Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne

Started by Buehler, May 15, 2023, 08:28:41 PM

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Kina smiled and answered all the questions that Melly asked. She gave some more tips and opinions about strategy and some moves to make. "œI think you're ready for a game now. Let's get your pieces set up on the board." Kina first set up her side of the board and then helped Melly with her side. Once all the pieces ere set and they were both happy, she handed the dice to her patient so that she could make the first move.

"œIf you like, I have a holo-program from one of my friends at the academy. It's"¦.a make believe fantasy program where we would be adventurers in the fantasy land fighting monsters. If you'd like, you are more than welcome to join me. It has been a while since I used the program."

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger-A ]

The ideas and concepts of the board game was complex but didn't phase her as she put to memory the core rules. Once her pieces were in place she nodded. She would make a mistake now and then but she would learn as this was fun. She rolled the dice and moved her piece with a smile.

"I would love to join you, I don't know how well I would be fighting but hey it's worth a try! Always up to new experiences.", Myne said happily as she spotted Ruth approaching.


Ruth walked back to the bed, smiling widely from ear to ear then apologised to both Lahr and Kina.

"Would it be ok if I spoke privately to Melly?  It's ok if Dr. Buehler wants to remain since it's medically related and that's why I had to drag him off... I'm no medic so I needed to talk practicalities!"

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger-A ]

"Ms Kina is in medical? Do you want to stay Ms Kina?", Myne asked.

Female Only

Kina Nural

Quote from: myne on July 09, 2023, 01:00:34 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger-A ]

The ideas and concepts of the board game was complex but didn't phase her as she put to memory the core rules. Once her pieces were in place she nodded. She would make a mistake now and then but she would learn as this was fun. She rolled the dice and moved her piece with a smile.

"I would love to join you, I don't know how well I would be fighting but hey it's worth a try! Always up to new experiences.", Myne said happily as she spotted Ruth approaching.

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger-A ]

"Ms Kina is in medical? Do you want to stay Ms Kina?", Myne asked.

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina smiled at watching Melly move her pieces. She remembered how she was the first time she played with her father. It was definitely hard learning the game. She made her moves and kept her full strategies held back slightly. She didn't want to make it easy for her to win, but at the same time, she didn't want to discourage her from wanting to play more in the future. When she was asked if she wanted to stay, Kina held back a chuckle.

Everything Melly was saying was true, but only to a certain degree. During her Starfleet training, she learned that not all information was public, and that the patient, even if it were to go against the doctors orders, has the final say. She smiled a little more. "œThat is a decision only you can make, Melly. Yes, I am in medical, and I am a doctor, but I'm only here as a friend, making sure you are okay. If you feel it would be better for me to stay, then I will. If you want me to leave, I will do that as well. I won't do anything invasive without your consent."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on July 03, 2023, 10:13:35 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 7 - Sickbay]

The arrival of Kina was a bit discouraging.   Yet another to interrupt his time with Ruth.   Sigh..  But then he had come here for M initially... not Ruth.

When Kina began her rules explanation to M, Lahr knew he should have been paying attention - gaming was his thing...  Other than DJing.. but honestly wasn't paying much attention to the rules.  He was watching the doorway where Ruth and the Doc were talking in hushed tones just out of earshot... even for an Andorian.  And despite Ruth's penchant for 'mouthing' orders to him in the past, her words not were not directed to him so he was trying to read what she was saying.  He just wanted to stare at her.   Roozh! He'd missed her energetic personality.

He stayed as long as possible but this was just break for him.   He had duties to get back to.  So, with a jaunty nod to M and her Cardassian visitor,  Lahr headed out.

He had just finished his goodbyes when Ruth returned.

"I was just headed out anyways.   No rest for the overworked." he joked, then got soft-kneed when she kissed him behind his ear as she whispered to him.  His antennae quivered.

To cover up his reaction, Lahr bobbed his head answer as if responding to an order.  "Yes, Ma'am.  As you wish."  The last phrase was a bit of code... he used every now and then... to tell her he loved her.   He's picked it up from an old 20th century adventure film about a farm boy and his True Love.

As he left Sickbay, Lahr was whistling a happy tune.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth chuckled at Lahr's secret 'code' for her and muttered "Yes, Westley!" as he left . 'The Princess Bride was a favourite.  She just hoped that if she and Lahr every married they didn't get a Peter Cook aficionado intoning "Maaawidge...Maaawidge is wot bwings us togeffer todaaay!"

Her mind still thinking of all the stuff she wanted to say to Lahr and the catching up of all kinds to do, she smiled.

Quote from: myne on July 09, 2023, 01:00:34 PM

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger-A ]

The ideas and concepts of the board game was complex but didn't phase her as she put to memory the core rules. Once her pieces were in place she nodded. She would make a mistake now and then but she would learn as this was fun. She rolled the dice and moved her piece with a smile.

"I would love to join you, I don't know how well I would be fighting but hey it's worth a try! Always up to new experiences.", Myne said happily as she spotted Ruth approaching.

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger-A ]

"Ms Kina is in medical? Do you want to stay Ms Kina?", Myne asked.

Quote from: Kina Nural on July 09, 2023, 01:48:34 PM

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]

Kina smiled at watching Melly move her pieces. She remembered how she was the first time she played with her father. It was definitely hard learning the game. She made her moves and kept her full strategies held back slightly. She didn't want to make it easy for her to win, but at the same time, she didn't want to discourage her from wanting to play more in the future. When she was asked if she wanted to stay, Kina held back a chuckle.

Everything Melly was saying was true, but only to a certain degree. During her Starfleet training, she learned that not all information was public, and that the patient, even if it were to go against the doctors orders, has the final say. She smiled a little more. "œThat is a decision only you can make, Melly. Yes, I am in medical, and I am a doctor, but I'm only here as a friend, making sure you are okay. If you feel it would be better for me to stay, then I will. If you want me to leave, I will do that as well. I won't do anything invasive without your consent."

Ruth smiled broadly at the Cardassian doctor.  "You know I think I'm going to like you!  I haven't got the best track record with medical although you don't need to drag me kicking and screaming for my medicals or resorting to bribery like some people. But I'm more of at grit teeth and carry on until they bring me in unconscious and half dead, bleeding profusely etc before I give up in battle situations!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

🡱 🡳

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