. "Here ye are mate. Dat Vulcan was after me givin ye this. I'll be back here on the other Tactical station if ye need me."

Kyan then turned back toward the auxilliary console and noticed that there was a girl sitting in the chair next to it... at science. She looked to be a bit younger than himself. "An Onlie?" he wondered, taking the seat at tactical. He pushed the button on the side of the chair, raising it to it's full height, which took his feet off the deck by a few inches, drawing them up into the chair, Kyan assumed a cross legged posture and keyed in his access code. He stole a glance over at the girl. who was busy scanning or whatever science types did. She looked like an Onlie. Moved like one too.

"Hey." He called over. Then when she looked. "Merry Met. I'm Kyan."

Going back to his console, as any action was delayed in order to contact Admiral Gillespie, he jumped up slightly as he found but another child offering him two pieces of equipment. He blinked a couple times, but then nodded, taking the gauntlet and the phaser, "I... appreciate it." He sheathed the phaser, his attention focusing mainly on the F.E.D.S., inspecting it with rapt interest as he realized what it was. Soon, he had donned it on his left forearm, making sure it was properly adjusted before going back to his duties. A small smirk was plastered on his face now, really finding the piece to be quite fitting for him. In his humble opinion.
Quote from: Nira Said on April 26, 2023, 11:58:59 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Old Man Sherem turned and noticed Nurse Nural. At the mention, he scowled.

"Ah. Nural. The suck-up who always hid in his hole. Can never decide which side he can stay on...as far as I know..."

For the first time, Nira could see some uncertainty. The nurse's father must not have been worthy of attention. On the other hand, he mentioned earlier he was an expert on the Borg. She wondered just how much time he spent studying the Borg, even in exile.

Turning back to Tekin, Old Man Sherem's scowl further deepened. "To answer your comments, Bajoran," he replied scathingly - Nira wondered how much grief the Bajoran Resistance gave him during the Occupation - "I left my professional courtesy piece by piece back on Terok Nor, and your fellow ragtag renegades, no matter where or your relations were, took it a piece at a time, along with the dignity of many, from S.G. Dukat to Kotan Pa'Dar. The humiliation at Minos Korva was the last straw."

Nira thought she knew what he was talking about. Jael mentioned once to her that the Cardassians never accepted that the Bajoran Resistance had forced them out of Bajor; in Cardassian eyes, it was their failure to annex Minos Korva that prompted their withdrawal from Bajor. Then again, if the old man was a former Obsidian Order agent, perhaps it rankled most to him that there were too many enemies to deal with personally, either by torture or enslavement, as was typical of Cardassian officers during the Occupation.

"And open war with the Federation?" Old Man Sherem let out a mirthless bark of a laugh. "The war with the Federation never ended. At least to me, to my colleagues, and to my friends in the Dominion still here in the Alpha Quadrant."

Nira perked up, and the surprise she felt around around her was utterly nuclear, her empathy felt so much heat of surprise, she was surprised not to feel singed. The reaction certainly didn't look to be unnoticed to the old man.

"What, did you think all the Dominion forces withdrew back to the Gamma Quadrant?" he said with a chuckle, the kind that made Nira think of a deep purr of a lion or a tiger. "Many remained. Many are still here. I speak not for my government; my Cardassia is gone. Why bait the Federation into attacking Cardassia just because I personally attack them? You don't know piracy when you see it."

"Is piracy also an excuse for savage behavior like what you display?" snapped Nira. "A gul would have to know proper decorum, as any good officer would."

"Girl, I'm no more an exile than that fool Elim Garak," growled the old man. "The difference between him and me is our respective levels of aggression."

Nira kept her peace and looked at Captain Galloway. The only reason they were still talking is to give the trading fleet time to get away, and hopefully, Admiral Gillespie will have gotten the call for help.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 28, 2023, 09:58:44 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could hear the change in tone in his former captain's voice and knew things were about to happen and happen quickly. He muted the channel and quietly began issuing orders.

"The time for antics is over, especially from ensigns. Tactical, load the aft photons, fused for proximity burst. Your objective is ta obscure the sensors of that station. Bring phasers ta ready. Your target for them are those energy transfer pylons at the bottom of the station. Ops, point of impact shields ta full. Engineerin', have EVA teams ready ta sever the towin' cables should this plan go south."

With orders given, he waited for the moment Tekin said to fire or Sherem broke off and he just didn't see Sherem breaking off.

Once more, Gul Sherem decided to monologue. He couldn't believe what he was saying, and the smile that had been plastered on him dissapeared. Was he truly this derranged to believe that the war hadn't ended, and that Cardassia and the Dominion had not lost? Simply astounding.

Things seemed more tumultous than usual within the Bridge, that with the two apparent younglings discussing it amongst themselves, Kira's outburst towards Sherem, amongst other things. However, his senses were honed, and he quickly managed to identify the Captain's call to action. "At once!"

He readied the aft photons, making sure to aim towards all of the sensors that the Tactical console could detect, while also preparing the the phasers in order to eliminate the pilons at the bottom. His fingers flew through the buttons and the screens as he did, eyes darting from side to side as he did his best to do everything in both record time, and well. Mistakes could be dangerous, after all.

"Weapons locked and loaded, Captain Galloway. I am ready to fire at them at your command."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.