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S:5 E:16 - A Doomsday Like Any Other

Started by Ian Galloway, November 08, 2023, 11:37:52 AM

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ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay (main room)]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 29, 2023, 12:08:52 PM

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

Olejar looked long and hard at Zhuk as he decided if the Caitian was lying to him. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the old Nausicaan spoke.

"I find it remarkable that you would agree to my terms. I must conclude that you have some sort of trick planned and that you think I'm some sort of fool. I believe-"

"I know you are a fool if you thought any part of this plan of yours was going to work!"

Jess roared in rare anger, she was not a trophy to be traded or bargained for and she was not about to find herself in the same situation as she had on Melok Nor.

Olejar jerked Jess up off her feet and snarled.

"Silence before I mar that pretty face of yours!"

"Shoot this idiot, he's 30 centimeters taller than I am you can't tell me one of you can't hit him!"

Blackfeather, who had lowered his weapon as the negotiations were underway, raised his rifle and Olejar noted this, the second he took his eyes off of Jess, she struck. Driving the hypospray against the Nausicaan's leg far harder than necessary, she unloaded the entire contents into her captor.

Olejar, despite his size and strength, was caught completely by surprise by the massive dose of sedative pumped into him. He twitched and tried to cut Jess, but even though under normal circumstances, she wouldn't have been strong enough to hold him off, as the drugs took over, the Nausicaan's strength waned and she kept the knife at bay long enough for the sedative to complete its work and he crumpled to the ground in a heap.

After a moment to gather herself, Jess straightened up to her full height and said pleasantly.

"Well don't just stand there. Get this idiot on a gurney, he's just had a massive overdose and I'll be damned if I will let him die on my watch."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 29, 2023, 08:28:30 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas and Crewman Zala | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System]

Zala grew worried at the expression shown by Lahr as he took the rifle. It seemed to her that he was experiencing severe discomfort after he took the rifle. However, she did not comment on it, instead looking away to not make him even more uncomfortable. The arrival of Abas eased her heart significantly, however, glad that his words were indeed becoming a reality at the moment. The pain slowly diminished, and she smiled up at him.

With more ease than before, she offered back the hypospray to the Aenar, before letting out a chuckle at his comment about how 'Peace was good for business'. She couldn't help but utterly agree with that. Once more, she accepted the help provided, gently leaning against Abas as she was guided towards a biobed, her eyes turning to the old Nausicaan to see his reaction.

The response of Ojedar made Zhuk raise his fur and agitate his tail in annoyance, a frown spreading on his face as his ears went flat on his face. Argh! He should have known that fighting harder was the appropriate way to go. Stupid, prideful, failure. The words resonated in his mind as he thought of making something drastic. If this cad wanted to play smart, then he would show him that he was the shrewdest individual around.

However, before he could lift his rifle and shoot beyond the space where Jess could be found, she took matters into her own hands, as she roared in anger, claiming she was no trophy to be fought for. When he tried to shut her off, she remained defiant, giving the order to shoot Ojedar.

Blackfeather raised his rifle first, followed by Zhuk, as he prepared to blast him in the exposed feet. Before he could, however, Doctor Fellows proceeded to inject him with a sedative, that soon enough wrought havoc into Ojedar's body. He noticed when he began to lose control of his body, so he held his fire, though he tried to stab Jess. The Nausicaan was unable to even touch her, however, and soon enough, he had fallen into a slump.

At this, Zhuk quickly moved to catch up Jess before she could fall, helping her up to her feet, before letting go once he realized she could fully stand by herself. At her instruction, he was quick to place his rifle on his shoulder,

"Anyone not injured, assist me on securing the interlopers. I will proceed to help get their 'leader'," He kicked Ojedar, though made it seem as an accident by quickly giving a step back, "Ah... upon the table so that he does not overdose."

Zhuk got to it, proceeding to lift the large man by the torso. He could only lift him but a foot or so from the ground, before he could not advance any further, "Grrr..." Gritting his teeth, he asked, "I... I may require assistance with him..."

Fortunately Koloz noticed and promptly helped Zhuk to leave him on a bed nearby. The Caitian was forced to rub his back in some pain but nodded at Koloz, who replied with a gesture of his own. He then turned, inspecting that everything was in order, and everyone was surrendering or cooperating, until he noticed a familiar person on a gurney.


He immediately moved in closer, grabbing her by the wrist, before realizing that he had a duty to do. Taking a deep breath, he proceeded to pat the back of her hand, anger dominating him for a moment before he raised his rifle to the closest crook, "Move! Thou shalt be spending the rest of the evening in the cramped brig..."

Lahr was a bit surprised at the CMO's recklessness as she took down the Nausicaan leader by herself.   He didn't even have time to raise his weapon.  It was over that fast, but one wrong reaction from Olejar and she could've had a disruptor burn decorating the side of her head.  But hey, all well that ends well, right? She didn't get shot so... she was probably feeling pretty good about her actions - at least for now.

The Captain would probably have some choice words for everyone who allowed Dr. Fellows to get caught in that situation in the first place.  Lahr wondered if there was a way of hiding the fact that he'd been there at all.  As he considered this, Lahr walked over to the biobed Zala had been helped onto.  He handed her back her weapon, knowing she was the one ultimately responsible for it.   "Sorry. I wasn't able to help, like I thought I would've" he mumbled then turned away to head to the disassembled biobed to continue his ACTUAL job.

On his walk there, he noticed something out of his periphery - Zhuk's reaction to Chloe being injured. The Caitian looked pissed.  Even more so than when Fellows was being held hostage. That was interesting.

The match-maker Andorian couldn't help but smile at the possibilities.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Aarwendil Cheizex

Quote from: Nira Said on December 29, 2023, 12:31:05 PM

[Commander Nira Said |  Control Center? >- Bridge | Doomsday Weapon]

Even Aarwendil's try didn't work. Nira could see nothing was working around these lumps.

"We're going to have to go somewhere else, and fast," she said, and then added as an afterthought, "as fast as this machine's gravity lets us."

And they backtracked (with lurching) to the ladder and climbed up. If it was bad enough to lurch less than half a kilometer on the same weight as a post-feast attendee, it was even worse climbing a ladder with that same level of gravity. Nira made a mental note to utilize her exercises and her dancing to put more emphasis on her legs, for the sake of walking strength. At the top, what they saw certainly indicated a better hope.

"Well, I'll be damned," breathed Nira in relief. "Why didn't we go up this ladder first? It would've saved some time."

Rather than lumps and holograms, this room certainly looked more like a bridge if anything. It made Nira wonder once again if there was AI of sorts operating the system...

"Okay, everybody, let's get to work,"
Nira ordered. "Hopefully, the consoles will make it easier to work with. Aarwendil, again, look for communications. I'm going to look for how this machine operates, to coin the offensive weaponry slang, its 'teeth.'"

Each of the team had what to do to work with the systems, even Nira. She tried to look for the weapon systems in the previous room, a former Sec/Tac chief as she was, and like the away team, she couldn't find it. She did intend to hand over the systems to Aarwendil or Neva or Tora or Jamil to disable it once she did find it, of course, but it stood to reason that the damn thing was too dangerous.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 29, 2023, 01:46:24 PM

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr Systerm]

Although unlike any technology the away team had ever seen, like the universal translator picked up on basic constants to establish communication, there were enough points of commonality that after roughly half an hour of study, it was possible to isolate the Machine's critical systems. The consoles for Environmental, Engineering, Power Generation, Maneuver, Navigation, Weapons, and Communication were identified.

However, a problem every member of the away team, including Nira at the Weapons console, which she had mostly figured out, was the controls were locked out and under automated command by the Machine's computer. They had made progress, but until they could override or shut down the Machines automated control, they could not operate any of the systems they identified. Everything depended on them locating and figuring out how to deal with the Machine's autonomous control.

One critical factor that was working against the away team that they didn't even know existed, was the one hour clock Tal had given Galloway to allow the Romulans access to the Machine, an hour that was now down by half with the clock relentlessly still ticking.

[Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

Aarwendil sighed after Nira failed to make contact. "œI'm sorry." he apologized for his failure. It only made their situation more dire. They will need to find another way of contacting the Challenger, perhaps there would be other ways that the Ensign could help with it. Unfortunately, it would need to be done elsewhere.

The Commander led the group through what the young Betazoid considered the most arduous walk that he ever did. Not only the gravity made it difficult, but the ladder was very dangerous. At least this nearly mortal adventure ended up bringing them to a promising place. If someone had asked his opinion about the room, Aarwendil would say that he was nearly sure that they arrived at a bridge.

Yes, ma'am." the Ensign answered Nira, while rushing toward the panels and machines, trying to find something that could help them. After some time doing it, Aarwendil thought that he could have found something. "œCommander, can you look at it? I think that this station has a communication system.

Betazoid, Male

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 29, 2023, 01:46:24 PM

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr Systerm]

Although unlike any technology the away team had ever seen, like the universal translator picked up on basic constants to establish communication, there were enough points of commonality that after roughly half an hour of study, it was possible to isolate the Machine's critical systems. The consoles for Environmental, Engineering, Power Generation, Maneuver, Navigation, Weapons, and Communication were identified.

However, a problem every member of the away team, including Nira at the Weapons console, which she had mostly figured out, was the controls were locked out and under automated command by the Machine's computer. They had made progress, but until they could override or shut down the Machines automated control, they could not operate any of the systems they identified. Everything depended on them locating and figuring out how to deal with the Machine's autonomous control.

One critical factor that was working against the away team that they didn't even know existed, was the one hour clock Tal had given Galloway to allow the Romulans access to the Machine, an hour that was now down by half with the clock relentlessly still ticking.

Quote from: Aarwendil Cheizex on December 30, 2023, 06:24:01 PM

[Mjolnir|Planet Killer]

Aarwendil sighed after Nira failed to make contact. "œI'm sorry." he apologized for his failure. It only made their situation more dire. They will need to find another way of contacting the Challenger, perhaps there would be other ways that the Ensign could help with it. Unfortunately, it would need to be done elsewhere.

The Commander led the group through what the young Betazoid considered the most arduous walk that he ever did. Not only the gravity made it difficult, but the ladder was very dangerous. At least this nearly mortal adventure ended up bringing them to a promising place. If someone had asked his opinion about the room, Aarwendil would say that he was nearly sure that they arrived at a bridge.

Yes, ma'am." the Ensign answered Nira, while rushing toward the panels and machines, trying to find something that could help them. After some time doing it, Aarwendil thought that he could have found something. "œCommander, can you look at it? I think that this station has a communication system.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Doomsday Weapon]

If it weren't for the Universal Translator, Nira would've felt it impossible. If there were still Communication Officers, it would've taken longer to figure out the systems. But figure out she did. Nira was impressed to find that the team had figured out the systems, and for her part, Nira managed to find the weapon controls.

The problem was that it was locked out and under automated control. Nira pursed her lips. Of course it did, given how this Machine, and the one Kirk and Decker and their respective ships found in their day, automatically going from one planet to the next to consume.

She heard Aarwendil and she looked around at him. When he showed her that particular system, Nira nodded. "Yeah, it's a communication station all right. However, there's not a thing we can do. It's likely to be locked out, too, along with all the other consoles, and all systems under automated control. Let's leave Communications be for now, Aarwendil, we have to find the Machine's automated control systems."

She then looked around and addressed the team. "Everybody? If you're finding consoles locked out from control, leave it be. The new priority is locating the automated control systems."

She looked around and noticed the door at the far side of the room. She remembered the door they came through and she saw the door at the far side. "I wonder...could it potentially be in there?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Kyan Mackenzie

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay, USS Challenger]

~Approximately 10 minutes later~

The first thing Kyan noticed as he regained consciousness was that his head was pounding. When he opened his eyes, he looked down at where he'd been shot. There were no burns, nor was his shirt singed. Sitting up, the Onlie looked around. He heard voices from inside the room he'd left, and from down the small corridor leading to sickbay proper. It sounded as though Security had infiltrated sickbay and everything was now under control.

The Nausicaan he'd shot was still snoozing. He double-checked that by elbowing him in the ribs. He didn't move, but Kyan could see his chest rising and falling.

"œIdjit tosser!" Kyan swore at him as he turned around and started checking him for other weapons. After securing those he knocked on the door to the exam room. "S'all clear. You guys can come out now!"

Jalen Kartos

[Exam Room 1 | Sickbay | Deck 7 | USS Challenger]

Jalen simply shrugged as Kyan overrode his security lock out and left the room. He knew that the headstrong Only would've left eventually, though he had though that they would at least come up with some sort of plan first. He smiled as he saw the Security Chief showing a leadership and concern for the children that he hadn't really seen in the scared immortal little boy he had last seen on Miri's World just before he was adopted out. He was happy that the boy had grown in to such a fine man, even though he really had nothing to do with it. Jalen smiled his warmest most patronly smile as he doors hissed shut and the hum of the emergency quarantine forcefield returned. He then went about herding and organizing the children to keep them calm.

"œDon't be too afraid, you see there isn't anyone coming here, so we are safe. We are safe because we have Kyan watching out for us. And besides look at me? I am a Giant, who would be able to take me?" The kids giggled at that. And then Jalen sat them all down and began telling them stories.


Slowly things died down outside, so Jalen figured things were back to normal in the sickbay, but he wouldn't open the door without hearing from Kyan. Jalen heard the knock on the door and the children all looked up at Kyan's voice, Jalen got up and opened the door with a few quick presses of the keys. The moment the door opened the overly excited children built up on stories of heroism and daring do's, jumped through the doors like a tide and hug tackled Kyan to the ground, all asking questions all at once.

"œWas it Scary?"

"œYou were so Brave?"

"œDid you shot anyone?"

"œDid you get to use your cool knife?"

And other childish questions as they tackle hugged the Only, while Jalen leaned in the doorway with a cocky smile on his face. He also let out a small laugh, for that was the least he could do for Kyan running out on him and not trusting he had a plan.

"‘I swear by El-Aurkis the great healer, and his assistant Lo-Rian, and all the gods of medicine, that I Jalen Kartos, shall do all in my power to alleviate suffering and heal the body and mind."

Tora Zalos

Quote from: Nira Said on December 31, 2023, 09:34:42 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Doomsday Weapon]

If it weren't for the Universal Translator, Nira would've felt it impossible. If there were still Communication Officers, it would've taken longer to figure out the systems. But figure out she did. Nira was impressed to find that the team had figured out the systems, and for her part, Nira managed to find the weapon controls.

The problem was that it was locked out and under automated control. Nira pursed her lips. Of course it did, given how this Machine, and the one Kirk and Decker and their respective ships found in their day, automatically going from one planet to the next to consume.

She heard Aarwendil and she looked around at him. When he showed her that particular system, Nira nodded. "Yeah, it's a communication station all right. However, there's not a thing we can do. It's likely to be locked out, too, along with all the other consoles, and all systems under automated control. Let's leave Communications be for now, Aarwendil, we have to find the Machine's automated control systems."

She then looked around and addressed the team. "Everybody? If you're finding consoles locked out from control, leave it be. The new priority is locating the automated control systems."

She looked around and noticed the door at the far side of the room. She remembered the door they came through and she saw the door at the far side. "I wonder...could it potentially be in there?"

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Bridge|Doomsday Machine]

At this point, Tora was ready to try whatever might work to hopefully not get them killed. Like, really, you would too if the fate of an entire planet and your crewmates also hung in the balance, right? "Sounds good to me." The Cardassian quipped, and moved to try and open the door. She hoped to goodness' sake, though,  that automated control wasn't defended by similarly automated defense systems - you know, phaser barriers, explosives and so on and so forth, and wouldn't explode or fatally shock her if she scanned a thumbprint wrong. She scanned the wall on either side of the door for an entry mechanism.

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on December 31, 2023, 09:34:42 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Doomsday Weapon]

If it weren't for the Universal Translator, Nira would've felt it impossible. If there were still Communication Officers, it would've taken longer to figure out the systems. But figure out she did. Nira was impressed to find that the team had figured out the systems, and for her part, Nira managed to find the weapon controls.

The problem was that it was locked out and under automated control. Nira pursed her lips. Of course it did, given how this Machine, and the one Kirk and Decker and their respective ships found in their day, automatically going from one planet to the next to consume.

She heard Aarwendil and she looked around at him. When he showed her that particular system, Nira nodded. "Yeah, it's a communication station all right. However, there's not a thing we can do. It's likely to be locked out, too, along with all the other consoles, and all systems under automated control. Let's leave Communications be for now, Aarwendil, we have to find the Machine's automated control systems."

She then looked around and addressed the team. "Everybody? If you're finding consoles locked out from control, leave it be. The new priority is locating the automated control systems."

She looked around and noticed the door at the far side of the room. She remembered the door they came through and she saw the door at the far side. "I wonder...could it potentially be in there?"

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Planet Killer]

Neva rubbed her hands together and blew into her cupped palms only to fog up her rebreather. Groaning in frustration, she looked in the direction Nira indicated.

For once, Neva walked ahead of the Commander. Her Tricorder was out and sweeping the area. Her mind whirling and a half smirk on her face, Neva stopped in front of a set of doors. "Commander, I think we found our control center." That said, Neva tucked her Tricorder back on her belt and took a deep, chest enlarging breath. Letting it out, she walked through, heart in her throat.

Neva stared in wide eyed wonder, smiling bright. THIS was why she was an Engineer in Starfleet-new things, new puzzles, new adventures. She stepped forward absently pulling her Tricorder once more. Walking slowly to the side, her eyes riveted to her Tricorder.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 31, 2023, 09:34:42 AM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Doomsday Weapon]

If it weren't for the Universal Translator, Nira would've felt it impossible. If there were still Communication Officers, it would've taken longer to figure out the systems. But figure out she did. Nira was impressed to find that the team had figured out the systems, and for her part, Nira managed to find the weapon controls.

The problem was that it was locked out and under automated control. Nira pursed her lips. Of course it did, given how this Machine, and the one Kirk and Decker and their respective ships found in their day, automatically going from one planet to the next to consume.

She heard Aarwendil and she looked around at him. When he showed her that particular system, Nira nodded. "Yeah, it's a communication station all right. However, there's not a thing we can do. It's likely to be locked out, too, along with all the other consoles, and all systems under automated control. Let's leave Communications be for now, Aarwendil, we have to find the Machine's automated control systems."

She then looked around and addressed the team. "Everybody? If you're finding consoles locked out from control, leave it be. The new priority is locating the automated control systems."

She looked around and noticed the door at the far side of the room. She remembered the door they came through and she saw the door at the far side. "I wonder...could it potentially be in there?"

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 02, 2024, 12:59:29 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Bridge|Doomsday Machine]

At this point, Tora was ready to try whatever might work to hopefully not get them killed. Like, really, you would too if the fate of an entire planet and your crewmates also hung in the balance, right? "Sounds good to me." The Cardassian quipped, and moved to try and open the door. She hoped to goodness' sake, though,  that automated control wasn't defended by similarly automated defense systems - you know, phaser barriers, explosives and so on and so forth, and wouldn't explode or fatally shock her if she scanned a thumbprint wrong. She scanned the wall on either side of the door for an entry mechanism.

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 02, 2024, 08:40:46 AM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Planet Killer]

Neva rubbed her hands together and blew into her cupped palms only to fog up her rebreather. Groaning in frustration, she looked in the direction Nira indicated.

For once, Neva walked ahead of the Commander. Her Tricorder was out and sweeping the area. Her mind whirling and a half smirk on her face, Neva stopped in front of a set of doors. "Commander, I think we found our control center." That said, Neva tucked her Tricorder back on her belt and took a deep, chest enlarging breath. Letting it out, she walked through, heart in her throat.

Neva stared in wide eyed wonder, smiling bright. THIS was why she was an Engineer in Starfleet-new things, new puzzles, new adventures. She stepped forward absently pulling her Tricorder once more. Walking slowly to the side, her eyes riveted to her Tricorder.

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

When Tora approached the mystery door, it opened automatically just like all the rest they'd encountered inside the Machine. Peering into the room revealed by the open door, was both good news and bad news. The good news was, this was clearly the central computer that controlled the entire Machine. The bad news was, the computer was more sophisticated than any similar device anyone on the away team had ever seen. Overriding it or shutting it down was not going to be easy. Furthermore, but unknown to the away team, the Romulan countdown given to the Challenger was at 30 minutes, which meant they had precious little time to gain control of the Machine.


[Sickbay --> Brig --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

After Ojedar was treated and released by Doctor Fellows, the security teams rounded up the intruders which actually numbered a surprising 20 total individuals. Zhuk's and Blackfeather's teams escorted the intruders to the brig and set a double guard to ensure none of them could escape. Once it was clear that they were secure and that no other troublemakers were aboard, Zhuk joined Kyan on the bridge where they found the Challenger facing off against the seven Romulan ships. Ian nodded to them as they arrived and said.

"We've been given a deadline, it's down ta thirty minutes. The Romulans believe we have control of the Machine because we have an away team aboard it. While the second part is true, I doubt the first part is true. I've got us at yellow alert with weapons on standby. When our time is up, we'll fight the buggers as best we can, but the odds for success are nae lookin' so good at the moment."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 30, 2023, 12:49:55 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 7 - Sickbay (main room)]

Lahr was a bit surprised at the CMO's recklessness as she took down the Nausicaan leader by herself.   He didn't even have time to raise his weapon.  It was over that fast, but one wrong reaction from Olejar and she could've had a disruptor burn decorating the side of her head.  But hey, all well that ends well, right? She didn't get shot so... she was probably feeling pretty good about her actions - at least for now.

The Captain would probably have some choice words for everyone who allowed Dr. Fellows to get caught in that situation in the first place.  Lahr wondered if there was a way of hiding the fact that he'd been there at all.  As he considered this, Lahr walked over to the biobed Zala had been helped onto.  He handed her back her weapon, knowing she was the one ultimately responsible for it.   "Sorry. I wasn't able to help, like I thought I would've" he mumbled then turned away to head to the disassembled biobed to continue his ACTUAL job.

On his walk there, he noticed something out of his periphery - Zhuk's reaction to Chloe being injured. The Caitian looked pissed.  Even more so than when Fellows was being held hostage. That was interesting.

The match-maker Andorian couldn't help but smile at the possibilities.

[Crewman Zala | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System]

Zala felt a slight twinge of guilt for not being able to do anything more as she was settled into the biobed. It was good that the Lieutenant and the other members of Security had ultimately prevailed, thanks of course, to the help of Jessica Fellows. She had not expected her to use a hypospray on the big bad Nausicaan suddenly, but she had saved the day by doing so.

She had to remember to be as brave as her next time a situation like this presented herself, for certain. She couldn't help but think that Jessica had taken a lot of risk, for an uncertain profit. A gamble, she had ultimately won but could have not.

Then again, she would not dispute the results.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she found Lahr returning the rifle to her. She blinked over at him and took it. Zala nodded, leaving it to her side. She was about to respond to Lahr's words, her ears quite used to hear whispers, however, he was gone before she could. She extended a hand for a moment in his direction and then sighed.

She wanted to reassure him that he had done a lot. For her at least. Lahr had managed to keep her calm when he had come by to help. She was not sure she would have kept her face straight otherwise.

Zala was not certain that would bring peace to his mind, though. Something had happened to Lahr back then. But why? Could she help him? Should she even bring it up? She did not know and feared making him uncomfortable by mentioning it. For now, she would keep it to herself. She decided as she laid down on the bed once more, closing her eyes to try and relax while her wound was inspected.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 02, 2024, 10:31:18 AM

[Sickbay --> Brig --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

After Ojedar was treated and released by Doctor Fellows, the security teams rounded up the intruders which actually numbered a surprising 20 total individuals. Zhuk's and Blackfeather's teams escorted the intruders to the brig and set a double guard to ensure none of them could escape. Once it was clear that they were secure and that no other troublemakers were aboard, Zhuk joined Kyan on the bridge where they found the Challenger facing off against the seven Romulan ships. Ian nodded to them as they arrived and said.

"We've been given a deadline, it's down ta thirty minutes. The Romulans believe we have control of the Machine because we have an away team aboard it. While the second part is true, I doubt the first part is true. I've got us at yellow alert with weapons on standby. When our time is up, we'll fight the buggers as best we can, but the odds for success are nae lookin' so good at the moment."

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Sickbay --> Brig --> Bridge | Deck Seven --> Deck Twelve --> Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A | Angdarr System]

Zhukdra'shar's mood continued to take a dip, even after he had secured the miscreants within the brig. He was extremely exhausted by this point, having been awake for far longer than his usual schedule. The Lieutenant was not too happy with the way that he had seen Chloe unconscious back on Sickbay, or how he had handled the situation. Jessica was there to act, sure, but otherwise, she could have gotten quite hurt. And so could have been the rest of the officers, and Security.

Maybe it was his tiredness that was impairing his mind. He felt his steps wobbly, and a stupor was beginning to take over his thoughts. Concentrating was not easy, and this only frustrated him even more. He was certain that he would lash out at any moment, lest he found respite soon.

Still, his face remained stoic as the Captain debriefed him on the situation at hand. He felt his heart sink, but his resolve at least was maintained for a few moments more. He could not falter. Not now, considering that the USS Challenger was still the only capable vessel that could stop the Doomsday Machine. And as far as they knew, the only Federation ship that remained operational.

Pushing himself forth, he offered a nod at Galloway,

"Duly noted, Captain. I shalt resume mine duties at the Tactical console. I... I... can't help but wonder if perhaps we could employ... misdirection of some kind to... buy ourselves some time or... perhaps... stall the Romulan response."

He suggested, although he did not expect his plan to be taken in account. He had no idea as to what could be done. Yet, he prepared himself, walking to the computer, and inspecting the weapon systems, readying them up when the Romulans got antsy. Oh, he would give them a battle, that was for sure.

He would not fall to them. Not now.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: Tora Zalos on January 02, 2024, 12:59:29 AM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Bridge|Doomsday Machine]

At this point, Tora was ready to try whatever might work to hopefully not get them killed. Like, really, you would too if the fate of an entire planet and your crewmates also hung in the balance, right? "Sounds good to me." The Cardassian quipped, and moved to try and open the door. She hoped to goodness' sake, though,  that automated control wasn't defended by similarly automated defense systems - you know, phaser barriers, explosives and so on and so forth, and wouldn't explode or fatally shock her if she scanned a thumbprint wrong. She scanned the wall on either side of the door for an entry mechanism.

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 02, 2024, 08:40:46 AM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Planet Killer]

Neva rubbed her hands together and blew into her cupped palms only to fog up her rebreather. Groaning in frustration, she looked in the direction Nira indicated.

For once, Neva walked ahead of the Commander. Her Tricorder was out and sweeping the area. Her mind whirling and a half smirk on her face, Neva stopped in front of a set of doors. "Commander, I think we found our control center." That said, Neva tucked her Tricorder back on her belt and took a deep, chest enlarging breath. Letting it out, she walked through, heart in her throat.

Neva stared in wide eyed wonder, smiling bright. THIS was why she was an Engineer in Starfleet-new things, new puzzles, new adventures. She stepped forward absently pulling her Tricorder once more. Walking slowly to the side, her eyes riveted to her Tricorder.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 02, 2024, 10:31:18 AM

[Inside Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

When Tora approached the mystery door, it opened automatically just like all the rest they'd encountered inside the Machine. Peering into the room revealed by the open door, was both good news and bad news. The good news was, this was clearly the central computer that controlled the entire Machine. The bad news was, the computer was more sophisticated than any similar device anyone on the away team had ever seen. Overriding it or shutting it down was not going to be easy. Furthermore, but unknown to the away team, the Romulan countdown given to the Challenger was at 30 minutes, which meant they had precious little time to gain control of the Machine.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Central Computer Core | Doomsday Weapon]

One look and Nira could see that this was it. This was what controls the computers. This has to be.

"This has to be it," said Nira. "Neva, time for you to work a miracle. Tora, see what you can do to help," she added to Tora. "See what you can do. Worse comes to worse, we concentrate our phaser fire on this thing, at high levels. However, only as last resort. Only."

It was a typical thing to think for a Security officer, but Nira was determined not to destroy it unless there was no other way.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on January 02, 2024, 09:20:20 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Central Computer Core | Doomsday Weapon]

One look and Nira could see that this was it. This was what controls the computers. This has to be.

"This has to be it," said Nira. "Neva, time for you to work a miracle. Tora, see what you can do to help," she added to Tora. "See what you can do. Worse comes to worse, we concentrate our phaser fire on this thing, at high levels. However, only as last resort. Only."

It was a typical thing to think for a Security officer, but Nira was determined not to destroy it unless there was no other way.

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Planet Killer|Control Room]

Neva looked up at the Commander's order and nodded. She put her Tricorder away and went to what looked like a control display. She rubbed her chin a moment, then started typing on the controls.

Suddenly, a whooping klaxon broke the silence. On the main screen, glyphs showed up. They were changing by the second...

Neva jumped back as if shocked, eyes wide. "Aw HELLS naw!" She growled out. "Not on MY watch!" She furiously tapped on the controls, trying to undo what she'd somehow set off.

"Sorry Commander. I set off the self-destruct." She spoke with annoyance. "We may need to see about finding a way out. Damn my luck!"

Neva kept working, looking up now and again to check the main screen. At one point, she bounced over to a wall, palms skating along as she walked. Shaking her head quickly, she went back to the controls she'd been using.

"Commander, you really should GO now." She spoke tightly. "This isn't working!" She intoned.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 03, 2024, 09:21:11 AM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Planet Killer|Control Room]

Neva looked up at the Commander's order and nodded. She put her Tricorder away and went to what looked like a control display. She rubbed her chin a moment, then started typing on the controls.

Suddenly, a whooping klaxon broke the silence. On the main screen, glyphs showed up. They were changing by the second...

Neva jumped back as if shocked, eyes wide. "Aw HELLS naw!" She growled out. "Not on MY watch!" She furiously tapped on the controls, trying to undo what she'd somehow set off.

"Sorry Commander. I set off the self-destruct." She spoke with annoyance. "We may need to see about finding a way out. Damn my luck!"

Neva kept working, looking up now and again to check the main screen. At one point, she bounced over to a wall, palms skating along as she walked. Shaking her head quickly, she went back to the controls she'd been using.

"Commander, you really should GO now." She spoke tightly. "This isn't working!" She intoned.

[Inside the Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

It was immediately obvious that something very wrong was taking place throughout the Machine as the lighting shifted to a lurid, flashing purple shade and a raucous, atonal wail sounded. The alarms were more than enough to motivate the away team to abandon the Machine. However, they faced a nearly impossible task. They'd traveled more than half a kilometer as well as up a ladder to reach the control room and in 1.4G, trying to run back to the hanger was beyond daunting. Regardless of the unlikelihood of them being able to escape, they had no choice, they had to try.

In the cavernous hanger, Espada could see and hear the alarm too. As he was also trapped unless he could figure out how to get the massive doors to open, he took a chance. He ran back to the probe and pushed the three buttons on it before he beamed the probe off of the Mjolnir. He breathed a sigh of relief as the probe began to send the coded message it had been sending before they entered the Machine and slowly, ever so slowly, the huge doors swung open. Facing a massive pang of guilt, Espada exited the Machine, but stayed within a kilometer of the behemoth so that should the away team show up on sensors, he could beam them to safety.

As Espada made his escape, the away team struggled to reach the hanger and what they hope was safety. They knew time was running out because the flashing of the purple lighting was picking up speed and it was clear they could not reach the hanger in time. However, one thing they did notice was every hundred meters, there was a door outlined in the same lurid purple color as the warning lights. The doors were completely flush with the bulkhead and had gone unnoticed as they entered the Machine.

Now, faced with otherwise certain death, after passing two of the doors, Nira risked opening the third door, inside, she found it was an airlock! There were no spacesuits, but they had a way to exit the Machine. The issue that faced them now was, all they had were rebreathers. If they cycled the airlock, they would face the cold vacuum of space virtually unprotected...

Nira Said

Quote from: Neva Cordon on January 03, 2024, 09:21:11 AM

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Planet Killer|Control Room]

Neva looked up at the Commander's order and nodded. She put her Tricorder away and went to what looked like a control display. She rubbed her chin a moment, then started typing on the controls.

Suddenly, a whooping klaxon broke the silence. On the main screen, glyphs showed up. They were changing by the second...

Neva jumped back as if shocked, eyes wide. "Aw HELLS naw!" She growled out. "Not on MY watch!" She furiously tapped on the controls, trying to undo what she'd somehow set off.

"Sorry Commander. I set off the self-destruct." She spoke with annoyance. "We may need to see about finding a way out. Damn my luck!"

Neva kept working, looking up now and again to check the main screen. At one point, she bounced over to a wall, palms skating along as she walked. Shaking her head quickly, she went back to the controls she'd been using.

"Commander, you really should GO now." She spoke tightly. "This isn't working!" She intoned.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 03, 2024, 11:07:31 AM

[Inside the Doomsday Machine - Angdarr System]

It was immediately obvious that something very wrong was taking place throughout the Machine as the lighting shifted to a lurid, flashing purple shade and a raucous, atonal wail sounded. The alarms were more than enough to motivate the away team to abandon the Machine. However, they faced a nearly impossible task. They'd traveled more than half a kilometer as well as up a ladder to reach the control room and in 1.4G, trying to run back to the hanger was beyond daunting. Regardless of the unlikelihood of them being able to escape, they had no choice, they had to try.

In the cavernous hanger, Espada could see and hear the alarm too. As he was also trapped unless he could figure out how to get the massive doors to open, he took a chance. He ran back to the probe and pushed the three buttons on it before he beamed the probe off of the Mjolnir. He breathed a sigh of relief as the probe began to send the coded message it had been sending before they entered the Machine and slowly, ever so slowly, the huge doors swung open. Facing a massive pang of guilt, Espada exited the Machine, but stayed within a kilometer of the behemoth so that should the away team show up on sensors, he could beam them to safety.

As Espada made his escape, the away team struggled to reach the hanger and what they hope was safety. They knew time was running out because the flashing of the purple lighting was picking up speed and it was clear they could not reach the hanger in time. However, one thing they did notice was every hundred meters, there was a door outlined in the same lurid purple color as the warning lights. The doors were completely flush with the bulkhead and had gone unnoticed as they entered the Machine.

Now, faced with otherwise certain death, after passing two of the doors, Nira risked opening the third door, inside, she found it was an airlock! There were no spacesuits, but they had a way to exit the Machine. The issue that faced them now was, all they had were rebreathers. If they cycled the airlock, they would face the cold vacuum of space virtually unprotected...

[Commander Nira Said | Central Computer Core >- Bridge >- Corridors >- Airlock | Doomsday Weapon]

What Neva came up with, Nira was not expecting. The alarms certainly indicated something was wrong, along with Neva's reaction, but what that wrong thing was, Neva mentioned a moment later what it was, and it made Nira widen her eyes in shock.

"Shit!" she shouted in shock. "See what you can do; otherwise, we better get the hell back to the hangar!"

When Neva's attempts failed, Nira shouted, "Never mind! Run!"

Nira was certain that running in the gravity field of the Machine made the team use up more of their oxygen backups in their rebreathers, and running with the gravity they have, again, it was how it felt for a heavy eater to run. Only the rebreathers kept them from running out of breath. Even with retracing the route in her mind, Nira was worried they wouldn't get back in time.

As they ran, she began noticing new doors...or rather, doors they hadn't noticed on their way from the hangar, all glowing purple, same as the warning lights. Upon reaching a third such door, Nira said, "Hold it! Let's try this, maybe it'll be a shortcut."

She got to it, it opened for her, and inside was an airlock.

"Of all times we could've had EVA suits," Nira muttered....they definitely weren't going to make it back to the hangar in time. She realized she forgot to call Espada in her shock. Her mind was racing. Without suits, but with rebreathers, there was a chance. They'd probably last longer than they would without them, breath-wise, but it all hinged on Espada beaming them out anyway...

"Said to Mjolnir!" she said, tapping her comm badge. "Mister Espada! Hector, are you there? If you can hear us, beam us aboard the Mjolnir. If you can get away from the hangar, beam us aboard the Mjolnir anyway. Otherwise...well, we're at an airlock, see if you can find one...but in any case, get a lock on our comm badges. You'll have a matter of seconds."

She looked at Neva and said, "Get to the airlock controls and see if you can get them open, Neva. Everybody else, when Neva is ready, keep your breath in as long as you can."

It was a huge risk, but it was the fastest option, and they were out of time. She began making a silent prayer to Allah. She prayed for Neva and for Hector that he heard them and can get to the transporter controls in time. Nonetheless, she was confident it would work. They wouldn't be long. It's happened in the past, like less than a century and a half ago, when Jonathan Archer had to be blown out of space to escape hostiles; at least the NX-01 was close by. She prayed to Allah that Hector would get out in time and get them.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Nira Said on January 03, 2024, 01:02:55 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Central Computer Core >- Bridge >- Corridors >- Airlock | Doomsday Weapon]

What Neva came up with, Nira was not expecting. The alarms certainly indicated something was wrong, along with Neva's reaction, but what that wrong thing was, Neva mentioned a moment later what it was, and it made Nira widen her eyes in shock.

"Shit!" she shouted in shock. "See what you can do; otherwise, we better get the hell back to the hangar!"

When Neva's attempts failed, Nira shouted, "Never mind! Run!"

Nira was certain that running in the gravity field of the Machine made the team use up more of their oxygen backups in their rebreathers, and running with the gravity they have, again, it was how it felt for a heavy eater to run. Only the rebreathers kept them from running out of breath. Even with retracing the route in her mind, Nira was worried they wouldn't get back in time.

As they ran, she began noticing new doors...or rather, doors they hadn't noticed on their way from the hangar, all glowing purple, same as the warning lights. Upon reaching a third such door, Nira said, "Hold it! Let's try this, maybe it'll be a shortcut."

She got to it, it opened for her, and inside was an airlock.

"Of all times we could've had EVA suits," Nira muttered....they definitely weren't going to make it back to the hangar in time. She realized she forgot to call Espada in her shock. Her mind was racing. Without suits, but with rebreathers, there was a chance. They'd probably last longer than they would without them, breath-wise, but it all hinged on Espada beaming them out anyway...

"Said to Mjolnir!" she said, tapping her comm badge. "Mister Espada! Hector, are you there? If you can hear us, beam us aboard the Mjolnir. If you can get away from the hangar, beam us aboard the Mjolnir anyway. Otherwise...well, we're at an airlock, see if you can find one...but in any case, get a lock on our comm badges. You'll have a matter of seconds."

She looked at Neva and said, "Get to the airlock controls and see if you can get them open, Neva. Everybody else, when Neva is ready, keep your breath in as long as you can."

It was a huge risk, but it was the fastest option, and they were out of time. She began making a silent prayer to Allah. She prayed for Neva and for Hector that he heard them and can get to the transporter controls in time. Nonetheless, she was confident it would work. They wouldn't be long. It's happened in the past, like less than a century and a half ago, when Jonathan Archer had to be blown out of space to escape hostiles; at least the NX-01 was close by. She prayed to Allah that Hector would get out in time and get them.

[Ensign Neva Cordon|Planet Killer|Airlock to Shuttle Landing Bay]

Neva nodded silently, slightly breathless from the running. Fingers began working to open the doors, heart beating in her throat. She turned to the Commander. "If we can get in here, I can set it so the airlock doesn't pressurize. If possible, it gives us a way to contact the Mjollnir to beam us out."

Suddenly, there was a  click and the doors wooshed open. Sagging in relief, Neva yelled despite herself. "IT WORKED!" She turned and waved everyone in. "C'mon! Get in NOW!" She looked over at the Commander and spoke telepathically. 'We'll be ok, Nira.'

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Jalen Kartos on January 01, 2024, 12:13:54 PM

And other childish questions as they tackle hugged the Only, while Jalen leaned in the doorway with a cocky smile on his face. He also let out a small laugh, for that was the least he could do for Kyan running out on him and not trusting he had a plan.

[Lt. Commmander Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay > Bridge, USS Challenger]

Kyan laughed as the kindergarteners set upon him. The onslaught of questions from the gang of five-year-olds was almost enough to make him forget that he'd been stunned by a phaser and not a disruptor, which was a conversation he'd be having with someone later. For now, he did his best to answer all their questions and took a few minutes to enjoy the fun while he could. Now that this situation appeared to be at its end, there was still a planet-eating ice cream cone out there someplace.

"Well this lots don't seem no worse for wear." he called up to Jalen when he spied him standing in the door. "Sure and ye been getting em good and spun up with yer jumja suckers this whole time in there!"

Eventually the Onlie had to extricate himself from the mob and get back to work, although he'd much rather have rather stayed and helped Jalen corral the little kids.

~Later, on the bridge

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on January 02, 2024, 09:07:26 PM

"Duly noted, Captain. I shalt resume mine duties at the Tactical console. I... I... can't help but wonder if perhaps we could employ... misdirection of some kind to... buy ourselves some time or... perhaps... stall the Romulan response."

Since Zhuk was more than capable of handling tactical, Kyan deposited himself in Nira's empty chair beside Galloway. He brought up the tactical display and looked it over. It looked pretty dire. Seven Romulan warships in a fan formation. "Ye know... Its just about tired of Romulans I am, the sneaky wankers." Kyan offered to no one in particular. "An Orions too... and I'm never coming back tae this planet again!"

Then he looked over at Galloway. "Is the Romulan the same one we seen on the planet? The part time commander?"

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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