S6: E2 - Truth and Consequences

Started by Kyan Mackenzie, March 19, 2024, 05:30:28 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

[Kyan Mackenzie | Interrogation Room, Starbase 185]

"Ok guys...I sent the message...."

When Kyan looked up from his padd, Maddie and Mo were gone and the door to the room was open.

"Oh..." he thought aloud. "Sure an I'm gettin blamed for this."

As he pocketed his padd and got up, the Onlie imagined Lieutenants Wu and Jaeger's wrath descending upon him while their escape artist daughter frolicked on the promenade, or worse....while Maddie and Mo tracked down some grup Commander and treated him like a villain from that old Earth cartoon with the red dog and his hippie companion. But then... what if they were right? What if this guy was after getting rid of Galloway and taking the Challenger for himself? He definitely couldn't let that happen. Galloway wasn't on the Lucius Peer level of Captain yet, but he was pretty good and not boring. Besides which he was a fellow Scot... even if he was from the mainland. No, Kyan thought to himself, definitely can't let that happen. So with that as his goal, the Onlie exited the room himself.

Kyan didn't have a plan yet... nor did he know what the as yet unimagined plan was for exactly. Something had gotten Maddie riled up, but since he wasn't telepathic he didn't know exactly what that was. But whatever it was, she'd definitely thought it worth following up on, so it had to be something....right? And even if it wasn't, letting the little girl go wandering off with Mo and getting into trouble probably wouldn't get him any brownie points. So whatever it was, Kyan was resigned to be in on it.

The corridor was mostly empty, but there were voices up ahead. When he got to the end Kyan was surprised to see not only Maddie and Mo, but Lieutenant Wu there too. That definitely threw a wrench in things. Part of him was wont to get rid of him and ask what Maddie had heard and who it was she was chasing. As he was thinking of how to make that happen, two humans walked turned the corner and passed him, talking amongst themselves.

".....Burnham said it wasn't enough to hurt anyone, but everyone who got some would definitely be talkative." He stopped when he saw Kyan as recognition caught both of them. It was the reporter who'd tried for an interview at the party.

"Yeah, that Carda...." The other one began, but he was silenced with an elbow from the other one.

That must have been what Maddie had heard! Kyan realized as the one reporter hushed the other. They had done something to make everyone at the party talk to them. Drugs or something... he'd have to find out.

"Commander Mackenzie." The reporter greeted him. "Did you change your mind on the interview?"

"Err... uhhh.. yeah... s'matter of fact I did so... " Kyan replied, an idea taking shape as he spoke. "I can talk to ye in a little while."

The reporter smiled. "Great! Where do you want to meet?"

Kyan shrugged. "I can come to yer quarters. I just gotta go an check in first with Jalen an his lot."

The man nodded eagerly, happy to have the story. "That's fine. Half an hour?"

"Sure an that's good fer me so. I'll be there."

He smiled. "Good. See you then. Oh... and the name's Bill Garvin, with GNN."

"Okay." Kyan replied, leaning to the side to see around him. "See ya there." He replied absently, looking to see if Maddie and Mo were still there with Wu. Seeing that they were, Kyan sidestepped the reports and headed for them. Over his shoulder he called back. "Make sure ye got yer recorder thing."

They replied in the affirmative as he walked off toward Wu and the kids.

"Heya!" he called out when he got there. "I been lookin fer you two! Ye cannae just be wanderin around the security office so ye cannae!"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 02, 2024, 02:17:21 PM

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops | Deck One | Starbase 185]

Gillespie nodded in understanding. He could understand what Galloway meant: Somebody who traversed space without warp the same way the Iconians had, and yet still have twenty-first century capabilities. He was nonetheless gobsmacked.

He was even more so when the Landsers wanted to meet people from the Federation Council. Then he said, "We...could get in touch with some members of the Federation Council. I dinnae ken about the whole council...Carter, what do you think?"

Quote from: James Carter on May 03, 2024, 01:10:20 AM

[Starbase 185 | Ops]

Carter sighed and shook his head. Slowly he began to pace weighing the options in his mind. After thinking a moment he returned to the conversation. "Yeah, technically possible. I can call in favors with a few of them, get them on short notice. Even calling in favors I don't know what portion I can get though. They've not exactly just been sitting around since Frontier Day." The admiral continued pacing, still thinking about the situation. He didn't like involving the counsel when he didn't have to. "I'll send a few messages, see who we can pull together."

[Conference Room - Starbase 185]

Ian sighed in relief as the admirals agreed to contact the Council. He knew this was a big deal and not something one did lightly. The two Landsers seemed to understand this was important too and were clearly moved by the support.

"This is most acceptable Admiral Carter and Admiral Gillespie." Marek Gar said.

As the favors were called in and the connection established, the pilot in Ian was curious about the Fold Space experience for the crew and they talked technical things until the Starbase's Operations Officer contacted the conference room.

"Sirs, I have the Council."

The screen shifted to that of three people an Andoran, a Denobulan, and a Human at the large bench of the Federation Council. The Denobulan spoke.

"I am Grolik. I speak for the Council this day."

"Great Leaders of the Federation Moot. I am Marek Garr and this is my colleague Neediki Remos we bring word from our home of Land and our people, the Land-Ta. Our words are directly given by Inti, the Moot Master with the full consensus of the entire Land Moot. We were recently visited by one of your ships, the USS Challenger and Captain Ian Galloway. We understand this was against your rules, but very dire circumstances made this event necessary. He warned us that our Great Work, what you call Fold Space would have eventually destroyed us and we wanted you to know we are grateful for that warning. Although he told of nothing of how your Federation travels the stars, the very fact that you do is enough to know that it can be done a different way. We will now bend our efforts to mastering that means. One day, we hope to meet you as friends among the stars. So is the word of us all."

Grolik canted his head at this information and replied.

"We will take this information under advisement and look forward to that day. Be safe Marek Garr and Neediki Remos. Council out."

The screen went back to that of the Federation emblem as the channel closed. Ian stood silent and waited to see what the admirals had to say.

"We thank you Admiral Carter and Admiral Gillespie. Our duty is complete. We would return to our ship so that we can make the trip back to Land. And know that you have our deepest gratitude." Said Neediki Remos.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Main Engineering]

As the minutes passed, still no officer arrived in Engineering. No call came from the Bridge for a status report. What the hell was going on?

Lahr decided to call up to the Bridge.

=/\= "ch'Verret to anyone on the Bridge.  Engineering is seriously undermanned; we are without even an ensign down there.  I'm told several folks were going to Sickbay.  What's going on?  Is there an epidemic we should be made aware of?" =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Nira Said

Quote from: James Carter on May 03, 2024, 01:10:20 AM

[Starbase 185 | Ops]

Carter sighed and shook his head. Slowly he began to pace weighing the options in his mind. After thinking a moment he returned to the conversation. "Yeah, technically possible. I can call in favors with a few of them, get them on short notice. Even calling in favors I don't know what portion I can get though. They've not exactly just been sitting around since Frontier Day." The admiral continued pacing, still thinking about the situation. He didn't like involving the counsel when he didn't have to. "I'll send a few messages, see who we can pull together."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 04, 2024, 11:54:26 AM

[Conference Room - Starbase 185]

Ian sighed in relief as the admirals agreed to contact the Council. He knew this was a big deal and not something one did lightly. The two Landsers seemed to understand this was important too and were clearly moved by the support.

"This is most acceptable Admiral Carter and Admiral Gillespie." Marek Gar said.

As the favors were called in and the connection established, the pilot in Ian was curious about the Fold Space experience for the crew and they talked technical things until the Starbase's Operations Officer contacted the conference room.

"Sirs, I have the Council."

The screen shifted to that of three people an Andoran, a Denobulan, and a Human at the large bench of the Federation Council. The Denobulan spoke.

"I am Grolik. I speak for the Council this day."

"Great Leaders of the Federation Moot. I am Marek Garr and this is my colleague Neediki Remos we bring word from our home of Land and our people, the Land-Ta. Our words are directly given by Inti, the Moot Master with the full consensus of the entire Land Moot. We were recently visited by one of your ships, the USS Challenger and Captain Ian Galloway. We understand this was against your rules, but very dire circumstances made this event necessary. He warned us that our Great Work, what you call Fold Space would have eventually destroyed us and we wanted you to know we are grateful for that warning. Although he told of nothing of how your Federation travels the stars, the very fact that you do is enough to know that it can be done a different way. We will now bend our efforts to mastering that means. One day, we hope to meet you as friends among the stars. So is the word of us all."

Grolik canted his head at this information and replied.

"We will take this information under advisement and look forward to that day. Be safe Marek Garr and Neediki Remos. Council out."

The screen went back to that of the Federation emblem as the channel closed. Ian stood silent and waited to see what the admirals had to say.

"We thank you Admiral Carter and Admiral Gillespie. Our duty is complete. We would return to our ship so that we can make the trip back to Land. And know that you have our deepest gratitude." Said Neediki Remos.

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops >- Conference Room | Deck One | Starbase 185]

Things shifted to the council room and as they waited for some members of the Federation Council to make contact, they discussed technical things - even Gillespie took part, interested as he is to discuss.

And then members of the council came on. Gillespie recognized Gronik from Denobula, and he discussed with the Landsers. He was still gobsmacked by the brief discussion, he thought it was going to take longer... they came all the way to Federation space for this? he thought in surprise.

Remos, the spokesman of the Landsers, gave the admirals thanks and Gillespie gave thanks in return. "Well met, Mister Remos. It was good to meet yeh."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on May 05, 2024, 09:40:08 AM

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops >- Conference Room | Deck One | Starbase 185]

Things shifted to the council room and as they waited for some members of the Federation Council to make contact, they discussed technical things - even Gillespie took part, interested as he is to discuss.

And then members of the council came on. Gillespie recognized Gronik from Denobula, and he discussed with the Landsers. He was still gobsmacked by the brief discussion, he thought it was going to take longer... they came all the way to Federation space for this? he thought in surprise.

Remos, the spokesman of the Landsers, gave the admirals thanks and Gillespie gave thanks in return. "Well met, Mister Remos. It was good to meet yeh."

[Conference Room --> Station Ops - Starbase 185]

Ian stood silent as the Landsers spoke with the Federation Council and bid them goodbye when they were done. As much as he wanted to escort them to the shuttlebay personally, he hoped he had a ship to run. Once station personnel led the Landser crew back to their probe, he finally spoke up.

"Admiral, since you have called for Challenger ta launch and no decision has been made regardin' my status. I am goin' ta go ta my ship. I do however, need ta warn Station Operations of a pendin' temporal pulse."

Ian walked the short distance to Station Ops and was met by the station commander.

"Captain, the Landsers are about ta leave and that will mean another temporal pulse. It is time ta implement the Wu Defense ta protect the station."


"As my crew has been ordered ta report back aboard the Challenger, I will have them beam me back. Thank you for your hospitality."

He tapped his combadge

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger, beam me directly ta the bridge." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian re-materialized on the bridge and felt the familiar vibrations in the deck plates. He sighed, he was home. He moved to the command chair, sat, and activated the comm system.

"All departments. Report."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Commander Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Though he would have much preferred getting a sonic shower at least, Zhukdra'shar let go of his vanity for an instant, so that he may arrive at the Bridge in a timely fashion. Much to his chagrin, however, it seemed he had been fashionably late anyway. He did not regret giving his fur a brushing, however. Still, seeing the rest of the crew assembled at their stations did give him a twinge of guilt.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 05, 2024, 02:19:18 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Main Engineering]

As the minutes passed, still no officer arrived in Engineering. No call came from the Bridge for a status report. What the hell was going on?

Lahr decided to call up to the Bridge.

=/\= "ch'Verret to anyone on the Bridge.  Engineering is seriously undermanned; we are without even an ensign down there.  I'm told several folks were going to Sickbay.  What's going on?  Is there an epidemic we should be made aware of?" =/\=

Seeing that Captain Galloway had not yet arrived, he proceeded to sit upon the Captain's chair. He inspected his P.A.D.D., to see how Security was doing, and, as he was about to call for a report of all departments, Lahr's voice was heard through the commbadge. He let out a soft, barely perceptible sigh, before pushing on his device and answering,

=/\= "Lieutenant Commander Mrekerhas speaking. The Captain has not yet arrived, thus, as the temporary First Officer, I am taking command of this vessel. Mine apologies to hear about the current state of Engineering. Fortunately, there is no cause for alarm. The likely source of the sickness is some contaminated punch back at the party being officiated at the Starbase. Not any disease, fortunately. Nonetheless, I shalt let you know if anything transpires that would point to a need for quarantine." =/\=

He then proceeded to tap on his commbadge again,

=/\= "All departments. This Lieutenant Commander Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, just to inform you that the reason we have so many individuals in Sickbay at this current moment is due to a spiked punch. An unknown party contaminated it with Cardassian Truth Serum. Please, all Medical Staff, consider this information if there is a need to treat your patients. Security, assemble. We shalt bring the culprits to justice as soon as possible-" =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 06, 2024, 11:21:20 AM

[Conference Room --> Station Ops - Starbase 185]

Ian stood silent as the Landsers spoke with the Federation Council and bid them goodbye when they were done. As much as he wanted to escort them to the shuttlebay personally, he hoped he had a ship to run. Once station personnel led the Landser crew back to their probe, he finally spoke up.

"Admiral, since you have called for Challenger ta launch and no decision has been made regardin' my status. I am goin' ta go ta my ship. I do however, need ta warn Station Operations of a pendin' temporal pulse."

Ian walked the short distance to Station Ops and was met by the station commander.

"Captain, the Landsers are about ta leave and that will mean another temporal pulse. It is time ta implement the Wu Defense ta protect the station."


"As my crew has been ordered ta report back aboard the Challenger, I will have them beam me back. Thank you for your hospitality."

He tapped his combadge

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger, beam me directly ta the bridge." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian re-materialized on the bridge and felt the familiar vibrations in the deck plates. He sighed, he was home. He moved to the command chair, sat, and activated the comm system.

"All departments. Report."

Not a moment too late, the Captain transported himself into the Bridge. Deferring to him, Zhukdra'shar nodded as he moved to the Executive Officer's chair with grace. After Galloway asked for a report, Zhuk spoke up, "Ah, if I may provide a preliminary observation, sir,"

Zhuk spoke up, clearing his throat, before stating, "Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr ch'Verret reported that the Engineering department is currently understaffed. Most of Engineering seems to be in Sickbay. The culprit? Tampered punch, apparently imbued with Cardassian truth serum. It caused what I assume is a severe reaction in those who consumed it. I will make sure the responsible individuals are found, however. But I am afraid I am also short on Security staff..."

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 02, 2024, 03:42:20 AM

[As Maddy]

Maddy kept quiet as she watched and followed the man. She nodded to Mo. "You heard that, right?" she whispered, trying to be really quiet.

[Little Mo | Interrogation Rooms | Starbase 185]

"Y-Yes Maddy, I did..." Came the little Ferengi's answer to his friend as he tried to think what to do. Probably hiding right now was the best idea. But where precisely? Where was Kyan? Telling him this would also be good! Oh, he was worried.

Quote from: Alexander Wu on May 02, 2024, 06:52:25 PM

[Starbase 185 - Interrogation Complex]

Arriving back at the same nondescript offices which he'd been earlier questioned in, Alex was nearly run over by a harried looking commander heading in the opposite direction. "Pardon me, sir." He stepped aside to let him out first before going inside the lobby, glancing about for someone who looked like they worked there. It turned out there was no need however, as he caught sight of a familiar face peeking out from behind a planter. "Maddison Petra Jaeger-Wu, what are you doing here?" Alex walked closer, realizing she wasn't alone, a young ferengi crouched next to her. "I see you've made a friend." He said dryly, with a strong suspicion that this was the other missing Challenger child the principal had mentioned.

Kneeling down to her level, Alex sighed, trying to hold back his frustration while speaking firmly, but calmly. "Maddison, you know you're not supposed to leave school on your own. It's not safe. You need to ask your mommy or me first, and be with an adult that we know and have said you can go with. We've had this talk before, haven't we?"

The poor Ferengi jumped up in fear as he overheard a voice calling for Maddy. And using her full name. From previous experience, he had learned that that meant trouble for hooman children. He stared at the man who approached them, most likely Maddy's father. A nervous smile and a shaky wave of his hand were offered, trying to think of a way to tell him that there was a problem afoot, and not to punish Maddy.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 03, 2024, 01:42:29 AM

[As Maddy]

It was kind of  fun, being like a spy and all.  The bad man who wanted to take the Cap'n's job didn't even notice her or Mo following him.  She'd have to let Kyan know about what she found so they could make a plan. If the bad man got to the ship... who knew what would happen?!

Maddy was just about to tell Mo to get back before the other , when suddenly she saw her dad come up into the office. She was pretty much caught. Why was he here?

At the mention of he friend, she nodded. "This is Mo! We were gonna see if we could find his big sister. She knows a lotta stuff!"

Maddy wilted as she heard Daddy use her full name, the one he used when she was in trouble. She guessed she was, since this wasn't the first time she did this, after all. But this was important! Mommy and Daddy's jobs were on the line, as well as the Cap'n and First Officer's now!

"Yeah... But it's really important!"

She pulled on her shirt nervously, before stomping her foot in determination. They had to catch the Bad Man.  "I was worried you and Mommy would lose your jobs and then we wouldn't be on a spaceship anymore and we were gonna ask his big Sis if she knew, but then we got here and I heard this bad man say he was gonna steal the cap'n's job! We both heard it, right Mo? Kyan too!" she said, looking to Mo to back her up.

Mo nodded as Maddy introduced him, and then once more with more emotion as she explained their mission, and how it had turned into a rather critical situation. He puffed up his chest to try to appear more confident, "Y-Yeah! We wanted to find my sis to help us! B-But yeah, that bad man was talking bad things! I-I heard it! A-And my ears are super good at hearing tshings!"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 04, 2024, 08:31:13 AM

[Kyan Mackenzie | Interrogation Room, Starbase 185]

"Ok guys...I sent the message...."

When Kyan looked up from his padd, Maddie and Mo were gone and the door to the room was open.

"Oh..." he thought aloud. "Sure an I'm gettin blamed for this."

As he pocketed his padd and got up, the Onlie imagined Lieutenants Wu and Jaeger's wrath descending upon him while their escape artist daughter frolicked on the promenade, or worse....while Maddie and Mo tracked down some grup Commander and treated him like a villain from that old Earth cartoon with the red dog and his hippie companion. But then... what if they were right? What if this guy was after getting rid of Galloway and taking the Challenger for himself? He definitely couldn't let that happen. Galloway wasn't on the Lucius Peer level of Captain yet, but he was pretty good and not boring. Besides which he was a fellow Scot... even if he was from the mainland. No, Kyan thought to himself, definitely can't let that happen. So with that as his goal, the Onlie exited the room himself.

Kyan didn't have a plan yet... nor did he know what the as yet unimagined plan was for exactly. Something had gotten Maddie riled up, but since he wasn't telepathic he didn't know exactly what that was. But whatever it was, she'd definitely thought it worth following up on, so it had to be something....right? And even if it wasn't, letting the little girl go wandering off with Mo and getting into trouble probably wouldn't get him any brownie points. So whatever it was, Kyan was resigned to be in on it.

The corridor was mostly empty, but there were voices up ahead. When he got to the end Kyan was surprised to see not only Maddie and Mo, but Lieutenant Wu there too. That definitely threw a wrench in things. Part of him was wont to get rid of him and ask what Maddie had heard and who it was she was chasing. As he was thinking of how to make that happen, two humans walked turned the corner and passed him, talking amongst themselves.

".....Burnham said it wasn't enough to hurt anyone, but everyone who got some would definitely be talkative." He stopped when he saw Kyan as recognition caught both of them. It was the reporter who'd tried for an interview at the party.

"Yeah, that Carda...." The other one began, but he was silenced with an elbow from the other one.

That must have been what Maddie had heard! Kyan realized as the one reporter hushed the other. They had done something to make everyone at the party talk to them. Drugs or something... he'd have to find out.

"Commander Mackenzie." The reporter greeted him. "Did you change your mind on the interview?"

"Err... uhhh.. yeah... s'matter of fact I did so... " Kyan replied, an idea taking shape as he spoke. "I can talk to ye in a little while."

The reporter smiled. "Great! Where do you want to meet?"

Kyan shrugged. "I can come to yer quarters. I just gotta go an check in first with Jalen an his lot."

The man nodded eagerly, happy to have the story. "That's fine. Half an hour?"

"Sure an that's good fer me so. I'll be there."

He smiled. "Good. See you then. Oh... and the name's Bill Garvin, with GNN."

"Okay." Kyan replied, leaning to the side to see around him. "See ya there." He replied absently, looking to see if Maddie and Mo were still there with Wu. Seeing that they were, Kyan sidestepped the reports and headed for them. Over his shoulder he called back. "Make sure ye got yer recorder thing."

They replied in the affirmative as he walked off toward Wu and the kids.

"Heya!" he called out when he got there. "I been lookin fer you two! Ye cannae just be wanderin around the security office so ye cannae!"

Mo jumped up at hearing Kyan. Though he was initially surprised, his happiness swiftly took over his feelings. Kyan had saved him in the past, and now he would do it again. And what was more important, was the fact that he could catch the bad man, "Ahm! S-Shorry Kyan! But uh... we know this man wants to take the shippy from the Captain!"

He pointed at the man in red, who had thus far been observing the interaction between the father and the two children in silence. He offered a disarming smile, and a wave of his hand at both Wu and Kyan, "Ah, children. They have quite the colorful imagination, do they not?"

He chuckled, before looking at the two of them, "I am afraid it has all been a misunderstanding. You see, I had been assigned as a First Officer for a vessel, which I mistakenly believed to be your USS Challenger. That is why I got slightly worked up. But ah... I have been reassured that my new assignment will arrive shortly. I am terribly sorry."

His words sounded genuine, but his inner thoughts were not. Heh. Fortunately, they were just children, the man thought. He could easily misconstrue their statements, and expose them as fools in front of the adults in the room. Well, adult and child. Er... or the two were adults? He was not certain. This Kyan certainly made him nervous, but he was supposed to be off-duty, so he imagined that his power was limited here.

Yes, he just had to play his cards well...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ch'e N'ok Savyn

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 25, 2024, 08:17:31 AM

[Max and Lerian | Mayflower Function room]

(Just prior to the evacuation)

"This punch tastes weird. Also, Kyan told me once that Vulcans got hatch from logic eggs." Max laughed.

Lerian looked at him as though he'd grown a second head. "Ummm..."

The dark haired Onlie was about to expand on the "logic egg origin story" when his pocket chirped. "OH... hold on... its my... padd."

He's definitely acting weird. Lerian thought. Before he could question it, Max spoke up again.

"Kyan is in jail!" he said as he read the message. "With Maddie and Mo."

Then the room shook and people started for the exits. As they were swept up in the herd, Max thought he head Lerian say something about finding his dads. He couldn't hear over all the noise and shouting, and the fact that he felt funny. Luckily they'd been fairly close to the doors and had walked/been shoved out before the inevitable bottle neck of fleeing party goers. When Max saw Lerian and Savyn come out, he walked over. "Mister Savyn... can you come with us to the jail and help get Kyan and Maddie and Mo out?"

"We ought to wait for my dads." Lerian supplied. "They're not going to just hand them over to us."

Max shook his head. "They're stuck in there." he countered. "But Mister Savyn is an adult. He can take responsibility for em."

The Bajoran boy had to admit that there was some logic to that. "Ok." he nodded finally. Then he looked at Savyn. "Well, will you help us?"

[Starbase 185 | Function Room Mayflower]

Savyn stared down at the children for a long while, silently contemplating how it was that in the span of less than six months, he'd managed to attract a total of three small children to come to him requesting help with their miscellaneous problems, most of whom were the children of other starfleet officers who were significantly higher in rank than he was. Why was it, that in the vastness of space and time, he had somehow managed to become some sort of intergalactic pied piper-- and against his own will at that? He had never had any personal vendetta against children as a concept, but apart from Fvienn he had little experience with them, and as a general rule he had just about as much interest as being around them. Yet, here he was. Again. Being asked to participate in... Whatever it was that these children wanted.

As his human academy roommate would've said, 'If he had a nickel...' (Savyn did not understand why he had insisted on measuring the 28th element on the periodic table as a singular item, nor why it would be accumulating upon repeated situations, but Savyn was somewhat certain the phrase applied.)

"... Very well," he sighed. "I will assist in your... Plan." He paused. "You do have a plan, do you not?"

Vulcan Male. 20 Years Old. Character Bio

Ardyn Jaeger

[Function room → Medbay → bridge]

Ardy was just as fine to avoid the medbay and get back to business, but whether he realized it or not, (Tbh, he probably did)  Alex had managed to ensure she got to taking care of herself before she had gotten back to work. She probably wouldn't have otherwise. Medical wasn't exactly her favorite place to be on the ship. "Let's get this over with. I hope you didn't get it. I will admit, medical folks and I don't get on well together.," she said, grumbling and feeling a bit embarrassed as she revealed that little unintentional detail to Neva  as she made it to the medbay on the Challenger to get scanned. It seemed like several other folks had the same idea. The medbay was pretty busy right now.

She was just about to get checked out when she heard the general call from the Captain to report in. =/\= "This is Lt. Jaeger. Just getting checked up in medbay before I get back on duty. Shouldn't be long though,  and I can get her flying again. "=/\=  Her stomach flopped as the nurse took a look at her, scanned her, and gave her a shot of some anti-nauseants and something to clear her system. A somewhat unpleasant medicine, but after a good couple minutes, she was at least on her feet. "Thanks. "


Coming back onto the bridge, she sat next to Killian, one of the other flight crew and began her usual pre-flight checklist.  "Hey Captain,  what's the plan? Why did we get recalled on such short notice?"

[As Maddy]

Maddy couldn't believe it. The man was lying and saying she was making stuff up!  She wasn't!  She could hear him lying with her mind! Didn't his mommy teach him to not lie?   She gave an indignant look toward the bad man. She didn't know what her daddy was going to do with what she was going to say. If she said anything now, it would just look like she was tattling, so frustrated, she looked to her dad to try to convince him. " I'm not lying, dad.  Pinky promise!"

Click the badge to read my bio

If history repeats itself, I am SO getting myself a dinosaur -- Oh wait, I did.
Alt of Kinley Garrison

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 06, 2024, 12:55:12 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Seeing that Captain Galloway had not yet arrived, he proceeded to sit upon the Captain's chair. He inspected his P.A.D.D., to see how Security was doing, and, as he was about to call for a report of all departments, Lahr's voice was heard through the commbadge. He let out a soft, barely perceptible sigh, before pushing on his device and answering,

=/\= "Lieutenant Commander Mrekerhas speaking. The Captain has not yet arrived, thus, as the temporary First Officer, I am taking command of this vessel. Mine apologies to hear about the current state of Engineering. Fortunately, there is no cause for alarm. The likely source of the sickness is some contaminated punch back at the party being officiated at the Starbase. Not any disease, fortunately. Nonetheless, I shalt let you know if anything transpires that would point to a need for quarantine." =/\=

He then proceeded to tap on his commbadge again,

=/\= "All departments. This Lieutenant Commander Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, just to inform you that the reason we have so many individuals in Sickbay at this current moment is due to a spiked punch. An unknown party contaminated it with Cardassian Truth Serum. Please, all Medical Staff, consider this information if there is a need to treat your patients. Security, assemble. We shalt bring the culprits to justice as soon as possible-" =/\=

News from the Bridge - from the newly promoted Lieutenant Commmander no less - was that the someone had spiked the punch with Cardassian Truth serum.  Lahr didn't see how that would make folks sick but he was grateful that he'd held off getting himself anything eat or drink prior to his performance or he too might have been waiting in line to get into Sickbay.  He just got released... he would have hated going back!

=/\= "'Kay. Good to know. Thanks. ch'Verret out." =/\=

Given the emergency recall to the ship, Lahr figured that he was within his duty to assume leadership of the few remaining engineering crewman.  At least until an actual officer arrived.  He glanced about a moment to figure out what steps needed to be done first. As he did this, Zhuk's voice sounded over the intercom, asking for a departmental report.

Despite having just got off the comm line with the Caitian like ten seconds prior, Lahr didn't immediately respond. He first needed to have something to report. He began issuing orders to what remained of the engineering staff -mostly new recruits who hadn't felt comfortable enough among the crew to attend the party which is why they weren't in Sickbay as well.

"Alright kiddos, I'm gonna call out a station, whoever is nearest... let me know it's status.  Matter/Anti-matter Reaction?" Lahr called out first.

The crewman closest scurried over to the M/ARA assembly to check it's status."Online and system shows green," the crewman called back.  Lahr checked marked the box on the PADD confirming it's ready status.

"Deuterium flow monitor?" the Andorian read out the next item on the list.

"Green." came the prompt reply of another crewman.  Another check-mark.

"EPS relay?" Lahr continued.

Never having had the responsibility of prepping the entire engine core before - that was an officer's role not enlisted - Lahr was trying to do things 'by the book'.  With less than a third of the engineering staff present it was going to take a few minutes to get this done.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Neva Cordon


[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Mayflower Function Room->USS Challenger]

Neva gave a mock salute to Alex with her usual grin. "Got it! Consider her set!"

The Engineer set a hand on Ardy's shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "C'mon m'dear! Let's get you Home and checked over so your man can relax over you."

[USS Challenger|Sickbay]

Despite having to pull rank, Neva got Ardy where she needed. Neva wasn't happy to do that, but it was a privilege now. After making sure the medics had her friend well in hand, the Chief Engineer made a beeline for her Sanctum.

[Sickbay->Main Engineering]

Neva stopped short when she found Lahr finishing status updates when she entered Main Engineering. A slow smile spread across her face as she heard her people settle into business as usual. Nodding in satisfaction, she walked up to the Andorian and waited for him to finish.

"Gee Lahr, if I didnt know better, I'd worry about my job." She joked with a smirk. "Anything I should be aware of right now?" She checked a few things via the Pool Table then looked up again to scan the room.

"Ok, all my new Worker Bees, listen up! I'm not saying this twice!" Neva then gave what would become her "welcome/expectation" speech.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 06, 2024, 12:55:12 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Though he would have much preferred getting a sonic shower at least, Zhukdra'shar let go of his vanity for an instant, so that he may arrive at the Bridge in a timely fashion. Much to his chagrin, however, it seemed he had been fashionably late anyway. He did not regret giving his fur a brushing, however. Still, seeing the rest of the crew assembled at their stations did give him a twinge of guilt.

Seeing that Captain Galloway had not yet arrived, he proceeded to sit upon the Captain's chair. He inspected his P.A.D.D., to see how Security was doing, and, as he was about to call for a report of all departments, Lahr's voice was heard through the commbadge. He let out a soft, barely perceptible sigh, before pushing on his device and answering,

=/\= "Lieutenant Commander Mrekerhas speaking. The Captain has not yet arrived, thus, as the temporary First Officer, I am taking command of this vessel. Mine apologies to hear about the current state of Engineering. Fortunately, there is no cause for alarm. The likely source of the sickness is some contaminated punch back at the party being officiated at the Starbase. Not any disease, fortunately. Nonetheless, I shalt let you know if anything transpires that would point to a need for quarantine." =/\=

He then proceeded to tap on his commbadge again,

=/\= "All departments. This Lieutenant Commander Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, just to inform you that the reason we have so many individuals in Sickbay at this current moment is due to a spiked punch. An unknown party contaminated it with Cardassian Truth Serum. Please, all Medical Staff, consider this information if there is a need to treat your patients. Security, assemble. We shalt bring the culprits to justice as soon as possible-" =/\=

Not a moment too late, the Captain transported himself into the Bridge. Deferring to him, Zhukdra'shar nodded as he moved to the Executive Officer's chair with grace. After Galloway asked for a report, Zhuk spoke up, "Ah, if I may provide a preliminary observation, sir,"

Zhuk spoke up, clearing his throat, before stating, "Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr ch'Verret reported that the Engineering department is currently understaffed. Most of Engineering seems to be in Sickbay. The culprit? Tampered punch, apparently imbued with Cardassian truth serum. It caused what I assume is a severe reaction in those who consumed it. I will make sure the responsible individuals are found, however. But I am afraid I am also short on Security staff..."

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 07, 2024, 02:46:36 AM

[Function room → Medbay → bridge]

Ardy was just as fine to avoid the medbay and get back to business, but whether he realized it or not, (Tbh, he probably did)  Alex had managed to ensure she got to taking care of herself before she had gotten back to work. She probably wouldn't have otherwise. Medical wasn't exactly her favorite place to be on the ship. "Let's get this over with. I hope you didn't get it. I will admit, medical folks and I don't get on well together.," she said, grumbling and feeling a bit embarrassed as she revealed that little unintentional detail to Neva  as she made it to the medbay on the Challenger to get scanned. It seemed like several other folks had the same idea. The medbay was pretty busy right now.

She was just about to get checked out when she heard the general call from the Captain to report in. =/\= "This is Lt. Jaeger. Just getting checked up in medbay before I get back on duty. Shouldn't be long though,  and I can get her flying again. "=/\=  Her stomach flopped as the nurse took a look at her, scanned her, and gave her a shot of some anti-nauseants and something to clear her system. A somewhat unpleasant medicine, but after a good couple minutes, she was at least on her feet. "Thanks. "


Coming back onto the bridge, she sat next to Killian, one of the other flight crew and began her usual pre-flight checklist.  "Hey Captain,  what's the plan? Why did we get recalled on such short notice?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian took in the reports and his jaw clenched to know someone had doctored the punch at the party leaving a sizable portion of the crew in sickbay. He knew that his officers were only the messengers and he would not take his anger out on them. Instead, he began to issue orders.

"Zhuk, coordinate with station security. See if'n they have any sensors logs of the party that might show who mucked with the punch. Evan, standby ta generate chronitons and tetryons in case the station is unable ta do so. There's goin' ta be a temporal pulse and we're ta be ready ta deflect it."

Ian turned to Ardy and said.

"I'll be buggered if'n I ken Lieutenant, Admiral Gillespie gave the order ta report back ta the ship and I wasn't about ta ask questions."

Ian then turned to Lieutenant Booker at Ops.

"Adelle have you confirmed all crew are aboard?"

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 06, 2024, 11:21:20 AM

[Conference Room --> Station Ops - Starbase 185]

Ian stood silent as the Landsers spoke with the Federation Council and bid them goodbye when they were done. As much as he wanted to escort them to the shuttlebay personally, he hoped he had a ship to run. Once station personnel led the Landser crew back to their probe, he finally spoke up.

"Admiral, since you have called for Challenger ta launch and no decision has been made regardin' my status. I am goin' ta go ta my ship. I do however, need ta warn Station Operations of a pendin' temporal pulse."

Ian walked the short distance to Station Ops and was met by the station commander.

"Captain, the Landsers are about ta leave and that will mean another temporal pulse. It is time ta implement the Wu Defense ta protect the station."


"As my crew has been ordered ta report back aboard the Challenger, I will have them beam me back. Thank you for your hospitality."

He tapped his combadge

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger, beam me directly ta the bridge." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian re-materialized on the bridge and felt the familiar vibrations in the deck plates. He sighed, he was home. He moved to the command chair, sat, and activated the comm system.

"All departments. Report."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 07, 2024, 11:53:57 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian took in the reports and his jaw clenched to know someone had doctored the punch at the party leaving a sizable portion of the crew in sickbay. He knew that his officers were only the messengers and he would not take his anger out on them. Instead, he began to issue orders.

"Zhuk, coordinate with station security. See if'n they have any sensors logs of the party that might show who mucked with the punch. Evan, standby ta generate chronitons and tetryons in case the station is unable ta do so. There's goin' ta be a temporal pulse and we're ta be ready ta deflect it."

Ian turned to Ardy and said.

"I'll be buggered if'n I ken Lieutenant, Admiral Gillespie gave the order ta report back ta the ship and I wasn't about ta ask questions."

Ian then turned to Lieutenant Booker at Ops.

"Adelle have you confirmed all crew are aboard?"

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Ops >- Conference Room | Deck One | Starbase 185]

"With all due respect, I thought there was some kind of attack going on,"
Gillespie said as Galloway headed off. The instructions regarding the chroniton protection, it made Gillespie think of the Horizon.

=/\= "Gillespie to Horizon. Rusal, how's the little lass holding up?" =/\=
"That temporal pulse was something, but the station's shields protected us."
"Good. I need yeh to adjust shield harmonics..."
  =/\= and he instructed Rusal of the same shielding against the Landser temporal pulse that Galloway came up with, courtesy of Alexander Wu.
"Beam me aboard once yeh get them ready."

[{NPC} Admiral Hamish Gillespie | Bridge | Deck One | USS Horizon NCC-75668-B] | Starbase 185]

"Welcome back, Admiral,"
Rusal said, looking up as the admiral entered the bridge. "Orders?"

"Bring us alongside the Challenger and open a channel to Captain Galloway," Gillespie ordered as he took the seat.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 03, 2024, 01:42:29 AM

[As Maddy]
At the mention of he friend, she nodded. "This is Mo! We were gonna see if we could find his big sister. She knows a lotta stuff!"

Maddy wilted as she heard Daddy use her full name, the one he used when she was in trouble. She guessed she was, since this wasn't the first time she did this, after all. But this was important! Mommy and Daddy's jobs were on the line, as well as the Cap'n and First Officer's now!

"Yeah... But it's really important!"

She pulled on her shirt nervously, before stomping her foot in determination. They had to catch the Bad Man.  "I was worried you and Mommy would lose your jobs and then we wouldn't be on a spaceship anymore and we were gonna ask his big Sis if she knew, but then we got here and I heard this bad man say he was gonna steal the cap'n's job! We both heard it, right Mo? Kyan too!" she said, looking to Mo to back her up.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 06, 2024, 12:55:12 PM

[Little Mo | Interrogation Rooms | Starbase 185]

Mo nodded as Maddy introduced him, and then once more with more emotion as she explained their mission, and how it had turned into a rather critical situation. He puffed up his chest to try to appear more confident, "Y-Yeah! We wanted to find my sis to help us! B-But yeah, that bad man was talking bad things! I-I heard it! A-And my ears are super good at hearing tshings!"

[Starbase 185 - Interrogation Center - Reception]

Listening to Maddy ramble on, Alex didn't have Ardyn's advantage in being able to 'sense' whether she was telling the truth, or really, what she believed was the truth. They were learning sometimes that her personal preferences affected her moods, like when being served asparagus for dinner. No matter how much Alex tried to reassure her it was healthy vegetables, she was deadset that they would sprout in her tummy.

"Okay, okay, that's enough." He held up his hands towards both children, putting a pause on their tall tale at the mention of Kyan. How the commander was involved with his daughter being there, he didn't even want to try and decipher at the moment. "Nobody's losing their jobs and I'm taking you both back to the ship. Mo, I'm sure your family is trying to find you as well, what's your sister's name?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 04, 2024, 08:31:13 AM

[Kyan Mackenzie | Interrogation Room, Starbase 185]

"Heya!" he called out when he got there. "I been lookin fer you two! Ye cannae just be wanderin around the security office so ye cannae!"

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on May 06, 2024, 12:55:12 PM

Mo jumped up at hearing Kyan. Though he was initially surprised, his happiness swiftly took over his feelings. Kyan had saved him in the past, and now he would do it again. And what was more important, was the fact that he could catch the bad man, "Ahm! S-Shorry Kyan! But uh... we know this man wants to take the shippy from the Captain!"

He pointed at the man in red, who had thus far been observing the interaction between the father and the two children in silence. He offered a disarming smile, and a wave of his hand at both Wu and Kyan, "Ah, children. They have quite the colorful imagination, do they not?"

He chuckled, before looking at the two of them, "I am afraid it has all been a misunderstanding. You see, I had been assigned as a First Officer for a vessel, which I mistakenly believed to be your USS Challenger. That is why I got slightly worked up. But ah... I have been reassured that my new assignment will arrive shortly. I am terribly sorry."

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on May 07, 2024, 02:46:36 AM

[As Maddy]

Maddy couldn't believe it. The man was lying and saying she was making stuff up!  She wasn't!  She could hear him lying with her mind! Didn't his mommy teach him to not lie?   She gave an indignant look toward the bad man. She didn't know what her daddy was going to do with what she was going to say. If she said anything now, it would just look like she was tattling, so frustrated, she looked to her dad to try to convince him. " I'm not lying, dad.  Pinky promise!"

When Mackenzie showed up, Alex was ready to dismiss the entire story out of hand as some game he'd been playing with the children, not something entirely out of the Onlie's repertoire. Alex was convinced many of his grey hairs had prematurely made their initial appearance years ago, when their roles were reversed. "It's alright, I caught them before they left. Thanks for looking after them."

He only realized the officer who'd nearly run into him earlier had stepped back into the office when the man began explaining what Maddison and Mo had overheard and apparently misinterpreted. The fact that he'd thought it necessary to play off the antics of children surprised Alex, moreso because it confirmed that Maddy had been truthful in part, at least about overhearing a conversation. "We'll talk about this later, Maddison. And that's alright, Commander, children do tend to embellish sometimes." I don't think I've ever heard of someone being made first officer without knowing their ship assignment...normally it's the first thing you ask. Strange. But why would anyone want to get Galloway replaced?

With his interest peaked, Alex offered his hand to exchange introductions, keeping his tone light. "Lieutenant Alexander Wu, of the Challenger. And coincidentally, this is Commander Mackenzie, Challenger's XO. Congratulations on your new assignment, sir."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the department heads or acting department heads checked in, Ian knew the Challenger was not ready for her full range of operations. The thing that was most concerning was nearly 150 members of the crew were disabled due to the spiking of the punch at the party. By stripping Bravo, and Gamma shift, he could put together a full Alpha shift, but there were just be skeleton crews for the later shifts or he could run light on all three shifts for more balance, but with reduced capacity. Neither option was particularly good, but he ended up choosing the latter with as many crew as possible concentrating on bringing the systems to full capacity. Everything depended on time, because if wherever they were needed took a week or more to get there, then they would be ready, less time meant less readiness. On the up side, the last three missing members of ship's complement, two children and Kyan had been located, in the starbase's brig no less. Kyan had some explaining to do about that, but at the very least, it would be an interesting story. It better be or the Onlie would find himself in a space suit scrubbing the hull just like any other problem child.

"And the little git was the only one who could live long enough ta do the whole hull." Ian grumbled. To Evan at Science One, he added.

"Let us know when the Landser ship folds, we will need ta brace for impact."

"Aye Sir."

"Ops, raise the Horizon and let them know we are capable of limited operations."

"Aye Sir."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Neva Cordon on May 07, 2024, 06:07:41 AM

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|USS Challenger]
[Sickbay->Main Engineering]

Neva stopped short when she found Lahr finishing status updates when she entered Main Engineering. A slow smile spread across her face as she heard her people settle into business as usual. Nodding in satisfaction, she walked up to the Andorian and waited for him to finish.

"Gee Lahr, if I didnt know better, I'd worry about my job." She joked with a smirk. "Anything I should be aware of right now?" She checked a few things via the Pool Table then looked up again to scan the room.

"Ok, all my new Worker Bees, listen up! I'm not saying this twice!" Neva then gave what would become her "welcome/expectation" speech.

Lahr looked towards the Chief Engineer with relief.  When she teasingly remarked on worrying about her job, Lahr shook his head and laughed. "Not a chance of that, sir!  That much responsibility is too much work for me."

Her prompt for a summary, had Lahr listing off the few minor issues that he and the other crewmen had come across so far.  Nothing that would keep them from being able to leave the station - but things might be a little inefficient until the proper calibrations were run.

When she called out to the group - calling them Worker Bees and giving them a speech about her expectations and the importance of their work, the Andorian zoned out a bit.  He'd heard similar speeches before working in other Departments - Sec/Tac,  Ops and now Engineering - and had stopped being motivated by them.  He found the label of 'worker bee' to be somewhat insulting (though he was sure that was not her intent).  However, intended or not, it made him feel like his individuality didn't matter to her.  He was expected to be just another drone.

Given that the Chief was a Betazoid, Lahr kept to the back of the group and tried to muffle his discontent feeling, at least for the moment. Maybe later when they were not on an emergency recall to the ship he'd bring up the subject to the Chief - for now however he had a job to do.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.