S:5 E:16 - A Doomsday Like Any Other

Started by Ian Galloway, November 08, 2023, 11:37:52 AM

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Aarwendil Cheizex

[USS-Challenger/ Bridge]

With the senior officers going to the briefing room to discuss what they should do, Aarwendil and some other members of the crew remained behind. The young Betazoid continued doing the scanning that Catalan had started. Meanwhile, Nekab was still looking at the projected path of the Doomsday Machine toward Andgarr. When he got bored from it, he turned to look at one of the ship's windows.

Once the Ensign finished with what he was doing, he decided to leave the bridge. There wasn't anything else that he could do to help. Aarwendil yelped when he saw that the Romulan was still there looking at the all this time. "œWhy didn't you go rest?" he asked, making Nekab turn to look at him. "œIt's pretty late.

I was only seeing the space. Federation's ships have very large windows, it's as if you are closing with the outside." Nekab stared at outside for some time, they were still in warp speed, making the young Betazoid stay confused with what the Romulan found interesting in the emptiness.

It must be a Romulan or Vulcan thing.

Then, Nekab was back with his stoic face. "œI think that it's time for us to measure your hormonal levels." he gestured for Aarwendil to follow him. The Betazoid did it and the two remained in silence during the entire walk to the sickbay.

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 18, 2023, 03:52:03 PM

[Deck One, Bridge]

Taja simply nodded and made her way to the turbolift and back to sickbay. She was to worried about her brother's fate in Frontier Day to even consider sleeping. There were plenty of stimulants in sickbay, she could make good use of the time and begin scheduling in the crew's next round of physicals...

[Later that evening, Deck Seven, Sickbay]

Sickbay was quiet at this time of the day, with just a few remaining patients under observation from the previous mission's events. Taja was sat at a desk in a darkened corner scrolling through the ship personnel's medical records, anything to keep her mind from worrying. In a mug atop the desk was a concoction called 'Go-Juice', something she'd found in the replicator database. It tasted like pure sugar-caffeine and she could almost feel her teeth melting with each sip. But it was effective.

Taja sighed and rubbed her dry eyes, hopefully something would happen soon to keep her brain active. This was a far cry from the emergency room at her previous hospital on Risa, there was always something going on.

[USS-Challenger/ Deck Seven-Sickbay]

When the two arrived in the sickbay, Aarwendil immediately noticed that the Risian woman from early on the bridge was also there. "œPlease, sit in one of the beds." Nekab said, before going to pick a tricorder. The young Betazoid nervously smiled at the woman and waved at her. "œHi.

Betazoid, Male

Dr Taja Grippen

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 19, 2023, 12:28:03 PM

[USS-Challenger/ Deck Seven-Sickbay]

When the two arrived in the sickbay, Aarwendil immediately noticed that the Risian woman from early on the bridge was also there. "œPlease, sit in one of the beds." Nekab said, before going to pick a tricorder. The young Betazoid nervously smiled at the woman and waved at her. "œHi.

[Deck Seven, Sickbay]

Taja looked up from the terminal to see the ensign with the nice jawline from the bridge, she smiled at him. "Hello there, what brings you to sickbay?"

She then noticed the older Romulan in the background picking up one of her tricorders as if he owned the place. "Er excuse me, that's not yours, put that down."

She hadn't reached their part of the personnel files yet, so she still had no idea who this pair was and why there was a random-romulan following the ensign like a shadow.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 19, 2023, 02:08:20 PM

[Deck Seven, Sickbay]

Taja looked up from the terminal to see the ensign with the nice jawline from the bridge, she smiled at him. "Hello there, what brings you to sickbay?"

She then noticed the older Romulan in the background picking up one of her tricorders as if he owned the place. "Er excuse me, that's not yours, put that down."

She hadn't reached their part of the personnel files yet, so she still had no idea who this pair was and why there was a random-romulan following the ensign like a shadow.

[USS-Challenger/ Deck Seven-Sickbay]

Measuring my hormone levels." Aarwendil said, being a bit surprised about the Risian not knowing about his condition. Even if she was new, he thought that others would have told her about what had happened in their last mission. "œI got infected by some spores from insects that affected my hormonal system. I got an antidote, but now I'm going through some last exams.

Hearing the woman talk to him, Nekab turned to look at her. He was still holding the tricorde and showed no sign of dropping it. "œI received permission from the chief medical officer from this ship to use the equipment to evaluate the condition of Ensign Cheizex. Since my position as a specialist in medical entomologist allowed me to study the insect that was source of the spores and their effects, my presence here to help his recovery was deemed logical by Commander Said and my colleagues in the planet." he said with his stoic expression and neutral voice, making him look like a Vulcan.

He approached the Ensign, still holding the device. "œWhat is your name?" Aarwendil asked, being friendly with the Risian. "œI'm Aarwendil and this is Nekab.

Betazoid, Male

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 12 - Upper Engineering Support]

With the alert status rescinded, and other damage control teams already dealing with what repairs still remained, Lahr was told to return to Upper Engineering Support and watch the entire board until others finished up their emergency repairs and returned to their regular duties.

Being a backup watch area, it was unlikely anything would come up but it was times like this that the backups were important -just in case.

Lahr rubbed the exhaustion from eyes. He found that now that he was back on the ship rather than the trader vessel that his focus was waning.

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on November 18, 2023, 10:01:23 PM


Abas was continuing to wait in Sickbay when the response to his query came through. It seemed the Chief was indeed suffering further ill effects from his incomplete treatment. It also seemed the Doctors were irked by his self-discharge, but Abas couldn't help but agree with the man's actions. A guardsman's duty was at his post, regardless of what else was occurring. If he could still fight, he could still serve. To lounge in the medical bay being pampered served no purpose if it just meant others picking up the slack. But, he wasn't an officer. Those types of decisions were made far above his head.

Abas was vaguely aware of the conversation happening between the CMO and one of the new doctors but didn't pay it much mind. He did, however, note the specialties the officer espoused their knowledge of, in case it came up later. It was always good to know which fields different officers were subject matter experts in - you wouldn't go to an optometrist for a digestive issue, nor assign a trauma surgeon to handle a dental surgery. The right tool for the right job, and all that.

=/\= Understood, Chief. I'll bring the updated meds. =/\= he said in response, before taking a few sharp strides over to the medical cabinet and signing out a hypospray and the required dosage, cross-checking it with ch'Verret's medical records to get the dosage right. Placing the medication in a hard-sided medkit's extra storage capacity and sealing the case with a click, he turned to walk toward the door and exit.

[A short time later]

Only a few moments later, he emerged in the doorway of the room, walking over to a table and setting down the medkit as he cracked it open. He pulled out a hypospray of vertazine, and inserted the canister into the dispenser as he prepared the medication. "Chief, if you'll just come over here please?" he asked, gesturing vaguely to the area around where he was. "Any other symptoms? Anything else bothering you right now?"

Lahr was doing his rounds of the Upper Support area, checking each display regularly when the Aenar medic arrived and motioned him over.

"Took you long enough." He groused sourly.  "You're gonna have to come with me. I've been assigned to keep watch; and I ain't got a replacement to take over if I take a break.  Things are just too crazy-busy."  He was, of course, being facetious about how busy things were, but not about not having a replacement.

When asked about his symptoms, Lahr gave a slight shrug.

"No, just the headache, I think - and it's not that bad, as long as the intercom ain't blaring." he answered rubbing at eyes again.  Not having access to a mirror, the Andorian had no clue that his pupils were not dilating. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)



[USS Challenger  | Crew Quarters | Bridge]

[Crew quarters]
It was a loss. Replicating was a loss. It was a great idea. The man was lost in time, for he was working to solve a problem. The questions were popping up here and there. What was he missing? The dang thing was down 20% low. The machine was programmed to eat planets.

He was wondering where was this thing. Whoever made it had a purpose. Was the region it was from? Were the planets poisoning that area of space? Or was it a weapon to take out other planets? What economics of another world? What Birth rate in one where they were losing population and aging, and the other species was having babies but not poisoning their planet? He shook that off. That was something was not solving the problem as NOW!

The man could not sleep. His brain was ongoing. The man's eyes widen up, he sits up from bed, he quickly got his clothes on, and he realize he forgot to take a sonic shower. Ah, who cares? The man quickly ran went to the bridge.


The turbo lift opened, and he quickly barged in, "œCaptain, I got it!" he announced. Then he realized a detail. He went way over the Chief of Science on this. That will cost him. He came to the bridge when he was not on duty.

"œP-pardon my intrusion, sir"¦" he said. If the Captain were not seated in the captain's chair, he would adjust himself, say who the title of who was there. "œI was going the wrong way. Yea. Replicator was a genius idea but the power to do so and the resources was too much of a demand. But what if we can program it to "˜feel filled all the time.'" He smiled nervously to see what the captain or whoever was in the Captain's chair. Yeah. The Scientist fellow was a non-stop hard worker, a little weird individual.

Ensign Jamil of Science of the USS Revenant

Dr Taja Grippen

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 19, 2023, 07:21:11 PM

[USS-Challenger/ Deck Seven-Sickbay]

Measuring my hormone levels." Aarwendil said, being a bit surprised about the Risian not knowing about his condition. Even if she was new, he thought that others would have told her about what had happened in their last mission. "œI got infected by some spores from insects that affected my hormonal system. I got an antidote, but now I'm going through some last exams.

Hearing the woman talk to him, Nekab turned to look at her. He was still holding the tricorde and showed no sign of dropping it. "œI received permission from the chief medical officer from this ship to use the equipment to evaluate the condition of Ensign Cheizex. Since my position as a specialist in medical entomologist allowed me to study the insect that was source of the spores and their effects, my presence here to help his recovery was deemed logical by Commander Said and my colleagues in the planet." he said with his stoic expression and neutral voice, making him look like a Vulcan.

He approached the Ensign, still holding the device. "œWhat is your name?" Aarwendil asked, being friendly with the Risian. "œI'm Aarwendil and this is Nekab.

[Deck Seven, Sickbay]

"Hmm, ok, wait right there whilst I confirm this information..." The Risan raised an eyebrow, slightly annoyed that she hadn't been kept in the loop.

Taja checked the ensign's medical records and indeed saw that this was all authorised. She closed the terminal and made her way over to the pair. "It appears my colleagues neglected to inform me of this arrangement, and I have not yet had the opportunity to meet with the chief medical officer. This is fine, you can perform your checks, Mr Nekab. I'm sure you understand the need to check these type of things. We can't have just anyone running around sickbay doing who knows what to patients."

Taja grabbed her own tricorder from her utility belt and ran the portable hand-scanner over Aarwendil, she wanted to make sure for herself how we was doing. Satisfied he wasn't about to drop dead, she popped close the tricorder. "I am Dr Grippen, welcome to sickbay. What was an operations ensign doing playing around with alien spores?" Her tone was slightly playful.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger dropped out of warp and closed in on Angdarr. As she approached, Ops was tracking absolute chaos on the planet's news feeds. Sensors detected dozens of ships, some of highly dubious quality heading away from the planet. It was obvious that anyone who could escape was fleeing the approach of the Doomsday Machine. Before the ship could even make orbit, they were being hailed by Anax Glarathna Jindak.

"Thank the Canopy you are here Challenger! Can you help us? We are trying to coordinate an evacuation, but panic has swept through my people and even if I could cut through the chaos, we simply do not have the means to evacuate more than a tiny fraction of our population."

"Understood Anax, but because of what is occurrin' on Earth, I'm afraid, we're all that stands between you and that Machine. We have 28 hours before it arrives ta prepare a defense. There is a known method ta disable one of these things, but we're goin' ta need a starship we can cram into its maw ta stop it."

"Every ship available is being used for evacuations right now, there are none to spare!"

"It need not be a fully functional ship, we need ta overload it's impulse engine ta destroy the Machine's innards."

Jindax paused and thought before he replied.

"I know you are aware of that junkyard hidden in the Canopy, perhaps you can find a ship there?"

"Aye Anax, we're of the same mind on that. I'm goin' ta send down an away team ta the junkyard and see what we can get operational in the time we have left."

"Thank you Captain, we are desperate, any help we can provide, contact me directly and you will have it."

"Thank you Anax, I will keep you informed. Galloway out."

Ian closed the channel to the planet and turned to Nira.

"Put together an away team, keep it small at first. Once you've found a promisin' hulk, let me know and you'll get everyone capable of turnin' or holdin' a spanner as fast as I can beam them down."

Nira Said

Quote from: Jamil on November 19, 2023, 10:43:00 PM

[USS Challenger  | Crew Quarters | Bridge]

[Crew quarters]
It was a loss. Replicating was a loss. It was a great idea. The man was lost in time, for he was working to solve a problem. The questions were popping up here and there. What was he missing? The dang thing was down 20% low. The machine was programmed to eat planets.

He was wondering where was this thing. Whoever made it had a purpose. Was the region it was from? Were the planets poisoning that area of space? Or was it a weapon to take out other planets? What economics of another world? What Birth rate in one where they were losing population and aging, and the other species was having babies but not poisoning their planet? He shook that off. That was something was not solving the problem as NOW!

The man could not sleep. His brain was ongoing. The man's eyes widen up, he sits up from bed, he quickly got his clothes on, and he realize he forgot to take a sonic shower. Ah, who cares? The man quickly ran went to the bridge.


The turbo lift opened, and he quickly barged in, "œCaptain, I got it!" he announced. Then he realized a detail. He went way over the Chief of Science on this. That will cost him. He came to the bridge when he was not on duty.

"œP-pardon my intrusion, sir"¦" he said. If the Captain were not seated in the captain's chair, he would adjust himself, say who the title of who was there. "œI was going the wrong way. Yea. Replicator was a genius idea but the power to do so and the resources was too much of a demand. But what if we can program it to "˜feel filled all the time.'" He smiled nervously to see what the captain or whoever was in the Captain's chair. Yeah. The Scientist fellow was a non-stop hard worker, a little weird individual.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had given up trying to sleep at around 0500, there was just too much bothering her on her mind. As such, she was on the bridge before the regular shift, before Captain Galloway, and had taken enough coffee to ensure she was awake. She jumped when the new science officer jumped in and excitedly gave an idea.

"Well, it could be tricky to beam inside, much less trick it to feel full," said Nira. "We'll shelve that idea as a potential backup plan, Mister Avant...inshallah," she added in Arabic.

Soon, they had arrived back at Andgarr and Anax Glarathna Jindak was back on, with Anju, his brother, at his side.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 20, 2023, 11:14:27 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The Challenger dropped out of warp and closed in on Angdarr. As she approached, Ops was tracking absolute chaos on the planet's news feeds. Sensors detected dozens of ships, some of highly dubious quality heading away from the planet. It was obvious that anyone who could escape was fleeing the approach of the Doomsday Machine. Before the ship could even make orbit, they were being hailed by Anax Glarathna Jindak.

"Thank the Canopy you are here Challenger! Can you help us? We are trying to coordinate an evacuation, but panic has swept through my people and even if I could cut through the chaos, we simply do not have the means to evacuate more than a tiny fraction of our population."

"Understood Anax, but because of what is occurrin' on Earth, I'm afraid, we're all that stands between you and that Machine. We have 28 hours before it arrives ta prepare a defense. There is a known method ta disable one of these things, but we're goin' ta need a starship we can cram into its maw ta stop it."

"Every ship available is being used for evacuations right now, there are none to spare!"

"It need not be a fully functional ship, we need ta overload it's impulse engine ta destroy the Machine's innards."

Jindax paused and thought before he replied.

"I know you are aware of that junkyard hidden in the Canopy, perhaps you can find a ship there?"

"Aye Anax, we're of the same mind on that. I'm goin' ta send down an away team ta the junkyard and see what we can get operational in the time we have left."

"Thank you Captain, we are desperate, any help we can provide, contact me directly and you will have it."

"Thank you Anax, I will keep you informed. Galloway out."

Ian closed the channel to the planet and turned to Nira.

"Put together an away team, keep it small at first. Once you've found a promisin' hulk, let me know and you'll get everyone capable of turnin' or holdin' a spanner as fast as I can beam them down."

Anju raised an eyebrow in a gesture not lost especially to Nira. The fact that they called the place the Warbird Necropolis was an indication that it was not hidden, not a secret, and Anju put in some reverence in the name. Of course, he did mention Glarantha, the Anax, was always somewhat secular.

Once disconnected, Nira nodded at the instruction to assemble a team.

"Aye, sir," she said. "Lieutenant Espada, you're with me. Arrange for the Shuttlebay to prepare the Cutty Sark and to temporarily remove the Hunley from it." Then she tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to Mrekrerhas. Zhuk, we're at Andgarr, we're heading down to the junkyard. Equip yourself, bring two phaser rifles and six hand phasers, just in case, and meet us at Shuttle Cutty Sark." =/\=

She then called up the following:  =/\="Said to Ensigns Zalos, Cordon and Cheizex, assemble your kits and equipment and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark, we're heading down to Andgarr." =/\= Then, remembering the Yanmarr, just in case, she called Sickbay, hence why she picked the Cutty Sark...  =/\= "Said to Sickbay. Doctor Grippen, assemble a kit and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark at the Shuttlebay. Bring the new Romulan volunteer, Nekab." =/\=

She looked at Captain Galloway and explained, "There's a reason I want a shuttle, it's going to take too long to go it on foot; if it's called the Warbird Necropolis, it's still going to be a huge area to cover. On a shuttle, it'll be faster. I would've chosen the Mjolnir, but that would be overkill. Plus I feel the need to bring medical officers just in case of the Yanmarr. Espada."

She gestured at the helmsman to follow, and they were off.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on November 20, 2023, 12:55:03 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had given up trying to sleep at around 0500, there was just too much bothering her on her mind. As such, she was on the bridge before the regular shift, before Captain Galloway, and had taken enough coffee to ensure she was awake. She jumped when the new science officer jumped in and excitedly gave an idea.

"Well, it could be tricky to beam inside, much less trick it to feel full," said Nira. "We'll shelve that idea as a potential backup plan, Mister Avant...inshallah," she added in Arabic.

Soon, they had arrived back at Andgarr and Anax Glarathna Jindak was back on, with Anju, his brother, at his side.
Anju raised an eyebrow in a gesture not lost especially to Nira. The fact that they called the place the Warbird Necropolis was an indication that it was not hidden, not a secret, and Anju put in some reverence in the name. Of course, he did mention Glarantha, the Anax, was always somewhat secular.

Once disconnected, Nira nodded at the instruction to assemble a team.

"Aye, sir," she said. "Lieutenant Espada, you're with me. Arrange for the Shuttlebay to prepare the Cutty Sark and to temporarily remove the Hunley from it." Then she tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to Mrekrerhas. Zhuk, we're at Andgarr, we're heading down to the junkyard. Equip yourself, bring two phaser rifles and six hand phasers, just in case, and meet us at Shuttle Cutty Sark." =/\=

She then called up the following:  =/\="Said to Ensigns Zalos, Cordon and Cheizex, assemble your kits and equipment and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark, we're heading down to Andgarr." =/\= Then, remembering the Yanmarr, just in case, she called Sickbay, hence why she picked the Cutty Sark...  =/\= "Said to Sickbay. Doctor Grippen, assemble a kit and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark at the Shuttlebay. Bring the new Romulan volunteer, Nekab." =/\=

She looked at Captain Galloway and explained, "There's a reason I want a shuttle, it's going to take too long to go it on foot; if it's called the Warbird Necropolis, it's still going to be a huge area to cover. On a shuttle, it'll be faster. I would've chosen the Mjolnir, but that would be overkill. Plus I feel the need to bring medical officers just in case of the Yanmarr. Espada."

She gestured at the helmsman to follow, and they were off.

[USS-Challenger->Main Engineering]

Neva was getting a debrief from Gamma shift when she got the summons. Giving a grin, she picked up the kit by her feet and waved an apologetic goodbye to the crewman. Looking at the Chief at the Conference table, the Tellarite just waved a hand down hard in reply. Neva scooted out.

[Shuttlebay-> Cutty Sark]

Neva ran preflight checks with Lt. Espada once she'd gotten strapped into the co-pilot's chair. She had her Kit on the floor beside her, the strap over her knee and tucked a little under her thigh.
She still felt embarrassed at how she'd acted when hit by the butterflies. It couldn't be helped though. She definitely thought she might talk with Aarwendil and Commander Said about handling some of the "traffic" she'd never quite been able to "turn down"." Maybe they knew something...
As the others came aboard, Neva nodded to each with a smile in acknowledgement.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB



[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had given up trying to sleep at around 0500, there was just too much bothering her on her mind. As such, she was on the bridge before the regular shift, before Captain Galloway, and had taken enough coffee to ensure she was awake. She jumped when the new science officer jumped in and excitedly gave an idea.

"Well, it could be tricky to beam inside, much less trick it to feel full," said Nira. "We'll shelve that idea as a potential backup plan, Mister Avant...inshallah," she added in Arabic.

Soon, they had arrived back at Andgarr, and Anax Glarathna Jindak was back on, with Anju, his brother, at his side.

"Thanks, Commander," he replied. He nodded. She was pretty for a human. Tanned for the region, she was from Earth. And what in the world did she say? It's weird how the comm badge did not translate it for me. He thought as he frowned.

At the Science Station, the head of his department, Lieutenant Evan Randell, glared at him. Shite! Time to meet the music. He went over and gave a small smile.  Randall said in a tone loud enough for Jamil and anyone who was around to hear who was new. Evan was not making a point to him, Jamil, but an additional point to all others. Evan said you were out of order; you came to me and made a good suggestion; try to come to me. You're not off that easy; you are on my watchful eye. Report to the labs and get to work.

[USS Challenger | Turbolift]

When Jamil returned to the turbo-lift, as the doors closed, "Oh, Holo-" then he covered his mouth with his hand. He was going to suffer here. The holo program idea was to send a transmitter over, but that could not work. That's why he stopped himself. He leaned his back on the wall. "Those junk yard ships. Oh, I kill to be down there. Bet something can be made to be a profit!" He was wondering if he should take the Ferengi path as a merchant. Make his mark. Make his on economy discover. Go all big. Please, the Grand Nagus! Then become the Grand Nagus! That would be cool. He was the first human raise by Ferengi to be a Nagus...but he would miss out on finding answers to the million questions out in space.

Ensign Jamil of Science of the USS Revenant

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 20, 2023, 06:20:51 AM

[Deck Seven, Sickbay]

"Hmm, ok, wait right there whilst I confirm this information..." The Risan raised an eyebrow, slightly annoyed that she hadn't been kept in the loop.

Taja checked the ensign's medical records and indeed saw that this was all authorised. She closed the terminal and made her way over to the pair. "It appears my colleagues neglected to inform me of this arrangement, and I have not yet had the opportunity to meet with the chief medical officer. This is fine, you can perform your checks, Mr Nekab. I'm sure you understand the need to check these type of things. We can't have just anyone running around sickbay doing who knows what to patients."

Taja grabbed her own tricorder from her utility belt and ran the portable hand-scanner over Aarwendil, she wanted to make sure for herself how we was doing. Satisfied he wasn't about to drop dead, she popped close the tricorder. "I am Dr Grippen, welcome to sickbay. What was an operations ensign doing playing around with alien spores?" Her tone was slightly playful.

Quote from: Nira Said on November 20, 2023, 12:55:03 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had given up trying to sleep at around 0500, there was just too much bothering her on her mind. As such, she was on the bridge before the regular shift, before Captain Galloway, and had taken enough coffee to ensure she was awake. She jumped when the new science officer jumped in and excitedly gave an idea.

"Well, it could be tricky to beam inside, much less trick it to feel full," said Nira. "We'll shelve that idea as a potential backup plan, Mister Avant...inshallah," she added in Arabic.

Soon, they had arrived back at Andgarr and Anax Glarathna Jindak was back on, with Anju, his brother, at his side.
Anju raised an eyebrow in a gesture not lost especially to Nira. The fact that they called the place the Warbird Necropolis was an indication that it was not hidden, not a secret, and Anju put in some reverence in the name. Of course, he did mention Glarantha, the Anax, was always somewhat secular.

Once disconnected, Nira nodded at the instruction to assemble a team.

"Aye, sir," she said. "Lieutenant Espada, you're with me. Arrange for the Shuttlebay to prepare the Cutty Sark and to temporarily remove the Hunley from it." Then she tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to Mrekrerhas. Zhuk, we're at Andgarr, we're heading down to the junkyard. Equip yourself, bring two phaser rifles and six hand phasers, just in case, and meet us at Shuttle Cutty Sark." =/\=

She then called up the following:  =/\="Said to Ensigns Zalos, Cordon and Cheizex, assemble your kits and equipment and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark, we're heading down to Andgarr." =/\= Then, remembering the Yanmarr, just in case, she called Sickbay, hence why she picked the Cutty Sark...  =/\= "Said to Sickbay. Doctor Grippen, assemble a kit and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark at the Shuttlebay. Bring the new Romulan volunteer, Nekab." =/\=

She looked at Captain Galloway and explained, "There's a reason I want a shuttle, it's going to take too long to go it on foot; if it's called the Warbird Necropolis, it's still going to be a huge area to cover. On a shuttle, it'll be faster. I would've chosen the Mjolnir, but that would be overkill. Plus I feel the need to bring medical officers just in case of the Yanmarr. Espada."

She gestured at the helmsman to follow, and they were off.

[USS-Challenger/ Deck Seven-Sickbay]

Nekab waited patiently while the Risian confirmed his situation in the fleet. Once she finished, he immediately moved to work with the tricorder. "œNo harm done. It's logical that you would want to certify that whoever is working at your medical facility has the approval of your commanders.

Taja's question made the Ensign look away from her, his face completely red. The events of that day were still fresh in his mind and remembering about it made him feel so ashamed. "œWe went to investigate some insects called yanmarr on the surface of Andgarr because they were releasing toxins that affected Vulcans and Romulans. In the end, they also affected Betazoids and our hormones went crazy.

You are completely fine now." Nekab said, after finishing his analysis. The Ensign was relieved that the young Romulan had  stopped the conversation before it entered into the details of how he ended up kissing Commander Said in the middle of a river. "œYour hormonal levels are normal and you'll not have any emotional outburst because of them.

Thank you for the help." Aarwendil said to the Romulan, who simply nodded. It was at this moment that they received the message of Commander Said. They were back on Andgarr and the Betazoid was going to be part of the team that would go to the surface. He swallowed dry, but was prepared to help. There were people to be saved.

[Shuttlebay/Cutty Sark]

After gathering everything that he would need, the Betazoid entered the Cutty Sark. Nekab had remained behind to help Dr. Grippen pick the material the medical team would need, before going to the shuttle. Having studied the yanmarr and its effects, the young Romulan knew what could be useful to treat the effects of the insect's spores.

A smile appeared on the Ensign lips when he saw that Neva was there. "œHey! How are you doing? Did you recover?" he didn't seen her since they left Andgarr.

Betazoid, Male

Jalen Kartos

[Kartos Family Quarters | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jalen had spent most of the night setting up a triage overflow in a cargo bay nearest the Sickbay, but thankfully it hadn't been needed. In fact the red alert crisis had so far been rather uneventful, at least from a medical perspective. He hoped it would stay that way too, but something called a "˜Doomsday Machine' wasn't likely to just decided to stop being what it was built to be. So after a few hours when the red alert was stood down to a yellow, he returned to his quarters undressed and climbed into bed next to his husband. Though he fell asleep as soon as he was horizontal, the dawn came far too quickly for his liking. And as was his standard routine, he slowly and painfully extradited himself from the bed, the plasma scars on his back that he had received during his Cadet Cruise on the Challenger always acted up when he didn't have enough sleep. He slipped a silk robe around his strong frame and went into the kitchen where he began to cook breakfast for his small familial unit. Today was waffles, or at least the Bajoran equivalent to waffles, with some sweet Jumbja syrup and an ersatz bacon as well. He also did up some eggs. Though he could've just used the replicator, Jalen always preferred to cook by hand, so the smells of that wonderful cooking woke his family. Jalen had also boiled up some water and had a pot of tea steeping happily on the dinning table when his family slowly made there way into the common room of their quarters.

Lorian was the first to come out, in a robe and pjs that closely resembled Jalens but were in a grey/green motif similar to his Vedeks robes but far more casual. He made his way to his husband and kissed him on the cheek then poured a cup of tea.

"œGood morning My love." Jalen said with a smile as if he had received all the sleep in the world.

"œHow late were you up dealing with the crisis last night?" Lorian asked with a stifled yawn.

"œFar longer then was needed, but hopefully the groundwork that I laid setting up the overflow triage ward in the Cargo Bay will not be needed today. But we shall see what happens. But as always family comes first. No work talk at the table. Sit, breakfast will be ready in a moment." Jalen said with a wink. Just as he did so Leran came out clad in a pair of footie PJs that Jalen had found in the federation database, they were of a Terran design with a bat like logo on the chest and done up in black with yellow fringe and piping. Apparently, it had been designed after some sort of hero of human mythology, but Jalen never bothered to investigate who it was. Leran had liked it because it was similar to the old Dejarra logo that he would've been born into, were it not for the Occupation. Jalen balanced the various platters in his hands as expertly as if he were a professional server and laid them out on the table and joined his family. Leran was pouring a glass of Kava Juice. Once they were all seated, they bowed their heads and recited together the Bajoran prayer of thanksgiving for both food and waking for the day. Then they began to serve, the youngest first, to the oldest. Another of the traditions to come out of the Occupation, when food was scarce, and children often died of malnutrition. Thankfully Leran was far to young to remember those days. Though both Jalen and Lorain made sure he knew about how his people had suffered and more importantly persevered. The small family ate in peace, completely oblivious to the true extent of the crisis that was bearing down on them in space...

"‘I swear by El-Aurkis the great healer, and his assistant Lo-Rian, and all the gods of medicine, that I Jalen Kartos, shall do all in my power to alleviate suffering and heal the body and mind."

Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay, USS Challenger]

~1005 hours

Kyan had been up for nearly an hour. After a quick shower and breakfast, he'd stopped by the mess hall. Even though he had gotten nearly seven hours of sleep, he still felt like he could use more. And since that wasn't a possibility, the chef's special raktajino would have to make up the difference. The portly human always teased him when he ordered it. "Oh... it'll stunt your growth." Or.. "You want some coffee with your sugar?"

Kyan wasn't concerned about growing. He would of course... eventually. Usually he made a quip about not being worried about outgrowing his clothes, and how the chef wished he had that problem. They laughed and then the chef produced the sugar laden coffee. Today was no different.

Instead of going to the bridge as he normally would, Kyan had gone down to sickbay. It was the last day of his daily visits, for which he thanked the Powers. Hopefully it would be a long time before he inevitably got injured again and had to make use of his least favorite area of the ship. In all honesty though, since Doctor Kartos had arrived, it hadn't been that bad. The visits had been more amicable than they had before, and shorter.

When Kyan arrived in sickbay, it was busier than usual. He didn't see Fellows, but the new Risan doctor was there packing a kit. Away mission? he wondered. And I don't get to go? Meh. Zhuk could do it. And if the Romulans got it in their heads to have another go at them, Kyan would be at tactical. He'd rather do that then go searching through the ship graveyard anyway.

"Hey. Where's Doctor Kartos the now?" Kyan asked one of the enlisted medical people. "I gotta get this checkup done and go ta the bridge."

The youngish human shrugged. "Not here yet."

"Well when's he coming?" Kyan replied, craning his neck to look up at him. "It's me last day. I feel fine. An I got stuff tae do so I do."

"I don't know. He'll probably be here soon."

"Ok. But if he is nae here in ten minutes I'm leavin."

The crewman went back about his duties after grunting a reply that Kyan didn't hear. Kyan went to an empty bio bed and jumped onto it. He knew they'd want to see his ribs and scan them so he doffed his mustard and black duty jacket and the charcoal faux turtleneck. Laying them on the bed beside him, he grabbed the covered mug and took a long draw on his go-juice and then watched the hustle and bustle of Sickbay while he waited.

Jalen Kartos

[Cargobay 2 | Deck 6 | USS Challenger]

Shortly after finishing breakfast with his family, Jalen had walked Leran to school on Deck 3, and then decided he still had enough time to check in on the Triage Overflow he had set up the night before in Cargobay 2. As he stepped off the Turbolift he already knew that something was off as he heard the telltale sounds of the Materials Handlers doing their thing. Jalen took long full strides and made it to the doors of the cargo bay in mere moments. He stood in the door way hands on his hips and his lab coat swept behind him"¦ he was certainly going to be late for his first appointment.

"œOi! Who ordered this?" Jalen called out in a booming voice. A particularly grizzled non-comm came up to him instantly on the defensive.

"œI did, Senior Chief Killian." The man said sounding impressed with himself.

"œWell then Senior Chief, you can put it all right back where you found it." Jalen said firmly.

"œThe hell I can"¦ sir." The Senior Chief said noticing the one pip the man had on his pansy ass teal smock style uniform, he never understood why men would choose to wear such things, may as well wear a skirt at that point.

"œThat wasn't up for debate. It was an order." Jalen's face darkened, and his amenable nature slipped away, one thing most people didn't know, and even less ever experienced, was that El-Aurian's can engender fear just as well as trust. The room seemed to grow darker as Jalen leaned into towards the man, and his voice seemed to deepen.

"œYou will put everything back where it belongs, until such time as I or a more senior Medical Officer orders you otherwise. Last I heard this crisis wasn't over. Got it?" Jalen's words had a icy tone to them that caused the grizzled human before him to practically quake, before Jalen drew back.

"œUmm"¦ yes, Doctor"¦ sorry Doctor, it won't happen again"¦" The man said swallowing hard, and then quickly turned away from Jalen and back to his men, trying to recover his resolve. "œYou heard the man, put it all back." One of the Senior Chief's men snickered and in response got a cuff upside the head. Jalen shook his head and left the room. He checked the time on a wall display and noticed he was indeed going to be late, and hopped back into the turbolift.

[A Short time later, just after 1005 Hours | Sickbay | Deck 7 | USS Challenger]

Jalen strolled into Sickbay as if he hadn't had to brow be a senior non-comm back into place that morning. He strode up to the duty desk and checked in with the duty nurse.

"œDoctor Jalen, you look well today." The woman said flirting with him slightly. This was nothing Jalen wasn't used to, despite his own sexual inclinations.

"œYes well, I got some extra exercises in this morning. I assume that Commander Kyan is here already?" Jalen asked changing the subject back to work.

"œYeah, he's in the exam room, being his particularly ornery self." The older woman said with a nod towards the exam rooms.

"œI see, well some people just don't like Hospitals, and I don't blame them. Happy times are rarely had in medical wards." Jalen then made his way to the exam room and knocked, waiting a moment before letting the doors woosh open. He then stepped inside his lab coat flowing about him, his pockets obviously weighted down, as usual.

"œGood Morning Kyan, how did you sleep?"

"‘I swear by El-Aurkis the great healer, and his assistant Lo-Rian, and all the gods of medicine, that I Jalen Kartos, shall do all in my power to alleviate suffering and heal the body and mind."

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 20, 2023, 07:31:29 PM

[USS-Challenger/ Deck Seven-Sickbay]

Nekab waited patiently while the Risian confirmed his situation in the fleet. Once she finished, he immediately moved to work with the tricorder. "œNo harm done. It's logical that you would want to certify that whoever is working at your medical facility has the approval of your commanders.

Taja's question made the Ensign look away from her, his face completely red. The events of that day were still fresh in his mind and remembering about it made him feel so ashamed. "œWe went to investigate some insects called yanmarr on the surface of Andgarr because they were releasing toxins that affected Vulcans and Romulans. In the end, they also affected Betazoids and our hormones went crazy.

You are completely fine now." Nekab said, after finishing his analysis. The Ensign was relieved that the young Romulan had  stopped the conversation before it entered into the details of how he ended up kissing Commander Said in the middle of a river. "œYour hormonal levels are normal and you'll not have any emotional outburst because of them.

Thank you for the help." Aarwendil said to the Romulan, who simply nodded. It was at this moment that they received the message of Commander Said. They were back on Andgarr and the Betazoid was going to be part of the team that would go to the surface. He swallowed dry, but was prepared to help. There were people to be saved.

[Shuttlebay/Cutty Sark]

After gathering everything that he would need, the Betazoid entered the Cutty Sark. Nekab had remained behind to help Dr. Grippen pick the material the medical team would need, before going to the shuttle. Having studied the yanmarr and its effects, the young Romulan knew what could be useful to treat the effects of the insect's spores.

A smile appeared on the Ensign lips when he saw that Neva was there. "œHey! How are you doing? Did you recover?" he didn't seen her since they left Andgarr.

Neva smiled brightly when she heard Aarwendil. Turning to face him after hitting a couple controls, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. I got back to shift just today." With a sigh, she looked at him more directly and then went on telepathically.
'I think I could use some help shutting out others. Its been hard to pick up again...' The fleeting image of maniacally angry eyes and pain shoot past before Neva shut it down. 'Would you help?'

Neva looked away, some redness coloring her cheeks. With a cough, she spoke once more. "You should probably get strapped in, Aarwendil. Once the Commander gets in, we're off."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

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