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S:5 E:16 - A Doomsday Like Any Other

Started by Ian Galloway, November 08, 2023, 11:37:52 AM

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Tora Zalos

[Shuttle Bay/The Cutty Sark]

Six hours. That was how long Tora had knocked out for once she'd been allowed to go back to her quarters to rest. It wasn't exactly the best six-hour sleep of her life, but it was surprisingly restful considering what she'd just gone through, and was going to go through. She had awoken much less tired and disoriented than the first time round, though, which was certainly a bonus. So she'd gathered her equipment and whatever else she thought she might need for the mission ahead and found her way to the shuttlebay.

To no surprise at all, she knew absolutely no one there save Jamil. She was new on board, after all. She had no idea what he specialized in, but he was here, and so should've been useful somehow. The other uniforms she recognized: medical, command, operations - and yet here she was, feeling somewhat out of place among her colleagues. She was trained asanthropologist, for one - what use was she exactly on this mission? Surely it didn't have something to do with investigating the doomsday machine's history, did it? Starfleet had an entire database on the thing, after all.

Nonetheless, she decided to swallow her doubts for the time being. Experience was experience. She'd need it for the long career ahead of her. She decided to approach Jamil first - she was to be working with him for this mission, was she not? "Hey there. Did you rest well?" She asked with her old dabo girl smile. "Feels like it's going to be a rather long trip, don't you reckon?

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Jalen Kartos on November 21, 2023, 10:52:12 AM

"œGood Morning Kyan, how did you sleep?"

Upon Jalen's entry, Kyan looked up from where he sat cross legged on the exam table. He offered the El-Aurian a grin. "Layin' down like I always do." he replied, laughing at his joke. "But you're late," he noted matter of factly. "Did ye oversleep? I been here for a while. Anyways, Me ribs are better an I dinnae have no blurry vision or headaches.... except when the new science guy talks. He's a weirdo."

Kyan was feeling a lot better than he had when he woke up. The go-juice was doing its work. He spread his arms and twisted at the waist to demonstrate that he could without pain, which he knew Jalen would want to see. Then above his head and bent side to side, forward and backward. "See?" he asked after bending forward as far as he could and then back upright. "Its healed I am and no mistake so."

Then before he forgot...."Oh, and Me an Max was after havin Leran over fer a sleepover sometime. If we dinnae get killed off by the Planet Killer thing first."

Jalen Kartos

[Exam Room 1 | Sickbay | Deck 7 | USS Challenger]

"œAlas I wish it was oversleeping, that would've been enjoyable." Jalen began as he picked up the medical tricorder and began scanning his patient. "œNay, I had to stop and put a Git from Material Handling back into place, as he was tearing down our triage overflow in Cargo Bay 2. I spent most of the night setting that up, just in case." Jalen cocked an eyebrow at the readings, seemed that Kyan was slightly overdosed on both sugar and caffeine, but not dangerously so. He folded the tricorder and put it back on the exam table. He then indicated that Kyan should take his shirt off, and then began palpitating the ribs, making certain they were aligned correctly and there was no unexpected pain. He nodded as he found nothing of note.

"œYou are back to your usual self; thankfully little boys are very rubbery. I am sure Leran would like that; I'll discuss it with Lorian when I get home tonight. I know that Lorian wanted you and Max over for dinner, as he'd like to meet you both. But you are cleared for full active duty again. Please try not to get yourself broken again"¦ at least for a few hours." Jalen winked and brought out a Jumja Sucker from his pocket, and held it out for Kyan.

"‘I swear by El-Aurkis the great healer, and his assistant Lo-Rian, and all the gods of medicine, that I Jalen Kartos, shall do all in my power to alleviate suffering and heal the body and mind."

Dr Taja Grippen

Quote from: Nira Said on November 20, 2023, 12:55:03 PM

She then called up the following:  =/\="Said to Ensigns Zalos, Cordon and Cheizex, assemble your kits and equipment and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark, we're heading down to Andgarr." =/\= Then, remembering the Yanmarr, just in case, she called Sickbay, hence why she picked the Cutty Sark...  =/\= "Said to Sickbay. Doctor Grippen, assemble a kit and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark at the Shuttlebay. Bring the new Romulan volunteer, Nekab." =/\=

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 20, 2023, 07:31:29 PM

[USS-Challenger/ Deck Seven-Sickbay]

Nekab waited patiently while the Risian confirmed his situation in the fleet. Once she finished, he immediately moved to work with the tricorder. "œNo harm done. It's logical that you would want to certify that whoever is working at your medical facility has the approval of your commanders.

Taja's question made the Ensign look away from her, his face completely red. The events of that day were still fresh in his mind and remembering about it made him feel so ashamed. "œWe went to investigate some insects called yanmarr on the surface of Andgarr because they were releasing toxins that affected Vulcans and Romulans. In the end, they also affected Betazoids and our hormones went crazy.

You are completely fine now." Nekab said, after finishing his analysis. The Ensign was relieved that the young Romulan had  stopped the conversation before it entered into the details of how he ended up kissing Commander Said in the middle of a river. "œYour hormonal levels are normal and you'll not have any emotional outburst because of them.

Thank you for the help." Aarwendil said to the Romulan, who simply nodded. It was at this moment that they received the message of Commander Said. They were back on Andgarr and the Betazoid was going to be part of the team that would go to the surface. He swallowed dry, but was prepared to help. There were people to be saved.

[Deck 8, Sickbay]

Taja quickled wished she'd went to sleep when the commander's call came in, now who knew when she'd next see her bed. The Risan quickly downed the remainder of her 'Go-Juice' and went to prepare her medical kit. "Looks like we'll have the pleasure of each other's company for a little while longer!" she said with a smile to Aarwendil and Nekab.

[Deck 19, Shuttlebay]

Upon arriving in the shuttlebay, Taja entered the waiting craft and found a seat placing the medical kit across her lap. Turning to the Romulan, she asked "So, Mr Nekab. What do I need to know about these spores, since we're going back there. Anything we need to administer to the away team to protect them?"

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

Abas Th'vyrrol

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on November 19, 2023, 08:51:01 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 12 - Upper Engineering Support]

With the alert status rescinded, and other damage control teams already dealing with what repairs still remained, Lahr was told to return to Upper Engineering Support and watch the entire board until others finished up their emergency repairs and returned to their regular duties.

Being a backup watch area, it was unlikely anything would come up but it was times like this that the backups were important -just in case.

Lahr rubbed the exhaustion from eyes. He found that now that he was back on the ship rather than the trader vessel that his focus was waning.

Lahr was doing his rounds of the Upper Support area, checking each display regularly when the Aenar medic arrived and motioned him over.

"Took you long enough." He groused sourly.  "You're gonna have to come with me. I've been assigned to keep watch; and I ain't got a replacement to take over if I take a break.  Things are just too crazy-busy."  He was, of course, being facetious about how busy things were, but not about not having a replacement.

When asked about his symptoms, Lahr gave a slight shrug.

"No, just the headache, I think - and it's not that bad, as long as the intercom ain't blaring." he answered rubbing at eyes again.  Not having access to a mirror, the Andorian had no clue that his pupils were not dilating.

[Upper Engineering Support]

Although it had been only minutes since he had left Sickbay, he frowned at the hostile demeanor he was receiving from the Andorian. The man's behavior was rude, erratic, and he was complaining of headaches. Something was off, for sure. He snapped open his tricorder and began to take scans, comparing the baseline to the chief's last reported physical. He also took a moment to pocket the hypospray before snapping the medical case shut, hefting it up, and preparing to follow Lahr.

"Sure Chief, lead the way," he said, his glower deepening as the man's baselines came back as deeply off of what they should be. "But first, I need to treat you. Busy or not, you are not okay," he said, with a bedside manner about as subtle as a brick crashing through a window. "Headaches, attitude, and what seems to be quite the concussion," he said, before approaching the man and attempting to inject him with the hypo he'd prepared earlier. "If you'll allow me, this will help with the headache,"

Ultimately, he knew the man would want to continue working. More than that, he'd want to keep going full tilt and not take any time off. "If you don't believe me, look at these readings yourself."

Abas couldn't see the man's eyes, but he could sense just how out of whack the man was. It was only a matter of how the man reacted to treatment to see if he'd have to forcibly take him off the line. If the man resisted his treatment, he'd find himself out of a job and putting his department even more short-handed than they already were.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie

Leaning to the side to look around Jamil at the Cardassian Ensign who'd taken the station beside him... Tora? Yeah... that was it. ...he called over. "Hey.. Tora... Can you work with Mister Jamil here on his plan. It sounds good so it does." Unsaid was "Even though I have no idea what the dude was talking about."

With that, Kyan turned back to Jamil and offered a wan smile. "Ok Mister Jamil. Good plan that. Yup."

Then he quickly turned and retreated to the tactical station where Zhuk still was. In a whisper, as not to be overheard by the new ensigns.. "Sure and these eggheads are getting weirder and weirder."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger 40117-A]

"Agreed. It seems that Starfleet offered us their quirky and untypical. But... perhaps with some handiwork, they may yet be valuable members of the crew..." Zhukdra'shar commented back as he leaned closer towards Mackenzie. In other circumstances, he would be worried that they could overhear. But, considering none of the Ensigns seemed to belong to a species with such good hearing as his', he found no predicament in sharing his thoughts with Kyan.

Quote from: Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira raised an eyebrow and nodded at Zhuk. "You were most exceedingly warm there," she said, skirting Zhuk's Shakespearean English a tad. "I was rather thinking of a bit more oomph: A warp core. I'm no engineer, but I know that warp cores can pack a lot of potential explosive power."

She looked at Captain Galloway as he called the Department Heads for a briefing, then perked up at hearing Jamil's idea as he discussed with Kyan. "That's actually a good idea, Ensign," she said with approval. "It's going to take a lot of replicating time, but we could do something like that. If there's one thing we certainly have that Kirk in his day didn't, it's replicators. I'll see what Commander Tharn thinks about it."

She looked up to see the trader captain O'Flaherty looking more confident in his cocky demeanor, acknowledging his thanks, and then warping away. Unfortunately, the Doomsday Weapon didn't change course. Its course, it's invincibility on the outside...A Borg vessel suddenly looked appealing, size and power notwithstanding.

"Oh, we definitely have to talk to the Anax, Captain," she said when he mentioned the Anax. "I'll mention the ideas of taking that machine down at the briefing; one of them is going to need the Anax's permission in regards to the planet's junkyard."

She noticed Commander Tharn had arrived and Lieutenant Randall was giving his seat to Savar, while Commander Catalan was handing over Ops to Aarwendil. She looked over at Kyan and said, "I think it's almost time, Commander. Briefing Room," she added with a nod in the direction of the briefing room.

Zhuk seemed proud at the confirmation offered by Commander Said of his idea for the acquisition of a device that could serve as a makeshift explosive. Of course, she wanted to get a Warp core, which would indeed garner a much larger yield if detonated. He approved of the idea, in any case, as it seemed something sound that they could do to combat this monstrous mechanical abomination.

Then, she proceeded to invite him and the rest of the Senior Officers within the briefing room, to further discuss the plans ahead. So, he dallied no longer, heading there to see what plans could be concocted.

Quote from: Nira Said

[Commander Nira Said | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

At the briefing, the department heads gathered. Nira took a seat at one of Captain Galloway's sides. She looked around at the rest of the senior officers.

"Okay, are we all here?" asked Nira.

Once Captain Galloway gave his opening words, Nira proceeded. "Okay, you all know what we've encountered. An impossibility from Kirk's day. We're looking for options of how to take it down. And we have to take it down from the inside, like how Kirk did it.

"We're looking into ideas," continued Nira, "and we have two so far. We can take it down the same way Kirk did, but we need more omph: A warp core. And we're on our way back to Andgarr...and at Andgarr is a junkyard of downed Romulan ships. Some had been downed...extremely recently. We're going to need to speak to Anax Jindak as well as to find a usable warp core that we can send down the Machine's throat.

"One of our new science officers had another idea to bring it down," she said, nodding at Lieutenant Randall, and then she explained what Jamil had in mind. She looked at Dashlish and asked, "Assuming we can replicate the fuel and whatnot, how long would it take?"

Quote from:  Ian Galloway

[Briefing Room - Deck 1 - USS Challenger]

The Tellerite engineer grimaced and thought for several moments before she replied in her usual gruff tone.

"Going by the fact one of these things eats planets. I doubt there is enough replicator mass in Starfleet to make enough bait to draw this thing off course. We certainly can't do it by ourselves. Good idea, just beyond our capacity to execute."

Quote from:  Kyan Mackenzie

"So... we need a ship tae fly inside it and blow up?"

Quote from:  Ian Galloway

[Briefing Room - Deck 1 - USS Challenger]

Ian struggled with his perceptions of Kyan. He knew the Onlie was centuries old, but regardless of that, outwardly, he still looked like a ten-year-old and despite those centuries, he was still quite young developmentally. It was at times like this he deeply missed T'Kel, the Vulcan former head of security. Her steadfast and stoic disposition was as reliable as the sun rising in the east on Earth.

"Yes, that is the workin' theory as it's known ta have worked before. Our plan is ta get ta Angdarr ahead of that Beastie and see if'n there is a ship they will spare or perhaps we can salvage from that junkyard we discovered. Our options are limited, so we're ta make summat up as we go. Any useful information Evan?"

All eyes turned toward the Chief Science Officer.

"As a matter of fact Sir, yes. Scans determined this machine's power readings are very low. Roughly 20% of the output of the machine the Enterprise faced. As you know, the hull is impenetrable to scans, so why the power is so low is unknown, but it is worth noting."

"Well, that is useful, how, I dinna ken, but thank you Evan. Anyone have anything else?"

As there were no replies, Ian nodded and spoke again.

"Then this is the plan. At our current speed we will reach Angdarr in eight hours. The Machine will arrive 28 hours after that. We have until then ta prepare our defense. I want all of you ta get as good a night's sleep as you can. I'll need all of you at your best ta face this thing. Dismissed."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger 40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar took a seat next to Dashlish and placed his hands on the table, fingers interlocked, listening intently to the initial statements made by Commander Said, and the response by the Tellerite. It a shame that one of the ideas was discarded almost immediately, though knowing her, and especially through what he had heard Lahr say, he was quite surprised to hear her praise the idea as 'good', even if it was unfeasible to do.

Kudos to the Ensign, he supposed. Maybe he was more than just hot air and bad jokes.

A few ideas began to rummage through Zhuk's mind as he too had been thinking about how to take the menace down. Some rather obvious insight was offered by Kyan, but Zhuk decided not to comment on it. Still, he had the impression that as most times, the Onlie was not taking this with the seriously it pertained. Funnily enough, if Kyan had been anyone else, he would be irked. But he actually liked his commanding officer, even if he was much, much different from himself and T'Kel, who had trained him well in Security.

His thoughts on the matter distracted him, and he was met with the dismissal from the Captain. He frowned for just a moment, though ultimately, he supposed that his plan to using another planet as bait, and then cause it to become something akin to a supernova, though in a lesser magnitude was truly not too scientific. He was not even sure of how sound the idea was. Maybe it was best that he had not shared it.

And a good night's sleep sounded truly good right now.

So, his serious expression returned soon enough, and then he nodded towards Ian, before standing up once more. He exited the Conference Hall without much of a word, hands behind his back, and soon entered the turbolift.

"Deck Seven, Sickbay."

Then he scratched his stain again. Not for much longer...

Quote from: Nira Said on November 20, 2023, 12:55:03 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had given up trying to sleep at around 0500, there was just too much bothering her on her mind. As such, she was on the bridge before the regular shift, before Captain Galloway, and had taken enough coffee to ensure she was awake. She jumped when the new science officer jumped in and excitedly gave an idea.

"Well, it could be tricky to beam inside, much less trick it to feel full," said Nira. "We'll shelve that idea as a potential backup plan, Mister Avant...inshallah," she added in Arabic.

Soon, they had arrived back at Andgarr and Anax Glarathna Jindak was back on, with Anju, his brother, at his side.
Anju raised an eyebrow in a gesture not lost especially to Nira. The fact that they called the place the Warbird Necropolis was an indication that it was not hidden, not a secret, and Anju put in some reverence in the name. Of course, he did mention Glarantha, the Anax, was always somewhat secular.

Once disconnected, Nira nodded at the instruction to assemble a team.

"Aye, sir," she said. "Lieutenant Espada, you're with me. Arrange for the Shuttlebay to prepare the Cutty Sark and to temporarily remove the Hunley from it." Then she tapped her comm badge.  =/\="Said to Mrekrerhas. Zhuk, we're at Andgarr, we're heading down to the junkyard. Equip yourself, bring two phaser rifles and six hand phasers, just in case, and meet us at Shuttle Cutty Sark." =/\=

She then called up the following:  =/\="Said to Ensigns Zalos, Cordon and Cheizex, assemble your kits and equipment and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark, we're heading down to Andgarr." =/\= Then, remembering the Yanmarr, just in case, she called Sickbay, hence why she picked the Cutty Sark...  =/\= "Said to Sickbay. Doctor Grippen, assemble a kit and meet at Shuttle Cutty Sark at the Shuttlebay. Bring the new Romulan volunteer, Nekab." =/\=

She looked at Captain Galloway and explained, "There's a reason I want a shuttle, it's going to take too long to go it on foot; if it's called the Warbird Necropolis, it's still going to be a huge area to cover. On a shuttle, it'll be faster. I would've chosen the Mjolnir, but that would be overkill. Plus I feel the need to bring medical officers just in case of the Yanmarr. Espada."

She gestured at the helmsman to follow, and they were off.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Personal Quarters --> Armory --> Main Shuttlebay | Deck Two ---> Deck Nine ---> Deck Nineteen | USS Challenger 40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar had just finished donning his Security outfit and placed on his comm badge, after taking a bath and reassuring himself, by looking at least three times, that the stain left by those pesky bugs had been removed completely. Fortunately, that was the case. To his good luck, yesterday he had managed to find Chloe unoccupied, so he did avoid a rather embarrassing situation with having to explain to another his predicament, which further made him thankful to Chloe for her assistance.

He had went to the the Mess Hall later to get a meal, and once he finally reached his bunk, he had slept like a kitten. Of course, now that he had woken up, he wished he had at least four more hours to dream, but it would be enough to keep him effective. And duty called.

His ears twitched as he heard Commander Said over the radio, and he promptly answered.

=/\="Duly noted. I shalt acquire the requested armament and head towards the Shuttle Bay."=/\=

And so, after another look at the mirror for good measure, Zhuk headed over to the Armory, recovering the two phaser rifles and six hand phasers, and offering Crewman Zala a good morning while he was at it. Afterwards, he headed over to the 'Cutty Sark', encountering Lieutenant Espada, Commander Said, Ensign Cordon, Ensign Zalos, and Dr. Taja Grippen.

Quote from: Neva Cordon on November 21, 2023, 11:10:04 AM

Neva smiled brightly when she heard Aarwendil. Turning to face him after hitting a couple controls, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. I got back to shift just today." With a sigh, she looked at him more directly and then went on telepathically.
'I think I could use some help shutting out others. Its been hard to pick up again...' The fleeting image of maniacally angry eyes and pain shoot past before Neva shut it down. 'Would you help?'

Neva looked away, some redness coloring her cheeks. With a cough, she spoke once more. "You should probably get strapped in, Aarwendil. Once the Commander gets in, we're off."

Quote from: Tora Zalos on November 21, 2023, 11:10:26 AM

[Shuttle Bay/The Cutty Sark]

Six hours. That was how long Tora had knocked out for once she'd been allowed to go back to her quarters to rest. It wasn't exactly the best six-hour sleep of her life, but it was surprisingly restful considering what she'd just gone through, and was going to go through. She had awoken much less tired and disoriented than the first time round, though, which was certainly a bonus. So she'd gathered her equipment and whatever else she thought she might need for the mission ahead and found her way to the shuttlebay.

To no surprise at all, she knew absolutely no one there save Jamil. She was new on board, after all. She had no idea what he specialized in, but he was here, and so should've been useful somehow. The other uniforms she recognized: medical, command, operations - and yet here she was, feeling somewhat out of place among her colleagues. She was trained asanthropologist, for one - what use was she exactly on this mission? Surely it didn't have something to do with investigating the doomsday machine's history, did it? Starfleet had an entire database on the thing, after all.

Nonetheless, she decided to swallow her doubts for the time being. Experience was experience. She'd need it for the long career ahead of her. She decided to approach Jamil first - she was to be working with him for this mission, was she not? "Hey there. Did you rest well?" She asked with her old dabo girl smile. "Feels like it's going to be a rather long trip, don't you reckon?

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 21, 2023, 05:12:01 PM

[Deck 8, Sickbay]

Taja quickled wished she'd went to sleep when the commander's call came in, now who knew when she'd next see her bed. The Risan quickly downed the remainder of her 'Go-Juice' and went to prepare her medical kit. "Looks like we'll have the pleasure of each other's company for a little while longer!" she said with a smile to Aarwendil and Nekab.

[Deck 19, Shuttlebay]

Upon arriving in the shuttlebay, Taja entered the waiting craft and found a seat placing the medical kit across her lap. Turning to the Romulan, she asked "So, Mr Nekab. What do I need to know about these spores, since we're going back there. Anything we need to administer to the away team to protect them?"

"Greetings ladies and gentleman, He greeted them, deciding to fill them in a little better before the mission, "We are soon to descend upon a junkyard of ancient spaceships. And... not so old husks, left by our last incursion and the assistance of the Angdarr. I recommend exercising caution while down there, as dangerous emissions, exposed cables, and other environmental dangers could be present. A negligible amount of time has transpired since I was tasked with the capture of some Romulan VIPs. While such a mission was unfortunately a disappointment, I did manage to overcome their defenses, and their forces. Still, perhaps some stragglers may remain."

He took a seat, "Any further information I believe I shalt withhold until Commander Said gives us our instructions." He nodded towards her, hoping that he had done well on informing them what they might likely encounter.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)



[USS Challenger | Forward Lounge Ensign area]

Jamil was glad he was not on that away mission. He was a scientist, but he had medicine under his belt. That was why he, an older Ensign, graduated. If there were a third path, he would take Engineering, too. The man loved learning and had a few data pads as he entered the Forward lounge.

The man went to a table near a window where he could see the planet below. Cutty Sark was the shuttle's name. The fellow is a 20th and 21st-century historian on Earth. Cutty Sark had made him think of that stage on earth where Baby Shark was a one-hit-wonder. Cutty Sark was a name for a shuttle. Why? He figured he would look into the history of it. It was fascinating. He placed the datapads on the tabletop.

The part of him was like, how can we save you, dear ole planet that was ready to be food? He had given his shot at ideas. He would want to know why the creation of the Doomsday Machine. That could have been Kirk possible? They will try to take all the people off as much as possible. Sadly, the wildlife would be forgotten. Poor things. The animal kind will be taken off the DNA creation.

Odd how does that work? Eh?

Then he went to the bar. "Ferengi wine," he ordered, with greeting his teeth like a Ferengi. Habit. Habit, my fellow bartender. Have you ever seen the first human raised by Ferengi in Starfleet? Bet you did not""the first.

The Barkeep put the drink in front of him. Jamil took and sniffed with his human nose, which could not smell like a Ferengi. The Ferengi youngsters picked on him on that. Have you ever heard of Rudolph the Reindeer, the human raised by Ferengi with a human nose. yeah? You got the idea. Jamil knew he had loving God-parents who fought for him to be the best. He had wanted to start a career in Starfleet where they were happy. Nope. Did he have to sell the point he was best to do it? What opportunity would he be able to bring them? He had told them he was an insider with new ways to profit.

He had missed his pals back home. The parties eventually came about to accept who he was, how he outdid them on trading and bidding. If he stayed back on Ferengar, he could be wealthy with an instinct, but he still could do that.

Jamil placed an earring on the bar; the bartender was surprised, and their hand went to their ear. "How did you do that?" he asked.

"Magic," he said, holding his hands up, wiggling his fingers, and wiggling his eye brows up and down.

"Right. Do that again, I report you. But on the other hand, yeah, made it worth a laugh," the bartender stated.

Jamil smiled at the person, took their Ferengi wine, and returned to the table near the window where he placed his datapads. He sat down, kicked his feet out, took a sip, and swooshed the wine around his mouth; he had missed home a bit now.

The research on Cutty Sark was on hold. The top datapad listed the planets that were listed what Planet Eater had eaten where it started. While studying, he could not stop thinking about that one science fiction Star Wars with the Death Star...the ship as big as a moon...there was no way they could build that. That would be a circle borg ship...fuck no.

He sat there looking out to space, wondering what the chances were the Pakleds would be in the area. They are all happy and want to scavenge from that big ship. That was a bad idea. It was not good, but the idea. He had dived in the datapad to figure out the pattern...what was the MAIN ingredient it desired. Yeah, he was still convinced of the replicator idea. Would a replicator make another that was so paradox thinking there!!!

Well, he's back studying on his little break.

Ensign Jamil of Science of the USS Revenant

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the Cutty Sark depart and enter the swarm of traffic around Angdarr, as it did, he was immediately reminded of a fish swimming upstream as those who could were fleeing the planet. The plan was a simple one, find a derelict, get it operational enough to fly, and shove it into the maw of the Doomsday Machine. A decent enough plan in theory, he hoped the execution was a simple as the plan itself. He was however jolted out of his revelry by Lieutenant Commander Catalan at Ops.

"Sir, I have Anax Jindak hailing us."

"On screen. Hello Anax, I hope you are callin' with good news."

"The quality of the news is as yet undetermined, but I do indeed have news. I have made contact with an organization that operates out of Angdarr. Kinglines Corporation. They have a large space liner, the Cosmos Royale in orbit. They are of course reluctant to part with such a vessel when it is needed to evacuate their staff, but it is the only ship in the system I believe to be large enough to accomplish what you want to do."

"It is a start Anax. I will contact them immediately."

"The person you need to speak to is Burton King."

"Thank you Anax. Galloway out."

Before Catalan could establish a connection, Lieutenant Randall called out from the Science One station.

"Captain! Romulan ship decloaking!"

Ian's head snapped toward Randall.


"Off the port bow. Range 50,000 kilometers. Class...class... It's an older model Sir. A V-6, code name 'Gallant Wing'. Transponder listed as Deletham Mosarum, 'Winged Defender.'"

[Shuttle Cutty Sark - Orbit of Angdarr]

As Espada weaved his way through the outbound traffic which didn't seem to be following any established pattern, he soon broke past the chaos and could see the towering trees of Angdarr. Following the coordinates from their recent visit, he headed directly for the junkyard at the base of the extraordinary trees. He flared in for a landing with a bit more style than was standard and opened the hatch.

"Thank you for flying Espada Airlines."

Nira led the away team off the shuttle, tricorders in Neva's and Tora's hand as they scanned the vast array of junked ships. Doctor Grippen stayed in the middle of the pack and admired the trees as Zhuk, Cheizex, Nekab, and Nira had their phasers at the ready. This turned out to be a good thing because just as Neva and Tora called out lifesigns, a dozen figures of multiple species, but all armed and looking decidedly disreputable appeared.

"We'll be taking that shuttle Starfleet."

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Jalen Kartos on November 21, 2023, 11:47:29 AM

"œYou are back to your usual self; thankfully little boys are very rubbery. I am sure Leran would like that; I'll discuss it with Lorian when I get home tonight. I know that Lorian wanted you and Max over for dinner, as he'd like to meet you both. But you are cleared for full active duty again. Please try not to get yourself broken again"¦ at least for a few hours." Jalen winked and brought out a Jumja Sucker from his pocket, and held it out for Kyan.

Kyan took the Jumja sucker and ripped the wrapper off before popping it in his mouth. If a different doctor had offered him a sweet after an appointment he might has been offended. But then he was accustomed to other doctors being irritated by his not wanting to be in sickbay. So the relationship tended toward animosity by default.

But Jalen wasn't other doctors. Firstly, he was legitimately older than Kyan, which was something rare in and of itself. And then there was the fact that he didn't seem put off by Kyan just being himself. When he was around Jalen, the boy didn't feel the need to avoid "acting up". He didn't have to worry about whether what he said or thought was going to get him into trouble. He felt free to express himself in the same way that he did when he was was kids his own "age".

He also didn't feel the pressure to prove that he belonged with Jalen or kids that looked like him, a pressure which was always present in Starfleet, especially when he went to a new assignment. Kyan imagined that he wasn't alone in that feeling, even among grups, but it felt as though he had to work harder at it than grups did. In the beginning, he resented it. He oftentimes found himself in arguments and fights with his shipmates because of some comment or some perceived slight. When he tried to join in their jokes, he got different reactions than they did. Eventually it had become a game to him. Not a foolie, but a contest.

If someone got a high score at the phaser range or on the combat simulator, he had to do better. He had begun learning to defend himself long before joining Starfleet, but at the Academy he became obsessed with learning any martial art or fighting form that he could actually use against bigger opponents. Kyan knew he'd never be able to match strength with even the weakest adults, but he could out maneuver them.

Eventually he had figured out how to behave himself in a way that grups didn't find so offensive. The counselors called it "masking". He called it pretending. Whatever the title, it worked. He'd even managed to get promoted past Lieutenant, which only took forty eight years. So... progress right?

Looking back at the big doctor, Kyan gave a crooked grin. "I'm not rubbery! Many time's I've heard me head's made from neutronium so." He gave a shrug. "Anyways, I cannae promise not tae get hurt so I can't. Grups is always after having a go at me, and me at them. But I been doing it for a long time. So most times I win. But sometimes they're sneaky so, like the Orions was, the creatures!"

Kyan jumped off the table and pulled his shirt back on, tucking it in as he continued. "Anyways, I'll sort them out proper next time they show up, by the Powers I will! I'm after paying back that bi... that ummm... Seles fer keeping me prisoner and selling me off tae that human last year."

He put his duty jacket back on and looked up at Jalen. His voice, which had been semi-playful when discussing his plans for the Orions took on a more serious edge. "I'm glad yer here the now." Kyan said matter of factly. "Even though yer a blueshirt, ye always been nice so ye have. And its good ye finally found herself a handfasted mate too. Me ma.. June Mackenzie, not the first one, always said that having an anamchara was important, but not tae be takin it lightly because the Powers would nae be happy about it if you did. So it's happy I am that you found one for yerself."

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on November 20, 2023, 01:48:10 PM

[USS-Challenger->Main Engineering]

Neva was getting a debrief from Gamma shift when she got the summons. Giving a grin, she picked up the kit by her feet and waved an apologetic goodbye to the crewman. Looking at the Chief at the Conference table, the Tellarite just waved a hand down hard in reply. Neva scooted out.

[Shuttlebay-> Cutty Sark]

Neva ran preflight checks with Lt. Espada once she'd gotten strapped into the co-pilot's chair. She had her Kit on the floor beside her, the strap over her knee and tucked a little under her thigh.
She still felt embarrassed at how she'd acted when hit by the butterflies. It couldn't be helped though. She definitely thought she might talk with Aarwendil and Commander Said about handling some of the "traffic" she'd never quite been able to "turn down"." Maybe they knew something...
As the others came aboard, Neva nodded to each with a smile in acknowledgement.

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on November 20, 2023, 07:31:29 PM

[USS-Challenger/ Deck Seven-Sickbay]

Nekab waited patiently while the Risian confirmed his situation in the fleet. Once she finished, he immediately moved to work with the tricorder. "œNo harm done. It's logical that you would want to certify that whoever is working at your medical facility has the approval of your commanders.

Taja's question made the Ensign look away from her, his face completely red. The events of that day were still fresh in his mind and remembering about it made him feel so ashamed. "œWe went to investigate some insects called yanmarr on the surface of Andgarr because they were releasing toxins that affected Vulcans and Romulans. In the end, they also affected Betazoids and our hormones went crazy.

You are completely fine now." Nekab said, after finishing his analysis. The Ensign was relieved that the young Romulan had  stopped the conversation before it entered into the details of how he ended up kissing Commander Said in the middle of a river. "œYour hormonal levels are normal and you'll not have any emotional outburst because of them.

Thank you for the help." Aarwendil said to the Romulan, who simply nodded. It was at this moment that they received the message of Commander Said. They were back on Andgarr and the Betazoid was going to be part of the team that would go to the surface. He swallowed dry, but was prepared to help. There were people to be saved.

[Shuttlebay/Cutty Sark]

After gathering everything that he would need, the Betazoid entered the Cutty Sark. Nekab had remained behind to help Dr. Grippen pick the material the medical team would need, before going to the shuttle. Having studied the yanmarr and its effects, the young Romulan knew what could be useful to treat the effects of the insect's spores.

A smile appeared on the Ensign lips when he saw that Neva was there. "œHey! How are you doing? Did you recover?" he didn't seen her since they left Andgarr.

Quote from: Tora Zalos on November 21, 2023, 11:10:26 AM

[Shuttle Bay/The Cutty Sark]

Six hours. That was how long Tora had knocked out for once she'd been allowed to go back to her quarters to rest. It wasn't exactly the best six-hour sleep of her life, but it was surprisingly restful considering what she'd just gone through, and was going to go through. She had awoken much less tired and disoriented than the first time round, though, which was certainly a bonus. So she'd gathered her equipment and whatever else she thought she might need for the mission ahead and found her way to the shuttlebay.

To no surprise at all, she knew absolutely no one there save Jamil. She was new on board, after all. She had no idea what he specialized in, but he was here, and so should've been useful somehow. The other uniforms she recognized: medical, command, operations - and yet here she was, feeling somewhat out of place among her colleagues. She was trained asanthropologist, for one - what use was she exactly on this mission? Surely it didn't have something to do with investigating the doomsday machine's history, did it? Starfleet had an entire database on the thing, after all.

Nonetheless, she decided to swallow her doubts for the time being. Experience was experience. She'd need it for the long career ahead of her. She decided to approach Jamil first - she was to be working with him for this mission, was she not? "Hey there. Did you rest well?" She asked with her old dabo girl smile. "Feels like it's going to be a rather long trip, don't you reckon?

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 21, 2023, 05:12:01 PM

[Deck 8, Sickbay]

Taja quickled wished she'd went to sleep when the commander's call came in, now who knew when she'd next see her bed. The Risan quickly downed the remainder of her 'Go-Juice' and went to prepare her medical kit. "Looks like we'll have the pleasure of each other's company for a little while longer!" she said with a smile to Aarwendil and Nekab.

[Deck 19, Shuttlebay]

Upon arriving in the shuttlebay, Taja entered the waiting craft and found a seat placing the medical kit across her lap. Turning to the Romulan, she asked "So, Mr Nekab. What do I need to know about these spores, since we're going back there. Anything we need to administer to the away team to protect them?"

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on November 21, 2023, 11:32:35 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger 40117-A]

"Agreed. It seems that Starfleet offered us their quirky and untypical. But... perhaps with some handiwork, they may yet be valuable members of the crew..." Zhukdra'shar commented back as he leaned closer towards Mackenzie. In other circumstances, he would be worried that they could overhear. But, considering none of the Ensigns seemed to belong to a species with such good hearing as his', he found no predicament in sharing his thoughts with Kyan.

Zhuk seemed proud at the confirmation offered by Commander Said of his idea for the acquisition of a device that could serve as a makeshift explosive. Of course, she wanted to get a Warp core, which would indeed garner a much larger yield if detonated. He approved of the idea, in any case, as it seemed something sound that they could do to combat this monstrous mechanical abomination.

Then, she proceeded to invite him and the rest of the Senior Officers within the briefing room, to further discuss the plans ahead. So, he dallied no longer, heading there to see what plans could be concocted.

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Conference Room | Deck One | USS Challenger 40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar took a seat next to Dashlish and placed his hands on the table, fingers interlocked, listening intently to the initial statements made by Commander Said, and the response by the Tellerite. It a shame that one of the ideas was discarded almost immediately, though knowing her, and especially through what he had heard Lahr say, he was quite surprised to hear her praise the idea as 'good', even if it was unfeasible to do.

Kudos to the Ensign, he supposed. Maybe he was more than just hot air and bad jokes.

A few ideas began to rummage through Zhuk's mind as he too had been thinking about how to take the menace down. Some rather obvious insight was offered by Kyan, but Zhuk decided not to comment on it. Still, he had the impression that as most times, the Onlie was not taking this with the seriously it pertained. Funnily enough, if Kyan had been anyone else, he would be irked. But he actually liked his commanding officer, even if he was much, much different from himself and T'Kel, who had trained him well in Security.

His thoughts on the matter distracted him, and he was met with the dismissal from the Captain. He frowned for just a moment, though ultimately, he supposed that his plan to using another planet as bait, and then cause it to become something akin to a supernova, though in a lesser magnitude was truly not too scientific. He was not even sure of how sound the idea was. Maybe it was best that he had not shared it.

And a good night's sleep sounded truly good right now.

So, his serious expression returned soon enough, and then he nodded towards Ian, before standing up once more. He exited the Conference Hall without much of a word, hands behind his back, and soon entered the turbolift.

"Deck Seven, Sickbay."

Then he scratched his stain again. Not for much longer...

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Personal Quarters --> Armory --> Main Shuttlebay | Deck Two ---> Deck Nine ---> Deck Nineteen | USS Challenger 40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar had just finished donning his Security outfit and placed on his comm badge, after taking a bath and reassuring himself, by looking at least three times, that the stain left by those pesky bugs had been removed completely. Fortunately, that was the case. To his good luck, yesterday he had managed to find Chloe unoccupied, so he did avoid a rather embarrassing situation with having to explain to another his predicament, which further made him thankful to Chloe for her assistance.

He had went to the the Mess Hall later to get a meal, and once he finally reached his bunk, he had slept like a kitten. Of course, now that he had woken up, he wished he had at least four more hours to dream, but it would be enough to keep him effective. And duty called.

His ears twitched as he heard Commander Said over the radio, and he promptly answered.

=/\="Duly noted. I shalt acquire the requested armament and head towards the Shuttle Bay."=/\=

And so, after another look at the mirror for good measure, Zhuk headed over to the Armory, recovering the two phaser rifles and six hand phasers, and offering Crewman Zala a good morning while he was at it. Afterwards, he headed over to the 'Cutty Sark', encountering Lieutenant Espada, Commander Said, Ensign Cordon, Ensign Zalos, and Dr. Taja Grippen.

"Greetings ladies and gentleman, He greeted them, deciding to fill them in a little better before the mission, "We are soon to descend upon a junkyard of ancient spaceships. And... not so old husks, left by our last incursion and the assistance of the Angdarr. I recommend exercising caution while down there, as dangerous emissions, exposed cables, and other environmental dangers could be present. A negligible amount of time has transpired since I was tasked with the capture of some Romulan VIPs. While such a mission was unfortunately a disappointment, I did manage to overcome their defenses, and their forces. Still, perhaps some stragglers may remain."

He took a seat, "Any further information I believe I shalt withhold until Commander Said gives us our instructions." He nodded towards her, hoping that he had done well on informing them what they might likely encounter.

[Commander Nira Said | Shuttle Cutty Sark | Main Shuttlebay | Deck Nineteen | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The team assembled inside. Nira nodded cordially to them all as they came in. Taja and Nekab came in last, and thank Allah, they had the materials.

Zhuk started off, and when he passed the briefing to Nira, she proceeded. "Right, so we're heading particularly to what the Andgarr refer to as the 'Warbird Necropolis.' The object of the away mission is to find a warp core among the ships below. We will be scanning for active warp cores, whether or not they had been rebuilt by the Romulans. Now we'll see what we can find among the junk below. It'll be up to our Ensigns in particular to find the warp cores. We'll start at the landing site, find anything in proximity to our tricorders. Worse comes to worse, we use the Cutty Sark's sensors.

"Now, we have two extra Medical hands to innoculate us against any Yanmarr pollen, just in case," she added. She turned to Nekab and asked, "I trust you have the materials to innoculate us against the pollen?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on November 22, 2023, 10:26:47 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the Cutty Sark depart and enter the swarm of traffic around Angdarr, as it did, he was immediately reminded of a fish swimming upstream as those who could were fleeing the planet. The plan was a simple one, find a derelict, get it operational enough to fly, and shove it into the maw of the Doomsday Machine. A decent enough plan in theory, he hoped the execution was a simple as the plan itself. He was however jolted out of his revelry by Lieutenant Commander Catalan at Ops.

"Sir, I have Anax Jindak hailing us."

"On screen. Hello Anax, I hope you are callin' with good news."

"The quality of the news is as yet undetermined, but I do indeed have news. I have made contact with an organization that operates out of Angdarr. Kinglines Corporation. They have a large space liner, the Cosmos Royale in orbit. They are of course reluctant to part with such a vessel when it is needed to evacuate their staff, but it is the only ship in the system I believe to be large enough to accomplish what you want to do."

"It is a start Anax. I will contact them immediately."

"The person you need to speak to is Burton King."

"Thank you Anax. Galloway out."

Before Catalan could establish a connection, Lieutenant Randall called out from the Science One station.

"Captain! Romulan ship decloaking!"

Ian's head snapped toward Randall.


"Off the port bow. Range 50,000 kilometers. Class...class... It's an older model Sir. A V-6, code name 'Gallant Wing'. Transponder listed as Deletham Mosarum, 'Winged Defender.'"

[Shuttle Cutty Sark - Orbit of Angdarr]

As Espada weaved his way through the outbound traffic which didn't seem to be following any established pattern, he soon broke past the chaos and could see the towering trees of Angdarr. Following the coordinates from their recent visit, he headed directly for the junkyard at the base of the extraordinary trees. He flared in for a landing with a bit more style than was standard and opened the hatch.

"Thank you for flying Espada Airlines."

Nira led the away team off the shuttle, tricorders in Neva's and Tora's hand as they scanned the vast array of junked ships. Doctor Grippen stayed in the middle of the pack and admired the trees as Zhuk, Cheizex, Nekab, and Nira had their phasers at the ready. This turned out to be a good thing because just as Neva and Tora called out lifesigns, a dozen figures of multiple species, but all armed and looking decidedly disreputable appeared.

"We'll be taking that shuttle Starfleet."

[Commander Nira Said | Shuttle Cutty Sark | Romulan Landing Pad | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

Nira stood between Neva and Hector and watched with awe as they dove into the huge canopy. It was well worth seeing again, but now they had to save it. Save it from the monster of Kirk's day.

Upon landing, she smiled at Hector's jokey reply. "Good flying with you. Keep the engine running, we may need to get going once we find the core, we don't want to go it on foot." She looked over at Taja and Tora Zalos and said, "Well, you'd be surprised by the huge trees, especially if you saw them coming in."

Indeed, it's easy enough to be. Nira had to admit, she was so busy looking up at the huge trees above that she was taken by surprise by typical represenatives of the galaxy's wretched hive of scum and villainy. There was certainly plenty of green; they mostly consisted of Orions and Nausicaans.

Nira was at the front with Zhuk, both with their rifles at the ready. The way they indicated interest in the shuttle.

"Let me guess: Scavengers," said Nira. "Well, you're not taking our shuttle, we need it."

A few of the Nausicaans sniggered. The spokesmen, a tall Orion, merely curled his lips at them. "Well. Regardless, we can have your shuttle, and we could even take some slaves. The warlords would pay a fortune especially for beauties like you females."

Nira curled her lips back. "Screw you, you green bastards," she snarled. "Besides, there are some new ships that had their recent flights tragically cut off..."

"...we know," sneered another Orion at his side, and she certainly had the look of an Animal Woman; she would've looked like a barbarian princess if it wasn't for the metal armor pads and the green skin. "All of them made from the husks around you. And there's still enough to go around."

Well. This was going to get tricky. Nira was suddenly regretting stepping out. She knew there was a reason to go for a shuttle. First they had to get out of this.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Neva Cordon on November 21, 2023, 11:10:04 AM

Neva smiled brightly when she heard Aarwendil. Turning to face him after hitting a couple controls, she nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. I got back to shift just today." With a sigh, she looked at him more directly and then went on telepathically.
'I think I could use some help shutting out others. Its been hard to pick up again...' The fleeting image of maniacally angry eyes and pain shoot past before Neva shut it down. 'Would you help?'

Neva looked away, some redness coloring her cheeks. With a cough, she spoke once more. "You should probably get strapped in, Aarwendil. Once the Commander gets in, we're off."

[Shuttlebay/Cutty Sark]

Aarwendil didn't need to use his telepathy to know that Neva wasn't well. She looked tired, even if she had said that had returned to her shift today. When she contacted him telepathically, the young Betazoid briefly saw a terrible image coming from her mind. He wondered what it was.  "˜Of course! I know some exercises that can help. After this mission we can meet in the holodeck. We can work on it here.' he said telepathically to her. Since they were still alone in the shuttle, the two could talk with each other this way without offending non-telepaths.

Taking her advice, he sat in one of the seats and strapped himself. Now they needed to wait for the others.

Quote from: Dr Taja Grippen on November 21, 2023, 05:12:01 PM

[Deck 8, Sickbay]

Taja quickled wished she'd went to sleep when the commander's call came in, now who knew when she'd next see her bed. The Risan quickly downed the remainder of her 'Go-Juice' and went to prepare her medical kit. "Looks like we'll have the pleasure of each other's company for a little while longer!" she said with a smile to Aarwendil and Nekab.

[Deck 19, Shuttlebay]

Upon arriving in the shuttlebay, Taja entered the waiting craft and found a seat placing the medical kit across her lap. Turning to the Romulan, she asked "So, Mr Nekab. What do I need to know about these spores, since we're going back there. Anything we need to administer to the away team to protect them?"

Quote from: Nira Said on November 22, 2023, 06:09:32 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Shuttle Cutty Sark | Main Shuttlebay | Deck Nineteen | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The team assembled inside. Nira nodded cordially to them all as they came in. Taja and Nekab came in last, and thank Allah, they had the materials.

Zhuk started off, and when he passed the briefing to Nira, she proceeded. "Right, so we're heading particularly to what the Andgarr refer to as the 'Warbird Necropolis.' The object of the away mission is to find a warp core among the ships below. We will be scanning for active warp cores, whether or not they had been rebuilt by the Romulans. Now we'll see what we can find among the junk below. It'll be up to our Ensigns in particular to find the warp cores. We'll start at the landing site, find anything in proximity to our tricorders. Worse comes to worse, we use the Cutty Sark's sensors.

"Now, we have two extra Medical hands to innoculate us against any Yanmarr pollen, just in case," she added. She turned to Nekab and asked, "I trust you have the materials to innoculate us against the pollen?"
[Commander Nira Said | Shuttle Cutty Sark | Romulan Landing Pad | Warbird Necropolis | Andgarr Prime]

Nira stood between Neva and Hector and watched with awe as they dove into the huge canopy. It was well worth seeing again, but now they had to save it. Save it from the monster of Kirk's day.

Upon landing, she smiled at Hector's jokey reply. "Good flying with you. Keep the engine running, we may need to get going once we find the core, we don't want to go it on foot." She looked over at Taja and Tora Zalos and said, "Well, you'd be surprised by the huge trees, especially if you saw them coming in."

Indeed, it's easy enough to be. Nira had to admit, she was so busy looking up at the huge trees above that she was taken by surprise by typical represenatives of the galaxy's wretched hive of scum and villainy. There was certainly plenty of green; they mostly consisted of Orions and Nausicaans.

Nira was at the front with Zhuk, both with their rifles at the ready. The way they indicated interest in the shuttle.

"Let me guess: Scavengers," said Nira. "Well, you're not taking our shuttle, we need it."

A few of the Nausicaans sniggered. The spokesmen, a tall Orion, merely curled his lips at them. "Well. Regardless, we can have your shuttle, and we could even take some slaves. The warlords would pay a fortune especially for beauties like you females."

Nira curled her lips back. "Screw you, you green bastards," she snarled. "Besides, there are some new ships that had their recent flights tragically cut off..."

"...we know," sneered another Orion at his side, and she certainly had the look of an Animal Woman; she would've looked like a barbarian princess if it wasn't for the metal armor pads and the green skin. "All of them made from the husks around you. And there's still enough to go around."

Well. This was going to get tricky. Nira was suddenly regretting stepping out. She knew there was a reason to go for a shuttle. First they had to get out of this.

[USS-Challenger/ Shuttlebay - Cutty Sark]

Nekab and Taja were the last to arrive, due to the Romulan wanting to be well prepared for what they could see on the surface. "œThere is a vaccine capable of nullifying the effects of the pollen." he said to the Risian, while showing her the metallic suitcase that he was carrying. "œI have samples here to be used in the case of contamination."

When they arrived at the shuttle, Commander Said was already here. "œYes, ma'am. We have enough vaccines. The yanmarr will not jeopardize the mission." he reassured the female Betazoid, before finding a seat for himself. While he maintained his stoic face, Nekab couldn't avoid thinking of his mother in Andgarr and wondered if she had already left the planet.

He took a deep breath, allowing these feelings of doubt and fear dissipate.

[Shuttle Cutty Sark/ Romulan Landing Pad/ Warbird Necropolis/ Andgarr Prime]

While the shuttle descended through the canopy, Aarwendil had a deja vu. However, this time he didn't have the same awe from early on. He was concerned with the fact that the yanmarr could still be out here. What calmed him down was the fact that Nekab was carruing the vaccines.

Betazoid, Male

Dr Taja Grippen


[Angdarr Landing Site]

Taja listened to the briefings with interest and thoroughly enjoyed the slightly hair-raising descent through the planet's atmosphere. The forest canopy of Angdarr was beautiful despite the dangers that lurked beneath. Once disembarked, the Risan stayed with the group and further admired the trees and other foliage, reminiscing about her paradise home but it was to be short lived.

Taja watched as Nira 'negotiated' with the scavengers. They looked like they hadn't bathed in a month and smelled like it to, she tried not to let her disgust show at their words and appearance. Perhaps it was her being amped up on that damned 'Go-Juice', or perhaps she was just exceedingly stupid, but Taja stepped forward with both hands raised in the air. She had no place doing this, but was to hyped to do anything about it.

"Hold on there just a minute. There's no need for hostilities." She unleashed her full Risan charm, the same charm that made Starfleet shore-leave personnel weak at the knees. Putting on her best smile, she continued. "I never imagined we'd meet such a handsome and beautiful group of pirates. Perhaps we can come to a deal, we have with us inoculation against the insect's spores. I'm sure you to have suffered the effects. If that doesn't interest you, I'm more than happy to take care of any medical needs you may have...any nasty cuts or half-healed broken bones. What do you say, you fabulous hunk of Orion masculinity?" She winked at the Orion male, terrified on the inside and expecting to be blasted into oblivion at any second.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

Jalen Kartos

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on November 22, 2023, 02:44:04 PM

"I'm glad yer here the now." Kyan said matter of factly. "Even though yer a blueshirt, ye always been nice so ye have. And its good ye finally found herself a handfasted mate too. Me ma.. June Mackenzie, not the first one, always said that having an anamchara was important, but not tae be takin it lightly because the Powers would nae be happy about it if you did. So it's happy I am that you found one for yerself."

Jalen turned aside to allow the Only some privacy as he redressed. Though on Miri's Planet he wouldn't have given the boy that kind of privacy, as everyone tended to eat, live, change, and play in one giant room, though Jalen figured that Kyan had been among humans long enough that this was the proper course of action. He went about inputting some data into his PADD updating the Commander's file to return him to full active duty. Jalen turned back hen he heard the tunic zip on, and made eye contact with the Only as he began to speak about his time with the Orions. He could hear a carefully hidden pain, and unresolved trauma there. Though he was certain it was buried deep with all of Kyan's other unresolved trauma. For all Immortals must learn how to deal with the loss of everyone they love, and the Onlies were in a unique position of being immortal but forever young, so those loses likely weigh heavier on them then those who are adults. For children, even immortal children, are still children and they are not to be expected to process the world and their experiences in the same way as adults.

"œThere was once a race of beings, wise and compassionate, perhaps the wisest and most compassionate in all of the galaxy. In fact, they were so compassionate that they could not see when they were being exploited by the sweet sounding words of an outsider. Because of this they spent the next fifty years labouring under the yoke of this exploiting force, turned into nothing better then slaves on their own world. Many of these once wise and compassionate peoples, decided to revenge that suffering tenfold upon those that caused them to suffer. In the process they did drive back the subjugation force, though it cost them the lives of countless of their own people in retaliation. But they learned the hard way the hardest of lessons. That being that when one seeks revenge, they should start by digging two graves. For in freeing themselves and revenging their anger upon their enemy, they irreparably lost and damaged a part of the themselves that they have never gotten back. Their peace and their childhood, for in revenging they lost that irreplaceable part of themselves, and buried it forever next to their oppressors."

Jalen's story was spoken in the weighted way that parents often speak fairy tales to children. Though there was no condescension, no superiority in his rendition, just a sort of sadness. The sort of sadness that comes with far to intimate a personal experience with the story that he spoke. For in many ways the story was about himself, or at least the self that he wished he could've been all those centuries ago, in a place far far away from where he was now. For indeed it was from those people of which he spoke that he truly found peace again, a peace he didn't feel he ever deserved. And from the Onlies he had learned again to love a life, that he was too cowardly to end. He shook his head, in a motion not unlike that of a dog shaking off water, he then looked back up smiling at his patient.

"I am pleased and happy I have found a handfast mate for myself as well. And believe me I thank the Prophets, or the Powers if you prefer, every day for having brought him into my life. I hope too that one day you find one as well, but there is much time before that would be needed."

"‘I swear by El-Aurkis the great healer, and his assistant Lo-Rian, and all the gods of medicine, that I Jalen Kartos, shall do all in my power to alleviate suffering and heal the body and mind."

Cole Shepard

[Mess Hall==>Crew Quarters ==>Bridge]

As the Challenger had been heading back to Earth, it had been a perfect time for Cole to take some time off after all the flying he ad done during their last excursion. During his down time, he had been practicing his martial arts and had taken a fall that had fractured his tibia. The doctors had repaired it and ordered him to rest and take it easy. He had been content with the orders when they were headed back to the Sol System but as soon as the Challenger sounded Red Alert and changed course, he had left the Mess Hall and went to his quarters to dawn his uniform.

With his uniform on, he left and made his way to the Bridge. He passed several crew members that were hurrying along and heard them mention an away team. He stepped into the lift and headed upward.

When the doors parted, he made his way to the edge of the walkway. He knew the Captain had been informed of his injury so he tried doing things by the book.

"Ensign Shepard reporting for duty, Sir. I'd like to take my post with your permission, Captain." he said as he stood by and waited for a reply.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 12 - Upper Engineering Support]

Quote from: Abas Th'vyrrol on November 21, 2023, 09:17:57 PM

[Upper Engineering Support]

Although it had been only minutes since he had left Sickbay, he frowned at the hostile demeanor he was receiving from the Andorian. The man's behavior was rude, erratic, and he was complaining of headaches. Something was off, for sure. He snapped open his tricorder and began to take scans, comparing the baseline to the chief's last reported physical. He also took a moment to pocket the hypospray before snapping the medical case shut, hefting it up, and preparing to follow Lahr.

"Sure Chief, lead the way," he said, his glower deepening as the man's baselines came back as deeply off of what they should be. "But first, I need to treat you. Busy or not, you are not okay," he said, with a bedside manner about as subtle as a brick crashing through a window. "Headaches, attitude, and what seems to be quite the concussion," he said, before approaching the man and attempting to inject him with the hypo he'd prepared earlier. "If you'll allow me, this will help with the headache,"

Ultimately, he knew the man would want to continue working. More than that, he'd want to keep going full tilt and not take any time off. "If you don't believe me, look at these readings yourself."

Abas couldn't see the man's eyes, but he could sense just how out of whack the man was. It was only a matter of how the man reacted to treatment to see if he'd have to forcibly take him off the line. If the man resisted his treatment, he'd find himself out of a job and putting his department even more short-handed than they already were.

When the Aenar, suggested for Lahr to 'lead the way' that's what he immediately turned to do, but then got a conflicting message from the medic saying that first he needed to be treated cause he wasn't 'okay'.  Lahr  paused and looked back toward Th'vyrrol in annoyance at the mixed signals.  "Am I coming or going, Doc? Make up your mind!"

It was then that the Doc produced a hypospray and approached him.  Lahr stepped back warily, until Abas pointed out that it was medication and would help clear his headache.

The offer of being able to check his own readings while well-intentioned, didn't help Lahr one whit.    He had not clue what the medical readings meant much less what to do if there was a deficiency or error in one.  Chloe had been handy that way.  Explaining things to him in ways he understood.

"So that's a painkiller?  Fine." Lahr stopped moving away and instead just let the Aenar come to him.  "You did remember to bring the anti-phermone shot as well, right?" 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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