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S6: E2 - Truth and Consequences

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, March 19, 2024, 05:30:28 AM

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Neva Cordon

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on April 21, 2024, 02:52:47 AM


Ardyn shook her head as she wiped off her mouth after the sudden scene that just happened, face somewhat flushed from embarrassment, given that all eyes were now on her.  "No. I just had the two shots. Was actually trying to avoid a hangover today so I could pick up Mads later," she said, really confused as to why she lost her lunch. If she wanted to, normally she could hold her liquor pretty well. Several years on the circuits would do that.  She wasn't even really drunk right now, at least, she didn't feel that way." Everything seemed just fine before she had that glass of punch.

"That punch had a weird aftertaste, did you guys notice it? she asked the others standing around their table.

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Mayflower Function Room]

Neva sipped her scotch, eyes dancing over the room. She'd felt something wasn't "right." People were "popping drunk" quicker than any should. She could feel their shock and surprise at an admission of something they didn't usually say. What would cause that?

Neva grabbed her glass & took the final sip. Grimacing slightly from the burn, she put the glass down and headed for the refreshment table. As she gathered the food, Neva kept scanning the room in her Betazoid fashion. No one seemed to be feeling "proud" or "happy" from what they'd done, but she wasn't surprised. How many people actually watched their handiwork so overtly? She gave a little snort of laughter and shook her head to dismiss the thought.

She took a small amount of punch, then returned to her table. Setting everything in front of her, she hit her comm badge and murmured, "Computer, scan this plate and cup for any..." She stopped a moment, considering how to phrase her request. Her lips thinning into a line and pulling in a deep breath through her nose, the young engineer continued."Computer, scan this food and drink for any contaminants that could affect those in this room."

"Scan results show the punch has an 80% concentration of Cardassian Truth  Serum. All other edibles are not contaminated."

Neva's eyes widened in surprise. She almost jumped out of her chair & looked for someone who either was or had been Medical trained. Not seeing someone off the bat, she made her way to Alex's side. Tapping his right shoulder from behind, she leaned in and whispered loud enough for only him to hear.

"Alex, someone spiked the punch. Get everyone to stop drinking it. I'm not sure of what someone's after, but a scan I did showed it had been contaminated with Cardassian Truth Serum." Before he could answer, Neva tore away and knocked a crewman's hand away from the punch bowl's ladle. "Don't drink that! Get something from the bar or the replicator. Trust me!" She hissed. She got an annoyed look and a muttered curse as the crewman left the table. Neva rolled her eyes and surreptitiously grabbed the punch bowl and headed to a replicator to dispose of it.

'Nobody messes with my crew!' She thought angrily 'They may not be on my Iron Lady, but they're with my Iron Lady!'

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 22, 2024, 04:30:30 PM

[Station Ops - Starbase 185]

Ian breathed a sigh of relief when Gillespie supported him and Sonak agreed with the highly unusual requests. He shuddered to think how long it would take reset all the isolinear chips on a Watchtower-Class starbase, it would have to be weeks.

"Thank you Admiral, Captain. When we left them, what's now close ta three weeks ago, the Landsers had agreed ta suspend Fold Space operations, but looks like the Land Moot ended up changin' their minds about doin' so. The question that comes ta my mind is what has prompted this visit?"

Ian could only hope there hadn't been more upheaval and a less friendly government was now in charge.

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops | Deck One | Starbase 185]

"I wouldn't be surprised if they did," Gillespie said. "With their twenty-first century mind set, it's entirely possible, and I wouldn't be surprised if the changing of minds was a result of violence, either," he added, remembering how the first half of the twenty-first century was the most dangerous time to be in.

"Bullocks, these people make the Krenim and the Iconians look like the Sanctuary Districts. What's the estimated time of arrival for that pulse?" he asked, looking around to the sensor people.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 23, 2024, 01:17:56 PM

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops | Deck One | Starbase 185]

"I wouldn't be surprised if they did," Gillespie said. "With their twenty-first century mind set, it's entirely possible, and I wouldn't be surprised if the changing of minds was a result of violence, either," he added, remembering how the first half of the twenty-first century was the most dangerous time to be in.

"Bullocks, these people make the Krenim and the Iconians look like the Sanctuary Districts. What's the estimated time of arrival for that pulse?" he asked, looking around to the sensor people.

[Station Ops - Starbase 185]

Ian was dearly hoping that Gillespie was wrong, but based on what happened in Magana, he couldn't be certain. In response to the admiral's question, the Stations Operation officer spoke up and said.

"We have detected a pattern Sir. Since the first pulse, there have been five more. One every ten minutes for a total of six. Each is progressively closer and more powerful. Each pulse seems to be occurring roughly five lightyears apart. The next one will be right on top of us. There, I've just detected pulse number seven. The next pulse will hit in five seconds!"

Sonak immediately announced.

"All hands brace for impact."

As per the Ops officer's countdown, the pulse hit the station and the whole massive structure shuddered. Ian could only marvel at the amount of energy it would take to make something as large as a starbase shudder, but the temporal pulse hit the shields backed by polarized chronitons and dissipated just as it had for the Challenger. He sighed in relief and replied.

"Score one for the 'Wu Defense'."

When Sonak arched an eyebrow in his direction like only a Vulcan could manage, he said.

"Named after Alexander Wu, Operations officer on the Challenger, he's the one that thought of usin' chronitons as a shield against a temporal pulse."

"Sir, we are being hailed, radio frequency."

Ian had to choke back replying as this was not his command as Sonak spoke.

"On screen."

"Greetings people of the Federation. We are from the planet Land. I am Marek Garr and my companion is Neediki Remos. We would like to speak to Captain Ian Galloway of the USS Challenger."

Ian blanched and muttered.


Tora Zalos

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Function Room Mayflower|Starbase 185]

Right up till a few minutes ago, Tora had been convinced that nothing could go wrong on this amazing night. Like, really, was one peaceful night to relax too much to ask? Then the entire starbase shuddered, and it didn't take a genius to realize immediately that something was wrong. Starbases were built to last. For one to shudder so heavily, something had to have gone very, very wrong.

The panicked silence that momentarily descended upon the room was deafening. Tora looked around at the crowd, who had begun to surge towards the doors in a frenzied panic. "Everyone, remain calm, please!" She called out to all present. She didn't want to end the party, of course, and she knew most people here didn't either - but there was nothing else for it. "Zhuk, help me with-" Tora never finished her sentence. The crowd stampeded past her in a panicked fit, drowning out her words in a cacophony of footsteps and screaming.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Feeling the station shudder, Lahr gripped his mixer tightly until the shuddering stopped.  From his place on stage he could see the crowd press towards the exits.  This was bad.

Lahr cut the music and called up a boatswain's whistle on his mixer and played it. Those with Fleet training should respond appropriately by freezing in place at attention.

Then over his mic he called out directions. "Civilians please exit in an orderly fashion through the main exit.  Senior Officers proceed to your stations exiting through the side exits to the left and right of the stage. Enlisted remain where you are until others have safely left the hall then make your way to your ship and station. "
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on April 21, 2024, 02:52:47 AM


Ardyn shook her head as she wiped off her mouth after the sudden scene that just happened, face somewhat flushed from embarrassment, given that all eyes were now on her.  "No. I just had the two shots. Was actually trying to avoid a hangover today so I could pick up Mads later," she said, really confused as to why she lost her lunch. If she wanted to, normally she could hold her liquor pretty well. Several years on the circuits would do that.  She wasn't even really drunk right now, at least, she didn't feel that way." Everything seemed just fine before she had that glass of punch.

"That punch had a weird aftertaste, did you guys notice it? she asked the others standing around their table.

Quote from: Neva Cordon on April 23, 2024, 11:28:09 AM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Mayflower Function Room]

Neva's eyes widened in surprise. She almost jumped out of her chair & looked for someone who either was or had been Medical trained. Not seeing someone off the bat, she made her way to Alex's side. Tapping his right shoulder from behind, she leaned in and whispered loud enough for only him to hear.

"Alex, someone spiked the punch. Get everyone to stop drinking it. I'm not sure of what someone's after, but a scan I did showed it had been contaminated with Cardassian Truth Serum." Before he could answer, Neva tore away and knocked a crewman's hand away from the punch bowl's ladle. "Don't drink that! Get something from the bar or the replicator. Trust me!" She hissed. She got an annoyed look and a muttered curse as the crewman left the table. Neva rolled her eyes and surreptitiously grabbed the punch bowl and headed to a replicator to dispose of it.

[Starbase 185 - Mayflower Function Room]

Genuinely concerned now that Ardyn confirmed she hadn't tried to empty the bar by herself, Alex grabbed a chair and placed it behind her, urging her to sit. "I had a sip of it, didn't really taste too off, just kind of...rummy. Now that you mention it though..." Before he could go further, Neva appeared by his elbow, looking equally annoyed and angry. "Cardassian truth serum? Why would anyone put that in the punch?" Alex pushed the question aside as less important, focusing on the second part of what she said. "Right. You keep an eye on Ardyn, I'll go ask Lahr to make an announcement."

Moving through the crowd felt almost like swimming, and Alex had his feet stepped on more than once while trying to navigate the mass of gyrating bodies. He was thoroughly sprinkled with hair sweat and other better-not-identified bodily fluids by the time he reached the stage, at which point Alex realized the stairs up were off to the side, past a solid wall of party rockers. Bracing himself for the task at hand, he stumbled as the deck suddenly lurched, somehow managing to stay upright as everyone around him jostled together. "Tabernak, what was that?" Alex spoke aloud to absolutely noone listening. The panic was infectious, and almost as soon as the ground stopped moving, he felt, more than saw, the wave of bodies surging towards him in the direction of the far doors.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 24, 2024, 04:50:09 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret

Feeling the station shudder, Lahr gripped his mixer tightly until the shuddering stopped.  From his place on stage he could see the crowd press towards the exits.  This was bad.

Lahr cut the music and called up a boatswain's whistle on his mixer and played it. Those with Fleet training should respond appropriately by freezing in place at attention.

Then over his mic he called out directions. "Civilians please exit in an orderly fashion through the main exit.  Senior Officers proceed to your stations exiting through the side exits to the left and right of the stage. Enlisted remain where you are until others have safely left the hall then make your way to your ship and station. "

Eschewing the stairs, Alex unceremoniously clambered up onto the stage, both to get out of the quieter but still a hairsbreadth away from stampeding crowd, and to get a better grasp of the situation. Lahr's announcement and directions were working well, though he could already see one problem which they were both a part of. "Hey Chief, can I borrow your microphone for a second?" He asked, scanning the floor until he spotted Zhuk's furry ears rising above the other heads. "Challengers, listen up! Move to the edge of the room out of the way, and stay put for further instruction!" The issue was, their crew didn't have a ship or stations to go to, with Challenger sequestered for the refit and investigation. They needed to account for everyone, a task which would be made all the harder if they were allowed to scatter throughout the station. "Commander Mrekrerhas, to the stage please."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 23, 2024, 02:32:42 PM

[Station Ops - Starbase 185]

Ian was dearly hoping that Gillespie was wrong, but based on what happened in Magana, he couldn't be certain. In response to the admiral's question, the Stations Operation officer spoke up and said.

"We have detected a pattern Sir. Since the first pulse, there have been five more. One every ten minutes for a total of six. Each is progressively closer and more powerful. Each pulse seems to be occurring roughly five lightyears apart. The next one will be right on top of us. There, I've just detected pulse number seven. The next pulse will hit in five seconds!"

Sonak immediately announced.

"All hands brace for impact."

As per the Ops officer's countdown, the pulse hit the station and the whole massive structure shuddered. Ian could only marvel at the amount of energy it would take to make something as large as a starbase shudder, but the temporal pulse hit the shields backed by polarized chronitons and dissipated just as it had for the Challenger. He sighed in relief and replied.

"Score one for the 'Wu Defense'."

When Sonak arched an eyebrow in his direction like only a Vulcan could manage, he said.

"Named after Alexander Wu, Operations officer on the Challenger, he's the one that thought of usin' chronitons as a shield against a temporal pulse."

"Sir, we are being hailed, radio frequency."

Ian had to choke back replying as this was not his command as Sonak spoke.

"On screen."

"Greetings people of the Federation. We are from the planet Land. I am Marek Garr and my companion is Neediki Remos. We would like to speak to Captain Ian Galloway of the USS Challenger."

Ian blanched and muttered.


[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops | Deck One | Starbase 185]

Gillespie flinched when the station was hit. It was outright astonishing at the power levels it took to get a station to hit, particularly coming from Landser technology. Still, he was impressed with how Galloway's suggestion and how the shields protected the station to Galloway's specifications.

"Impressive on your Mister Wu, Galloway," Gillespie said. "His next promotion commendation will be on me," he added with a smile.

Then came the contact. It was definitely the Landsers. Gillespie's mutterance was simultaneous to Galloway's: "Bollicks."

He hastily sent two messages, one to Carter and to Jellico: "Get to Ops as fast as possible, situation developing." Then, taking advantage of the audio, he relayed a text to Galloway on a PADD: "Get your crew assembled, we're going to need their help."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ardyn Jaeger

Quote from: Alexander Wu on April 24, 2024, 10:46:55 PM

[Starbase 185 - Mayflower Function Room]

Genuinely concerned now that Ardyn confirmed she hadn't tried to empty the bar by herself, Alex grabbed a chair and placed it behind her, urging her to sit. "I had a sip of it, didn't really taste too off, just kind of...rummy. Now that you mention it though..." Before he could go further, Neva appeared by his elbow, looking equally annoyed and angry. "Cardassian truth serum? Why would anyone put that in the punch?" Alex pushed the question aside as less important, focusing on the second part of what she said. "Right. You keep an eye on Ardyn, I'll go ask Lahr to make an announcement."

Moving through the crowd felt almost like swimming, and Alex had his feet stepped on more than once while trying to navigate the mass of gyrating bodies. He was thoroughly sprinkled with hair sweat and other better-not-identified bodily fluids by the time he reached the stage, at which point Alex realized the stairs up were off to the side, past a solid wall of party rockers. Bracing himself for the task at hand, he stumbled as the deck suddenly lurched, somehow managing to stay upright as everyone around him jostled together. "Tabernak, what was that?" Alex spoke aloud to absolutely noone listening. The panic was infectious, and almost as soon as the ground stopped moving, he felt, more than saw, the wave of bodies surging towards him in the direction of the far doors.

Eschewing the stairs, Alex unceremoniously clambered up onto the stage, both to get out of the quieter but still a hairsbreadth away from stampeding crowd, and to get a better grasp of the situation. Lahr's announcement and directions were working well, though he could already see one problem which they were both a part of. "Hey Chief, can I borrow your microphone for a second?" He asked, scanning the floor until he spotted Zhuk's furry ears rising above the other heads. "Challengers, listen up! Move to the edge of the room out of the way, and stay put for further instruction!" The issue was, their crew didn't have a ship or stations to go to, with Challenger sequestered for the refit and investigation. They needed to account for everyone, a task which would be made all the harder if they were allowed to scatter throughout the station. "Commander Mrekrerhas, to the stage please."

Quote from: Tora Zalos on April 23, 2024, 10:56:46 PM

[Ensign Tora Zalos|Function Room Mayflower|Starbase 185]

Right up till a few minutes ago, Tora had been convinced that nothing could go wrong on this amazing night. Like, really, was one peaceful night to relax too much to ask? Then the entire starbase shuddered, and it didn't take a genius to realize immediately that something was wrong. Starbases were built to last. For one to shudder so heavily, something had to have gone very, very wrong.

The panicked silence that momentarily descended upon the room was deafening. Tora looked around at the crowd, who had begun to surge towards the doors in a frenzied panic. "Everyone, remain calm, please!" She called out to all present. She didn't want to end the party, of course, and she knew most people here didn't either - but there was nothing else for it. "Zhuk, help me with-" Tora never finished her sentence. The crowd stampeded past her in a panicked fit, drowning out her words in a cacophony of footsteps and screaming.

Quote from: Neva Cordon on April 23, 2024, 11:28:09 AM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Mayflower Function Room]

Neva sipped her scotch, eyes dancing over the room. She'd felt something wasn't "right." People were "popping drunk" quicker than any should. She could feel their shock and surprise at an admission of something they didn't usually say. What would cause that?

Neva grabbed her glass & took the final sip. Grimacing slightly from the burn, she put the glass down and headed for the refreshment table. As she gathered the food, Neva kept scanning the room in her Betazoid fashion. No one seemed to be feeling "proud" or "happy" from what they'd done, but she wasn't surprised. How many people actually watched their handiwork so overtly? She gave a little snort of laughter and shook her head to dismiss the thought.

She took a small amount of punch, then returned to her table. Setting everything in front of her, she hit her comm badge and murmured, "Computer, scan this plate and cup for any..." She stopped a moment, considering how to phrase her request. Her lips thinning into a line and pulling in a deep breath through her nose, the young engineer continued."Computer, scan this food and drink for any contaminants that could affect those in this room."

"Scan results show the punch has an 80% concentration of Cardassian Truth  Serum. All other edibles are not contaminated."

Neva's eyes widened in surprise. She almost jumped out of her chair & looked for someone who either was or had been Medical trained. Not seeing someone off the bat, she made her way to Alex's side. Tapping his right shoulder from behind, she leaned in and whispered loud enough for only him to hear.

"Alex, someone spiked the punch. Get everyone to stop drinking it. I'm not sure of what someone's after, but a scan I did showed it had been contaminated with Cardassian Truth Serum." Before he could answer, Neva tore away and knocked a crewman's hand away from the punch bowl's ladle. "Don't drink that! Get something from the bar or the replicator. Trust me!" She hissed. She got an annoyed look and a muttered curse as the crewman left the table. Neva rolled her eyes and surreptitiously grabbed the punch bowl and headed to a replicator to dispose of it.

'Nobody messes with my crew!' She thought angrily 'They may not be on my Iron Lady, but they're with my Iron Lady!'

[Function room]

Ardy sat down, glad for the opportunity to try and settle her stomach, as confusing as it was, when she saw Neva come up to her, waves of ticked off terminating from her.  Ardy was more than willing to agree with that. "Someone spiked the punch? That would explain a lot of things, but why Cardassian Truth Ser-?" The station jolted her, instantly  sending her already- delicate stomach into knots. People were already starting to panic. What just happened? Was Maddy okay?

Ardy could feel the mental impressions of someone nearby, almost conspiratorally. Clearly the jolt had interrupted their plans.

"Hey Neva, Tora, Now might be the best time to figure out what the heck's gone on with whoever drugged the punch and the station quake." she said, motioning to the camera systems up ahead. "I caught a glimpse of someone's thoughts. It was definitely spiked, why, I'm not sure."


[As Maddy]

The lurch sent Maddy tumbling off her chair, rather dramatically, given that she was so small.  "Mo, Kyan, what was that?"  she asked, really trying to not look like she was scared.  She tried getting a better mental glimpse at the man, but he was walking further away. "That man, He's thinking getting rid of the cap'n. I heard it."

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on April 25, 2024, 04:11:07 AM

The lurch sent Maddy tumbling off her chair, rather dramatically, given that she was so small.  "Mo, Kyan, what was that?"  she asked, really trying to not look like she was scared.  She tried getting a better mental glimpse at the man, but he was walking further away. "That man, He's thinking getting rid of the cap'n. I heard it."

It's gonna be stress free. they said. A vacation. Because you almost died and all... That's what they'd said when Kyan had though it were a deactivate his commission and do another round of Immersion therapy. As it turned out, there was a court martial afoot...and now this.

"I dunno what's going on." He answered as he dug his padd out. "But it's nae an attack so, or the station woulda gone ta red alert."

When he got the padd opened, the Onlie pulled up his contacts. "I'm gonna send a message ta Jalen and Max... hopefully they both got their padds. Then they'll come get us. Whilst I do, see what else ye can ken about that guy what's got it in fer Galloway."

[Max and Lerian | Mayflower Function room]

(Just prior to the evacuation)

"This punch tastes weird. Also, Kyan told me once that Vulcans got hatch from logic eggs." Max laughed.

Lerian looked at him as though he'd grown a second head. "Ummm..."

The dark haired Onlie was about to expand on the "logic egg origin story" when his pocket chirped. "OH... hold on... its my... padd."

He's definitely acting weird. Lerian thought. Before he could question it, Max spoke up again.

"Kyan is in jail!" he said as he read the message. "With Maddie and Mo."

Then the room shook and people started for the exits. As they were swept up in the herd, Max thought he head Lerian say something about finding his dads. He couldn't hear over all the noise and shouting, and the fact that he felt funny. Luckily they'd been fairly close to the doors and had walked/been shoved out before the inevitable bottle neck of fleeing party goers. When Max saw Lerian and Savyn come out, he walked over. "Mister Savyn... can you come with us to the jail and help get Kyan and Maddie and Mo out?"

"We ought to wait for my dads." Lerian supplied. "They're not going to just hand them over to us."

Max shook his head. "They're stuck in there." he countered. "But Mister Savyn is an adult. He can take responsibility for em."

The Bajoran boy had to admit that there was some logic to that. "Ok." he nodded finally. Then he looked at Savyn. "Well, will you help us?"

Neva Cordon

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on April 25, 2024, 04:11:07 AM

[Function room]

Ardy sat down, glad for the opportunity to try and settle her stomach, as confusing as it was, when she saw Neva come up to her, waves of ticked off terminating from her.  Ardy was more than willing to agree with that. "Someone spiked the punch? That would explain a lot of things, but why Cardassian Truth Ser-?" The station jolted her, instantly  sending her already- delicate stomach into knots. People were already starting to panic. What just happened? Was Maddy okay?

Ardy could feel the mental impressions of someone nearby, almost conspiratorally. Clearly the jolt had interrupted their plans.

"Hey Neva, Tora, Now might be the best time to figure out what the heck's gone on with whoever drugged the punch and the station quake." she said, motioning to the camera systems up ahead. "I caught a glimpse of someone's thoughts. It was definitely spiked, why, I'm not sure."


[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Mayflower Function Room]

Neva was extending her arms to put the punch bowl in the replicator when the 'Base rocked. She fell back, the punch bowl flying up and behind her head. Neva managed to roll such as to not get showered by the glass & tainted punch. Scrambling up, she scanned the room for visible threats. Seeing nothing of serious note, she made her way to Ardy and Alex.

Neva nodded in answer to Ardy's request and looked to Tora with a conspiratorial smirk. "Ready to go rabbit hunting?" Neva chuckled slightly despite the growing fear bubbling from her gut.

The young engineer closed her eyes then, making her breathing slow. She didn't quite understand why she did it, but she laid a light hand on Ardy's shoulder. A flash burst in her mind's eye to clarify into the impressions Ardy felt. Oh-hohhh! Neva thought as her eyes popped open and a broad grin spread out.

Neva patted Ardy's shoulder twice before dropping it at her side. "That works!" She said by way of explanation and turned away.

Walking over to a terminal, Neva started tapping over the display. An image of the room popped up and she waved the others over while still watching the screen.

"Computer, play recording."

The computer began playing video, Neva's eyes squinting a little and a hand coming up to stroke her chin. Suddenly, she straightened and pointed at the monitor.

"Look! There in the corner by the stage! There's someone looking...unhappy...?" Neva turned her head left & right to see if the others had seen it. "Computer, continue playback, half speed." The stilted image regained motion, though the movement was slightly slower.

Neva looked at Tora. "What do you see?"


[As Maddy]

The lurch sent Maddy tumbling off her chair, rather dramatically, given that she was so small.  "Mo, Kyan, what was that?"  she asked, really trying to not look like she was scared.  She tried getting a better mental glimpse at the man, but he was walking further away. "That man, He's thinking getting rid of the cap'n. I heard it."

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Starbase 185 - Mayflower Function Room - center stage]

Quote from: Alexander Wu on April 24, 2024, 10:46:55 PM

[Starbase 185 - Mayflower Function Room]

Eschewing the stairs, Alex unceremoniously clambered up onto the stage, both to get out of the quieter but still a hairsbreadth away from stampeding crowd, and to get a better grasp of the situation. Lahr's announcement and directions were working well, though he could already see one problem which they were both a part of. "Hey Chief, can I borrow your microphone for a second?" He asked, scanning the floor until he spotted Zhuk's furry ears rising above the other heads.

Lahr kept watch from the stage ready to call out again if the chaos didn't ebb any.  When the Lieutenant asked for the mic, Lahr handed it over no questions asked.
Quote from: Alexander Wu on April 24, 2024, 10:46:55 PM

"Challengers, listen up! Move to the edge of the room out of the way, and stay put for further instruction!" The issue was, their crew didn't have a ship or stations to go to, with Challenger sequestered for the refit and investigation. They needed to account for everyone, a task which would be made all the harder if they were allowed to scatter throughout the station. "Commander Mrekrerhas, to the stage please."

The Lieutenant's announcement had Lahr nodding.  "Good catch, sir.  Hadn't thought about how we ain't got a ship."  He wondered what was going on and what he and the other Challenger crewmembers could do to help.

For the moment, Lahr stayed where he was.  He was out of the way, but more importantly, it seemed if he kept close to Wu and Zhuk, he might be one of the lucky one's to actually learn what was going on.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

James Carter

Quote from: Nira Said on April 24, 2024, 11:19:45 PM

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops | Deck One | Starbase 185]

Gillespie flinched when the station was hit. It was outright astonishing at the power levels it took to get a station to hit, particularly coming from Landser technology. Still, he was impressed with how Galloway's suggestion and how the shields protected the station to Galloway's specifications.

"Impressive on your Mister Wu, Galloway," Gillespie said. "His next promotion commendation will be on me," he added with a smile.

Then came the contact. It was definitely the Landsers. Gillespie's mutterance was simultaneous to Galloway's: "Bollicks."

He hastily sent two messages, one to Carter and to Jellico: "Get to Ops as fast as possible, situation developing." Then, taking advantage of the audio, he relayed a text to Galloway on a PADD: "Get your crew assembled, we're going to need their help."

[Ops | Starbase 185]

The doors opened permitting the admiral's entry. "Gillespie. I got your message. What's going on?" As he spoke his arms went behind his back as he moved to stand next to his fellow admiral. "More importantly what can I do to help?" He asked in a more hushed tone than before, his gaze moving over to meet the captain. "Galloway. I'm at your disposal. I keep track of what ships are where, I can send a message and have the USS Valkyrie here in an hour."

Contact: [email][email protected][/email]

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 24, 2024, 11:19:45 PM

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops | Deck One | Starbase 185]

Gillespie flinched when the station was hit. It was outright astonishing at the power levels it took to get a station to hit, particularly coming from Landser technology. Still, he was impressed with how Galloway's suggestion and how the shields protected the station to Galloway's specifications.

"Impressive on your Mister Wu, Galloway," Gillespie said. "His next promotion commendation will be on me," he added with a smile.

Then came the contact. It was definitely the Landsers. Gillespie's mutterance was simultaneous to Galloway's: "Bollicks."

He hastily sent two messages, one to Carter and to Jellico: "Get to Ops as fast as possible, situation developing." Then, taking advantage of the audio, he relayed a text to Galloway on a PADD: "Get your crew assembled, we're going to need their help."

Quote from: James Carter on April 25, 2024, 04:55:11 PM

[Ops | Starbase 185]

The doors opened permitting the admiral's entry. "Gillespie. I got your message. What's going on?" As he spoke his arms went behind his back as he moved to stand next to his fellow admiral. "More importantly what can I do to help?" He asked in a more hushed tone than before, his gaze moving over to meet the captain. "Galloway. I'm at your disposal. I keep track of what ships are where, I can send a message and have the USS Valkyrie here in an hour."

[Station Operations - Starbase 185]

Galloway winced when he heard his PADD ping and was stunned at Gillespie's order. However, rather than ask questions, he immediately tapped his combadge before the admiral could change his mind.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain speakin', report on the double ta your duty station on the Challenger immediately. This a full complement recall. This is not a drill." =/\=

Ian was even more surprised by Admiral Carter's support as he was still uncertain of his standing with the man.

"Sir, the biggest issue I see is the immediate need for more chronitons. Even if all the Landsers do is say 'now that we've found you we're leavin',' we don't ken how long the Wu Defense works. Personally, and I'm nae a boffin, I believe the chronitons are expended each time they stop a pulse, so the station goin' ta have ta start generatin' them for when the Landsers do leave whenever that may be.

"And I believe now, the proper thing ta do is ta talk ta them, they've traveled 36 light years ta get here, I figure we owe them that much. So with your leave, Sirs, and Captain, I'd like ta reply."

When Sonak nodded his acceptance, Ian stepped into view of the Landsers.

"I greet you Explorers Marek Garr and Neediki Remos. This is Galloway. When we last spoke, the Land Moot had agreed ta suspend operation of the Great Work."

"We greet you Captain Ian Galloway. There was much debate on stopping the Great Work. After several weeks of discussion, it was decided that the work of five generations could not simply be shelved. We understand the threat and as much as it pains us, our technology will not go into common use. However, in knowing that your Federation uses a different method has our scientists in a frenzy to unlock other options. It is said that knowing a thing can be done is half the battle of making a thing. We only hope it doesn't take five generations to decipher.

"Technical issues aside, we did come here for another very important reason, we are the authorized envoys of the Moot Master Inti and the Landser people, we would speak with you if such a thing is possible."

Ian looked to the senior officers who nodded and he replied.

"The Federation is always welcome to meet with other explorers in peace. We will have a means ta pull your ship aboard this station so that we may meet in person. I look forward ta seein' you soon."

"This is most acceptable. End transmission."

Ian turned back to the command team.

"I hope I didn't overstep Sir."

Nira Said

Quote from: James Carter on April 25, 2024, 04:55:11 PM

[Ops | Starbase 185]

The doors opened permitting the admiral's entry. "Gillespie. I got your message. What's going on?" As he spoke his arms went behind his back as he moved to stand next to his fellow admiral. "More importantly what can I do to help?" He asked in a more hushed tone than before, his gaze moving over to meet the captain. "Galloway. I'm at your disposal. I keep track of what ships are where, I can send a message and have the USS Valkyrie here in an hour."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 25, 2024, 06:54:20 PM

[Station Operations - Starbase 185]

Galloway winced when he heard his PADD ping and was stunned at Gillespie's order. However, rather than ask questions, he immediately tapped his combadge before the admiral could change his mind.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain speakin', report on the double ta your duty station on the Challenger immediately. This a full complement recall. This is not a drill." =/\=

Ian was even more surprised by Admiral Carter's support as he was still uncertain of his standing with the man.

"Sir, the biggest issue I see is the immediate need for more chronitons. Even if all the Landsers do is say 'now that we've found you we're leavin',' we don't ken how long the Wu Defense works. Personally, and I'm nae a boffin, I believe the chronitons are expended each time they stop a pulse, so the station goin' ta have ta start generatin' them for when the Landsers do leave whenever that may be.

"And I believe now, the proper thing ta do is ta talk ta them, they've traveled 36 light years ta get here, I figure we owe them that much. So with your leave, Sirs, and Captain, I'd like ta reply."

When Sonak nodded his acceptance, Ian stepped into view of the Landsers.

"I greet you Explorers Marek Garr and Neediki Remos. This is Galloway. When we last spoke, the Land Moot had agreed ta suspend operation of the Great Work."

"We greet you Captain Ian Galloway. There was much debate on stopping the Great Work. After several weeks of discussion, it was decided that the work of five generations could not simply be shelved. We understand the threat and as much as it pains us, our technology will not go into common use. However, in knowing that your Federation uses a different method has our scientists in a frenzy to unlock other options. It is said that knowing a thing can be done is half the battle of making a thing. We only hope it doesn't take five generations to decipher.

"Technical issues aside, we did come here for another very important reason, we are the authorized envoys of the Moot Master Inti and the Landser people, we would speak with you if such a thing is possible."

Ian looked to the senior officers who nodded and he replied.

"The Federation is always welcome to meet with other explorers in peace. We will have a means ta pull your ship aboard this station so that we may meet in person. I look forward ta seein' you soon."

"This is most acceptable. End transmission."

Ian turned back to the command team.

"I hope I didn't overstep Sir."

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops | Deck One | Starbase 185]

Gillespie scoffed softly at Carter's mentioning on getting the Valkyrie in an hour. "Doubt we need to," Gillespie said. "I got the Horizon here already; and while technically on a shakedown cruise, could be her first chance for combat here, but hopefully it won't come to it."

Gillespie listened on and was gobsmacked. By the time Galloway finished talking to the Landsers, he approached to answer his statement.

"Nae, not at all," Gillespie said. "It was a good bit of negotiation on your part, laddie. What baffles me is that they came here and attacked with temporal pulses just to come and talk to yeh? I dinnae like that they attacked, it was giving memories of the T'Kori attack on the reports of course, I wasn't there personally," Gillespie added hastily to Carter.

"Of course, coming from Starfleet Security, don't be surprised that I'll be keeping an eye oot for any potential hostilities," Gillespie finished to Galloway.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 27, 2024, 12:05:11 AM

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops | Deck One | Starbase 185]

Gillespie scoffed softly at Carter's mentioning on getting the Valkyrie in an hour. "Doubt we need to," Gillespie said. "I got the Horizon here already; and while technically on a shakedown cruise, could be her first chance for combat here, but hopefully it won't come to it."

Gillespie listened on and was gobsmacked. By the time Galloway finished talking to the Landsers, he approached to answer his statement.

"Nae, not at all," Gillespie said. "It was a good bit of negotiation on your part, laddie. What baffles me is that they came here and attacked with temporal pulses just to come and talk to yeh? I dinnae like that they attacked, it was giving memories of the T'Kori attack on the reports of course, I wasn't there personally," Gillespie added hastily to Carter.

"Of course, coming from Starfleet Security, don't be surprised that I'll be keeping an eye oot for any potential hostilities," Gillespie finished to Galloway.

[Station Operations - Starbase 185]

Ian's eye's widened at the rapidly forming misconception that was developing and knew he had to get ahead of the misunderstanding before it took on any more life of its own about the Landsers.

"Sir, that's the thing, it wasn't an attack. The temporal pulse is an integral by-product of the Fold Space technology. Not unlike 32 years ago when Doctor Serova proved that warp engines at the time were damagin' subspace. It wasn't intentional then, same with the Landsers now. We had time ta take extensive scans of their probe, both externally and internally. They don't have space weapons or shieldin' technology of any kind. That thing is about as dangerous as a work bee maintenance pod. I admit, that a Fold Space drive could be used as a de facto weapon, but it was never intended for that purpose. I believe they are here because, like it or not, we visited them and they are simply returnin' the favor."

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