S:5 E:16 - A Doomsday Like Any Other

Started by Ian Galloway, November 08, 2023, 11:37:52 AM

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Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 09, 2023, 10:32:29 AM

Neva's jaw clenched a moment, her face turning resolute. As much as safety aboard Challenger appealed to her sense of self-preservation,  the young Engineer couldn't bring herself to turn into that skid.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke. "Commander Said, I'm sorry, but I can't in good conscience obey your order to leave. I volunteer to stay with you and Lt. Mrekrerhas until your beam out to make sure no issues arise beforehand." She gave a slight smirk. "Besides, any Engineer worth their salt would want to make sure their jerry-rigs hold."

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | En Route to the Doomsday Weapon | Andgarr System]

Nira looked at Neva with her determined resolution, and she smiled. She appreciated Neva's desire to stay and help; she had that inkling once or twice after she came aboard, but Nira felt enough sisterly affection for Neva that she wished that she would've been an older sister to Neva.

"Why not?" she said with a sisterly smile. "I appreciate your assistance, Neva. The rest of you," she said to the rest of the away team, "beam back to the Challenger and we'll make sure this wreck gets there. Neva, Zhuk, you're with me."

As half the away team had gone, Nira looked back at Neva and Zhuk. At being informed that they had less than two minutes before getting into the maw of the weapon, Nira said, "Prime the countdown for one hundred seconds."

She kept her eye on the ETA, and when it reached a hundred seconds - or one minute and forty seconds - Nira said, "Mark!"

The countdown had begun, the course still automatically headed toward the maw of the weapon. She then ordered, "Keep on course, make sure it's still at it, and I'll call for beam-out at the right moment. Zhuk, empty the payload of torpedoes into the maw of the weapon, don't hit the hull."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 09, 2023, 11:20:16 AM

[Battlehawk - Angdarr System]

As the away team made their final adjustments and lined up their approach to the Doomsday Machine, the massive weapon began to grow in size as the distance decreased. The old battleship shook and the consoles reported many overloads throughout the barely functioning ship. Although the viewscreen fuzzed in and out of focus, it was operational enough for the away team to have enough information to see the Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum begin their attack runs.

Approaching from directly ahead, the Challenger let loose a full salvo of quantum torpedoes as she closed, which all struck, but did no damage to the neutronium hull of the Machine. The anti-proton beam fired and despite the attempt to dodge, the beam hit and knocked the Challenger sideways by the impact. As the ship staggered, the Deletham Mosarum fired and drew off the Machine before cloaking. Fortunately, the anti-proton beam was not a rapid fire weapon, thus the slow recharge cycle allowed the Challenger to pass beyond the forward arc of fire of the Machine.

When the Challenger passed over the top of the Machine, her phasers strafing down the length of the massive weapon, also to no effect. She then fired a full spread of photons from the aft launchers as she completed her run. These warheads were fired with a proximity fuse and rigged to send out as big an EMP as possible to confuse the Machine's targeting as the Battlehawk began her terminal run toward the maw of the massive weapon. As the distance closed, Ian hit the comm system on the command chair.

=/\= "Nira! It's time ta bloody go!" =/\=

Nira had been watching the battle the Challenger and the old Romulan ship started. She shook her head; why in Allah's name didn't they fire into the maw?

At fifty seconds, she flinched at Ian's shout to get out. She replied, "Acknowledged. Said to Challenger. Transporter Room, three to beam up."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 09, 2023, 10:32:29 AM

Neva's jaw clenched a moment, her face turning resolute. As much as safety aboard Challenger appealed to her sense of self-preservation,  the young Engineer couldn't bring herself to turn into that skid.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke. "Commander Said, I'm sorry, but I can't in good conscience obey your order to leave. I volunteer to stay with you and Lt. Mrekrerhas until your beam out to make sure no issues arise beforehand." She gave a slight smirk. "Besides, any Engineer worth their salt would want to make sure their jerry-rigs hold."

Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2023, 12:10:49 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | En Route to the Doomsday Weapon | Andgarr System]

"Much appreciated, Neva," said Nira. "Prepare a detonation sequence with a countdown timer, but wait to set the timer. Arrange a remote detonation as a second setting as well, just in case."

Sighing with disappointment at one fact, she said, "I wish we could do more...no spare deuterium to spare from Challenger, Andgarr or anywhere else? It's a pity. We'll have to make do. Set course for the weapon, at our best possible speed."
Unfortunately, it too much too long for Nira's liking. All they could do was set course and wait. Nira had hoped, had hoped, that more could be added in with extra punch to take out the machine, but none other help was forthcoming.

So much time passed. Rest and sleep and eat from the Protein Resequencer, and Nira found preserved oosol sweets very excellent; sealed in so long, they tasted surprisingly good.

And the time came for the fight. Nira could only hope they were not too late. At Captain Galloway's call, she replied, "Acknowledged, Captain. I'll send the call for transport when we're ready."

She then turned to the away team and said, "Okay, we're primed and ready. Zhuk, you and I are to remain here while the rest of the team returns to Challenger. I'll ensure the course to ram the ship down the machine's throat continues. Zhuk, given what you know already about the Battlehawk's weapon systems, you'll be manning the weapon controls. Don't hit anywhere on the ship's outer hull, do your best unload the arsenal into the maw. Meantime, the countdown has to be primed. At current velocity," she asked to whoever was at the helm, "how long until the ship reaches the weapon's maw?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 09, 2023, 11:20:16 AM

[Battlehawk - Angdarr System]

As the away team made their final adjustments and lined up their approach to the Doomsday Machine, the massive weapon began to grow in size as the distance decreased. The old battleship shook and the consoles reported many overloads throughout the barely functioning ship. Although the viewscreen fuzzed in and out of focus, it was operational enough for the away team to have enough information to see the Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum begin their attack runs.

Approaching from directly ahead, the Challenger let loose a full salvo of quantum torpedoes as she closed, which all struck, but did no damage to the neutronium hull of the Machine. The anti-proton beam fired and despite the attempt to dodge, the beam hit and knocked the Challenger sideways by the impact. As the ship staggered, the Deletham Mosarum fired and drew off the Machine before cloaking. Fortunately, the anti-proton beam was not a rapid fire weapon, thus the slow recharge cycle allowed the Challenger to pass beyond the forward arc of fire of the Machine.

When the Challenger passed over the top of the Machine, her phasers strafing down the length of the massive weapon, also to no effect. She then fired a full spread of photons from the aft launchers as she completed her run. These warheads were fired with a proximity fuse and rigged to send out as big an EMP as possible to confuse the Machine's targeting as the Battlehawk began her terminal run toward the maw of the massive weapon. As the distance closed, Ian hit the comm system on the command chair.

=/\= "Nira! It's time ta bloody go!" =/\=

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Romulan Wreck - Ancient Battlehawk | Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

Zhuk nodded at the Commander's instruction (even if he still was somewhat hurt as she had asked for a couple of his osol twists. They were the treat Taja had given him and only meant for him, and one for Taja, not for anyone else. He reminded himself that sharing was important in Starfleet.), and prepared to fire all the Battlehawk still had as soon as it was in range.

As his ear shifted in position to hear Neva's request, he was more than surprised to have her want to remain on the vessel. At first, he thought it was a foolish decision. Ultimately, though, he weighed the reasoning behind Cordon's actions and decided that as the sole Engineer, she was wise to argue for her stay. Nonetheless, he was certain that if not for the most precise of calculations, they would see their end at the abomination's gullet. He just hoped that the Ensign knew that.

He was glad that Nira agreed to let her stay soon after, though, as the Battlehawk's systems began to overload. Neva would be able to fix them, he was sure. For a moment, he debated whether to give one of the other members of the team who were about to be teleported his Datapad. He did not want his writings for a special someone to be lost. But he took too long deciding, and soon, they were safe back on the Challenger. Or so he hoped.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2023, 11:02:03 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | En Route to the Doomsday Weapon | Andgarr System]

Nira looked at Neva with her determined resolution, and she smiled. She appreciated Neva's desire to stay and help; she had that inkling once or twice after she came aboard, but Nira felt enough sisterly affection for Neva that she wished that she would've been an older sister to Neva.

"Why not?" she said with a sisterly smile. "I appreciate your assistance, Neva. The rest of you," she said to the rest of the away team, "beam back to the Challenger and we'll make sure this wreck gets there. Neva, Zhuk, you're with me."

As half the away team had gone, Nira looked back at Neva and Zhuk. At being informed that they had less than two minutes before getting into the maw of the weapon, Nira said, "Prime the countdown for one hundred seconds."

She kept her eye on the ETA, and when it reached a hundred seconds - or one minute and forty seconds - Nira said, "Mark!"

The countdown had begun, the course still automatically headed toward the maw of the weapon. She then ordered, "Keep on course, make sure it's still at it, and I'll call for beam-out at the right moment. Zhuk, empty the payload of torpedoes into the maw of the weapon, don't hit the hull."Nira had been watching the battle the Challenger and the old Romulan ship started. She shook her head; why in Allah's name didn't they fire into the maw?

At fifty seconds, she flinched at Ian's shout to get out. She replied, "Acknowledged. Said to Challenger. Transporter Room, three to beam up."

"To the rifles, brothers! Smash the dragons! Smash 'em! Smash 'em all!", was the quote that reached Zhuk's mind as he stared down at the monstrous machine. It came from a now ancient movie, Battleship Potemkin. It had been a wonder he had been lucky enough to see it back on Earth, but he was glad he had. It fitted right in at this moment.

"Yes ma'am!"

Came the voice of Zhuk as he proceeded to fire all the payload that the ancient Romulan Battlehawk could muster, as well as firing the disruptor array directly at the maw of the Doomsday Machine. Though one of the torpedoes went wide, hitting the rim of the vessel's 'mouth', the other four launched landed directly within. The disruptor ray also fired three times into its interior before completely powering down, much to Zhuk's chagrin.

He held his breath, as he desperately tried to get another salvo of torpedoes to fly. Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar made peace with himself and with his life as he got ready for the worst to happen...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2023, 11:02:03 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Battlehawk Wreck | En Route to the Doomsday Weapon | Andgarr System]

She kept her eye on the ETA, and when it reached a hundred seconds - or one minute and forty seconds - Nira said, "Mark!"

The countdown had begun, the course still automatically headed toward the maw of the weapon. She then ordered, "Keep on course, make sure it's still at it, and I'll call for beam-out at the right moment. Zhuk, empty the payload of torpedoes into the maw of the weapon, don't hit the hull."Nira had been watching the battle the Challenger and the old Romulan ship started. She shook her head; why in Allah's name didn't they fire into the maw?

At fifty seconds, she flinched at Ian's shout to get out. She replied, "Acknowledged. Said to Challenger. Transporter Room, three to beam up."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 11, 2023, 10:53:27 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Romulan Wreck - Ancient Battlehawk | Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

"Yes ma'am!"

Came the voice of Zhuk as he proceeded to fire all the payload that the ancient Romulan Battlehawk could muster, as well as firing the disruptor array directly at the maw of the Doomsday Machine. Though one of the torpedoes went wide, hitting the rim of the vessel's 'mouth', the other four launched landed directly within. The disruptor ray also fired three times into its interior before completely powering down, much to Zhuk's chagrin.

He held his breath, as he desperately tried to get another salvo of torpedoes to fly. Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar made peace with himself and with his life as he got ready for the worst to happen...

[Angdarr System - Between orbit of Angdarr VII and the remnant of Angdarr VIII]

The Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum kept firing as a distraction until the Battlehawk began it's final approach. The transporter locked onto Nira, Neva, and Zhuk and whisked them off the old hulk just before the battleship entered the maw of the Machine.

There was a flash as the old engines detonated, when the actinic overload cleared, the glow inside the Machine was undimmed and it returned to it's primary course, Angdarr Prime. They had failed and it looked like the planet was now doomed.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 11, 2023, 11:15:16 AM

[Angdarr System - Between orbit of Angdarr VII and the remnant of Angdarr VIII]

The Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum kept firing as a distraction until the Battlehawk began it's final approach. The transporter locked onto Nira, Neva, and Zhuk and whisked them off the old hulk just before the battleship entered the maw of the Machine.

There was a flash as the old engines detonated, when the actinic overload cleared, the glow inside the Machine was undimmed and it returned to it's primary course, Angdarr Prime. They had failed and it looked like the planet was now doomed.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira ran up to the bridge, despite looking dirty and smelling from having spent more than a day in the wreck, and made it in time to watch the flash in the warp core...only to see the machine was still on course.

"NO!" shouted Nira. "Dammit, I knew we needed that core, I knew we should've had extra deutrium...!"

She clenched her fists and grit her teeth angrily. She felt she had let down some promises, and now Andgarr was doomed.

"Don't we have any more...? Allah's sake, what can we do?" she said in distress, feeling helpless for the first time since the news of Frontier Day, and that Earth had fallen for all she knew.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 11, 2023, 11:58:27 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira ran up to the bridge, despite looking dirty and smelling from having spent more than a day in the wreck, and made it in time to watch the flash in the warp core...only to see the machine was still on course.

"NO!" shouted Nira. "Dammit, I knew we needed that core, I knew we should've had extra deutrium...!"

She clenched her fists and grit her teeth angrily. She felt she had let down some promises, and now Andgarr was doomed.

"Don't we have any more...? Allah's sake, what can we do?" she said in distress, feeling helpless for the first time since the news of Frontier Day, and that Earth had fallen for all she knew.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Internally, Ian felt as despondent as Nira stated, but he couldn't show that. He had to remain the 'non-anxious presence' for the crew. He sighed and said.

"Ops, signal the Deletham Mosarum, let them know we're ta warp back ta Angdarr Prime. That will give us a few hours ta off load the crew and organize our last stand."

As the ship went to warp, Ian's mind was spinning through the few options as they had. At warp 8, it took less than a minute to reach Angdarr Prime and as soon as they dropped out of warp, Lieutenant Commander Catalan said.

"Sir, I'm receiving a hail from that freighter captain, Pat O'Flaherty."

Before Ian could reply, Lieutenant Randall at the Science One station reported.

"Sir, ships decloaking! Six of them! They're Romulan Free State Norexan-Class!"

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 11, 2023, 10:53:27 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Romulan Wreck - Ancient Battlehawk | Angdarr Prime | Angdarr System]

Zhuk nodded at the Commander's instruction (even if he still was somewhat hurt as she had asked for a couple of his osol twists. They were the treat Taja had given him and only meant for him, and one for Taja, not for anyone else. He reminded himself that sharing was important in Starfleet.), and prepared to fire all the Battlehawk still had as soon as it was in range.

As his ear shifted in position to hear Neva's request, he was more than surprised to have her want to remain on the vessel. At first, he thought it was a foolish decision. Ultimately, though, he weighed the reasoning behind Cordon's actions and decided that as the sole Engineer, she was wise to argue for her stay. Nonetheless, he was certain that if not for the most precise of calculations, they would see their end at the abomination's gullet. He just hoped that the Ensign knew that.

He was glad that Nira agreed to let her stay soon after, though, as the Battlehawk's systems began to overload. Neva would be able to fix them, he was sure. For a moment, he debated whether to give one of the other members of the team who were about to be teleported his Datapad. He did not want his writings for a special someone to be lost. But he took too long deciding, and soon, they were safe back on the Challenger. Or so he hoped.

"To the rifles, brothers! Smash the dragons! Smash 'em! Smash 'em all!", was the quote that reached Zhuk's mind as he stared down at the monstrous machine. It came from a now ancient movie, Battleship Potemkin. It had been a wonder he had been lucky enough to see it back on Earth, but he was glad he had. It fitted right in at this moment.

"Yes ma'am!"

Came the voice of Zhuk as he proceeded to fire all the payload that the ancient Romulan Battlehawk could muster, as well as firing the disruptor array directly at the maw of the Doomsday Machine. Though one of the torpedoes went wide, hitting the rim of the vessel's 'mouth', the other four launched landed directly within. The disruptor ray also fired three times into its interior before completely powering down, much to Zhuk's chagrin.

He held his breath, as he desperately tried to get another salvo of torpedoes to fly. Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar made peace with himself and with his life as he got ready for the worst to happen...

[Neva Cordon| Blackhawk| Andgarr Prime]

Neva put herself to the task, setting the core's final adjustments to blow inside the great maw.

Once done, she stood and walked to Nira's side. A wavering smile was her only answer of readiness to leave.

[Neva Cordon| USS Challenger|Bridge]

Neva sprinted behind the Commander, skidding to a stop at the Turbolift and bounding in. She bounced back and forth on the balls of her feet from the adrenaline, bounding out once more when free of confinement.

Neva took her place at the Engineering station, smiling when she finally paid attention to her surroundings. The Captain's song filled her ears even as that smile slid away to watch with horror that her hard work was not fruitful. Her dark eyes filled with tears then, but she had no time to let them fall.

Hands made fingers tap keys before registering their movements. As she made ready to do her duty, she froze at the call of new players to this morbid game of chess. Her heart filled with hope as she swiveled in her seat to see who had come.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The arrival of such a powerful squadron raised Ian's hopes, but he was curious as to what this O'Flaherty could possibly want. He would have thought the merchant would have already fled after loading up his ship with refugees, maybe not as many as the captain of the Guppy tried to do, but similar.

"Put him through Fernando."

The viewscreen resolved into the image of the young rakish captain, but he seemed hesitant and nervous for a change.

"Well, now, looks like you boyos didn't do so well that time around, eh Captain. I, er I think I might have stumbled onto something that can help. Leastways, I think you can use it. If you want to know more, I'll speak to you in person aboard me ship."

"I'm rather pressed for time Captain, what information do you have?"

"Sure'n that would be tellin'. Please, what I have will be worth your while and might just save the day."

As Ian was out of ideas, he sighed and nodded.

"Alright Captain. I'll be right over. Galloway out."

Ian stood and over his shoulder he said.

"Nira, you have the bridge."


[Bridge --> Transporter Room --> Pride O'Rigel]

Ian took the short turbolift ride to the transporter room and was beamed over to the transport ship. He was met by O'Flaherty who was not sporting a big smile and his confident demeanor again.

"This way Captain."

The doors to what Ian assumed was the ship's mess hall swished open and Ian found himself facing seven Romulan officers.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 11, 2023, 01:24:51 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Internally, Ian felt as despondent as Nira stated, but he couldn't show that. He had to remain the 'non-anxious presence' for the crew. He sighed and said.

"Ops, signal the Deletham Mosarum, let them know we're ta warp back ta Angdarr Prime. That will give us a few hours ta off load the crew and organize our last stand."

As the ship went to warp, Ian's mind was spinning through the few options as they had. At warp 8, it took less than a minute to reach Angdarr Prime and as soon as they dropped out of warp, Lieutenant Commander Catalan said.

"Sir, I'm receiving a hail from that freighter captain, Pat O'Flaherty."

Before Ian could reply, Lieutenant Randall at the Science One station reported.

"Sir, ships decloaking! Six of them! They're Romulan Free State Norexan-Class!"

Quote from: Neva Cordon on December 12, 2023, 07:00:09 AM

[Neva Cordon| Blackhawk| Andgarr Prime]

Neva put herself to the task, setting the core's final adjustments to blow inside the great maw.

Once done, she stood and walked to Nira's side. A wavering smile was her only answer of readiness to leave.

[Neva Cordon| USS Challenger|Bridge]

Neva sprinted behind the Commander, skidding to a stop at the Turbolift and bounding in. She bounced back and forth on the balls of her feet from the adrenaline, bounding out once more when free of confinement.

Neva took her place at the Engineering station, smiling when she finally paid attention to her surroundings. The Captain's song filled her ears even as that smile slid away to watch with horror that her hard work was not fruitful. Her dark eyes filled with tears then, but she had no time to let them fall.

Hands made fingers tap keys before registering their movements. As she made ready to do her duty, she froze at the call of new players to this morbid game of chess. Her heart filled with hope as she swiveled in her seat to see who had come.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 12, 2023, 01:06:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The arrival of such a powerful squadron raised Ian's hopes, but he was curious as to what this O'Flaherty could possibly want. He would have thought the merchant would have already fled after loading up his ship with refugees, maybe not as many as the captain of the Guppy tried to do, but similar.

"Put him through Fernando."

The viewscreen resolved into the image of the young rakish captain, but he seemed hesitant and nervous for a change.

"Well, now, looks like you boyos didn't do so well that time around, eh Captain. I, er I think I might have stumbled onto something that can help. Leastways, I think you can use it. If you want to know more, I'll speak to you in person aboard me ship."

"I'm rather pressed for time Captain, what information do you have?"

"Sure'n that would be tellin'. Please, what I have will be worth your while and might just save the day."

As Ian was out of ideas, he sighed and nodded.

"Alright Captain. I'll be right over. Galloway out."

Ian stood and over his shoulder he said.

"Nira, you have the bridge."

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira sat at her chair, feeling hopeless. Even as Neva assumed her seat, her bridge station, Nira couldn't help but think she had let down lots of people and had now taken part in dooming Andgarr, a planet she had taken to liking so well as of late...

It didn't take long at all to get back to Andgarr at the speed they took, and there was still time. She was figuring that if they were going to sacrifice the Challenger, at least she has to be at Ian's side until Challenger makes the maw and she takes him with her...but then, the news came of half a dozen Norexean warbirds from the Free State.

But then, there was a call from the freighter captain O'Flaherty, and Ian seemed set on negotiating with him. Upon his handing over the bridge to Nira, she said, "Of course, Captain. You deal with O'Flaherty, I'll talk with our friends from the Free State."

When Ian was gone, she turned to Tactical and ordered, "Tactical, keep an eye on the Doomsday Weapon. Commander Catalan, hail the lead ship of those Romulans."

Upon channel open, she said, "This is Commander Said of the Starship Challenger. Captain Galloway is in negotiation with one Captain O'Flaherty of the ship Pride O'Rigel, and I'm currently standing in for him."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 12, 2023, 02:00:04 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira sat at her chair, feeling hopeless. Even as Neva assumed her seat, her bridge station, Nira couldn't help but think she had let down lots of people and had now taken part in dooming Andgarr, a planet she had taken to liking so well as of late...

It didn't take long at all to get back to Andgarr at the speed they took, and there was still time. She was figuring that if they were going to sacrifice the Challenger, at least she has to be at Ian's side until Challenger makes the maw and she takes him with her...but then, the news came of half a dozen Norexean warbirds from the Free State.

But then, there was a call from the freighter captain O'Flaherty, and Ian seemed set on negotiating with him. Upon his handing over the bridge to Nira, she said, "Of course, Captain. You deal with O'Flaherty, I'll talk with our friends from the Free State."

When Ian was gone, she turned to Tactical and ordered, "Tactical, keep an eye on the Doomsday Weapon. Commander Catalan, hail the lead ship of those Romulans."

Upon channel open, she said, "This is Commander Said of the Starship Challenger. Captain Galloway is in negotiation with one Captain O'Flaherty of the ship Pride O'Rigel, and I'm currently standing in for him."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Commander Catalan tapped a few keys and replied.

"No response Commander. The signal is going out, but they are not replying."


[Mess Hall - Deck 4 - USS Challenger]

The four figures sat at the back of the enlisted mess and spoke in quiet tones.

"Are we ready to act?"

"Yes, we've made our preparations."

"Then we strike at midnight."


Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Deck 3, USS Challenger]

(This post takes place during and after the fight with the Planet Killer.)

After the debacle"¦no, unmitigated clusterfrik that had transpired in the transporter room, Kyan had gone back to his quarters for a quick shower and a new uniform. After all, if he was going to get blasted into the Summerlands by an anti-proton beam or worse, digested by some alien ice cream cone-shaped planet-eating space robot, he wasn't going into the afterlife smelling like a bunch of stinking ape people. He'd been in the middle of getting cleaned up when the red alert began. The rest of his shower was spent in the crimson ambiance of the alert lighting and the relentless klaxon that relentlessly reminded everyone on the ship that Galloway had once again pissed off some intergalactic entity that was now bearing down on them.

"œAnd at least he's not a boring sort of grup so he ain't." Kyan had noted to himself.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 09, 2023, 11:20:16 AM

Approaching from directly ahead, the Challenger let loose a full salvo of quantum torpedoes as she closed, which all struck, but did no damage to the neutronium hull of the Machine. The anti-proton beam fired and despite the attempt to dodge, the beam hit and knocked the Challenger sideways by the impact.

Soon he'd finished getting the ape smell off him and donned a clean uniform. The turbolift doors had barely closed when the ship lurched violently, tossing Kyan into the side of the lift. He felt the deck beneath him rumble and heard an ominous screech that sounded like metal on metal above him. Kyan had barely picked himself up off the deck before being unceremoniously dumped back onto it. A sickening snapping sound came from above and the lift, which was supposed to be going up, began falling instead. Luckily there were redundancies to prevent people from getting smashed by falling turbolifts on starships. So the fall only lasted until deck three, when the emergency brakes stopped it. Kyan waited for a few seconds to get back up, lest he just get thrown back to the deck.

He rose cautiously and dusted himself off, thanking Lugh for the engineer types and their infinite obsession with fail safes. "œBridge?" he ordered/asked the lift.

"œThis turbolift is inoperable."The ship's computer answered matter of factly. Then, "œPlease exit immediately for your safety."

"œWell den open the door."

The computer attempted to comply, but the doors only partially opened. The whirring sound and repeated clicks told him that was probably going to be as much as it would go... Looking out, Kyan saw that the car had stopped mostly on deck three. He'd have to climb out, hoping the brakes didn't fail while he did so. "œWell at least it's not splattered all over the bottom deck I am the now so..Thanks fer that I guess." he muttered.

"œPlease exit the turbolift." The computer ordered like he'd forgotten that the thing was broken and might decide to drop him.

"œYah Yah haud yer weesht ya toaster I'm goin!" Kyan replied plaintively. Then he added, "œAn ye best not be after cutting me in half while I'm doin' it either! Sure and I know how ye stupid things do!"

The door was opened about a foot and a half wide, which would be plenty wide enough for him to squeeze through. But since the turbolift car was nearly halfway past the deck, he'd have to climb up and out the doors. It was easy to do, except for the possibility of getting cut in half if the emergency brakes failed. Or getting his head cut off"¦ or an arm.. a leg"¦ depending on where he was in the process. Kyan listened for the screechy sounds of the brakes slipping for a few moments before he decided that he'd just better get on with it.

The little Onlie took a few steps to the partially opened door. The top of the deck was several inches below his eye level. First, he considered jumping up and pushing himself up to get a foot on the deck. But he decided against it. He was light, but even so, he didn't want to jostle the car more than he needed to. No, he decided that he'd just try to use the doors to brace himself and pull his feet up that way. He cautiously reached out the door with one arm, then the other. Kyan put one hand flat on the turbolift door and the other on the deck just outside it. Then he began the arduous process of shimmying up and through the opening, pushing with his left hand on the doors while trying to drag himself up on the carpeted deck with his right. It was a long. A tedious process, but once he got most of his torso out the door it was smooth sailing.

Kyan was lying on the deck when he heard footfalls coming quickly down the corridor. He'd have paid them no mind but their urgency and the fact that they were children's footsteps made him sit up and turn toward the sound. Soon after two boys, a Bolian and a Ferengi, came barreling around the corner. They looked to be about half his own 10 years and given the frantic looks they had, something had happened"¦ something bad.

"œMister Kyan!" the Bolian boy wheezed, stopping in front of him. He was a chubby kid, as Bolians were wont to be, and pretty well gassed. His friend, Ferengi boy took over when it was obvious that the blue boy needed a minute. Kyan knew the Ferengi boy, He was Zala's kid. Or was he her brother? Kyan didn't remember"¦ but he did know his name.

"œWhat's goin' on the now Mo?" he asked, getting to his feet. "œWhy are ye no in yer classroom?"

"œThere was an explosion!" Mo answered quickly. He had a slight lisp since his one adult tooth was an incisor that protruded a bit giving him the appearance of a big-eared little goblin. "œThe Hoo-mon lady is hurt."

Kyan started back toward the classroom. "œAnd where's the other kids?" he turned to ask as he walked.

They're"¦ still"¦ in the classroom." The Bolian boy answered in labored breaths. "œWe ran out to find someone"¦ as soon as we"¦ could."

"œAye." Kyan nodded. "œSmart thinkin' that."

It wasn't a long walk back to the classroom, but Kyan sped up when they got close enough to smell the acrid scent of burnt-out power relays and components. He could also hear the sounds of crying kindergarteners. When he stuck his head in, the room was bathed in a dim flickering light provided by a fire along the far wall. The air was hazy with acrid smoke. Kyan coughed as he turned back outside. "Stay here the now, Where was yer teacher when she got hurt?"

"She was by her desk." Mo answered. "That's where the 'splosion happened."

"Ok." Kyan nodded. I'll get her. You two get all the other kids. Den we'll meet back out here."

"But... but it's scary in there." The Bolian boy answered, looking down at the deck.

Kyan nodded giving a sideways glace back at the door. "So it is." he answered, offering a smile to the cyan skinned boy. "But it's brave we are right?"

"No." Mo deadpanned. "We're scared."

Kyan clapped the Ferengi on the back. "Aye mate, me too, an no mistake. But we cannae be brave if we're not scared first. So that's the first part done. Now we gotta do the brave part. I ken ye can do it. Yer sister done it down on the planet when she helped save me from the Orions so she did. So you can too."

He saw the gears turning in Mo's head. Likely something akin to..."If a female can be brave, then so can I!" After a moment he gave a resolute nod. "Fine. I can be brave too." he announced, "And so can Zinn, right?"

The Bolian boy wasn't so sure, but he wasn't going to say so now. He nodded.

Kyan rubbed his bald head. "Good!" he smiled reassuringly. "Now let's go help our friends."

With that, Kyan walked into the classroom leaving the two boys outside watching as he disappeared into the smoke-filled room. He wouldn't have known where to go if the ruptured relay hadn't still been burning. But thanks to the flickering light cutting through the smoke, Kyan could just make out the form of a Human woman lying on the floor.

His throat was stinging from the smoke so he ducked down onto the floor and crawled to her. It didn't help much, but it was better than walking through it. When he got there, he could tell that she had taken the blast on her front. Her clothes were singed and she had a nasty-looking burn injury on her head and arms where she'd put them up to shield her face. She'd also been hit by some shrapnel from the bulkhead. There was a big piece protruding from her left lower thigh and a big pool of blood under her where the wound was.

Being in Security for as long as he had, Kyan knew some first aid. He was no medic, but he'd picked up bits and pieces over the years. He took his jacket off and put the com badge on his undershirt before unsheathing his knife and cutting the bottom of his duty jacket off, making a tourniquet. Looking around, he didn't see anything that he could use for a windlass so he re-sheathed his karambit and removed the knife and sheath from his waist. He tied off the tourniquet and used the karambit in its sheath to crank it down.

Once it was applied, he grabbed the woman under her arms and stood back up, coughing as his head was again in the thick smoke. Even though she was a petite woman, it was still exhausting for the ancient boy to drag her dead weight back the way he came. It took several minutes to get back to the door and he was coughing and wheezing when he collapsed onto the deck in the corridor. He sat up and looked around after a moment and saw almost a dozen sniffling five-year-olds sitting against the wall in a line and Mo standing over him, beaming down at him.

"We got everyone!" Mo exclaimed proudly with a toothy grin.

"Yes." Zinn coughed. Then without his Ferengi friend's enthusiasm, "We were brave."

"So ye was." Kyan wheezed.

"What do we do now?" Mo asked, looking down at the injured woman.

"Now we go tae sickbay and get seen to." Kyan said with a tired smile. He tapped his com badge. =/\= Mackenzie tae Transporter room one. Medical Emergency on Deck 3. Lock onta me com badge and transport everyone with me tae sickbay the now. =/\=

Seconds later the tingling sensation told him that he and Miss Katie's kindergarten class was on it's way to sickbay. His last thought before being disassembled was that he hoped that Doctor Hook had enough jumja suckers.

Abas Th'vyrrol


The long hours were starting to wear on the medical staff. The doctors had implemented three sets of 30-minute rotations to help stave off fatigue - but split the on-duty personnel into four groups. Thirty minutes on duty, Thirty minutes of decompression time, Thirty minutes of rest. It wasn't sustainable, but it would do for now. All across sickbay, in cubbyholes and curtained-off corners, slumped-over or napping nurses, doctors, or attendants could be seen. Some scarfing down a few bites of food, others gathering new changes of uniforms or making a mad dash to the nearest sonic showers or refreshers. It seemed the casualties never stopped coming - scavengers, refugees, victims, and the like. It couldn't last.

Beta and Gamma shifts had been a much-needed surge of personnel during the crisis. While half of Gamma shift had been held in reserve, still asleep or resting, many of the second and third shifts had filtered their way in. Second shift was going strong, where it was mostly Alpha shift that had begun lagging severely.

Abas's commbadge chirped at him, informing him his last 30 minutes of rest were over. He hauled himself to his feet with a groan, accepting a prescribed shot of Animazine to keep him alert. In moments, it had taken effect as he could feel his body becoming more responsive and coming back into focus. Just a few more hours and he could come off duty - unless they all blew up first. And judging by the lurching of the room and wailing of alarms, that might come to be.

At least Gamma shift probably wasn't sleeping anymore.

No sooner had he come back into the main sickbay room than the whine of a transporter beam could be heard, as a crowd of children suddenly filled the room. A large group of children, and one adult human. No... that wasn't quite right... a large group of children, yes, but one was different. Ah, the shoe-less Mr. Mackenzie. Of course.

Promptly, like a swarm of locusts, the medical staff descended on the new arrivals. Some had minor injuries, like smoke inhalation, minor burns, bruised egos, and soiled pants. Others had more severe issues. Abas quickly grabbed a medical kit and joined the fray, kneeling by Kyan and snapping open a medical tricorder as he began to scan the injured woman. With a bit of raw irony, Abas noted that - once again - Kyan was missing uniform pieces. Shoes, jackets, was there anything this man wouldn't lose?

"What do we have, Sir?" he asked, already moving to do what he could. But, Kyan was here and might know more of what happened so they could improve their treatment.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 11, 2023, 11:15:16 AM

[Angdarr System - Between orbit of Angdarr VII and the remnant of Angdarr VIII]

The Challenger and the Deletham Mosarum kept firing as a distraction until the Battlehawk began it's final approach. The transporter locked onto Nira, Neva, and Zhuk and whisked them off the old hulk just before the battleship entered the maw of the Machine.

There was a flash as the old engines detonated, when the actinic overload cleared, the glow inside the Machine was undimmed and it returned to it's primary course, Angdarr Prime. They had failed and it looked like the planet was now doomed.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 11, 2023, 11:58:27 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira ran up to the bridge, despite looking dirty and smelling from having spent more than a day in the wreck, and made it in time to watch the flash in the warp core...only to see the machine was still on course.

"NO!" shouted Nira. "Dammit, I knew we needed that core, I knew we should've had extra deutrium...!"

She clenched her fists and grit her teeth angrily. She felt she had let down some promises, and now Andgarr was doomed.

"Don't we have any more...? Allah's sake, what can we do?" she said in distress, feeling helpless for the first time since the news of Frontier Day, and that Earth had fallen for all she knew.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 11, 2023, 01:24:51 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Internally, Ian felt as despondent as Nira stated, but he couldn't show that. He had to remain the 'non-anxious presence' for the crew. He sighed and said.

"Ops, signal the Deletham Mosarum, let them know we're ta warp back ta Angdarr Prime. That will give us a few hours ta off load the crew and organize our last stand."

As the ship went to warp, Ian's mind was spinning through the few options as they had. At warp 8, it took less than a minute to reach Angdarr Prime and as soon as they dropped out of warp, Lieutenant Commander Catalan said.

"Sir, I'm receiving a hail from that freighter captain, Pat O'Flaherty."

Before Ian could reply, Lieutenant Randall at the Science One station reported.

"Sir, ships decloaking! Six of them! They're Romulan Free State Norexan-Class!"

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System]

Zhukdra'shar suddenly felt the odd sensation of having his molecules be transported away. He closed his eyes, both uncomfortable and glad that he was not to die today...

He once more opened his dichroic green orbs, finding himself within one of the Transporter Rooms of the Challenger. Immediately, he noticed something was wrong. There was a mess within, and he swore he could see the faintest traces of blood just by his feet. The Transporter Chief seemed tired but not particularly worried about the situation, and he could see a Security officer standing by. Crewman Daniel P. Thompson, by the looks of it. Nira suddenly ran out of the room, followed closely behind by Ensign Neva, in a rush to reach another Deck. Most likely the Bridge.

Zhuk could understand the need to determine what had transpired with the Doomsday Machine. Or going back to their respective duties as soon as possible. But, he felt a need to discover what had happened here, first. And perhaps, take a momentary breather. His heart pounded with force within his chest. But the universe had allowed the Lieutenant to continue making the galaxy a better place. And he would not squander such an opportunity.

Five minutes or so later, he proceeded to head over to the Crewman, shaking his body around slightly to ease the tension in his muscles. He wondered if it would be too wrong to see if there was a spa simulation in the Holodeck. He could use a massage,

"Greetings, Crewman Thompson. May I inquire as to what happened here?"

Thompson nodded, and proceeded to put Zhuk up to speed as to the situation involving the S.S. Guppy, the ensuing attempt of the USS Challenger to evacuate the crowded ship and to assist the wounded and dying. He made emphasis on the chaotic atmosphere that followed. The set of this news took aback the Caitian, but ultimately there was little he could do at this point. Thanking Thompson, Zhuk decided to follow after Nira, though on his trip up the turbolift, decided to take a moment to check up on a few key players of the ship.

To: Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas
Subject: Current Status?

"Greetings, Chieff Petty Offcer ch'Verret. I overheard of the situation of the wounded. Are you doing well? I also ask based on the repairs most likely needed after the ray from the Doomsday Machine hit the Challenger."


To: Crewman Abas Th'vyrrol
From: Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas
Subject: Current Status?

"Greetings, Crewman. I overheard of the situation of the wounded. Are you doing well?"


To: Head Nurse Chloe Davies
From: Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas
Subject: Current Status?

"Greetings, esteemed Head Nurse Davies. Are thou doing well? I was told what transpired within the vessel. How are thee holding up? I apologize if I was not here to aid with the organization of Security. If you require something, please do let me know."

He did not expect to obtain a response right away, but he at least wanted to let them know that he understood their probable plight.

Finally, he reached the Bridge, and immediately headed over towards the Tactical console, clicking and taping to see the status. His serious expression suddenly changed as the sensors determined that the Doomsday Machine was still active. His ears flattened on his head, and he hissed in consternation, barely stopping himself from smashing his fist on the computer. He couldn't believe it, even gazing over at the viewport outside to confirm this. But it was real. The infernal machine still operated.

His effort, his probable sacrifice, had been for naught.

Zhuk wanted to scream, to yowl, to stomp his feet. But besides the fur standing up on end, he did nothing of the sort. Besides his failure, the reason was related to the appearance of six Norexan-class ships. Mrekrerhas got ready to engage the ships, only waiting for the orders of the Captain to charge up phasers and torpedoes against the Romulan Free State ships. But those instructions never came.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 12, 2023, 01:06:22 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The arrival of such a powerful squadron raised Ian's hopes, but he was curious as to what this O'Flaherty could possibly want. He would have thought the merchant would have already fled after loading up his ship with refugees, maybe not as many as the captain of the Guppy tried to do, but similar.

"Put him through Fernando."

The viewscreen resolved into the image of the young rakish captain, but he seemed hesitant and nervous for a change.

"Well, now, looks like you boyos didn't do so well that time around, eh Captain. I, er I think I might have stumbled onto something that can help. Leastways, I think you can use it. If you want to know more, I'll speak to you in person aboard me ship."

"I'm rather pressed for time Captain, what information do you have?"

"Sure'n that would be tellin'. Please, what I have will be worth your while and might just save the day."

As Ian was out of ideas, he sighed and nodded.

"Alright Captain. I'll be right over. Galloway out."

Ian stood and over his shoulder he said.

"Nira, you have the bridge."


[Bridge --> Transporter Room --> Pride O'Rigel]

Ian took the short turbolift ride to the transporter room and was beamed over to the transport ship. He was met by O'Flaherty who was not sporting a big smile and his confident demeanor again.

"This way Captain."

The doors to what Ian assumed was the ship's mess hall swished open and Ian found himself facing seven Romulan officers.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 12, 2023, 02:00:04 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira sat at her chair, feeling hopeless. Even as Neva assumed her seat, her bridge station, Nira couldn't help but think she had let down lots of people and had now taken part in dooming Andgarr, a planet she had taken to liking so well as of late...

It didn't take long at all to get back to Andgarr at the speed they took, and there was still time. She was figuring that if they were going to sacrifice the Challenger, at least she has to be at Ian's side until Challenger makes the maw and she takes him with her...but then, the news came of half a dozen Norexean warbirds from the Free State.

But then, there was a call from the freighter captain O'Flaherty, and Ian seemed set on negotiating with him. Upon his handing over the bridge to Nira, she said, "Of course, Captain. You deal with O'Flaherty, I'll talk with our friends from the Free State."

When Ian was gone, she turned to Tactical and ordered, "Tactical, keep an eye on the Doomsday Weapon. Commander Catalan, hail the lead ship of those Romulans."

Upon channel open, she said, "This is Commander Said of the Starship Challenger. Captain Galloway is in negotiation with one Captain O'Flaherty of the ship Pride O'Rigel, and I'm currently standing in for him."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 12, 2023, 02:35:31 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Commander Catalan tapped a few keys and replied.

"No response Commander. The signal is going out, but they are not replying."


[Mess Hall - Deck 4 - USS Challenger]

The four figures sat at the back of the enlisted mess and spoke in quiet tones.

"Are we ready to act?"

"Yes, we've made our preparations."

"Then we strike at midnight."


His vision focused over at the viewscreen as the Captain spoke to O'Flaherty. He looked nervous, which made Zhuk suspicious. But he had an offer that Ian Galloway took almost immediately. He instructed Commander Nira to take over, before heading down the Turbolift to the Transporter room.

At her request, Zhuk answered with a clear voice,

"It shalt be done, Commander Said."

Strange, why were they not answering? Zhuk did not like this reaction...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Jalen Kartos

[Deck 7 | Sickbay | USS Challenger]

In the interim between the Transporter Room Crisis and whatever was going to come next, Jalen had been able to get a little downtime to shower, change, and get in some time with his family. Jalen was back in sickbay again, donning his lab coat. He double checked that he had his customary Jumja Suckers in this pocket and on a whim refilled them to his standard 20ish, he then made his way back out into the medical ward. Thankfully the majority of the refugees had been whisked away back to their planet, and only the most critically injured were there. He began his rounds, completely unawares that he would soon be called upon again for his specialty.

"‘I swear by El-Aurkis the great healer, and his assistant Lo-Rian, and all the gods of medicine, that I Jalen Kartos, shall do all in my power to alleviate suffering and heal the body and mind."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 2 - Observation Lounge >>> Jefferies >>> Deck 3]

Multiple repair reports were coming in as Damage Control Team One gathered around Ensign Jones to receive their assignment.

"Alright, so we have a turbolift failure between decks 2 and 3. Crewman Maranxx-ii - start on that.  There is an EPS power relay failure on Deck 3.  Lahr you'll be with me on that."  The team was still a crewmember down ever since the Chief had reassigned T'Roth to Damage Control Team Six.   They sure could used the extra pair of hands now.

The team split up with Maranxx-ii heading to the turbolift shaft, while Lahr and Jones made their way down the Jefferies tube ladder to get around the turbolift blockage. Midway through their descent, the pair received received an update on their assignment.   The EPS relay had overloaded and a fire sensor had been triggered.

Normally, this would activate the automatic fire suppression features, but that emergency response system was showing an error code now too.  The Andorian's antennae twitched.  Of course the fire suppression would go down at a time like this!  Worse yet, if he wasn't mistaken that relay backed onto the kindergarten classroom.  Roozh!

Gripping onto the ladder tight with one hand, Lahr tapped his comm.  =/\= "ch'Verret to Security and Transporter Room One.  We have a potential plasma fire burning in the vicinity of the kindergarten classroom on Deck 3.  The area will need to be evacuated immediately." =/\=

The calm monotone voice of Grelek, his roommate and transporter chief, responded.  =/\= "The area was evacuated moments ago.  The children are now in Sickbay with Commander Mackenzie and their teacher.  Transporter Room One out." =/\=

Lahr knew plasma fires were notoriously difficult to put out without the proper equipment.   They burned hot, traveled quick and emitted radiation that was dangerous to humanoids.

"We'll need to suit up in our SURS once we get to Deck 3." Kasey advised, picking up the pace of her descent.

Lahr nodded, following her lead. "Yeah, sounds good."

Tucked into each engineer's toolkit was a small vaccuum-sealed pack that contained a single-use radiation suit, or SURS..  A paper thin, lead-coated suit and face mask that provided short-term protection in emergency situations like this.

Arriving on Deck 3, the two engineers proceeded to retrieve these and quickly suited up, donning the suits over top their uniforms before continuing to the now evacuated area.  Power was out in the corridors and their path was lit only by the emergency lighting.   The characteristic green glow ahead of them confirmed the quickly growing plasma fire.

Thankfully, because plasma fires were so dangerous, extinguishers for them where not only a part of the automated fire suppression system, but also hand-held units were located through out the ship in key areas, like corridors near to relays that had a potential of overloading.  Kasey and Lahr retrieved four such canisters on their way towards the fire.

As with all extinguishers their use was rather close-up to the fire and there was a limited amount of retardant that would hopefully smother the plasma fire.  Aiming for the base of the fire was key.  Time to see if all those practice drills in the holodeck would pay off. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Dr Taja Grippen

[USS Challenger, Deck 7, Sickbay]

After beaming back aboard the Challenger from the Battlehawk, Taja had been looking forward to a long hot bath and sleep. But that was not to be, all available medical personnel had been called up to deal with a mass casualty event. Apparently things had been just as chaotic here as they had been on the planet.

The Risan entered sickbay just as a dozen or so children beamed in from their classroom. All looking scared and covered in soot. Taja joined in with the rest of the medical staff and picked a kid to tend to. This one had a nasty looking cut to her forehead and was crying for her mommy.

Taja lifted the little girl up in her arms and carried her to a vacant bio bed to run some scans. "Don't worry little one, mom's on her way, why don't we clean you up a little first." She said soothingly in the way only a woman could, stroking a loose strand of hair from the girl's ash stained face.

"Oh, and I got a special treat just for you." Taja gave the child an osol twist to hold whilst she ran the dermal regenerator over the wound. Holding the girl's hand reassuringly as she did so.

Species: Risian | Age: 30 | Profile | Character Images

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