S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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Buck McNair

[USS Challenger -  Officer quarters >> Deck 5 - Airlock]

The promotion had been a grand affair and Buck had found himself smiling, enjoying the look of surprise on Lieutenant Commander (now Commander) Said's face as she was brought front and center of the crew. For one thing, the Challenger had gone through a lot even in the short tenure that Buck had been on board the ship and Nira had been a monumental pillar in the bridge crew. He had clapped and cheered along with the rest of the crew and went about congratulating their new commander.

That was then when the orders were given that those on non-essential duties were released on 48 hours shore leave. Buck, momentarily, stood at his station before giving a look at T'Prith and Commander Catalan, wondering if either of them would be following suit. He knew he was only a shout on the comms away from needing to be back and he was able to be sensible - Buck hoped - when it came to holding his drink. For a while, he contemplated the offer before being released from his station as he changed and thought about DS9 - a new experience for him and a couple of the crew; and it made him wonder whether the others on the bridge had the same sense of awe that he experienced knowing that they were there right now.

=/\= McNair to Lahr, receiving. I'm en route to you now. Be with you shortly  =/\=

He navigated his way, looking and observing what was different on DS9 than the rest of the stations he had been on; apart from the fact that it was so far flung in deep space.

[Airlock >>> DS9 >>> Quark's]

The noise was loud and the atmosphere was vibrant in Quark's. No doubt that there would be some Ferengi hustlers looking to take whatever they could get off the new weary travelers. Something that he had been told not to trust a Ferengi - or something along those lines as he peered through the crowd trying to spot the Andorian and or other friendly faces that he would recognise.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on May 04, 2023, 12:27:02 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Ready Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had to admit that everybody performed admirably. Zhuk's handling of the ship's arsenal certainly brought back memories of her own time at Tactical. For Nurse Nural, Nira had to admit, she could tell how incensed she was by the insults Old Man Sherem gave out. Feeling was mutual, she could understand, but she planned on having a talk with her later.

The news from the Intrepid certainly wasn't good. Nira made a note to check in with Medical as well as Engineering to see how things will be. Chances are, they're both going to be busy. Just then, Ops called to inform them that Admiral Gillespie was calling for a report from each of the ships, starting with Challenger and Discovery.

"Looks like we're informing him sooner than later."

Once she and Ian were connected with Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell, the call from the Admiral came in.

"Report, yeh two pairs," he said gruffly.

Nira proceeded first, and they all explained what had happened in the engagement with Melek Nor, and that it was responsible for the attack on the trading fleet.

"Bullocks," Gillespie hissed when the reports were finished. "This is even more serious than realized. It's one thing for Cardassian pirates, but if that old man is openly attacking around the borders of this side of the Federation, it's looking very serious. He's gone from making like it's attacks from Tzenkethi raiders and Orion pirates...well, I'll have't fill yeh in on the details when we get to Deep Space Nine."

"Admiral?" asked Nira curiously.

"We dinnae ken enough...currently," said the admiral. "Then again, what with things going on around here, hopefully Admiral Kira will have more information."

"And hopefully we'll have more ships handy," added Nira.

"Count on it," said Gillespie. "We're going to be expecting. Still, the Xerox gone...and the Intrepid, well...its systems were being wee dodgy lately, most of the Pathfinder-classes have been. The Intrepid's been due for a spot in the mothball fleet anyway; the new Intrepid, Duderstadt-class specifically, it's due for launch in a fortnight. Still, Starfleet will understand the slow arrival; I'm going to assign the Samshir to tow the Intrepid to Tellar and await decommissioning. The rest of yeh, yeh know what to do."

Nira looked at Ian; naturally, they knew what to do. Clean up, heal up, return to the fleet, and then await the next slipstream jump to Deep Space Nine.

"We certainly do," she said. "Am I right, Captain?"

"Well, good to hear, yeh lot," said Gillespie. "Once we get there, I especially expect yeh to meet me at the station's Operations Center, assuming..."

But he stopped himself in time, but not before leaving a sense of curiosity.

"Assuming what?" asked Nira.

"Like I said, when we get there," said Gillespie.

Zhukdra'shar took a moment to bask in the afterglow of his victory, making sure to remain in the console, lest a nasty surprise was waiting for them. He kept an ear out for Admiral Gillespie's orders as the call connected. The sensors didn't report a trace of the mobile fortress, nor any attempts to ambush the weakened ships that laid around where once the station stood.

He could only suppose that they had indeed managed to escape. So, he decided to fill in a report in his PADD, while the ship prepared to head over to Deep Space 9. Terok Nor, he once had heard it was called when under Cardassian rule. He wondered what would transpire once they got there, if he was honest. But he was quite curious to see the station with his very own eyes.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 04, 2023, 12:27:02 AM


First Officer's Log, Stardate 78151.18. The return to the initial fleet was uneventful and repairs were made in time. The Samshir has towed the Intrepid to Tellar for decommissioning, and with the destruction of the Xerox, that's three ships down. Well, four, as the Davis has taken over escorting the Tarkalia Triangle fleet for further protection, and hopefully the sight of a huge ship like that will dissuade any further pirates. Unfortunately, we haven't heard the last of Gul Sherem and his Borg-rigged platform, and I dread the potential of having to face him again.

Hopefully we can coordinate with Lieutenant Jael Sherem from over on Discovery to determine what is known about her father we don't. Admiral Gillespie has informed us that there will be more answers at Deep Space Nine. Which implies something is happening around the station's neck of the woods, if not this side of the Federation.

We've dropped out of slipstream just a lightyear away per Admiral Gillespie's order, which is understandable, seeing as we don't want to scare the station with the arrival of a slipstream-towed fleet. It's totally fine, this means we'll be in for a sight when we arrive.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Upon word of closing in, Nira requested, "On screen."

And there it was. The only way they knew they haven't seen Melek Nor again was the glowing aperture off in the distance that the proximity to the station was famous for: The Bajoran Wormhole, or as the Bajorans called it, the Celestial Temple.

"We've made it," said Nira. "Shore leave, of course...well, I can't say how much that's being anticipated, especially after we went through at Ferenginar."
Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Much to his glee, he indeed got to see the station in all its glory, as Lieutenant Commander Nira asked for it to be displayed on the console. His mouth fell agape at how mighty it was, though his attention soon turned over towards the wormhole that accompanied it on the distance. He had never seen such a celestial body like that. He was utterly taken aback by it. He wondered, what would it be to cross it? To feel what it is at the other side?

His mind became a perfect place for his imagination to run wild, up until they got closer, and he managed to shake himself off that trance he was in, as he listened to Captain Galloway's orders to head over to Cargo Bay if they were in no critical duty. Deciding that it was appropriate for him to head over, he moved over to the elevator and descended to Deck 15.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 04, 2023, 10:31:49 AM

[Bridge --> Cargo Bay One - USS Challenger]

After the second Battle of AR 558, events had occurred quickly. After lending as much assistance as possible to the crippled USS Intrepid, the Challenger reconnected to the Discovery and rode the short 20 minute Slipstream to the vicinity of Deep Space Nine. During the regular warp speed trip for that last light year to the station and the Bajorian system, Ian finally got some good news and immediately activated shipwide communications.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. If'n you are nae occupied with critical duties, I want everyone available ta muster in cargo bay one in 20 minutes. That is all." =/\=

At the appointed time, Ian entered the cargo bay, with Nira one pace behind and one step to the left of him as prescribed in the Starfleet Drill and Ceremonies manual. Given there were over 500 crew on the Challenger, there wasn't a single space on the ship large enough for the entire crew, but thanks to the tireless work of the chief petty officers of the various departments, 150 crewmen were waiting when Ian and Nira entered.

Ian took a position at the center of the formation as Lieutenant Commander T'Kel called out.

"Attention to orders!"

All present snapped to the position of attention and Ian called out.

"Lieutenant Commander Nira Said. Front and center!"

As soon as she was in place, T'Kel began to read from a PADD.

"To all who shall read these presents, greetings. It is with great honor that Starfleet Command hereby, based on her tireless and superior service, announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said to Commander with all the rights and privileges associated with her new position. Signed, Hamish Gillespie. Admiral. Starfleet Command."

Ian then removed the hollow pip on Nira's collar and replaced it with a third solid pip of her new rank and beamed.

"Congratulations Commander. Well and truly deserved. The floor is yours."

Ian then stepped back and added.

"How about a big round of applause!"

And the compartment thundered in response.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Cargo Bay #1 | Deck 15 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

While he was expecting a rousing speech, or maybe, some important, key aspects of their mission to be disclosed within the Cargo Bay, he was more than surprised to come across a ceremony instead. And of none other than Lieutenant Commander Said was getting promoted, and into Commander. He smiled and clapped after the third solid pip to signify her rank was placed on by the Captain.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 05, 2023, 03:26:48 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger --> Ops - Deep Space Nine]

After all the docking approvals were granted, Challenger found herself attached to upper pylon three of the Nor-Class space station. Once the docking clamps were secure and the ship's umbilicals were connected. Ian could relax, well, allow the crew to relax.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain speaking. Forty-eight hours of shore leave is granted per the direction of the department heads. However, based on the uncertain nature of the threat level in the area, all hands will be subject to recall at any time. Enjoy the time off, you have earned it. That is all." =/\=

Ian closed the comm on the command chair and turned the bridge over to Lieutenant Adelle Booker of Ops and headed for the turbolift. He headed to the airlock and the station's turbolift for transport to Ops. On arrival, he joined the other ship's commanders for a briefing regarding why they'd been sent to the station in the first place.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 06, 2023, 12:00:10 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger -  NCO quarters >> Deck 5 - Airlock]

Lahr's sonic shower was quick.  Though it got the job done to get him clean, it lacked that 'feel' of a proper water shower.  Unfortunately, with Ruth off ship, Lahr no longer had unlimited access to that luxury.  He felt twinge of guilt at missing the luxuries almost as much as he missed his girlfriend.

But his guilt was assuaged by the knowledge that Ruth was that bubbly effervescent type of person who could make champagne from a pile of rotting grapes.   She was probably having the time of her life teaching at the Academy - invited to speak at whatever conference of the day.

Maybe he should have gone along, been the eye-candy boyfriend who escorted her to all the VIP functions that former Captains' got invited to.  But the offer to join her while at the Academy had come shortly after she brought up the idea of marriage.   Lahr got spooked, feeling suddenly trapped their relationship.  A relationship that made him happy, with a woman he loved - but still a trap.

Stepping out of the sonic shower, Lahr listened to the recorded message on his commbadge of the Captain giving everyone 48 hrs shore leave.  YES!  Time to hit up Quarks!

The Andorian quickly dressed into something casual and then hurried his way back to that damn airlock on Deck 5 - which now connected the ship to Upper Pylon of the Station.  As per protocol, he had his commbadge on him and he used it to see if he could coordinate a group to hang with.

He first tried is usual gang from Sec/Tac - Burke, Gnald and the others.. but it seemed their team got tapped with being the 'skeleton security' on the ship.  That was disappointing but Lahr new others to hang with.

=/\= ch'Verret to Litt, Mrekrerhas, McNair.  I'm headed to the  Quarks for a drink, grab a few of your buddies and let's see what it takes to be too rowdy for a Ferengi bar." =/\=  He laughed.

=/\= "I'll meet you there!" =/\=

Lahr was half way to the airlock when he paused, he'd invited his friends from Sec/Tac, and his friends from his time spent on the Bridge at Ops... but he'd neglected his current workmates in Engineering.   The Andorian's antennae flicked a moment before he called up the EVA team he'd just spent 8 hrs with and even his department Chief to invited them along as well.  Their responses were half hearted so he doubted they would show but he'd made the attempt anyways.

(OOC next post will be on the Featured Mission thread)
Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Another pleasant surprise came his way as the ship was allowed to dock on the station, with the Captain informing them that all had been granted 48 hours of downtime. Zhuk cherished the opportunity, as he decided to head right in to explore the station, heading first to what he had overheard, was the Promenade, following a couple of Security folk towards the area.

A common area, with many ammenities like stores and restaurants, was what he came to observe within. He got to meandering all by his lonesome for a while, wondering if he mayhaps could find a way to buy a souvenir or two to bring back to his room within the USS Challenger. However, something else brought his attention as he overheard a call coming through his commbadge. From none other than his buddy, Lahr.

=/\= "Acknowledged. I shalt head there shortly." =/\= He beamed, as he wondered where 'Quarks' was. He swore he saw a sign before, but it would take him a moment to find it. Also, he wondered whomst to invite. Lahr was his best friend, with Chloe second. But placing those two together was a recipe for disaster, and he didn't want to lose favor within any of them. So, he decided to go on his lonesome, as while he thought of a few people of Security to ring up, he wasn't confident they would accept the invitation.

Quote from: Buck McNair on May 07, 2023, 04:46:30 AM

[USS Challenger -  Officer quarters >> Deck 5 - Airlock]

The promotion had been a grand affair and Buck had found himself smiling, enjoying the look of surprise on Lieutenant Commander (now Commander) Said's face as she was brought front and center of the crew. For one thing, the Challenger had gone through a lot even in the short tenure that Buck had been on board the ship and Nira had been a monumental pillar in the bridge crew. He had clapped and cheered along with the rest of the crew and went about congratulating their new commander.

That was then when the orders were given that those on non-essential duties were released on 48 hours shore leave. Buck, momentarily, stood at his station before giving a look at T'Prith and Commander Catalan, wondering if either of them would be following suit. He knew he was only a shout on the comms away from needing to be back and he was able to be sensible - Buck hoped - when it came to holding his drink. For a while, he contemplated the offer before being released from his station as he changed and thought about DS9 - a new experience for him and a couple of the crew; and it made him wonder whether the others on the bridge had the same sense of awe that he experienced knowing that they were there right now.

=/\= McNair to Lahr, receiving. I'm en route to you now. Be with you shortly  =/\=

He navigated his way, looking and observing what was different on DS9 than the rest of the stations he had been on; apart from the fact that it was so far flung in deep space.

[Airlock >>> DS9 >>> Quark's]

The noise was loud and the atmosphere was vibrant in Quark's. No doubt that there would be some Ferengi hustlers looking to take whatever they could get off the new weary travelers. Something that he had been told not to trust a Ferengi - or something along those lines as he peered through the crowd trying to spot the Andorian and or other friendly faces that he would recognise.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

While it took him a while, he eventually came towards McNair as he entered within the bar, holding up a hand as he seemingly looked around for his fellow Federation officers. With him, things would be easier to assess now.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

[Holodeck One --> Cetacean Lab - USS Challenger]

Ian exited Kunming China with a broad smile on his face. It was clearly counterintuitive to take so much enjoyment from flying such a primitive machine in a situation where others were actively shooting at you, even if only simulated. However, for him, being in the cockpit of a P-40 was flying at it's most elemental form. No computers, no assistance, no shields, nothing but his own skill versus the other pilot. He really didn't have the words to describe the exhilaration he felt every time he entered this long forgotten world.

He headed back to his quarters and changed to his swimming trunks before heading for Deck 8 to meet the four most important women in his life. Jess of course, she'd only recently started joining him in the Cetacean Lab. And the three Cetaceans in question, Sarah, Miriam and Ruth.

Jess was already in the tank when he arrived and when they looked up, the four of them burst into laughter and Ian immediately knew they were laughing about him.

"Girl talk?"

He asked as he slipped into the tank.

"What else?"

Jess replied with a deeply mischievous grin.

Sighing and pleading for strength, Ian simply began to sluice through the water, ignoring how, despite the complete difference in species, the four females could communicate at a level he would never understand.

"Captain, if you are supposed to on 'shore leave', why haven't actually left the ship?" Miriam asked.

"Oh hush Miriam, let the man-fish have fun." Sarah replied and splashed Ian.

"I would like to know why as well." Ruth asked as she twirled around Jess.

"Well, if I was off the ship, how could I possibly spend time with you lovely ladies?"

"Nice evasion Ian. Answer the question." Jess said in a mockingly stern tone.

"Short answer is, if I'm around, how are the crew goin' ta have any fun? I want them ta enjoy their time and as I have more than enough interests ta occupy my time, I'd rather let the mice think the cat is away. Now, less talk, more swim."

With that, Ian found himself driven underwater as all four women splashed him with a wall of water causing him to burst back out of the water, sputtering and laughing at the chance to really relax, if only for a minute.

Lina Knight

[USS Challenger - science lab]

Lina Night would be at her work area studying samples, and taking notes. Minding her own curiosities and research whilst the others were off on a mission. She loved to study things and learn more about anything and everything she could, unfortunately this had the common occurrence of making her come off as antisocial or absentminded. It's not that she minded, the less people bugged her the more she could learn.

                   Female half-Caitian

Kyan Mackenzie


Her hands slipped up to take out the pigtails. Pigtails were for good pretty things. She was not. So her hair drapped down.

She failed. She disapointed her Captain. Now her room mate Kyan would have to go all alone. If anything happened to him.

So the hitting became harder. "Bad dumb stupid thing...", she said aloud but not too loud.

:: Deep Space 9 | Outside the Wardroom ::

For the past fifty years, not accounting for the occasional break in service for various reasons. Kyan had been in Starfleet. He'd been in countless engagements, both space combat and personal combat. He'd fought the Cardassians, the Dominion, and even the Borg. He'd had injuries ranging from scrapes and bruises to broken bones, even some that would have killed him had the grups not gotten to him in time. But he signed up for that. And despite all the rules, and fat admirals always busting his chops, he liked being in Starfleet. Not just for the chance to have adventures and be in on the battles, but because sometimes it felt like a home. And some of the people felt like a family.

He'd only known Melly for a few days. She was already his family, and would have been even if they weren't in Starfleet. It was mostly because she was an Onlie, like him. Even having never met before, they had that most important detail in common. To Kyan, it was more than enough. The girl was his sister now. And that was that. But it also meant that he had a responsibility to her now. He was both older, and he'd been in Starfleet much longer. So he'd look out for her and make sure she was ok.

But as it turned out, she wasn't ok. Melly was the exact opposite of ok. She was broken. She had probably been able to fool the grups at the academy, which wasn't too hard. After all, it was a lot of boring classroom instruction and schoolwork. But now that she was out on her own, things weren't so easy. Kyan couldn't remember that last time he'd seen someone in such a state. He didn't know anything about how to fix people who were like her.

When Melly started hitting herself, Kyan reached out, grabbing her and pinning her arms to her sides, hugging the girl to him. "œIt'll be ok." He offered, not knowing if that were true or not. "œWe'll go see the blue shirts. Sure and they can help." He worked one hand free and tapped his com badge. =/\= Mackenzie to Challenger. Two to transport to sickbay. =/\=

Seconds later the familiar tingle of the transporter started and he closed his eyes. When he re-opened them after the sequence was finished, he saw the inside of Challenger's sickbay. Tamping down the foreboding that he always felt whenever he went to sickbay, the Onlie carried/dragged Melly toward a bed. "œShe needs help." He called out to whomever was running the show. She'd had a panic attack or something so."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 03, 2023, 06:36:26 AM

:: Deep Space 9 | Outside the Wardroom ::

For the past fifty years, not accounting for the occasional break in service for various reasons. Kyan had been in Starfleet. He'd been in countless engagements, both space combat and personal combat. He'd fought the Cardassians, the Dominion, and even the Borg. He'd had injuries ranging from scrapes and bruises to broken bones, even some that would have killed him had the grups not gotten to him in time. But he signed up for that. And despite all the rules, and fat admirals always busting his chops, he liked being in Starfleet. Not just for the chance to have adventures and be in on the battles, but because sometimes it felt like a home. And some of the people felt like a family.

He'd only known Melly for a few days. She was already his family, and would have been even if they weren't in Starfleet. It was mostly because she was an Onlie, like him. Even having never met before, they had that most important detail in common. To Kyan, it was more than enough. The girl was his sister now. And that was that. But it also meant that he had a responsibility to her now. He was both older, and he'd been in Starfleet much longer. So he'd look out for her and make sure she was ok.

But as it turned out, she wasn't ok. Melly was the exact opposite of ok. She was broken. She had probably been able to fool the grups at the academy, which wasn't too hard. After all, it was a lot of boring classroom instruction and schoolwork. But now that she was out on her own, things weren't so easy. Kyan couldn't remember that last time he'd seen someone in such a state. He didn't know anything about how to fix people who were like her.

When Melly started hitting herself, Kyan reached out, grabbing her and pinning her arms to her sides, hugging the girl to him. "œIt'll be ok." He offered, not knowing if that were true or not. "œWe'll go see the blue shirts. Sure and they can help." He worked one hand free and tapped his com badge. =/\= Mackenzie to Challenger. Two to transport to sickbay. =/\=

Seconds later the familiar tingle of the transporter started and he closed his eyes. When he re-opened them after the sequence was finished, he saw the inside of Challenger's sickbay. Tamping down the foreboding that he always felt whenever he went to sickbay, the Onlie carried/dragged Melly toward a bed. "œShe needs help." He called out to whomever was running the show. She'd had a panic attack or something so."

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Jessica Fellows, Chief Medical Officer happened to be on duty when Kyan and Melly entered sickbay. She listened to Kyan's report of what had transpired and had him guide the Onlie female onto a biobed.

"Thank you for the report Lieutenant, we'll take things from here."

She smiled warmly as she spoke before turning to her patient. The biobed's scans showed she was healthy aside from an elevated heart rate, which was to be expected after a panic attack. Knowing this situation was not technically a medical issue, Jess tapped her combadge.

=/\= "Fellows to Mills. I have a patient for you in sickbay." =/\=

=/\= "On my way." =/\=

Less than five minutes later, Lieutenant Gemma Mills, the Ship's Counselor entered sickbay. She listened to the patient's status and a recounting of the events that brought her here intently. Finally she nodded and thanked Jess for the report.

"Okay, Melly. I have just the person to talk to you. You've already met Evan, Doctor Buehler. Since you know him, I think he is best served to help you. Is that okay?"

Melly managed a small nod. Gemma knew Evan was on Deep Space Nine and rather than tapping her combadge, she typed out a note on her PADD.

Lieutenant Buehler,

I do not normally pass off cases to the MDs, but in this instance, I feel the patient would be more comfortable talking to you as you seem to have already developed a rapport, and recent developments have been tenuous.

-Lieutenant Gemma Mills
Ship Counselor

Satisfied with the message, she hit send. Gemma sat with Melly for comfort and would do so until Evan arrived. She was aware of the story of the Onlies, the tragic byproduct of a civilization that tried to advance their medical technology too far and ended up wiping out every adult on the planet. Their experiment turned out to be both a triumph and a catastrophe at the same time.

The 'Life Elongation Project' designed to reduce aging to one month every hundred years had a critical flaw. It killed anyone that had gone through or reached puberty. Thus while the young children's aging slowed to a crawl, it also paradoxically started a ticking time bomb inside the children. Centuries would pass for them, but once their bodies progressed as nature intended, the changes in their biochemistry reacted to the experiment and they died the same gruesome death every adult on the planet had experienced.

The surviving children adapted and figured out a way to create their own society and had done so for several hundred years before the original NCC1701 USS Enterprise discovered them and developed a 'cure' to prevent death on puberty allowing them to be properly educated and to find their place in the galaxy.

It was all so horribly tragic. And based on Melly's life after leaving 'Miri's World', the trauma stacked on trauma of this aged child was hard to comprehend. It was amazing she'd held out as long as she had. This was going to be a long complex recovery, but Gemma was confident in Doctor Buehler.

Ian Galloway


[Bridge - USS Challenger] - Two Days Later

Ian was on the bridge as the Challenger orbited Deep Space Nine, ready to depart on order. He was going over ship's status reports and was pleased. The time on the upper pylon had done wonders for the minor issues that needed to be addressed and even the perpetually unhappy Lieutenant Commander Tharn in Engineering seemed pleased.

Commander Said had the members of the away team, which included Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie, Lieutenant jg Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas, Ensign Kina Nural, Senior Chief Blackfeather, and Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr ch'Verret running drills on the holodeck. They were working on navigating a Nor-Class space station and how to sabotage same. There also a few surprised thrown in to make certain the away team at least had an idea of the things that could go wrong with their mission.

He signed off on the last of the status report and made a decision. The fact that things could go wrong before the away team even reached Sherem's base, it was going to be good to make certain the rest of the crew would be prepared for chaos too.

"Commander T'Kel, time ta act. You may start when you are ready."

"Acknowledged Captain."

The red alert klaxon sounded without warning.

=/\= "Red Alert. Battlestations. This is only a drill. All hands to Battlestations." =/\=

Ian had started a timer as soon as the klaxon sounded and was watching it closely to see how long it would take the crew to report ready.

Lina Knight

linas ears flicked as she heard the alert, whether or not it was real didn't matter, they always were to take these as though it was a real event as she scrambled to get to her designated place as she was told, doing her best not to panic

                   Female half-Caitian

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger banked hard to port and shuddered as disruptors peppered her starboard shields. Ian knew that, while not good, it would have been much worse had Lieutenant Espada at the helm had not avoided most of a barrage.

"Starboard shields at 60%"

T'Kel reported in her unflappable calm.

"We could be divin' into a star and nothing would change that."

Ian thought as he climbed back into the command chair, having been thrown free for the third time since the attack started. Three Gor-Taan Breen cruisers and a dozen Jem'Hadar fighters had swarmed in from multiple directions as they approached Sherem's station as they "pursued" the pirate Cloten.

Fortunately, the Challenger wasn't alone, Discovery had gone multi-vector when the attack started and despite the odds they were holding their own, the problem was how to reach the traitorous Cloten and rescue the away teams he was holding hostage as part of his betrayal. With so much fire crisscrossing space, it was impossible to drop shields long enough to beam them to safety and the sheer number of enemies was beginning to wear down even Challenger's impressive defenses.

"Captain, Cloten's ship is now inside Melek Nor's shields."

"Bloody hell." Ian growled. "Computer. End simulation. Fourth bloody time that little weasel has gotten away. We're goin' ta have ta come up with summat different because the obvious tactics are nae workin'."

Ian stood and paced the bridge, frustrated at the failure.

"Good simulation T'Kel, I see you trust this Cloten person about as much as I do. Betrayal needs ta be factored into the simulation. I just hope Nira is doin' the same in the holodeck. Okay, four runs is enough for now."

Ian moved to the command chair and activated the shipwide.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. Secure from red alert and battlestations, but be prepared for additional drills. Galloway out." =/\=

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 16 - Nacelle Personnel Transfer Conduit]

Lahr had pestered Lt Cmdr Tharn to the point that the Tellerite Chief Engineer had assigned him to maintenance of the warp nacelles.  It was thankless work, which sent him into the bowels of the ship.

Yet even here he couldn't escape...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 06, 2023, 04:41:34 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger] - Two Days Later

Ian was on the bridge as the Challenger orbited Deep Space Nine, ready to depart on order. He was going over ship's status reports and was pleased. The time on the upper pylon had done wonders for the minor issues that needed to be addressed and even the perpetually unhappy Lieutenant Commander Tharn in Engineering seemed pleased.

Commander Said had the members of the away team, which included Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie, Lieutenant jg Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas, Ensign Kina Nural, Senior Chief Blackfeather, and Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr ch'Verret running drills on the holodeck. They were working on navigating a Nor-Class space station and how to sabotage same. There also a few surprised thrown in to make certain the away team at least had an idea of the things that could go wrong with their mission.

He signed off on the last of the status report and made a decision. The fact that things could go wrong before the away team even reached Sherem's base, it was going to be good to make certain the rest of the crew would be prepared for chaos too.

"Commander T'Kel, time ta act. You may start when you are ready."

"Acknowledged Captain."

The red alert klaxon sounded without warning.

=/\= "Red Alert. Battlestations. This is only a drill. All hands to Battlestations." =/\=

Ian had started a timer as soon as the klaxon sounded and was watching it closely to see how long it would take the crew to report ready.

With his head and shoulders wedged into a crawlspace checking on the EPS flowrate, when the Red Alert klaxon sounded Lahr reacted swiftly to extract himself, and in his rush ended up bashing his head against the edge of the crawlspace.  It was only as his head came out fully that he heard clearly the Vulcan's monotone voice stating the Alert was a drill.   "Roozh!  A little warning would have been nice." he grumbled as he replaced the cover back on the crawlspace and gathered up his tools.

The petty officer engineer then jogged back along the conduit to meet up with his Damage Control Team.

He arrived at his station a sad four minutes after the initial Red Alert klaxon.

[several hours later]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 07, 2023, 11:13:58 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger banked hard to port and shuddered as disruptors peppered her starboard shields. Ian knew that, while not good, it would have been much worse had Lieutenant Espada at the helm had not avoided most of a barrage.

"Starboard shields at 60%"

T'Kel reported in her unflappable calm.

"We could be divin' into a star and nothing would change that."

Ian thought as he climbed back into the command chair, having been thrown free for the third time since the attack started. Three Gor-Taan Breen cruisers and a dozen Jem'Hadar fighters had swarmed in from multiple directions as they approached Sherem's station as they "pursued" the pirate Cloten.

Fortunately, the Challenger wasn't alone, Discovery had gone multi-vector when the attack started and despite the odds they were holding their own, the problem was how to reach the traitorous Cloten and rescue the away teams he was holding hostage as part of his betrayal. With so much fire crisscrossing space, it was impossible to drop shields long enough to beam them to safety and the sheer number of enemies was beginning to wear down even Challenger's impressive defenses.

"Captain, Cloten's ship is now inside Melek Nor's shields."

"Bloody hell." Ian growled. "Computer. End simulation. Fourth bloody time that little weasel has gotten away. We're goin' ta have ta come up with summat different because the obvious tactics are nae workin'."

Ian stood and paced the bridge, frustrated at the failure.

"Good simulation T'Kel, I see you trust this Cloten person about as much as I do. Betrayal needs ta be factored into the simulation. I just hope Nira is doin' the same in the holodeck. Okay, four runs is enough for now."

Ian moved to the command chair and activated the shipwide.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. Secure from red alert and battlestations, but be prepared for additional drills. Galloway out." =/\=

Over the course of the past four drills Lahr had managed to improve his arrival time to two minutes from the nacelles.  He'd earned a bit of a goose-egg from his initial knock to the head, and a few bruises along his arms when whoever was piloting the ship took maneuvers that the ship's inertial dampeners just were not strong enough for, throwing him against walls and whatnot.   Probably the Captain himself, Lahr groused silently as he bid  "Good work" to his team and began the task of returning tools and emergency equipment back to their appropriate storage space in prep for the next drill.

He thought about heading to Sickbay to have someone do something about his minor injuries but because he had built himself a reputation in the past while dating Chloe of being accident prone, the Andorian now went out of his way to avoid going there.   His injuries were not debilitating and would heal up well enough with just time. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Kyan Mackenzie

:: USS Challenger | Holodeck ::

As the snarling Orion bodyguard punched down at him, Kyan shifted most of his weight to his back foot and dodged by dropping into a crouch. As soon as the blow was past his head the Onlie brought his front foot back and shifted his weight again while grabbing the man's jacket with his right hand. While the bigger attacker sought balance after putting his whole weight into what would have been a knockout blow, Kyan leaped forward and used the bodyguard's jacket as an anchor, swinging himself behind him. From there, he grabbed the back of his collar, clambered up the man's back, and wrapped his legs around the torso to keep himself in place. Big green hands pawed frantically for his head to throw him off. The boy turned his head to the left and pressed his cheek between the Orion's broad shoulders.

Normally he'd have gone for hair at this point to manipulate the head easier. But the Orion, like most male Orions, was bald. Luckily, he had a metal yarmulke thing with a protrusion on the front side which was enough to get a good finger grip. Kyan reached behind him to the small of his back where he normally kept his karambit. Then he cursed this mission for the umpteenth time today.

The blade wasn't there.

As a prisoner, and the young son of Captain Ulysses Vaughn, he wasn't going to be carrying it. "Might as well go naked!" he thought as the Orion kept pawing at him. That's how he felt without the knife, or a phaser... slingshot... something! But it wasn't the first time he'd been without it in a scrape. Shifting his plan, he grabbed for the yarmulke thing and yanked it to the right. Then he threw his left arm up and around the Orion's neck. when he felt the trachea in the crook of his elbow, he let go with his right hand and found his left, locking his fingers. Then he locked in the blood choke. It wasn't as effective as it might have been if the Orion didn't have a huge neck, but eventually if Kyan could hang on, it would do the trick.

Unfortunately, the bodyguard had no intention of being put to sleep. He threw himself backwards onto the deck and his whole weight landed on Kyan, knocking out his air. Gasping to get it back, he let go of the man's neck and lay on the deck as the bulky Orion lifted himself off him. As he turned back to collect his prisoner, the program froze, then reset around him as the computer notified the away team of their failure.

"Simulation Failed." it intoned flatly. "Failure to meet mission parameters."

When he was able to get a breath, Kyan drew himself up into a sitting position and looked up at the rest of them. "Da computer... dinnae trust Deej either." he wheezed. "How many times has he turned on us the now?"

Ian Galloway


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian went over the results of the most recent battle drill. So far, reaction time had improved by 15%, which was very good. Unfortunately, thanks to T'Kel's diabolical scenarios, they had failed in their mission all four times. It seemed the Vulcan security chief had a knack for springing surprises. Even though Ian hated to lose, he sincerely hoped that Sherem and Cloten for that matter were not as smart as T'Kel. His PADD chimed and he paused his reflections to read the message.

Quote from: Buehler on June 07, 2023, 02:36:22 PM


Satisfied that his patient was physically safe for the moment, Evan stepped away to send the following:

Captain, an update on Ensign Myne. I recommend a standard 72 hour psychiatric hold, bit I see no reason she shouldn't be able to bounce back from this.

Lieutenant Evan Buehler, Ship doctor

Ian felt a pang of sympathy for the young, not young ensign. He typed a quick reply.

"Understood. Proceed in whatever manner you deem necessary. However, it is advised that your patient be referred to as Ensign Melly Pwllgwyngyll goin' forward."

Finished with his review of the drill data. He tapped his combadge.

"Galloway ta Said. How are your simulations goin'."



M'nia entered the holodeck. "Hi, I was just informed about being included on the mission so what's the scoop? what do you need me to do?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Nira Said

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 08, 2023, 10:31:47 AM

:: USS Challenger | Holodeck ::

As the snarling Orion bodyguard punched down at him, Kyan shifted most of his weight to his back foot and dodged by dropping into a crouch. As soon as the blow was past his head the Onlie brought his front foot back and shifted his weight again while grabbing the man's jacket with his right hand. While the bigger attacker sought balance after putting his whole weight into what would have been a knockout blow, Kyan leaped forward and used the bodyguard's jacket as an anchor, swinging himself behind him. From there, he grabbed the back of his collar, clambered up the man's back, and wrapped his legs around the torso to keep himself in place. Big green hands pawed frantically for his head to throw him off. The boy turned his head to the left and pressed his cheek between the Orion's broad shoulders.

Normally he'd have gone for hair at this point to manipulate the head easier. But the Orion, like most male Orions, was bald. Luckily, he had a metal yarmulke thing with a protrusion on the front side which was enough to get a good finger grip. Kyan reached behind him to the small of his back where he normally kept his karambit. Then he cursed this mission for the umpteenth time today.

The blade wasn't there.

As a prisoner, and the young son of Captain Ulysses Vaughn, he wasn't going to be carrying it. "Might as well go naked!" he thought as the Orion kept pawing at him. That's how he felt without the knife, or a phaser... slingshot... something! But it wasn't the first time he'd been without it in a scrape. Shifting his plan, he grabbed for the yarmulke thing and yanked it to the right. Then he threw his left arm up and around the Orion's neck. when he felt the trachea in the crook of his elbow, he let go with his right hand and found his left, locking his fingers. Then he locked in the blood choke. It wasn't as effective as it might have been if the Orion didn't have a huge neck, but eventually if Kyan could hang on, it would do the trick.

Unfortunately, the bodyguard had no intention of being put to sleep. He threw himself backwards onto the deck and his whole weight landed on Kyan, knocking out his air. Gasping to get it back, he let go of the man's neck and lay on the deck as the bulky Orion lifted himself off him. As he turned back to collect his prisoner, the program froze, then reset around him as the computer notified the away team of their failure.

"Simulation Failed." it intoned flatly. "Failure to meet mission parameters."

When he was able to get a breath, Kyan drew himself up into a sitting position and looked up at the rest of them. "Da computer... dinnae trust Deej either." he wheezed. "How many times has he turned on us the now?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 08, 2023, 10:37:00 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian went over the results of the most recent battle drill. So far, reaction time had improved by 15%, which was very good. Unfortunately, thanks to T'Kel's diabolical scenarios, they had failed in their mission all four times. It seemed the Vulcan security chief had a knack for springing surprises. Even though Ian hated to lose, he sincerely hoped that Sherem and Cloten for that matter were not as smart as T'Kel. His PADD chimed and he paused his reflections to read the message.

Ian felt a pang of sympathy for the young, not young ensign. He typed a quick reply.

"Understood. Proceed in whatever manner you deem necessary. However, it is advised that your patient be referred to as Ensign Melly Pwllgwyngyll goin' forward."

Finished with his review of the drill data. He tapped his combadge.

"Galloway ta Said. How are your simulations goin'."

Quote from: M'Nia on June 08, 2023, 05:29:50 PM

M'nia entered the holodeck. "Hi, I was just informed about being included on the mission so what's the scoop? what do you need me to do?"

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck Two | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"This. Isn't. Working."

Nira sighed in disgruntlement. "Allah's sake, I'm wondering if we even know damn well enough. We only know the layout because of our walking around Deep Space Nine. We don't know enough. And I get that even the computer doesn't trust us, either, Mister Mackenzie," added Nira, "but where the hell did the Orion come from? Besides, it's us in Breen suits who are supposed to be escorting you, not Orions. Plus our Caitian 'ambassador.'"

Since returning to the station, they began to conduct their drills. At first, they've decided on the sneak-aboard tactic. No matter what they're trying, it wasn't working. The idea of having to beam onto Cloten's ship at the right time just didn't look practical to Nira.

Hearing the Captain call in, she replied, "Not an honest-to-Allah good thing. Whatever you're practicing, Captain, it's even worse down here. I don't think the idea of beaming aboard Cloten's ship at the right time will work. Besides, I'm starting to wonder if we should just have a far advance notice and just wait on Cloten's ship. I mean, the materials he's providing is coming from it. For all we know, he has some accommodation reservations for us. Let's see about hauling his furry [spoiler]ass [/spoiler]over aboard and talk things over with him later. I think we should consider practicing our routes in the areas of the station."

Nira turned at the sound of a voice and saw Ensign M'Nia enter. She had to admit, looking closer at her, she looked gorgeous as far as Caitians look. The Caitian equal to Nira, perhaps.

"Excuse me a moment, Captain, our new teammember has arrived," she said, then disconnected.

"Welcome, Ensign," said Nira. "So, the plan is, your role is to play a fellow prisoner alongside Mister Mackenzie, playing the part of the son of the commanding officer of Deep Space Nine. You, Ensign, are going to portray a Caitian ambassador, or somebody in the Caitian inner circle who would have information on Starfleet that will get the attention of the Breen and their pirate friends. Computer, mission PADD."

The last she had instructed the holodeck to conjure up, and she handed it to M'Nia.

"This PADD is a simulation of the information you'll be carrying," Nira explained. "Inside are details of fleet movements on this side of the Federation border. In actuality, not only are the fleet movements fake, the files inside the PADD will also have malware hidden in its data designed to connect to Melek Nor's database, then will link to our own ships to be uploaded. Additionally, it will also be carrying a Cascade Virus that will be primed to take down their computers when the time is right. The First Officer of the Discovery will also be carrying a similar PADD that he'll be taking with him into the Breen station he and his team will be infiltrating, a copy of your 'information,' as it were."

This was what Nira had in mind as she was thinking things over just after returning to Challenger, but before starting the simulations. She had passed on messages to Captain Galloway and to Captain Tekin and Commander tr'Lhoell on the idea, as well as to confer with their Chief Engineers on creating that device and compressing it into a PADD.

Nira looked around at her forming team so far. At least the Breen suits those designated to be disguised in were all holographic. Also, their support from DS9 still haven't arrived yet.

Then again, they probably don't have to join in, not when they have the station layout memorized, Nira thought to herself.

Beckoning for Zhuk to come over, Nira said, "This is Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, or Zhuk for short. He'll be playing a sort of mercenary who's the 'brains' behind the 'plot,' and will have enlisted Breen mercenaries to help him and then to join with Deej Cloten in bringing them over to the base of Cardassian pirates, Melek Nor. And he'll have enlisted a lot of Breen mercenaries, at that."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on June 09, 2023, 12:08:25 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Holodeck Two | Deck Six | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"This. Isn't. Working."

Nira sighed in disgruntlement. "Allah's sake, I'm wondering if we even know damn well enough. We only know the layout because of our walking around Deep Space Nine. We don't know enough. And I get that even the computer doesn't trust us, either, Mister Mackenzie," added Nira, "but where the hell did the Orion come from? Besides, it's us in Breen suits who are supposed to be escorting you, not Orions. Plus our Caitian 'ambassador.'"

Since returning to the station, they began to conduct their drills. At first, they've decided on the sneak-aboard tactic. No matter what they're trying, it wasn't working. The idea of having to beam onto Cloten's ship at the right time just didn't look practical to Nira.

Hearing the Captain call in, she replied, "Not an honest-to-Allah good thing. Whatever you're practicing, Captain, it's even worse down here. I don't think the idea of beaming aboard Cloten's ship at the right time will work. Besides, I'm starting to wonder if we should just have a far advance notice and just wait on Cloten's ship. I mean, the materials he's providing is coming from it. For all we know, he has some accommodation reservations for us. Let's see about hauling his furry [spoiler]ass [/spoiler]over aboard and talk things over with him later. I think we should consider practicing our routes in the areas of the station."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian made a sour face at Nira's report of difficulties with the away team part of the mission. Everything about this mission felt off to him and the drills were not making him feel any better about how things would go when it was actually happening.

=/\= "Understood Commander. We'll each run through one more simulation and if'n things nae improve, were ta meet in the conference room ta come up with summat better than what we have now. Galloway out." =/\=

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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